git push的时候,有时候会用-u参数,有时候不适用。这是为什么呢?
For every branch that is up to date or successfully pushed, add upstream (tracking) reference, used by argument-less git-pull(1) and other commands. For more information, see branch.<name>.merge in git-config(1).
Defines, together with branch..remote, the upstream branch for the given branch. It tells git fetch/git pull which branch to merge and can also affect git push (see push.default). When in branch , it tells git fetch the default refspec to be marked for merging in FETCH_HEAD. The value is handled like the remote part of a refspec, and must match a ref which is fetched from the remote given by “branch..remote”. The merge information is used by git pull (which at first calls git fetch) to lookup the default branch for merging. Without this option, git pull defaults to merge the first refspec fetched. Specify multiple values to get an octopus merge. If you wish to setup git pull so that it merges into from another branch in the local repository, you can point branch..merge to the desired branch, and use the special setting . (a period) for branch..remote.
Git 全局设置 git config --global user.name "Administrator" git config --global user.email "ninesun@126.com" 创建一个新仓库 git clone ssh://git@k8s-22.host.com:30401/myysophia/git-flight-rules.git cd git-flight-rules git switch -c main touch README.md git add README.md git commit -m "add README" git push -u origin main 推送现有文件夹 cd existing_folder git init --initial-branch=main git remote add origin ssh://git@k8s-22.host.com:30401/myysophia/git-flight-rules.git git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" git push -u origin main 推送现有的 Git 仓库 cd existing_repo git remote rename origin old-origin git remote add origin ssh://git@k8s-22.host.com:30401/myysophia/git-flight-rules.git git push -u origin --all git push -u origin --tags
-u 参数相当于是让你本地的仓库和远程仓库进行了关联。
git push -u origin --all
git push -u origin main 只推送main分支到远程仓库
git push -u main main
git push -u origin master
有时候你git push不带u参数后,git pull (不带参数)会报错
You asked me to pull without telling me which branch you want to merge with, and 'branch.test.merge' in your configuration file does not tell me, either. Please specify which branch you want to use on the command line and try again (e.g. 'git pull <repository> <refspec>'). See git-pull(1) for details. If you often merge with the same branch, you may want to use something like the following in your configuration file: [branch "test"] remote = <nickname> merge = <remote-ref> [remote "<nickname>"] url = <url> fetch = <refspec> See git-config(1) for details.
这是因为你没有把你本地的分支和远程没有关联。要么使用git push -u 远程仓库名 本地分支名。 要么git pull的时候使用-u同样生效
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