NSVisualEffectView 是 macOS 10.10 后开放的一个类,继承自 UIView
值为 NSVisualEffectBlendingMode 枚举
Behind-window blending uses the content behind the window as the background for your visual effect view. Behind-window blending makes your entire window stand out above other windows and apps on the desktop. Sheets and popovers use behind-window blending.
In-window blending uses the window’s content as the background for your visual effect view. Typically, you use in-window blending with scrolling content, so that the scrolled content remains partially visible under other parts of your window chrome. Toolbars always use in-window blending.
Behind-window 会将窗口背后的内容,作为模糊效果的背景视图;弹窗和表单一般使用 Behind-Window 模式;
In-Window 会将窗体内容作为模糊的背景视图。当滚动窗口时,滚动的内容会在 visualView 下面模糊展示。工具栏 Toolbars 一般使用 In-Window 模式。
设置blendingMode 为 behindwindow,在当前窗口不显示半透明效果;
取值为 NSVisualEffectState
既然继承自 NSView,那么设置layer color 看看;
创建 NSVisualEffectView 的子类,重写 drawRect
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
[super drawRect:dirtyRect];
NSColor *bgColor = [[self colorWithHexString:@"4075F0"] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.9];
[bgColor set];
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:dirtyRect];
[path fill];
当前这个类不会自动添加 vibrancy 到内容;
如果需要 vibrancy,需要创建类继承自 NSVisualEffectView,重写 allowsVibrancy 方法:
return YES;
Appkit 会给适当的视图添加 vibrancy。比如 NSTextField, 会增加文字和背景的对比效果。
一般不要去修改标准视图和控件的 vibrancy 属性。
添加 textField 子空间后,如果设置了 Vibrancy 为 yes
虽然设置了好像更糊,但更加融入这个 effectView,需要根据你的具体情况去判断。
对应的值为 NSVisualEffectMaterial 枚举。
黑色有两个值:NSVisualEffectMaterialUltraDark NSVisualEffectMaterialDark
偏白透明可设置为 NSVisualEffectMaterialMediumLight
目前测试,没有因为 10.14 系统的黑暗模式而改变
@property NSVisualEffectMaterial material;
@property (readonly) NSBackgroundStyle interiorBackgroundStyle;
@property NSVisualEffectBlendingMode blendingMode;
@property NSVisualEffectState state;
@property (nullable, retain) NSImage *maskImage;
@property (getter=isEmphasized) BOOL emphasized NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_12);
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSVisualEffectState) {
/// Use the active look only when the containing window is active. 激活状态,可以显示半透明模糊;
/// Use the active look always. 非激活状态,显示不透明
/// Use the inactive look always. 窗口是激活状态,就是激活。
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSVisualEffectMaterial) {
/// The material used by window titlebars.
NSVisualEffectMaterialTitlebar = 3,
/// The material used in some table views, menus, etc., to indicate selection.
NSVisualEffectMaterialSelection = 4,
/// The material used by menus.
NSVisualEffectMaterialMenu NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_11) = 5,
/// The material used in the background of NSPopover windows.
NSVisualEffectMaterialPopover NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_11) = 6,
/// The material used in the background of window sidebars.
NSVisualEffectMaterialSidebar NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_11) = 7,
/// The material used in various in-line header or footer views (e.g., by NSTableView).
NSVisualEffectMaterialHeaderView NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_14) = 10,
/// The material used as the background of sheet windows.
NSVisualEffectMaterialSheet NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_14) = 11,
/// The material used by opaque window backgrounds.
NSVisualEffectMaterialWindowBackground NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_14) = 12,
/// The material used as the background of heads-up display (HUD) windows.
NSVisualEffectMaterialHUDWindow NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_14) = 13,
/// The material used as the background of full-screen modal UI.
NSVisualEffectMaterialFullScreenUI NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_14) = 15,
/// The material used as the background of tool tips.
NSVisualEffectMaterialToolTip NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_14) = 17,
/// The material used as the opaque background of content (e.g., by NSScrollView, NSTableView, NSCollectionView, etc.).
NSVisualEffectMaterialContentBackground NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_14) = 18,
/// The material used under window backgrounds.
NSVisualEffectMaterialUnderWindowBackground NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_14) = 21,
/// The material used as the background behind document pages.
NSVisualEffectMaterialUnderPageBackground NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_14) = 22,
/// A default material appropriate for the view's effectiveAppearance. You should instead choose an appropriate semantic material.
NSVisualEffectMaterialAppearanceBased NS_ENUM_DEPRECATED_MAC(10_10, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED, "Use a specific semantic material instead.") = 0,
// Materials with specific looks. You should instead choose an appropriate semantic material.
NSVisualEffectMaterialLight NS_ENUM_DEPRECATED_MAC(10_10, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED, "Use a semantic material instead. To force the appearance of a view hierarchy, set the `appearance` property to an appropriate NSAppearance value.") = 1,
NSVisualEffectMaterialDark NS_ENUM_DEPRECATED_MAC(10_10, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED, "Use a semantic material instead. To force the appearance of a view hierarchy, set the `appearance` property to an appropriate NSAppearance value.") = 2,
NSVisualEffectMaterialMediumLight NS_ENUM_DEPRECATED_MAC(10_11, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED, "Use a semantic material instead. To force the appearance of a view hierarchy, set the `appearance` property to an appropriate NSAppearance value.") = 8,
NSVisualEffectMaterialUltraDark NS_ENUM_DEPRECATED_MAC(10_11, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED, "Use a semantic material instead. To force the appearance of a view hierarchy, set the `appearance` property to an appropriate NSAppearance value.") = 9,
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSBackgroundStyle) {
/* The background reflects the predominant color scheme of the view's appearance. */
NSBackgroundStyleNormal = 0,
/* The background is indicating emphasis (e.g. selection state) using an alternate color or visual effect. Content may alter its appearance to reflect this emphasis. */
/* The background is intended to appear higher than the content drawn on it. Content might need to be inset. */
/* The background is intended to appear lower than the content drawn on it. Content might need to be embossed. */
- (void)viewDidMoveToWindow NS_REQUIRES_SUPER;
- (void)viewWillMoveToWindow:(nullable NSWindow *)newWindow NS_REQUIRES_SUPER;
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