这篇文章是之前的文章 “使用 Elastic 和 Mistral 构建多语言 RAG(一)” 的续篇。在这篇文章中,我将展示如何在本地部署中完成在那篇文章中的实现。
注意:由于 semantic text 从 8.15 版本开始提供,你需要至少 8.15 及以上的版本才可以运行下面的代码。
如果你还没有安装好自己的 Elasticsearch 及 Kibana,请参考如下的链接来进行安装:
在安装的时候,我们选择 Elastic Stack 8.x 来进行安装。在首次启动 Elasticsearch 的时候,我们可以看到如下的输出:
在上面,我们可以看到 elastic 超级用户的密码。我们记下它,并将在下面的代码中进行使用。
我们还可以在安装 Elasticsearch 目录中找到 Elasticsearch 的访问证书:
- $ pwd
- /Users/liuxg/elastic/elasticsearch-8.15.0/config/certs
- $ ls
- http.p12 http_ca.crt transport.p12
在上面,http_ca.crt 是我们需要用来访问 Elasticsearch 的证书。
git clone https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/elasticsearch-labs
- $ pwd
- /Users/liuxg/python/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/building-multilingual-rag-with-elastic-and-mistral
- $ ls
- building_multilingual_rag_with_elastic_and_mistral.ipynb
如上所示,building_multilingual_rag_with_elastic_and_mistral.ipynb 就是我们今天想要工作的 notebook。
- $ pwd
- /Users/liuxg/python/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/building-multilingual-rag-with-elastic-and-mistral
- $ cp ~/elastic/elasticsearch-8.15.0/config/certs/http_ca.crt .
- $ ls
- building_multilingual_rag_with_elastic_and_mistral.ipynb
- http_ca.crt
我们在 DevTools 中打入如下的命令:
- PUT _inference/text_embedding/multilingual-embeddings
- {
- "service": "elasticsearch",
- "service_settings": {
- "model_id": ".multilingual-e5-small",
- "num_allocations": 1 ,
- "num_threads": 1
- }
- }
上面显示 E5 已经部署成功了。
pip3 install python-dotenv elasticsearch==8.14 mistralai
我们可以使用如下的方法来查看 elasticsearch 的版本:
- $ pip3 list | grep elasticsearch
- elasticsearch 8.14.0
- export ES_ENDPOINT="localhost"
- export ES_USER="elastic"
- export ES_PASSWORD="YourPassword"
- export MISTRAL_API_KEY="YourKey"
你需要根据自己的 Elasticsearch 的配置进行相应的修改。你可以在地址申请 Mistral API key。前提是你需要注册一个账号。
我们接下来运行 Python notebook。我们在当前的目录下打入如下的命令:
jupyter notebook building_multilingual_rag_with_elastic_and_mistral.ipynb
- # install packages
- !python3 -m pip install python-dotenv elasticsearch==8.14 mistralai
- # import modules
- from mistralai.client import MistralClient
- from mistralai.models.chat_completion import ChatMessage
- from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, exceptions
- from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk
- from getpass import getpass
- import json
- from dotenv import load_dotenv
- import os
- load_dotenv()
- ES_USER = os.getenv("ES_USER")
- ES_PASSWORD = os.getenv("ES_PASSWORD")
- ES_ENDPOINT = os.getenv("ES_ENDPOINT")
- # Create the client instance
- url = f"https://{ES_USER}:{ES_PASSWORD}@{ES_ENDPOINT}:9200"
- print(url)
- es_client = Elasticsearch(url, ca_certs = "./http_ca.crt", verify_certs = True)
- print(es_client.info())
上面显示我们的客户端成功连接到 Elasticsearch。
- try:
- es_client.options(
- request_timeout=60, max_retries=3, retry_on_timeout=True
- ).inference.put_model(
- task_type="text_embedding",
- inference_id="multilingual_embeddings",
- body={
- "service": "elasticsearch",
- "service_settings": {
- "model_id": ".multilingual-e5-small",
- "num_allocations": 1,
- "num_threads": 1,
- },
- },
- )
- print("Embedding endpoint created successfully.")
- except exceptions.BadRequestError as e:
- if e.error == "resource_already_exists_exception":
- print("Embedding endpoint already created.")
- else:
- raise e

Embedding endpoint created successfully.
我们可以通过如下的方法来得到所有的 inference ids:
GET /_inference/_all
我们还可以通过如下的命令来得到某个特定 task_type 的 inference ids:
GET /_inference/text_embedding/_all
我们可以通过如下的命令来查看已经创建的 embedding endpoint:
GET /_inference/multilingual_embeddings
- POST _inference/multilingual-embeddings
- {
- "input": "The sky above the port was the color of television tuned to a dead channel."
- }
- POST _inference/text_embedding/multilingual-embeddings
- {
- "input": "The sky above the port was the color of television tuned to a dead channel."
- }
- try:
- es_client.indices.create(
- index="multilingual-mistral",
- body={
- "mappings": {
- "properties": {
- "super_body": {
- "type": "semantic_text",
- "inference_id": "multilingual-embeddings",
- }
- }
- }
- },
- )
- except exceptions.RequestError as e:
- if e.error == "resource_already_exists_exception":
- print("Index already exists.")
- else:
- raise e

- # Support tickets to add to the index
- support_tickets = [
- """
- _Support Ticket #EN1234_
- **Subject**: Calendar sync not working with Google Calendar
- **Description**:
- I'm having trouble syncing my project deadlines with Google Calendar. Whenever I try to sync, I get an error message saying "Unable to connect to external calendar service."
- **Resolution**:
- The issue was resolved by following these steps:
- 1. Go to Settings > Integrations
- 2. Disconnect the Google Calendar integration
- 3. Clear browser cache and cookies
- 4. Reconnect the Google Calendar integration
- 5. Authorize the app again in Google's security settings
- The sync should now work correctly. If problems persist, ensure that third-party cookies are enabled in your browser settings.
- """,
- """
- _Support-Ticket #DE5678_
- **Betreff**: Datei-Upload funktioniert nicht
- **Beschreibung**:
- Ich kann keine Dateien mehr in meine Projekte hochladen. Jedes Mal, wenn ich es versuche, bleibt der Ladebalken bei 99% stehen und dann erscheint eine Fehlermeldung.
- **Lösung**:
- Das Problem wurde durch folgende Schritte gelöst:
- 1. Überprüfen Sie die Dateigröße. Die maximale Uploadgröße beträgt 100 MB.
- 2. Deaktivieren Sie vorübergehend den Virenschutz oder die Firewall.
- 3. Versuchen Sie, die Datei im Inkognito-Modus hochzuladen.
- 4. Wenn das nicht funktioniert, leeren Sie den Browser-Cache und die Cookies.
- 5. Als letzten Ausweg, versuchen Sie einen anderen Browser zu verwenden.
- In den meisten Fällen lag das Problem an zu großen Dateien oder an Interferenzen durch Sicherheitssoftware. Nach Anwendung dieser Schritte sollte der Upload funktionieren.
- """,
- """
- _Q3 Marketing Campaign Ideas_
- 1. Social media contest: "Share Your Productivity Hack"
- - Users share tips using our software, best entry wins a premium subscription
- 2. Webinar series: "Mastering Project Management"
- - Invite industry experts to share insights using our tool
- 3. Email campaign: "Unlock Hidden Features"
- - Series of emails highlighting lesser-known but powerful features
- 4. Partner with a productivity podcast for sponsored content
- 5. Create a "Project Management Memes" social media account for lighter, shareable content
- """,
- """
- _Mitarbeiter des Monats: Juli 2023_
- Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass Sarah Schmidt zur Mitarbeiterin des Monats Juli gewählt wurde!
- Sarah hat außergewöhnliche Leistungen in folgenden Bereichen gezeigt:
- - Kundenbetreuung: Sarah hat durchschnittlich 95% positive Bewertungen erhalten.
- - Teamarbeit: Sie hat maßgeblich zur Verbesserung unseres internen Wissensmanagementsystems beigetragen.
- - Innovation: Sarah hat eine neue Methode zur Priorisierung von Support-Tickets vorgeschlagen, die unsere Reaktionszeiten um 20% verbessert hat.
- Bitte gratulieren Sie Sarah zu dieser wohlverdienten Anerkennung!
- """,
- ]

- # This function will create a bulk object for the given id and body
- def build_bulk_obj(id, body):
- return {
- "_index": "multilingual-mistral",
- "_id": id,
- "_source": {"super_body": body},
- }
- data = []
- # Constructing bulk object for each detail
- for i, details in enumerate(support_tickets):
- data.append(build_bulk_obj(i + 1, details))
- try:
- # Using the bulk API to index the data
- bulk(es_client, data)
- print("Data indexed successfully.")
- except exceptions.RequestError as e:
- print("Error indexing data.")
- print(e)
Data indexed successfully.
在 Kibana 里,我们可以通过如下的命令来进行查看:
GET multilingual-mistral/_search
我们可以看到有 4 个文档:
- response = es_client.search(
- index="multilingual-mistral",
- body={
- "size": 2,
- "_source": {"excludes": ["*embeddings", "*chunks"]},
- "query": {
- "semantic": {
- "field": "super_body",
- "query": "Hola, estoy teniendo problemas para ocupar su aplicación, estoy teniendo problemas para sincronizar mi calendario, y encima al intentar subir un archivo me da error.",
- }
- },
- },
- )
- # Print results
- formatted_json = json.dumps(response.body, indent=4)
- print(formatted_json)

现在我们将使用 Mistral 来回答这个问题。
- # Joining the Elasticsearch retrieve context
- elastic_context = []
- for r in response.body["hits"]["hits"]:
- elastic_context.append(r["_source"]["super_body"]["text"])
- context_str = "\n".join(elastic_context)
- client = MistralClient(api_key=MISTRAL_API_KEY)
- system_message = "You are a helpful multilingual agent that help users with their problems. You have access to a knowledge base on different languages and you must answer in the same language the question was asked."
- user_message = f"""
- ## Question:
- Hola, estoy teniendo problemas para ocupar su aplicación, estoy teniendo problemas para sincronizar mi calendario, y encima al intentar subir un archivo me da error.
- ## Related knowledge:
- {context_str}
- """
- messages = [
- ChatMessage(role="system", content=system_message),
- ChatMessage(role="user", content=user_message),
- ]
- model = "open-mixtral-8x22b"
- chat_response = client.chat(
- model=model,
- messages=messages,
- )

- ¡Hola! Lamento que estés teniendo problemas con nuestra aplicación. Parece que hay dos problemas distintos aquí.
- En primer lugar, respecto a la sincronización del calendario, sigue los pasos que se indicaron en el ticket de soporte #EN1234:
- 1. Ve a Ajustes > Integraciones
- 2. Desconecta la integración de Google Calendar
- 3. Borra la caché y las cookies del navegador
- 4. Vuelve a conectar la integración de Google Calendar
- 5. Autoriza de nuevo la aplicación en los ajustes de seguridad de Google
- Si sigues teniendo problemas, asegúrate de que las cookies de terceros estén habilitadas en los ajustes de tu navegador.
- En segundo lugar, sobre el error al subir un archivo, puedes seguir los pasos que se indicaron en el ticket de soporte #DE5678:
- 1. Comprueba el tamaño del archivo. El tamaño máximo de subida es de 100 MB.
- 2. Desactiva temporalmente el antivirus o el firewall.
- 3. Intenta subir el archivo en modo incógnito.
- 4. Si eso no funciona, borra la caché y las cookies del navegador.
- 5. Como último recurso, prueba a utilizar un navegador diferente.
- En la mayoría de los casos, el problema estaba causado por archivos demasiado grandes o por interferencias de software de seguridad. Después de seguir estos pasos, el proceso de subida debería funcionar correctamente.

- # Cleanup - Delete Index
- es_client.indices.delete(index="multilingual-mistral", ignore=[400, 404])
- # Cleanup - Delete Embeddings Endpoint
- es_client.inference.delete_model(
- inference_id="multilingual_embeddings", ignore=[400, 404]
- )
ObjectApiResponse({'acknowledged': True, 'pipelines': []})
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