select * from SC
select Sno, Sname, Sdept from Student
select Sname, Sage
from Student
where Sdept='数学' and Ssex='男' and Sage BETWEEN 18 AND 22
select min(Grade) from SC where Cno='C01'
select Sdept, count(*) from Student group by Sdept
select * from Student where Ssex='女' and Sdept='计算机'
select count(*) from Student
select Sname, Sdept from Student, SC where Student.Sno=SC.Sno and SC.Cno='C02'
select Sname, Smajor, Grade
from Student, SC
where Student.Sno=SC.Sno and Grade>80 order by Grade DESC
select Sno, Sname, Sdept from Student, SC where Sno NOT IN(
select Sno from SC
select Sname, Sdept from Student, SC where Sno IN(
select Sno from SC where Cno='C01'
select Sno, Sname, Cno, Grade from Student, SC where Sdept='数学' and Sno IN(
select Sno from SC where Grade>80
select Sname from Student, SC where Sdept='计算机' and Sno IN(
select Sno from SC where Grade IN(
select Max(grade) from SC
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