Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS, 数据导向型技术栈) ,其包含了 C# Job System、the Entity Component System (ECS) 和 Burst,是基于ECS架构开发的一套包含Burst Complier技术和JobSystem技术面向数据的技术栈,它旨在充分利用SIMD,多线程操作充分发挥ECS的优势。
ECS(Entity Component System) 出来好久了,不过 至今20220426 还一直在频繁更新(preview)中,据说就快稳定了,参考DOTS Development Status And Next Milestones
IDE support
- concurrency 并发,是指能处理多个同时性活动的能力,并发事件之间不一定要同一时刻发生;
- parallelism 并行是指 同时 发生的两个并发事件,具有并发的含义,而并发则不一定并行。
- Custom Job Type 自定义Job类型,默认JobType仅为Single和ParallelFor(包括ParallelForBatch,分批执行),
- JobReflectionData :a pointer to the data which will be copied to the jobs.because the native code which uses it does not know about the type?镜像数据
JobsUtility.CreateJobReflectionData(typeof(T), JobType.ParallelFor, (ExecuteJobFunction)Execute);
- 1
- JobRanges contain the batches and indices a ParallelFor job is supposed to process
- Work stealing in this context means that when one job is done it will look at the other jobs running and see if any of them still have a lot of work left. If it finds a job which is not complete it will steal some of the batches that it has not yet started; to dynamically redistribute the work.如果当前workthread已完成,而其他workthread未完成,会窃取部分未开始的批次来执行。
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