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Have you ever used Unroll.me, the web service that helps you unsubscribe from newsletters in bulk? If so, your emails have been scanned by that company and sold to third parties including Uber. There’s a chance they’re scanning your emails right now.

您是否曾经使用过Unroll.me,该网络服务可帮助您批量退订新闻通讯? 如果是这样,则该公司已扫描您的电子邮件,并将其出售给包括Uber在内的第三方。 他们有机会立即扫描您的电子邮件。

If you want to switch tabs right now and remove third-party access to your email account, I don’t blame you. It’s the first thing I did when I found out. Come back when you’re ready, though, because I know you’re curious how Uber is involved.

如果您想立即切换标签,并删除第三方对您的电子邮件帐户的访问权限 ,我不会怪您。 当我发现这是我做的第一件事。 不过,准备好后再回来,因为我知道您很好奇Uber的参与。

You might be aware that Uber is having, shall we a say, a difficult few months in the public relations department. The latest incident is a New York Times profile of CEO Travis Kalanick, which reveals the company was fingerprinting iPhones against Apple’s terms of service—Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly threatened to pull Uber out of the App Store altogether over it. That’s what made headlines yesterday, but scroll down a little further and you’ll find this tidbit about a company called Slice Intelligence, which Uber hired to do market research.

你可能会意识到,尤伯杯是有,我们应一说,一个难以 的公关部门。 最近的事件是《纽约时报 》首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)的个人资料,该文件显示该公司正在按照苹果的服务条款对iPhone进行指纹识别-据报道,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)扬言要完全将优步退出App Store。 昨天,这就是头条新闻,但向下滚动一下,您会发现有关一家名为Slice Intelligence的公司的小知识,Uber聘请该公司进行市场研究。

“Using an email digest service it owns named Unroll.me, Slice collected its customers’ emailed Lyft receipts from their inboxes and sold the anonymized data to Uber,” the article states.


我们玩了 (We Got Played)

I used Unroll.me many years ago. If you’re anything like me, a few things came to mind after reading about this.

很多年前,我使用Unroll.me。 如果您像我一样,在阅读了这些内容后就会想到一些事情。

  • Wait…Unroll.me is owned by a market research company? When did that happen?

    等待…Unroll.me由市场研究公司所有? 什么时候发生的?
  • That company scans people inboxes for reasons other than finding newsletters?

  • Does this thing still have access to my emails?


When I first started using Unroll.me, it was a two-person startup. I had no idea the service was still enabled on my Gmail account all these years later, and I had no idea that a market research company with a villainous name had since bought the service.

当我第一次开始使用Unroll.me时,这是一家两人创业。 这些年来,我不知道该服务仍在我的Gmail帐户上启用,而且我不知道此后有一个恶名昭彰的市场研究公司已经购买了该服务。

I’ll admit it: I got played. I feel betrayed. And I’m not the only one.

我承认:我玩过。 我被出卖了 我不是唯一的一个。

Wow, I've been using @Unrollme for years, this is very unsettling. Looks like it's back to the old Gmail filters. Not cool…

哇,我已经使用@Unrollme多年了,这非常令人不安。 看起来回到了旧的Gmail过滤器。 不酷...

— Robbie Jack (@devevangelist) April 23, 2017

—罗比·杰克(Robbie Jack,@ devevangelist) ,2017年4月23日

I apologize to whomever I've recommended @Unrollme to over the past couple of years


— Dvir Volk (@dvirsky) April 24, 2017

— Dvir Volk(@dvirsky) ,2017年4月24日

How does one unroll from @Unrollme?


— Jen Brandenburger (@jenniferstu) April 24, 2017

— Jen Brandenburger(@jenniferstu) 2017年4月24日

An uproar against Unroll.me quickly surged, and with good reason.


这合法吗? (Is This Legal?)

This is completely legal. Unroll.me doesn’t exactly go out of its way to advertise that it’s selling anonymized information from your inbox to third parties, but the information is there for anyone willing to dig for it. The Unroll.me privacy page specifically allows for “sharing” your information.

这是完全合法的。 Unroll.me并没有完全宣传其正在将收件箱中的匿名信息出售给第三方,但任何愿意挖掘它的人都可以使用该信息。 Unroll.me隐私页面专门用于“共享”您的信息。

“We may share personal information we collect with our parent company, other affiliated companies, and trusted business partners,” the page says. It’s not clear, but the language allows for selling off information.

该页面说:“我们可能会与母公司,其他关联公司和可信赖的业务合作伙伴共享我们收集的个人信息。” 尚不清楚,但该语言允许出售信息。

The Unroll.me team, for their part, have issued an apology best summarized as “sorry not sorry.” From a blog post by co-founder Jojo Hedaya:

就Unroll.me团队而言,他们已道歉,最好概括为“对不起,对不起”。 从联合创始人Jojo Hedaya的博客文章中

Our users are the heart of our company and service. So it was heartbreaking to see that some of our users were upset to learn about how we monetize our free service.

用户是我们公司和服务的核心。 因此,它是令人心碎地看到,我们的一些用户被打乱,以了解我们如何赚钱我们的免费服务。

After that sarcastic-sounding introduction, the post points out that the language of the company’s privacy statement allows them to do exactly what they’ve been doing. Only after stating that do they admit the transaction could be a touch more transparent, and specifically state that they’ll add this information to their on-boarding process and Frequently Asked Questions page. That information should have been there all along.

在进行了讽刺的介绍之后,该帖子指出,该公司隐私声明的语言允许他们完全按照自己的意愿去做。 只有在声明后,他们才承认交易可能会更加透明,并特别声明他们将把这些信息添加到其入职流程和“常见问题”页面中。 该信息应该一直存在。

But if I’m honest, this is mostly my fault. I signed up for a free service, and gave that service access to my inbox. Then I let it keep that access for years. I shouldn’t have left it enabled that long.

但是,老实说,这主要是我的错。 我注册了免费服务,然后将该服务访问了我的收件箱。 然后,我让它保留该访问权限数年。 我不应该那么长时间启用它。

如何删除我的Unroll.me帐户? (How Do I Delete My Unroll.me Account?)

Are you wondering how to delete your Unroll.me account? Go to Unroll.me and log in. Click your username at top-right, then click “Settings.”

您是否想知道如何删除您的Unroll.me帐户? 转到Unroll.me并登录。单击右上角的用户名,然后单击“设置”。

You’ll find your settings, which includes an itsy bitsy “Delete my account” button. Click it with gusto.

您会发现自己的设置,其中包括一些“删除我的帐户”按钮。 用趣味单击它。

Just like that, your account is gone.


I also recommend you make sure Unroll.me doesn’t have access to your Gmail account, which you can do by heading to myaccount.google.com, then clicking the “Connected Apps and Sites” link.

我还建议您确保Unroll.me没有访问您的Gmail帐户的权限 ,方法是前往myaccount.google.com ,然后单击“已连接的应用程序和网站”链接。

From here you’ll see a list of sites with access to your Google account. If you find Unroll.me in that list, disable it. There’s a chance that Unroll.me will email you after you do this.

从这里您将看到有权访问您的Google帐户的网站列表。 如果在该列表中找到Unroll.me,请禁用它。 完成此操作后,Unroll.me有可能会通过电子邮件发送给您。

Savor the irony for a bit, then click “Unsubscribe.”


我该怎么用呢? (What Can I Use Instead?)

You might be wondering: is there anything I can use instead of Unroll.me, now that I’ve deleted it? Well, you could just unsubscribe from emails the correct way, by clicking the links in the emails themselves. In some cases Gmail itself adds a button to make this process easier for you:

您可能想知道:既然我已经删除了Unroll.me,有什么可以使用的吗? 嗯,您可以通过单击电子邮件本身中的链接,以正确的方式取消订阅电子邮件。 在某些情况下,Gmail本身会添加一个按钮,以使您更轻松地完成此过程:

But if you liked being able to keep track of what you unsubscribed from, Gmail Unsubscribe is an open source alternative from Digital Inspiration you can install as a Google script. Because the script lives entirely on your Google account, no third parties have access to your data while using it: it’s yours.

但是,如果您希望能够跟踪您取消订阅的内容,则Gmail取消订阅Digital Inspiration的开源替代方案您可以将其安装为Google脚本。 由于该脚本完全位于您的Google帐户中,因此没有第三方可以在使用时访问您的数据:它是您的。

To get started, click this link to copy the script to your Google Drive account.

首先, 请点击此链接将脚本复制到您的Google云端硬盘帐户。

Click “Make a Copy” and you’ll be brought to the spreadsheet in your Google Drive.


Click the “Gmail Unsubscriber” button, then click “Configure.”

单击“ Gmail取消订阅者”按钮,然后单击“配置”。

You will be asked to authorize the spreadsheet to access your Gmail account. Again: you’re giving access to the copy of the spreadsheet on your Google Drive, and not any third parties. When you’re done you’ll be asked to name a label for emails you’d like to unsubscribe from.

系统将要求您授权电子表格访问您的Gmail帐户。 再说一次:您授予访问Google云端硬盘中电子表格副本的权限,而不是任何第三方。 完成后,系统将要求您为要取消订阅的电子邮件命名标签。

Head to Gmail and create a label with the same name you specified to the spreadsheet.


To unsubscribe from emails, simply apply the label to any newsletter you don’t want to keep getting.


The unsubscribe link will be automatically clicked, and a note will be left on the spreadsheet.


It’s a simple integration that involves giving up none of your information to third parties. Even better, it’s open source. Shout out to Amit Agarwal for putting this together so quickly after this controversy arose. Here’s hoping even better solutions show up in the months to come.

这是一个简单的集成,不需要将任何信息都放弃给第三方。 更好的是,它是开源的。 引起争议后,向阿米特·阿加瓦尔(Amit Agarwal)大喊大叫,以将其整合在一起 。 希望在未来的几个月中出现更好的解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/304373/unrollme-is-selling-your-information-heres-an-alternative/

