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在微信小程序部署AI模型的几种方法_小程序 onnx

小程序 onnx










  1. onLoad(){
  2. // 创建相机上下文
  3. const context = wx.createCameraContext();
  4. // 定义实时帧回调函数
  5. this.listener=context.onCameraFrame((frame)=>this.CamFramCall(frame));
  6. // 初始化session
  7. this.initSession()
  8. },





  1. CamFramCall(frame){
  2. // 根据实时帧的图片长宽比例设置<camera>组件展示大小
  3. this.setData({
  4. windowHeight:frame.height/frame.width*wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*0.9
  5. })
  6. var dstInput=new Float32Array(3*this.data.imgH*this.data.imgW).fill(255)
  7. // 调用图片预处理函数对实时帧数据进行处理
  8. this.preProcess(frame,dstInput)
  9. // 将处理完的数据进行推理得到结果
  10. this.infer(dstInput)
  11. console.log('完成一次帧循环')
  12. // 关闭监听
  13. this.listener.stop()
  14. },




  1. initSession(){
  2. // onnx云端下载路径
  3. const cloudPath='cloud://cloud1-8gcwcxqrb8722e9e.636c-cloud1-8gcwcxqrb8722e9e-1324077753/best.onnx'
  4. const lastIndex=cloudPath.lastIndexOf('/')
  5. const filename=cloudPath.substring(lastIndex+1)
  6. const modelPath=`${wx.env.USER_DATA_PATH}/`+filename
  7. // 检测onnx文件是否存在
  8. wx.getFileSystemManager().access({
  9. path:modelPath,
  10. // 如果存在就创建session,定时开启监听实时帧
  11. success:(res)=>{
  12. console.log('file already exist')
  13. this.createInferenceSession(modelPath)
  14. setInterval(()=>{this.listener.start()},1000)
  15. },
  16. // 如果不存在
  17. fail:(res)=>{
  18. console.error(res)
  19. wx.cloud.init()
  20. console.log('begin download model')
  21. // 下载提示框
  22. wx.showLoading({
  23. title: '加载检测中',
  24. })
  25. // 调用自定义的下载文件函数
  26. this.downloadFile(cloudPath,function(r) {
  27. console.log(`下载进度:${r.progress}%,已下载${r.totalBytesWritten}B,共${r.totalBytesExpectedToWrite}B`)
  28. }).then(result=>{
  29. // 下载文件成功后保存
  30. wx.getFileSystemManager().saveFile({
  31. tempFilePath:result.tempFilePath,
  32. filePath:modelPath,
  33. // 保存文件成功后创建session,定时开启监听实时帧
  34. success:(res)=>{
  35. const modelPath=res.savedFilePath
  36. console.log('save onnx model at path:'+modelPath)
  37. this.createInferenceSession(modelPath)
  38. // 关闭下载提示框
  39. wx.hideLoading()
  40. setInterval(()=>{this.listener.start()},1000)
  41. },
  42. fail:(res)=>{
  43. console.error(res)
  44. }
  45. })
  46. })
  47. }
  48. })
  49. },


  1. downloadFile(fileID, onCall = () => {}) {
  2. return new Promise((resolve) => {
  3. const task = wx.cloud.downloadFile({
  4. fileID,
  5. success: res => resolve(res),
  6. })
  7. task.onProgressUpdate((res) => {
  8. if (onCall(res) == false) {
  9. task.abort()
  10. }
  11. })
  12. })
  13. },


  1. createInferenceSession(modelPath) {
  2. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  3. this.session = wx.createInferenceSession({
  4. model: modelPath,
  5. precisionLevel : 4,
  6. allowNPU : false,
  7. allowQuantize: false,
  8. });
  9. // 监听error事件
  10. this.session.onError((error) => {
  11. console.error(error);
  12. reject(error);
  13. });
  14. this.session.onLoad(() => {
  15. resolve();
  16. });
  17. })
  18. },



  1. preProcess(frame,dstInput){
  2. return new Promise(resolve=>{
  3. const origData = new Uint8Array(frame.data);
  4. for(var j=0;j<frame.height;j++){
  5. for(var i=0;i<frame.width;i++){
  6. dstInput[i*3+this.data.imgW*j*3]=origData[i*4+j*frame.width*4]/255
  7. dstInput[i*3+1+this.data.imgW*j*3]=origData[i*4+1+j*frame.width*4]/255
  8. dstInput[i*3+2+this.data.imgW*j*3]=origData[i*4+2+j*frame.width*4]/255
  9. }
  10. }
  11. resolve();
  12. })
  13. },




我这里的onnx输出数组是1*6*10的,代表有10个检测框,还有4个坐标信息+类别编号+置信度。我的输出的数组名字叫 output0,注意参照自己的onnx输出名




  1. infer(imgData){
  2. this.session.run({
  3. 'images':{
  4. shape:[1,3,this.data.imgH,this.data.imgW],
  5. data:imgData.buffer,
  6. type:'float32',
  7. }
  8. // 获得运行结果后
  9. }).then((res)=>{
  10. let results=new Float32Array(res.output0.data)
  11. // 获取canvas对象,填上id,这里对应”c1“
  12. wx.createSelectorQuery().select('#c1')
  13. .fields({node:true,size:true})
  14. .exec((res)=>{
  15. const canvas=res[0].node
  16. const ctx=canvas.getContext('2d')
  17. canvas.width=wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*0.9
  18. canvas.height=this.data.windowHeight
  19. // 对session数据进行后处理
  20. this.postProcess(results).then((index)=>{
  21. // 清空画布
  22. ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height)
  23. // 大于阈值,就认为检测到物体
  24. if(this.data.conf>0.5){
  25. this.setData({
  26. class_name:'检测到苹果'
  27. })
  28. // 这里需要参考自己的session输出的数组上对应位置的具体含义
  29. // 比如我的session输出1*6*10的一维数组,可以看作6*10的二维数组,
  30. // 有6行数据,第一行对应中心点x坐标,第二行对应中心点y坐标,
  31. // 第3行对应检测框的w宽度,第4行对应检测框的h长度,
  32. // 第5行对应置信度,第6行对应类别编号
  33. var x=results[index]
  34. var y=results[10+index]
  35. var w=results[2*10+index]
  36. var h=results[3*10+index]
  37. var x1=Math.round(x-w/2)
  38. var y1=Math.round(y-h/2)
  39. var x2=Math.round(x+w/2)
  40. var y2=Math.round(y+h/2)
  41. ctx.strokeStyle='red'
  42. ctx.lineWidth=2
  43. ctx.strokeRect(x1,y1,x2,y2)
  44. }
  45. })
  46. })
  47. })
  48. },


初始化置信度和index,对10个检测框进行遍历,取出置信度最大元素所在index,然后更新到全局变量中,这里设定阈值为0.5. 此函数接收session输出的数组,返回index

  1. postProcess(results){
  2. return new Promise((resolve)=>{
  3. var maxConf=results[10*4]
  4. var index=0
  5. for(var i=1;i<10;i+=1){
  6. var conf=results[10*4+i]
  7. if(conf>0.5 & maxConf<conf){
  8. maxConf=conf
  9. index=i
  10. }
  11. }
  12. this.setData({
  13. conf:maxConf,
  14. class_name:'未检测出苹果'
  15. })
  16. resolve(index)
  17. })
  18. },



  1. Page({
  2. data: {
  3. imagePath: '/images/tree.png',
  4. windowHeight:wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*1.197,
  5. imgH:640,
  6. imgW:640,
  7. conf:0,
  8. class_name:'未检测到红火蚁',
  9. },
  10. onLoad(){
  11. const context = wx.createCameraContext();
  12. this.listener=context.onCameraFrame((frame)=>this.CamFramCall(frame));
  13. this.initSession()
  14. },
  15. initSession(){
  16. const cloudPath='cloud://cloud1-8gcwcxqrb8722e9e.636c-cloud1-8gcwcxqrb8722e9e-1324077753/best.onnx'
  17. const lastIndex=cloudPath.lastIndexOf('/')
  18. const filename=cloudPath.substring(lastIndex+1)
  19. const modelPath=`${wx.env.USER_DATA_PATH}/`+filename
  20. wx.getFileSystemManager().access({
  21. path:modelPath,
  22. success:(res)=>{
  23. console.log('file already exist')
  24. this.createInferenceSession(modelPath)
  25. setInterval(()=>{this.listener.start()},1000)
  26. },
  27. fail:(res)=>{
  28. console.error(res)
  29. wx.cloud.init()
  30. console.log('begin download model')
  31. wx.showLoading({
  32. title: '加载检测中',
  33. })
  34. this.downloadFile(cloudPath,function(r) {
  35. console.log(`下载进度:${r.progress}%,已下载${r.totalBytesWritten}B,共${r.totalBytesExpectedToWrite}B`)
  36. }).then(result=>{
  37. wx.getFileSystemManager().saveFile({
  38. tempFilePath:result.tempFilePath,
  39. filePath:modelPath,
  40. success:(res)=>{
  41. const modelPath=res.savedFilePath
  42. console.log('save onnx model at path:'+modelPath)
  43. this.createInferenceSession(modelPath)
  44. wx.hideLoading()
  45. setInterval(()=>{this.listener.start()},1000)
  46. },
  47. fail:(res)=>{
  48. console.error(res)
  49. }
  50. })
  51. })
  52. }
  53. })
  54. },
  55. createInferenceSession(modelPath){
  56. return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
  57. this.session=wx.createInferenceSession({
  58. model: modelPath,
  59. precesionLevel:4,
  60. allowNPU:false,
  61. allowQuantize:false,
  62. })
  63. this.session.onError((error) => {
  64. console.error(error)
  65. reject(error)
  66. })
  67. this.session.onLoad(()=>{
  68. resolve()
  69. })
  70. })
  71. },
  72. CamFramCall(frame){
  73. this.setData({
  74. windowHeight:frame.height/frame.width*wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*0.9
  75. })
  76. var dstInput=new Float32Array(3*this.data.imgH*this.data.imgW).fill(255)
  77. this.preProcess(frame,dstInput)
  78. this.infer(dstInput)
  79. console.log('完成一次帧循环')
  80. this.listener.stop()
  81. },
  82. preProcess(frame,dstInput){
  83. return new Promise(resolve=>{
  84. const origData = new Uint8Array(frame.data);
  85. for(var j=0;j<frame.height;j++){
  86. for(var i=0;i<frame.width;i++){
  87. dstInput[i*3+this.data.imgW*j*3]=origData[i*4+j*frame.width*4]
  88. dstInput[i*3+1+this.data.imgW*j*3]=origData[i*4+1+j*frame.width*4]
  89. dstInput[i*3+2+this.data.imgW*j*3]=origData[i*4+2+j*frame.width*4]
  90. }
  91. }
  92. resolve();
  93. })
  94. },
  95. postProcess(results){
  96. return new Promise((resolve)=>{
  97. var maxConf=results[10*4]
  98. var index=0
  99. for(var i=1;i<10;i+=1){
  100. var conf=results[10*4+i]
  101. if(conf>0.5 & maxConf<conf){
  102. maxConf=conf
  103. index=i
  104. }
  105. }
  106. this.setData({
  107. conf:maxConf,
  108. class_name:'未检测到红火蚁'
  109. })
  110. resolve(index)
  111. })
  112. },
  113. infer(imgData){
  114. this.session.run({
  115. 'images':{
  116. shape:[1,3,this.data.imgH,this.data.imgW],
  117. data:imgData.buffer,
  118. type:'float32',
  119. }
  120. }).then((res)=>{
  121. let results=new Float32Array(res.output0.data)
  122. wx.createSelectorQuery().select('#c1')
  123. .fields({node:true,size:true})
  124. .exec((res)=>{
  125. const canvas=res[0].node
  126. const ctx=canvas.getContext('2d')
  127. canvas.width=wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*0.9
  128. canvas.height=this.data.windowHeight
  129. this.postProcess(results).then((index)=>{
  130. ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height)
  131. if(this.data.conf>0.5){
  132. this.setData({
  133. class_name:'检测到红火蚁'
  134. })
  135. var x=results[index]
  136. var y=results[8400+index]
  137. var w=results[2*8400+index]
  138. var h=results[3*8400+index]
  139. var x1=Math.round(x-w/2)
  140. var y1=Math.round(y-h/2)
  141. var x2=Math.round(x+w/2)
  142. var y2=Math.round(y+h/2)
  143. ctx.strokeStyle='red'
  144. ctx.lineWidth=2
  145. ctx.strokeRect(x1,y1,x2,y2)
  146. }
  147. })
  148. })
  149. })
  150. },
  151. downloadFile(fileID,onCall=()=>{}){
  152. return new Promise((resolve)=>{
  153. const task=wx.cloud.downloadFile({
  154. fileID,
  155. success:res=>resolve(res),
  156. })
  157. task.onProgressUpdate((res)=>{
  158. if(onCall(res)==false){
  159. task.abort()
  160. }
  161. })
  162. })
  163. },
  164. })


  1. .c1{
  2. width: 100%;
  3. align-items: center;
  4. text-align: center;
  5. display: flex;
  6. flex-direction: column;
  7. }
  8. #myCanvas{
  9. width: 100%;
  10. height: 100%;
  11. }


  1. <view class="c1">
  2. <camera class="camera" binderror="error" mode="normal" style="width: 90%; height: {{windowHeight}}px;">
  3. <canvas id="c1" type="2d"></canvas>
  4. </camera>
  5. <view>结果:{{class_name}}</view>
  6. <view>置信度:{{conf}}</view>
  7. </view>










  1. onLoad(){
  2. // 执行自定义的初始化函数
  3. this.init().then(()=>{
  4. // 创建相机上下文
  5. const context = wx.createCameraContext();
  6. // 设定监听回调函数
  7. this.listener=context.onCameraFrame(frame=>this.CamFramCall(frame));
  8. // 每500ms开启一次监听
  9. setInterval(()=>{this.listener.start()}, 500);
  10. })
  11. },



  1. init(){
  2. return new Promise(resolve=>{
  3. const context = wx.createCameraContext();
  4. const listener=context.onCameraFrame(frame=>{
  5. this.setData({
  6. camH:wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*0.9*frame.height/frame.width,
  7. k:wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*0.9/frame.width
  8. })
  9. listener.stop()
  10. })
  11. listener.start()
  12. resolve()
  13. })
  14. },



  1. CamFramCall(frame){
  2. this.base64ToPNG(frame).then(result=>{
  3. this.interWithServer({'img':result})
  4. console.log('完成一次帧循环')
  5. this.listener.stop()
  6. })
  7. },




  1. base64ToPNG(frame){
  2. return new Promise(resolve=>{
  3. const query = wx.createSelectorQuery()
  4. query.select('#canvas')
  5. .fields({node:true,size:true})
  6. .exec((res)=>{
  7. const canvas=res[0].node
  8. const ctx=canvas.getContext('2d')
  9. canvas.width=frame.width
  10. canvas.height=frame.height
  11. var imageData=ctx.createImageData(canvas.width,canvas.height)
  12. var ImgU8Array = new Uint8ClampedArray(frame.data);
  13. for(var i=0;i<ImgU8Array.length;i+=4){
  14. imageData.data[0+i]=ImgU8Array[i+0]
  15. imageData.data[1+i]=ImgU8Array[i+1]
  16. imageData.data[2+i]=ImgU8Array[i+2]
  17. imageData.data[3+i]=ImgU8Array[i+3]
  18. }
  19. ctx.putImageData(imageData,0,0,0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height)
  20. resolve(canvas.toDataURL())
  21. })
  22. })
  23. },


  1. interWithServer(imgData){
  2. const header = {
  3. 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  4. };
  5. wx.request({
  6. // 填上自己的服务器地址
  7. url: '',
  8. method: 'POST',
  9. header: header,
  10. data: imgData,
  11. success: (res) => {
  12. // 返回的坐标数据,调用自定义的画检测框函数
  13. this.drawRect(res.data['conf'],res.data['x'],res.data['y'],res.data['w'],res.data['h'])
  14. },
  15. fail: () => {
  16. wx.showToast({
  17. title: 'Failed to connect server!',
  18. icon: 'none',
  19. });
  20. }
  21. });
  22. },


  1. drawRect(conf,x,y,w,h){
  2. // 填上<camera>内<canvas>的id
  3. wx.createSelectorQuery().select('#c1')
  4. .fields({node:true,size:true})
  5. .exec((res)=>{
  6. const canvas=res[0].node
  7. const ctx=canvas.getContext('2d')
  8. // 设置宽高,完全填充于<camera>组件的大小
  9. canvas.width=wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*0.9
  10. canvas.height=this.data.camH
  11. // 清空画布,避免遗留上次的检测框
  12. ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height)
  13. // 如果置信度大于0.5,才画框
  14. if(conf>0.5){
  15. ctx.strokeStyle='red'
  16. ctx.lineWidth=2
  17. const k =this.data.k
  18. // 经过真机测试,发现在x和y上乘以比例系数即可,较为精确
  19. // 虽然理论上要按比例计算,但可以根据实际的情况做出一点调整,对检测框进行修正
  20. ctx.strokeRect(k*x,k*y,x+w,y+h)
  21. }
  22. })
  23. },


  1. Page({
  2. data: {
  3. camH:wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*1.2,
  4. k:1
  5. },
  6. onLoad(){
  7. this.init().then(()=>{
  8. const context = wx.createCameraContext();
  9. this.listener=context.onCameraFrame(frame=>this.CamFramCall(frame));
  10. setInterval(()=>{this.listener.start()}, 500);
  11. })
  12. },
  13. init(){
  14. return new Promise(resolve=>{
  15. const context = wx.createCameraContext();
  16. const listener=context.onCameraFrame(frame=>{
  17. this.setData({
  18. camH:wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*0.9*frame.height/frame.width,
  19. k:wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*0.9/frame.width
  20. })
  21. listener.stop()
  22. })
  23. listener.start()
  24. resolve()
  25. })
  26. },
  27. CamFramCall(frame){
  28. this.base64ToPNG(frame).then(result=>{
  29. this.interWithServer({'img':result})
  30. console.log('完成一次帧循环')
  31. this.listener.stop()
  32. })
  33. },
  34. drawRect(conf,x,y,w,h){
  35. wx.createSelectorQuery().select('#c1')
  36. .fields({node:true,size:true})
  37. .exec((res)=>{
  38. const canvas=res[0].node
  39. const ctx=canvas.getContext('2d')
  40. canvas.width=wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth*0.9
  41. canvas.height=this.data.camH
  42. ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height)
  43. if(conf>0.5){
  44. ctx.strokeStyle='red'
  45. ctx.lineWidth=2
  46. const k =this.data.k
  47. ctx.strokeRect(k*x,k*y,x+w,y+h)
  48. }
  49. })
  50. },
  51. interWithServer(imgData){
  52. const header = {
  53. 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  54. };
  55. wx.request({
  56. url: '',
  57. method: 'POST',
  58. header: header,
  59. data: imgData,
  60. success: (res) => {
  61. this.drawRect(res.data['conf'],res.data['x'],res.data['y'],res.data['w'],res.data['h'])
  62. },
  63. fail: () => {
  64. wx.showToast({
  65. title: 'Failed to connect server!',
  66. icon: 'none',
  67. });
  68. }
  69. });
  70. },
  71. base64ToPNG(frame){
  72. return new Promise(resolve=>{
  73. const query = wx.createSelectorQuery()
  74. query.select('#tranPng')
  75. .fields({node:true,size:true})
  76. .exec((res)=>{
  77. const canvas=res[0].node
  78. const ctx=canvas.getContext('2d')
  79. canvas.width=frame.width
  80. canvas.height=frame.height
  81. var imageData=ctx.createImageData(canvas.width,canvas.height)
  82. var ImgU8Array = new Uint8ClampedArray(frame.data);
  83. for(var i=0;i<ImgU8Array.length;i+=4){
  84. imageData.data[0+i]=ImgU8Array[i+0]
  85. imageData.data[1+i]=ImgU8Array[i+1]
  86. imageData.data[2+i]=ImgU8Array[i+2]
  87. imageData.data[3+i]=ImgU8Array[i+3]
  88. }
  89. ctx.putImageData(imageData,0,0,0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height)
  90. resolve(canvas.toDataURL())
  91. })
  92. })
  93. },
  94. })



  1. <view class="c1">
  2. <camera class="camera" binderror="error" style="width: 90%; height: {{camH}}px;">
  3. <canvas id="c1" type="2d"></canvas>
  4. </camera>
  5. <canvas id="tranPng" hidden="true" type="2d"></canvas>
  6. </view>


  1. .c1{
  2. width: 100%;
  3. align-items: center;
  4. text-align: center;
  5. display: flex;
  6. flex-direction: column;
  7. }
  8. #c1{
  9. width: 100%;
  10. height: 100%;
  11. }
  12. #canvas{
  13. width: 100%;
  14. }




  1. from PIL import Image
  2. from gevent import monkey
  3. from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
  4. from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
  5. import cv2
  6. import paddle
  7. import numpy as np
  8. from ppdet.core.workspace import load_config
  9. from ppdet.engine import Trainer
  10. from ppdet.metrics import get_infer_results
  11. from ppdet.data.transform.operators import NormalizeImage, Permute
  12. import base64
  13. import io
  14. app = Flask(__name__)
  15. monkey.patch_all()
  16. # 准备基础的参数
  17. config_path = 'face_detection\\blazeface_1000e.yml'
  18. cfg = load_config(config_path)
  19. weight_path = '202.pdparams'
  20. infer_img_path = '1.png'
  21. cfg.weights = weight_path
  22. bbox_thre = 0.8
  23. paddle.set_device('cpu')
  24. # 创建所需的类
  25. trainer = Trainer(cfg, mode='test')
  26. trainer.load_weights(cfg.weights)
  27. trainer.model.eval()
  28. normaler = NormalizeImage(mean=[123, 117, 104], std=[127.502231, 127.502231, 127.502231], is_scale=False)
  29. permuter = Permute()
  30. model_dir = "face_detection\\blazeface_1000e.yml" # 模型路径
  31. save_path = "output" # 推理结果保存路径
  32. def infer(img, threshold=0.2):
  33. img = img.replace("data:image/png;base64,", "")
  34. img = base64.b64decode(img)
  35. img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(img))
  36. img = img.convert('RGB')
  37. img = np.array(img)
  38. # 准备数据字典
  39. data_dict = {'image': img}
  40. data_dict = normaler(data_dict)
  41. data_dict = permuter(data_dict)
  42. h, w, c = img.shape
  43. data_dict['im_id'] = paddle.Tensor(np.array([[0]]))
  44. data_dict['im_shape'] = paddle.Tensor(np.array([[h, w]], dtype=np.float32))
  45. data_dict['scale_factor'] = paddle.Tensor(np.array([[1., 1.]], dtype=np.float32))
  46. data_dict['image'] = paddle.Tensor(data_dict['image'].reshape((1, c, h, w)))
  47. data_dict['curr_iter'] = paddle.Tensor(np.array([0]))
  48. # 进行预测
  49. outs = trainer.model(data_dict)
  50. # 对预测的数据进行后处理得到最终的bbox信息
  51. for key in ['im_shape', 'scale_factor', 'im_id']:
  52. outs[key] = data_dict[key]
  53. for key, value in outs.items():
  54. outs[key] = value.numpy()
  55. clsid2catid, catid2name = {0: 'face'}, {0: 0}
  56. batch_res = get_infer_results(outs, clsid2catid)
  57. for sub_dict in batch_res['bbox']:
  58. if sub_dict['score'] > bbox_thre:
  59. image_id=sub_dict['image_id']
  60. category_id=sub_dict['category_id']
  61. x,y,w,h=[int(i) for i in sub_dict['bbox']]
  62. conf=sub_dict['score']
  63. print(x,y,w,h,conf)
  64. return jsonify({'conf':conf,'x':x,'y':y,'w':w,'h':h})
  65. else:
  66. return jsonify({'conf':0,'x':0,'y':0,'w':0,'h':0})
  67. @app.route('/predict', methods=['POST'])
  68. def predict():
  69. if request.method == 'POST':
  70. img = request.form.get('img')
  71. w=request.form.get('w')
  72. h=request.form.get('h')
  73. return infer(img)
  74. if __name__ == '__main__':
  75. server = WSGIServer(('', 5000), app)
  76. server.serve_forever()

