2.选择菜单项build --------> rebuild all,在工程目录下生成default文件夹,里面有各个.o文件;
3.选择菜单项Tools ——> customize, 在对话框中添加:
menu text:gen bin
Tool command:objcopyppc.exe -O binary vxworks vxworks.bin 注意:命令和CPU有关,若为ARM,使用objcopyarm.exe,后面内容不变;且 为-O,不是 -0 !
4.此时Tools->gen bin出现,点击编译,在default目录下,可以找到vxworks.bin文件。
This is a summary of the command line options for the tools located in C:\Tornado2.2\host\x86-win32\bin. The beginning has some of my notes on some of the tools. The tools are located in C:\Tornado2.2\host\x86-win32\bin except where otherwise noted.
Command | Description |
ccppc.exe | Gnu C compiler for PowerPC Usage: ccppc [options] file Example: ccppc -mcpu=604 -mstrict-align -I %WIND_BASE%\target\h -DCPU=PPC603 -DTOOL_FAMILY=gnu -DTOOL=gnu-c myfile.c Help: ccppc --help See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 155 |
ccsimpc.exe | Gnu C compiler for the simulator Usage: ccsimpc [options] file Example: ccsimpc -O2 -mpentium -ansi -fno-builtin -fno-defer-pop -I.-IC:/Tornado2.2/target/h/ -DCPU=SIMNT -DTOOL_FAMILY=gnu -DTOOL=gnu myfile.c Help: ccsimpc --help See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 199 |
dcc.exe | Diab C compiler Location: C:\Tornado2.2\host\diab\WIN32\bin Usage: dcc [options] input_files Example: dcc -g -tPPC403FS:vxworks55 -Xmismatch-warning=2 -ew1554,1551,1552, 1086,1047,1547 -Xclib-optim-off -Xansi -Xstrings-in-text=0 -Wa,-Xsemi-is-newline-ei1516,1643,1604 -Xlocal-data-area-static-only -W:c++:,-Xexceptions -Xsize-opt -Wall -I%WIND_BASE%\target\h -DCPU=PPC604 -DTOOL=diab -c myfile.c Help: dcc -h See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 159 |
dld.exe | Diab Linker Location: C:\Tornado2.2\host\diab\WIN32\bin Usage: dld [options] input-file Example: dld -o applic.o -r applic1.o applic2.o applic3.o Help dld -h See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 161 |
dplus.exe | Diab C++ compiler Location: C:\Tornado2.2\host\diab\WIN32\bin Usage: dplus [options] input_files Help: dplus -h |
ldppc.exe | Gnu Linker for the PowerPC (not required for downloadable projects because linking is done dynamically.) Usage: ldppc [options] file Example: ldppc -o applic.o -r applic1.o applic2.o applic3.o Help: ldppc --help See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 160 |
ldsimpc.exe | Gnu Linker for the simulator Usage: ldsimpc [options] file Example: ldsimpc --subsystem=windows -e _WinMainCRTStartup C:\Tornado2.2\host\x86-win32\i386-pc-min gw32\lib\crt1.o dataSegPad.o partialImage.o ctdt.o -T C:\Tornado2.2\target\h\tool\gnu\ldscripts\link.SIMNT -o vxWorks Help: ldsimpc --help |
make.exe | Gnu make Usage: make [options] [target] Example: make -f ../Makefile BUILDSPEC=default_rom Help: make -h See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 124, 176-177 |
makegen.bat | Batch file to generate a makefile for command line use Location: C:\Tornado2.2\host\resource\tcl\app-config\Project See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 124 |
nmppc.exe | Gnu nm for the PowerPC- list symbols from object files |
nmsimpc.exe | Gnu nm for the simulator- list symbols from object files |
tgtsvr.exe | Creates a host based target server. Usage: tgtsvr [options] targetName -c corefileName Example: tgtsvr.exe -n -V -B wdbrpc -R C:/Tornado/2.2 -RW -c myCoreFile tgtsvr.exe -n vxsim -V -B wdbrpc (for full simulator) Help: tgtsvr -h See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 30, 34, 39-40, 204, 290 |
torVars.bat | Batch file to set up environment variables for Tornado tools See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 19 |
vxrm.bat | Wrapper for rm (remove file) command Example: vxrm *.o |
vxWorks.exe | VxSim vxWorks Simulator Location: C:\Tornado2.2\target\config\simpc See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 195-196 |
windsh.exe | Creates a Tornado Shell Usage: windsh [options] target-server-name Example: windsh mytgtserver windsh -s c:\fred\startup Help: windsh -h See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 260, 270 |
wtxregd.exe | Tornado registry Usage: wtxregd [options] Help: wtxregd -h See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 17 |
wtxtcl.exe | WTX TCL intepreter |
@echo off rem rem rem Copyright 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc rem rem modification history: rem --------------------- rem 01a,17jan02,dat written rem Setting the TCL_LIBRARY environment variable set TCL_LIBRARY=%WIND_BASE%\host\tcl\tcl set args=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 rem Use - for comparison so that we can have lists quoted with "" if -%9-==-- goto gotArgs :getNextArg rem If we have more than 8 arguments shift arguments into the "9" slot until rem there are no more... shift rem Use - for comparison so that we can have lists quoted with "" if -%9-==-- goto gotArgs set args=%args% %9 goto getNextArg :gotArgs rem Now invoke wtxtcl wtxtcl %WIND_BASE%\host\src\hutils\bspCnvtT2_2.tcl %args%
@echo off rem comwizard - script to execute the com wizard standalone rem rem modification history rem -------------------- rem 01d,06mar02,nel SPR72940. Add echo off to batchfile to supress output. rem 01c,09oct01,nel SPR#70408. Convert to 1.1.8 jre. rem 01c,07sep01,nel Correct batch file syntax. rem 01b,07sep01,nel adjust jar path for t2. rem 01a,07sep01,nel created rem SET JREBASE=%WIND_BASE%\host\%WIND_HOST_TYPE%\jre118 SET JRE=%JREBASE%\bin\jre SET JARBASE=%WIND_BASE%\host\java\lib SET COMPATJAR=%JARBASE%\vxdcomcompat.jar SET WIZARDJAR=%JARBASE%\VxDCOMWizard.jar SET SWINGALL=%JARBASE%\swingall.jar IF NOT EXIST %1 mkdir %1 %JRE% -Dwind.base=%WIND_BASE% -cp %WIZARDJAR%;%COMPATJAR%;%SWINGALL% com.windriver.VxDCOMWizard.VxDCOMWizard %1 :exit
@echo off REM createLib.bat - batchfile to create vxWorks libraries REM REM modification history REM -------------------- REM 01c,08nov01,tam added use of TGT_DIR REM 01b,25mar97,bjl removed line that deletes %LIBNAME% REM 01a,10jul96,yp writtem REM REM DESCRIPTION REM if the library does not exist we want to throw all the objects in REM $(LIBDIR) in to the archive and not just the objects created in the REM the directory we were building. Due to variouse constraints in win95 REM command shell this scrpit just copies the makefile makearch.mf from REM target/h/make and calls make with the appropriate args REM set CPU=%1 shift set TOOL=%1 shift set AR=%1 shift set RANLIB=%1 shift set RM=%1 shift set TGT_DIR=%1 shift set LIBNAME=%1 shift set LIBDIR=%1 shift cd %LIBDIR% copy %TGT_DIR%\h\make\makearch.mf call make -f makearch.mf AR=%AR% TGT_DIR=%TGT_DIR% LIBNAME=%LIBNAME% RANLIB=%RANLIB% call %RM% makearch.mf
@echo off REM htmlBook.bat - win32 batch wrapper to htmlBook REM REM Copyright 1998 Wind River Systems, Inc. REM REM modification history REM -------------------- REM 01a,11nov98,fle written REM REM REM DESCRIPTION REM This batch file is a wrapper to use the htmlBook facilty. REM set WTXTCL=%WIND_BASE%\host\x86-win32\bin\wtxtcl.exe set HTMLBOOK=%WIND_BASE%\host\resource\doctools\htmlBook.tcl set ARGUMENTS= :getnext if "%1"=="" goto end set ARGUMENTS=%ARGUMENTS% %1 shift goto getnext :end @%WTXTCL% %HTMLBOOK% %ARGUMENTS%
@echo off REM htmlLink.bat - win32 batch wrapper to htmlLink REM REM Copyright 1998 Wind River Systems, Inc. REM REM modification history REM -------------------- REM 01a,11nov98,fle written REM REM REM DESCRIPTION REM This batch file is a wrapper to use the htmlLink facilty. REM set WTXTCL=%WIND_BASE%\host\x86-win32\bin\wtxtcl.exe set HTMLLINK=%WIND_BASE%\host\resource\doctools\htmlLink.tcl set ARGUMENTS= :getnext if "%1"=="" goto end set ARGUMENTS=%ARGUMENTS% %1 shift goto getnext :end @%WTXTCL% %HTMLLINK% %ARGUMENTS%
@echo off REM makeSymTbl.bat - standalone symbol table generation utility REM REM Copyright 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. REM REM modification history REM -------------------- REM 01b,24nov00,pad created to use makeSymTbl.tcl to generate standalone REM symbol table on Windows. REM REM SYNOPSIS: REM .tS REM makeSymTbl <cpu family> <object module> REM .tE REM REM DESCRIPTION REM This tool is used only when creating a standalone system (with no access to REM a secondary storage). Its purpose is to create the C code for symbol table REM structures holding the system's symbols. These structures are then compiled REM and linked into the system image to allow for the usage of the shell, REM the loader, etc. REM REM Note: this script is not intended to be used directly from the command line. REM It is called via the project's makefiles when the REM INCLUDE_STANDALONE_SYM_TBL component is included. REM REM For an example, see the files: REM \f3$WIND_BASE/target/proj/<project>/<build spec>/symTbl.c\f1, REM REM SEE ALSO REM makeSymTbl.tcl REM REM FILES REM .TS REM tab(:); REM lf3 l. REM symLib.h:- symbol table header file REM .TE REM REM SECTION: 3 REM NOROUTINES REM REM cycle through all parameters putting them in temp as we go along set temp=%1 :loop shift set temp=%temp% %1 if "%1" == "" goto next goto loop :next %WIND_BASE%\host\%WIND_HOST_TYPE%\bin\tclsh %WIND_BASE%/host/src/hutils/makeSymTbl.tcl %temp%
@echo off if "%1" == "" goto usage if "%2" == "" goto usage vxsys %1 if errorlevel 1 goto sysfail if exist %1bootrom.sys del %1bootrom.sys rem Check files with known names rem Customers using unique file names should make modifications below. if "%2" == "bootrom.dat" goto omf if "%2" == "bootrom" goto omf if "%2" == "bootrom_uncmp" goto omf if "%2" == "vxWorks_rom" goto omf if "%2" == "bootrom.bin" goto binext if "%2" == "bootrom_uncmp.bin" goto binext if "%2" == "vxWorks_rom.bin" goto binext echo Warning, Unrecognized file name %2. Assuming .bin extension. :binext copy %2 %1bootrom.sys if errorlevel 1 goto copyfail goto chkdsk :omf objcopypentium -O binary --gap-fill=0 %2 %1bootrom.sys if errorlevel 1 goto omffail :chkdsk echo System tranferred. Checking %1BOOTROM.SYS is contiguous echo chkdsk %1bootrom.sys chkdsk %1bootrom.sys goto end :omffail echo Failed to objcopy %2 to %1BOOTROM.SYS! goto usage :sysfail echo Failed to install boot sector on drive %1! goto usage :copyfail echo Failed to copy %2 to %1BOOTROM.SYS! :usage echo Usage: mkboot drive: bootfile (e.g. mkboot a: bootrom.bin) echo Installs VxWorks boot sector on drive, and copies over bootfile echo as boot image BOOTROM.SYS. If the bootrom file is named bootrom.dat echo as documented in older literature, then the file is assumed to be echo an object module and is converted to binary before copied. echo Note: BOOTROM.SYS must be contiguous or the boot will fail. This can echo be verified with CHKDSK. :end
@echo off rem munch.bat - Windows wrapper for launching munch.tcl. rem rem Copyright 1994-1998 Wind River Systems, Inc. rem rem modification history rem ----------------------- rem 01c,25mar02,sn SPR 74043 -use munch in host\src\hutils rem 01b,06jul98,jake fixed env. var ref. rem 01a,24feb98,jco written. rem rem SYNOPSIS: rem .tS rem munch rem .tE rem wtxtcl %WIND_BASE%\host\src\hutils\munch.tcl
@echo off rem rem rem Copyright 2000 Wind River Systems, Inc rem rem modification history: rem --------------------- rem rem Setting the TCL_LIBRARY environment variable set TCL_LIBRARY=%WIND_BASE%\host\tcl\tcl set args=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 rem Use - for comparison so that we can have lists quoted with "" if -%9-==-- goto gotArgs :getNextArg rem If we have more than 8 arguments shift arguments into the "9" slot until rem there are no more... shift rem Use - for comparison so that we can have lists quoted with "" if -%9-==-- goto gotArgs set args=%args% %9 goto getNextArg :gotArgs rem Now invoke wtxtcl wtxtcl %WIND_BASE%\host\resource\tcl\app-config\Project\migration\prjMigrate.tcl %args%
@echo off REM refgen.bat - win32 batch wrapper to refgen REM REM Copyright 1998 Wind River Systems, Inc. REM REM modification history REM -------------------- REM 01a,11nov98,fle written REM REM REM DESCRIPTION REM This batch file is a wrapper to use the refgen facilty. This should generate REM doc file from the specified source files REM set WTXTCL=%WIND_BASE%\host\x86-win32\bin\wtxtcl.exe set REFGEN=%WIND_BASE%\host\resource\doctools\refgen.tcl set ARGUMENTS= :getnext if "%1"=="" goto end set ARGUMENTS=%ARGUMENTS% %1 shift goto getnext :end @%WTXTCL% %REFGEN% %ARGUMENTS%
@echo off REM syngen.bat - win32 batch wrapper to syngen REM REM Copyright 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. REM REM modification history REM -------------------- REM 01a,15jan99,fle written REM REM REM DESCRIPTION REM This batch file is a wrapper to use the syngen facilty. This should generate REM synopses file from the specified source files REM set WTXTCL=%WIND_BASE%\host\x86-win32\bin\wtxtcl.exe set SYNGEN=%WIND_BASE%\host\resource\doctools\syngen.tcl set ARGUMENTS= :getnext if "%1"=="" goto end set ARGUMENTS=%ARGUMENTS% %1 shift goto getnext :end @%WTXTCL% %SYNGEN% %ARGUMENTS%
rem Command line build environments set WIND_HOST_TYPE=x86-win32 set WIND_BASE=C:\Tornado2.2 set PATH=%WIND_BASE%\host\%WIND_HOST_TYPE%\bin;%PATH% rem Diab Toolchain additions set DIABLIB=%WIND_BASE%\host\diab set DIAB_HOST_TYPE=WIN32 set PATH=%DIABLIB%\WIN32\bin;%PATH%
REM Batchfile for starting SNiFF+ 4.X Tornado Integration C:\Tornado2.2/host/x86-win32/bin/sniff_wrapper.cmd -b sniff %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6
@echo off REM updateLib.bat - batch file to update vxWorks library REM REM modification history REM -------------------- REM 01c,08nov01,tam fixed relative path to LIBNAME REM 01b,07nov96,yp added s to archive command and removed ranlib step REM 01a,10jul96,yp written REM REM DESCRIPTION REM given the list of objects to update library with, construct the command REM line and call the archiver. We do this from where the objects live as REM oposed to where we are building so the archive need not carry the relative REM path REM set CPU=%1 shift set TOOL=%1 shift set AR=%1 shift set RANLIB=%1 shift set RM=%1 shift set TGT_DIR=%1 shift set LIBNAME=%1 shift set LIBDIR=%1 shift set OBJ= :getnext if "%1"=="" goto end set OBJ=%OBJ% %1 shift goto getnext :end cd %LIBDIR% echo on @echo %AR% crus %TGT_DIR%\lib\%LIBNAME% %LIBDIR% %OBJ% @echo off %AR% crus %TGT_DIR%\lib\%LIBNAME% %OBJ%
@echo off rem # vxColor - graph coloring demo for Tornado rem # rem # Copyright 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. rem # rem # modification history rem # -------------------- rem # 12feb99,jmp added TCL_LIBRARY & TK_LIBRARY settings. rem # 04jan99,jmp written. rem # rem # rem # SYNOPSIS rem # vxColor targetServer rem # if "%1"=="" goto usage echo Starting vxColor %1 %2 ... set TCL_LIBRARY=..\..\tcl\tcl set TK_LIBRARY=..\..\tcl\tk wtxwish ..\..\src\demo\color\demoHost.tk %1 %2 goto end :usage echo usage: vxColor tgtsvr pause :end
@echo off :start if "%1"=="" goto end if exist %1 rm -f %1 shift goto start :end
@echo off rem widl.bat rem rem widl - script to run the WIDL compiler rem rem modification history rem -------------------- rem 01b,21sep01,dbs allow env WIDL_CLASSPATH to be considered rem 01a,03feb00,dbs created rem rem ensure that required env vars are set if "%WIND_BASE%" == "" echo "WIND_BASE not set!" if "%WIND_BASE%" == "" exit 1 if "%WIND_HOST_TYPE%" == "" echo "WIND_HOST_TYPE not set!" if "%WIND_HOST_TYPE%" == "" exit rem Setup java stuff set jrehome=%WIND_BASE%/host/x86-win32/jre118 set jre=%jrehome%/bin/jre set libdir=%WIND_BASE%/host/java/lib set widlJar=%libdir%/widl.jar set antlrJar=%libdir%/antlr270.jar set classPath=%WIDL_CLASSPATH%;%jrehome%/lib/rt.jar;%widlJar%;%antlrJar% rem target include directory to pull in standard headers etc... set includeDir=%WIND_BASE%/target/idl if "%TEMP%" == "" set TEMP=. %jre% -classpath %classPath% -Dwind.base=%WIND_BASE% -Dwind.host.type=%WIND_HOST_TYPE% -Dtemp.dir=%TEMP% -Duser=%USER% com.windriver.widl.WIDL -I%includeDir% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
Usage: addr2lineppc.exe [-CfsHV] [-b bfdname] [--target=bfdname] [-e executable] [--exe=executable] [--demangle[=style]] [--basenames] [--functions] [addr addr ...] addr2lineppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org
Usage: addr2linesimpc.exe [-CfsHV] [-b bfdname] [--target=bfdname] [-e executable] [--exe=executable] [--demangle[=style]] [--basenames] [--functions] [addr addr ...] addr2linesimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org
Usage: arppc.exe [-X32_64] [-]{dmpqrstx}[abcfilNoPsSuvV] [member-name] [count] archive-file file... arppc.exe -M [<mri-script] commands: d - delete file(s) from the archive m[ab] - move file(s) in the archive p - print file(s) found in the archive q[f] - quick append file(s) to the archive r[ab][f][u] - replace existing or insert new file(s) into the archive t - display contents of archive x[o] - extract file(s) from the archive command specific modifiers: [a] - put file(s) after [member-name] [b] - put file(s) before [member-name] (same as [i]) [N] - use instance [count] of name [f] - truncate inserted file names [P] - use full path names when matching [o] - preserve original dates [u] - only replace files that are newer than current archive contents generic modifiers: [c] - do not warn if the library had to be created [s] - createarppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex an archive index (cf. ranlib) [S] - do not build a symbol table [v] - be verbose [V] - display the version number [-X32_64] - (ignored) Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org
Usage: arsimpc.exe [-X32_64] [-]{dmpqrstx}[abcfilNoPsSuvV] [member-name] [count] archive-file file... arsimpc.exe -M [<mri-script] commands: d - delete file(s) from the archive m[ab] - move file(s) in the archive p - print file(s) found in the archive q[f] - quick append file(s) to the archive r[ab][f][u] - replace existing or insert new file(s) into the archive t - display contents of archive x[o] - extract file(s) from the archive command specific modifiers: [a] - put file(s) after [member-name] [b] - put file(s) before [member-name] (same as [i]) [N] - use instance [count] of name [f] - truncate inserted file names [P] - use full path names when matching [o] - preserve original dates [u] - only replace files that are newer than current archive contents generic modifiers: [c] - do not warn if the library had to be created [s] - crarsimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex eate an archive index (cf. ranlib) [S] - do not build a symbol table [v] - be verbose [V] - display the version number [-X32_64] - (ignored) Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org
Usage: asppc.exe [option...] [asmfile...] Options: -a[sub-option...] turn on listings Sub-options [default hls]: c omit false conditionals d omit debugging directives h include high-level source l include assembly m include macro expansions n omit forms processing s include symbols =FILE list to FILE (must be last sub-option) -D produce assembler debugging messages --defsym SYM=VAL define symbol SYM to given value -f skip whitespace and comment preprocessing --gstabs generate stabs debugging information --gdwarf2 generate DWARF2 debugging information --help show this message and exit --target-help show target specific options -I DIR add DIR to search list for .include directives -J don't warn about signed overflow -K warn when differences altered for long displacements -L,--keep-locals keep local symbols (e.g. starting with `L') -M,--mri assemble in MRI compatibility mode --MD FILE write dependency information in FILE (default none) -nocpp ignored -o OBJFILE name the object-file output OBJFILE (default a.out) -R fold data section into text section --statistics print various measured statistics from execution --strip-local-absolute strip local absolute symbols --traditional-format Use same format as native assembler when possible --version print assembler version number and exit -W --no-warn suppress warnings --warn don't suppress warnings --fatal-warnings treat warnings as errors --itbl INSTTBL extend instruction set to include instructions matching the specifications defined in file INSTTBL -w ignored -X ignored -Z generate object file even after errors --listing-lhs-width set the width in words of the output data column of the listing --listing-lhs-width2 set the width in words of the continuation lines of the output data column; ignored if smaller than the width of the first line --listing-rhs-width set the max width in characters of the lines from the source file --listing-cont-lines set the maximum number of continuation lines used for the output data column of the listing PowerPC options: -u ignored -mpwrx, -mpwr2 generate code for IBM POWER/2 (RIOS2) -mpwr generate code for IBM POWER (RIOS1) -m405, -m440 generate code for IBM PowerPC 405/440 -m601 generate code for Motorola PowerPC 601 -mppc, -mppc32, -m403, -m603, -m604 generate code for Motorola PowerPC 403/603/604 -mppc64, -m620 generate code for Motorola PowerPC 620 -mvec generate code for AltiVec instructions -mppc64bridge generate code for PowerPC 64, including bridge insns -mcom generate code Power/PowerPC common instructions -many generate code for any architecture (PWR/PWRX/PPC) -mregnames Allow symbolic names for registers -mno-regnames Do not allow symbolic names for registers -mrelocatable support for GCC's -mrelocatble option -mrelocatable-lib support for GCC's -mrelocatble-lib option -memb set PPC_EMB bit in ELF flags -mlittle, -mlittle-endian generate code for a little endian machine -mbig, -mbig-endian generate code for a big endian machine -msolaris generate code for Solaris -mno-solaris do not generate code for Solaris -V print assembler version number -Qy, -Qn ignored Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org
Usage: assimpc.exe [option...] [asmfile...] Options: -a[sub-option...] turn on listings Sub-options [default hls]: c omit false conditionals d omit debugging directives h include high-level source l include assembly m include macro expansions n omit forms processing s include symbols =FILE list to FILE (must be last sub-option) -D produce assembler debugging messages --defsym SYM=VAL define symbol SYM to given value -f skip whitespace and comment preprocessing --gstabs generate stabs debugging information --gdwarf2 generate DWARF2 debugging information --help show this message and exit --target-help show target specific options -I DIR add DIR to search list for .include directives -J don't warn about signed overflow -K warn when differences altered for long displacements -L,--keep-locals keep local symbols (e.g. starting with `L') -M,--mri assemble in MRI compatibility mode --MD FILE write dependency information in FILE (default none) -nocpp ignored -o OBJFILE name the object-file output OBJFILE (default a.out) -R fold data section into text section --statistics print various measured statistics from execution --strip-local-absolute strip local absolute symbols --traditional-format Use same format as native assembler when possible --version print assembler version number and exit -W --no-warn suppress warnings --warn don't suppress warnings --fatal-warnings treat warnings as errors --itbl INSTTBL extend instruction set to include instructions matching the specifications defined in file INSTTBL -w ignored -X ignored -Z generate object file even after errors --listing-lhs-width set the width in words of the output data column of the listing --listing-lhs-width2 set the width in words of the continuation lines of the output data column; ignored if smaller than the width of the first line --listing-rhs-width set the max width in characters of the lines from the source file --listing-cont-lines set the maximum number of continuation lines used for the output data column of the listing -q quieten some warnings Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org
Usage: awk.exe [POSIX or GNU style options] -f progfile [--] file ... awk.exe [POSIX or GNU style options] [--] 'program' file ... POSIX options: GNU long options: -f progfile --file=progfile -F fs --field-separator=fs -v var=val --assign=var=val -m[fr] val -W compat --compat -W copyleft --copyleft -W copyright --copyright -W help --help -W lint --lint -W lint-old --lint-old -W posix --posix -W re-interval --re-interval -W source=program-text --source=program-text -W traditional --traditional -W usage --usage -W version --version Report bugs to bug-gnu-utils@gnu.org, with a Cc: to arnold@gnu.org
GNU bash, version 2.05.0(8)-release-(i686-pc-cygwin) Usage: bash.exe [GNU long option] [option] ... bash.exe [GNU long option] [option] script-file ... GNU long options: --debug --dump-po-strings --dump-strings --help --init-file --login --noediting --noprofile --norc --posix --rcfile --restricted --verbose --version --wordexp Shell options: -irsD or -c command (invocation only) -abefhkmnptuvxBCHP or -o option Type `bash.exe -c "help set"' for more information about shell options. Type `bash.exe -c help' for more information about shell builtin commands. Use the `bashbug' command to report bugs.
--help: cannot open file
Usage: c++filtppc.exe [-_] [-n] [--strip-underscores] [--no-strip-underscores] [-s {auto,gnu,lucid,arm,hp,edg,gnu-v3,java,gnat}] [--format {auto,gnu,lucid,arm,hp,edg,gnu-v3,java,gnat}] [--help] [--version] [arg...]
Usage: c++filtsimpc.exe [-_] [-n] [--strip-underscores] [--no-strip-underscores] [-s {auto,gnu,lucid,arm,hp,edg,gnu-v3,java,gnat}] [--format {auto,gnu,lucid,arm,hp,edg,gnu-v3,java,gnat}] [--help] [--version] [arg...]
Reading specs from ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/specs Usage: c++ppc.exe [options] file... Options: --help Display this information -dumpspecs Display all of the built in spec strings -dumpversion Display the version of the compiler -dumpmachine Display the compiler's target processor -print-search-dirs Display the directories in the compiler's search path -print-libgcc-file-name Display the name of the compiler's companion library -print-file-name=<lib> Display the full path to library <lib> -print-prog-name=<prog> Display the full path to compiler component <prog> -print-multi-directory Display the root directory for versions of libgcc -print-multi-lib Display the mapping between command line options and multiple library search directories -Wa,<options> Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler -Wp,<options> Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor -Wl,<options> Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker -Xlinker <arg> Pass <arg> on to the linker -save-temps Do not delete intermediate files -pipe Use pipes rather than intermediate files -specs=<file> Override builtin specs with the contents of <file> -std=<standard> Assume that the input sources are for <standard> -B <directory> Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths -b <machine> Run gcc for target <machine>, if installed -V <version> Run gcc version number <version>, if installed -v Display the programs invoked by the compiler -E Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link -S Compile only; do not assemble or link -c Compile and assemble, but do not link -o <file> Place the output into <file> -x <language> Specify the language of the following input files gcc version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 AltiVec VxWorks 5.5 Permissable languages include: c c++ assembler none 'none' means revert to the default behaviour of guessing the language based on the file's extension Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O or -W are automatically passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by c++ppc.exe. In order to pass other options on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used. ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/ -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=96 -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -Asystem(vxworks) -Asystem(embedded) -Acpu(powerpc) -Amachine(powerpc) -D__CHAR_UNSIGNED__ -D_CALL_SYSV -D_BIG_ENDIAN -D__BIG_ENDIAN__ -Amachine(bigendian) -D_ARCH_PPC -DCPU=PPC603 --help help-dummy /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccZaSoPa.i GNU CPP version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 AltiVec VxWorks 5.5 (PowerPC System V.4) Usage: cpp.exe [switches] input output Switches: -include <file> Include the contents of <file> before other files -imacros <file> Accept definition of marcos in <file> -iprefix <path> Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options -iwithprefix <dir> Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths -iwithprefixbefore <dir> Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths -isystem <dir> Add <dir> to the start of the system include paths -idirafter <dir> Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths -I <dir> Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths -nostdinc Do not search the system include directories -nostdinc++ Do not search the system include directories for C++ -o <file> Put output into <file> -pedantic Issue all warnings demanded by strict ANSI C -traditional Follow K&R pre-processor behaviour -trigraphs Support ANSI C trigraphs -lang-c Assume that the input sources are in C -lang-c89 Assume that the input is C89; depricated -lang-c++ Assume that the input sources are in C++ -lang-objc Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC -lang-objc++ Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++ -lang-asm Assume that the input sources are in assembler -lang-chill Assume that the input sources are in Chill -std=<std name> Specify the conformance standard; one of: gnu89, gnu9x, c89, c9x, iso9899:1990, iso9899:199409, iso9899:199x -+ Allow parsing of C++ style features -w Inhibit warning messages -Wtrigraphs Warn if trigraphs are encountered -Wno-trigraphs Do not warn about trigraphs -Wcomment{s} Warn if one comment starts inside another -Wno-comment{s} Do not warn about comments -Wtraditional Warn if a macro argument is/would be turned into a string if -traditional is specified -Wno-traditional Do not warn about stringification -Wundef Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if -Wno-undef Do not warn about testing undefined macros -Wimport Warn about the use of the #import directive -Wno-import Do not warn about the use of #import -Werror Treat all warnings as errors -Wno-error Do not treat warnings as errors -Wall Enable all preprocessor warnings -M Generate make dependencies -MM As -M, but ignore system header files -MD As -M, but put output in a .d file -MMD As -MD, but ignore system header files -MG Treat missing header file as generated files -g Include #define and #undef directives in the output -D<macro> Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value -D<macro>=<val> Define a <macro> with <val> as its value -A<question> (<answer>) Assert the <answer> to <question> -U<macro> Undefine <macro> -u or -undef Do not predefine any macros -v Display the version number -H Print the name of header files as they are used -C Do not discard comments -dM Display a list of macro definitions active at end -dD Preserve macro definitions in output -dN As -dD except that only the names are preserved -dI Include #include directives in the output -ifoutput Describe skipped code blocks in output -P Do not generate #line directives -$ Do not include '$' in identifiers -remap Remap file names when including files. -h or --help Display this information ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/cc1.exe /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccZaSoPa.i -quiet -dumpbase help-dummy.c -version --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccqzMoqk.s Usage: cc1.exe input [switches] Switches: -ffixed-<register> Mark <register> as being unavailable to the compiler -fcall-used-<register> Mark <register> as being corrupted by function calls -fcall-saved-<register> Mark <register> as being preserved across functions -finline-limit-<number> Limits the size of inlined functions to <number> -fbitfield-access-32bit Always access bitfields with 32 bit addressing modes -fpeephole2 Enables an rtl peephole pass run before sched2 -fident Process #ident directives -fleading-underscore External symbols have a leading underscore -finstrument-functions Instrument function entry/exit with profiling calls -fdump-unnumbered Suppress output of instruction numbers and line number notes in debugging dumps -fprefix-function-name Add a prefix to all function names -fcheck-memory-usage Generate code to check every memory access -fstrict-aliasing Assume strict aliasing rules apply -fargument-noalias-global Assume arguments do not alias each other or globals -fargument-noalias Assume arguments may alias globals but not each other -fargument-alias Specify that arguments may alias each other & globals -fstack-check Insert stack checking code into the program -fpack-struct Pack structure members together without holes -foptimize-register-move Do the full regmove optimization pass -fregmove Enables a register move optimisation -fgnu-linker Output GNU ld formatted global initialisers -fverbose-asm Add extra commentry to assembler output -fdata-sections place data items into their own section -ffunction-sections place each function into its own section -finhibit-size-directive Do not generate .size directives -fcommon Do not put unitialised globals in the common section -ffast-math Improve FP speed by violating ANSI & IEEE rules -fbranch-probabilities Use profiling information for branch probabilities -ftest-coverage Create data files needed by gcov -fprofile-arcs Insert arc based program profiling code -fasynchronous-exceptions Support asynchronous exceptions -fsjlj-exceptions Use setjmp/longjmp to handle exceptions -fnew-exceptions Use the new model for exception handling -fexceptions Enable exception handling -fpic Generate position independent code, if possible -fbranch-count-reg Replace add,compare,branch with branch on count reg -fsched-spec-load-dangerous Allow speculative motion of more loads -fsched-spec-load Allow speculative motion of some loads -fsched-spec Allow speculative motion of non-loads -fsched-interblock Enable scheduling across basic blocks -fschedule-insns2 Run two passes of the instruction scheduler -fschedule-insns Reschedule instructions to avoid pipeline stalls -fpretend-float Pretend that host and target use the same FP format -frerun-loop-opt Run the loop optimiser twice -frerun-cse-after-loop Run CSE pass after loop optimisations -fgcse Perform the global common subexpression elimination -fdelayed-branch Attempt to fill delay slots of branch instructions -freg-struct-return Return 'short' aggregates in registers -fpcc-struct-return Return 'short' aggregates in memory, not registers -fcaller-saves Enable saving registers around function calls -fshared-data Mark data as shared rather than private -fsyntax-only Check for syntax errors, then stop -fkeep-static-consts Emit static const variables even if they are not used -finline Pay attention to the 'inline' keyword -fkeep-inline-functions Generate code for funcs even if they are fully inlined -finline-functions Integrate simple functions into their callers -ffunction-cse Allow function addresses to be held in registers -fforce-addr Copy memory address constants into regs before using -fforce-mem Copy memory operands into registers before using -fpeephole Enable machine specific peephole optimisations -fwritable-strings Store strings in writable data section -freduce-all-givs Strength reduce all loop general induction variables -fmove-all-movables Force all loop invariant computations out of loops -funroll-all-loops Perform loop unrolling for all loops -funroll-loops Perform loop unrolling when iteration count is known -fstrength-reduce Perform strength reduction optimisations -fthread-jumps Perform jump threading optimisations -fexpensive-optimizations Perform a number of minor, expensive optimisations -fcse-skip-blocks When running CSE, follow conditional jumps -fcse-follow-jumps When running CSE, follow jumps to their targets -fomit-frame-pointer When possible do not generate stack frames -fdefer-pop Defer popping functions args from stack until later -fvolatile-static Consider all mem refs to static data to be volatile -fvolatile-global Consider all mem refs to global data to be volatile -fvolatile Consider all mem refs through pointers as volatile -ffloat-store Do not store floats in registers -O[number] Set optimisation level to [number] -Os Optimise for space rather than speed -pedantic Issue warnings needed by strict compliance to ANSI C -pedantic-errors Like -pedantic except that errors are produced -w Suppress warnings -W Enable extra warnings -Winline Warn when an inlined function cannot be inlined -Wuninitialized Warn about unitialized automatic variables -Wcast-align Warn about pointer casts which increase alignment -Waggregate-return Warn about returning structures, unions or arrays -Wswitch Warn about enumerated switches missing a specific case -Wshadow Warn when one local variable shadows another -Wunused Warn when a variable is unused -Wid-clash-<num> Warn if 2 identifiers have the same first <num> chars -Wlarger-than-<number> Warn if an object is larger than <number> bytes -p Enable function profiling -o <file> Place output into <file> -G <number> Put global and static data smaller than <number> bytes into a special section (on some targets) -gdwarf-2 Enable DWARF-2 debug output -gdwarf+ Generated extended DWARF-1 format debug output -gdwarf Generate DWARF-1 format debug output -gstabs+ Generate extended STABS format debug output -gstabs Generate STABS format debug output -ggdb Generate default extended debug format output -g Generate default debug format output -aux-info <file> Emit declaration info into <file>.X -quiet Do not display functions compiled or elapsed time -version Display the compiler's version -d[letters] Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler -dumpbase <file> Base name to be used for dumps from specific passes -sched-verbose-<number> Set the verbosity level of the scheduler --help Display this information Language specific options: -ansi Compile just for ANSI C -fallow-single-precisio Do not promote floats to double if using -traditional -std= Determine language standard -funsigned-bitfields Make bitfields by unsigned by default -fsigned-char Make 'char' be signed by default -funsigned-char Make 'char' be unsigned by default -traditional Attempt to support traditional K&R style C -fno-asm Do not recognise the 'asm' keyword -fno-builtin Do not recognise any built in functions -fhosted Assume normal C execution environment -ffreestanding Assume that standard libraries & main might not exist -fcond-mismatch Allow different types as args of ? operator -fdollars-in-identifier Allow the use of $ inside identifiers -fshort-double Use the same size for double as for float -fshort-enums Use the smallest fitting integer to hold enums -fvec Enable the AltiVec Programming Model -Wall Enable most warning messages -Wbad-function-cast Warn about casting functions to incompatible types -Wmissing-noreturn Warn about functions which might be candidates for attribute noreturn -Wcast-qual Warn about casts which discard qualifiers -Wchar-subscripts Warn about subscripts whose type is 'char' -Wcomment Warn if nested comments are detected -Wcomments Warn if nested comments are detected -Wconversion Warn about possibly confusing type conversions -Wformat Warn about printf format anomalies -Wimplicit-function-dec Warn about implicit function declarations -Wimplicit-int Warn when a declaration does not specify a type -Wimport Warn about the use of the #import directive -Wno-long-long Do not warn about using 'long long' when -pedantic -Wmain Warn about suspicious declarations of main -Wmissing-braces Warn about possibly missing braces around initialisers -Wmissing-declarations Warn about global funcs without previous declarations -Wmissing-prototypes Warn about global funcs without prototypes -Wmultichar Warn about use of multicharacter literals -Wnested-externs Warn about externs not at file scope level -Wparentheses Warn about possible missing parentheses -Wpointer-arith Warn about function pointer arithmetic -Wredundant-decls Warn about multiple declarations of the same object -Wsign-compare Warn about signed/unsigned comparisons -Wunknown-pragmas Warn about unrecognised pragmas -Wstrict-prototypes Warn about non-prototyped function decls -Wtraditional Warn about constructs whose meaning change in ANSI C -Wtrigraphs Warn when trigraphs are encountered -Wwrite-strings Mark strings as 'const char *' Options for Objective C: -gen-decls Dump decls to a .decl file -fgnu-runtime Generate code for GNU runtime environment -fnext-runtime Generate code for NeXT runtime environment -Wselector Warn if a selector has multiple methods -Wno-protocol Do not warn if inherited methods are unimplemented -print-objc-runtime-inf Generate C header of platform specific features Options for C++: -fno-access-control Do not obey access control semantics -fall-virtual Make all member functions virtual -falt-external-template Change when template instances are emitted -fcheck-new Check the return value of new -fconserve-space Reduce size of object files -fno-const-strings Make string literals `char[]' instead of `const char[]' -fno-default-inline Do not inline member functions by default -fno-rtti Do not generate run time type descriptor information -fno-for-scope Scope of for-init-statement vars extends outside -fguiding-decls Implement guiding declarations -fno-gnu-keywords Do not recognise GNU defined keywords -fhandle-signatures Handle signature language constructs -fhonor-std Treat the namespace `std' as a normal namespace -fhuge-objects Enable support for huge objects -fno-implement-inlines Export functions even if they can be inlined -fno-implicit-templates Only emit explicit template instatiations -fno-implicit-inline-te Only emit explicit instatiations of inline templates -finit-priority Handle the init_priority attribute -flabels-ok Labels can be used as first class objects -fmerge-templates Emit templates in seperate `linkonce' sections -fnew-abi Enable experimental ABI changes -fno-nonnull-objects Do not assume that a reference is always valid -foperator-names Recognise and/bitand/bitor/compl/not/or/xor -fno-optional-diags Disable optional diagnostics -fpermissive Downgrade conformance errors to warnings -frepo Enable automatic template instantiation -fsquangle Enable squashed name mangling -fstats Display statistics accumulated during compilation -fno-strict-prototype Do not assume that empty prototype means no args -ftemplate-depth- Specify maximum template instantiation depth -fthis-is-variable Make 'this' not be type '* const' -fvtable-gc Discard unused virtual functions -fvtable-thunks Implement vtables using thunks -fweak Emit common-like symbols as weak symbols -fxref Emit cross referencing information -Wreturn-type Warn about inconsistent return types -Woverloaded-virtual Warn about overloaded virtual function names -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy Don't warn when all ctors/dtors are private -Wnon-virtual-dtor Warn about non virtual destructors -Wextern-inline Warn when a function is declared extern, then inline -Wreorder Warn when the compiler reorders code -Wsynth Warn when synthesis behaviour differs from Cfront -Wno-pmf-conversions Don't warn when type converting pointers to member functions -Weffc++ Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules -Wsign-promo Warn when overload promotes from unsigned to signed -Wold-style-cast Warn if a C style cast is used in a program -Wno-non-template-frien Don't warn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a template -Wno-deprecated Don't announce deprecation of compiler features Target specific options: -mnewlib no description yet -mshlib no description yet -msolaris-cclib no description yet -memb Set the PPC_EMB bit in the ELF flags header -mmvme Link with libmvme.a, libc.a and crt0.o. -myellowknife Link with libyk.a, lib
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