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apple 设备 如何加域_如何在Apple Photos中跨设备同步面Kong

apple 设备 如何加域

apple 设备 如何加域

Faces section in iOS Photos app
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Apple Photos has a built-in facial recognition feature that gives you full control over identifying and syncing faces across your devices. Here’s how you can add names to faces in Photos app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

Apple Photos具有内置的面部识别功能,可让您完全控制跨设备识别和同步面部。 您可以通过以下方法在iPhone,iPad或Mac上的“照片”应用中为面Kong添加名称。

人脸和人物同步在Apple Photos中的工作方式 (How Faces and People Synching Works in Apple Photos)

Apple’s People feature automatically recognizes people and creates collections of photos for a person. The service doesn’t assign a name, and it won’t link them automatically to a contact (like Google does)—you have full control over the process. This does mean you’ll have to go in and manually add names for people in your photos.

Apple的“人物”功能会自动识别人物并创建人物照片集。 该服务未分配名称,并且不会自动将其链接到联系人(如Google一样 ),您可以完全控制该过程。 这确实意味着您必须进入并手动为照片中的人物添加名称。

As of iOS 11 and macOS Sierra, the face syncing across Apple devices happens automatically. You need to identify a face only once for it to sync across all your devices.

从iOS 11和macOS Sierra开始,Apple设备之间的人脸同步会自动进行。 您只需识别一次面Kong即可在所有设备上同步。

如何在iPhone或iPad上添加面Kong (How to Add Faces on iPhone or iPad)

The fastest way to add names to faces in the Photos app is by using your iPhone or iPad. Open the Photos app and go to the “Albums” tab.

在“照片”应用程序中为面Kong添加名称的最快方法是使用iPhone或iPad。 打开“照片”应用,然后转到“相册”标签。

Tap on Albums tab to switch to it

Swipe down on this page until you see the “People and Places” section. Here, tap on the “People” album.

在此页面上向下滑动,直到看到“人员和地点”部分。 在这里,点击“人物”相册。

Tap on the People album from the Albums tab

You’ll see a grid of identified faces. Tap on a face to see all of their associated photos. The Photos app might ask you to review additional photos. To do that, tap on the “Review” button.

您会看到已识别面Kong的网格。 点按一张脸以查看其所有相关照片。 “照片”应用可能会要求您查看其他照片。 为此,请点击“查看”按钮。

Select a face from the People album

Now, tap on the “Add Name” button in the top toolbar.


Tap on Add Name on top of the screen to add a name to the face

From the next screen, start typing the person’s name. If they’re stored in your contacts, you’ll see their name show up in the suggestions. Select the contact name to confirm the association.

在下一个屏幕上,开始输入此人的姓名。 如果它们存储在您的联系人中,您将在建议中看到它们的名称。 选择联系人姓名以确认关联。

Type a name or seelct one from contacts

On the next screen, you’ll see a confirmation that will tell you that this contact and name is now associated with this face. Tap on “Done” to go back. Now, their album will have a name at the top.

在下一个屏幕上,您将看到一个确认,通知您此联系人和姓名已与此人脸相关联。 点击“完成”返回。 现在,他们的专辑将在顶部有一个名字。

You can also favorite the person by tapping on the “Heart” icon in the bottom-right corner of their preview photo. This will add them to the top of the list.

您还可以通过点按其预览照片右下角的“心脏”图标来收藏该人。 这会将它们添加到列表的顶部。

If you don’t like the key photo for a contact, you can switch it out. Find a photo you like and then tap and hold on their photo to see the “Make Key Photo” option (in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 and above).

如果您不喜欢联系人的关键照片,可以将其关闭。 找到您喜欢的照片,然后点击并按住他们的照片以查看“制作关键照片”选项(在iOS 13和iPadOS 13及更高版本中)。

Options in People section in Photos app

If you’ve found a misidentified photo in someone’s album, you can choose the “Not This Person” option from the same menu.


如何在Mac上添加面Kong (How to Add Faces on Mac)

The process for adding a name to a face on a Mac is slightly different. Open the Photos app on your Mac and click on the “People” button from the sidebar. You’ll now see a grid of identified faces. From here, click on a face.

在Mac上为面部添加名称的过程略有不同。 在Mac上打开“ 照片”应用 ,然后单击侧边栏中的“人物”按钮。 现在,您将看到已识别面Kong的网格。 在这里,单击一张脸。

Select the People tab and then click on a face

You’ll see all the photos associated with the person. Click on the “Add Name” button from the top toolbar.

您会看到与该人相关的所有照片。 单击顶部工具栏中的“添加名称”按钮。

Click on Add Name in Photos app on Mac

Type the name of the person. If you have their contact saved on your Mac or your iCloud account, you’ll be able to choose the contact from the suggestions.

输入人名。 如果您将他们的联系人保存在Mac或iCloud帐户上,则可以从建议中选择联系人。

Add Name in text box in Photos app on Mac

Click on “Done” to add the name.


Alternatively, when you’re in the “People” tab and you see a grid of faces, just hover over a face and click on the “Name” button. Type the name of the person or select a name from the list, press the “Enter” key, and you’re done.

另外,当您进入“人物”标签时,看到一个人脸网格时,只需将鼠标悬停在一个人脸上,然后单击“名称”按钮即可。 输入人员名称或从列表中选择一个名称,然后按“ Enter”键,即可完成操作。

Quick shortcut for adding a name to a face in Photos app on Mac

If you don’t like Apple’s smart albums, you can also choose some of the best photos and organize them in your own albums.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/437874/how-to-sync-faces-across-devices-in-apple-photos/

apple 设备 如何加域

