2. switchShow
Enter the switchShow command, which displays the following information for a switch:
- switchname - The switch name.
- switchtype - The switch model and firmware version numbers.
- switchstate - The switch state: Online, Offline, Testing, or Faulty.
- switchrole - Displays the switch role: Principal, Subordinate, or Disabled.
- switchdomain - Displays the switch Domain ID.
- switchid - The embedded port D_ID of the switch.
- switchwwn - The switch World Wide Name.
- switchbeacon - The switch beaconing state: either ON or OFF.
The switchShow command also displays the following information for ports on the specified
- Module type - The SFP type if an SFP is present.
- Port speed - The speed of the Port (1G, 2G, 4G, N1, N2, N4, or AN). The speed can be
fixed, negotiated, or auto-negotiated.
- Port state - The port status.
- Comment - About the port. This section may be blank or display the WWN for an F_Port or
an E_Port, the trunking state, or upstream or downstream status
4. fanShow
Enter the fanShow command:
switch:admin> fanshow
Fan 1 is OK speed is 7010 RPM
Fan 2 is OK speed is 7180 RPM
Fan 3 is OK speed is 7068 RPM
Fan 4 is OK speed is 7116 RPM
Fan 5 is OK speed is 7155 RPM
Fan 6 is OK speed is 7001 RPM
5. psShow
Enter the psShow command:
switch:admin> psshow
Power Supply #1 is OK
0335,FF2Z0007161,60-0000739-02, B,,DCJ3002-01P, B,FF2Z0007161
Power Supply #2 is faulty
0335,FF2Z0007176,60-0000739-02, B,,DCJ3002-01P, B,FF2Z0007176
6. tempShow
Enter the tempShow command:
switch:admin> tempshow
Index Status Centigrade Fahrenheit
1 OK 21 70
2 OK 22 72
3 OK 29 84
4 OK 24 75
5 OK 25 77
7. errDump、errShow、errClear
To display the system message log, with no page breaks
Enter the errDump command.
To display the system message log one at a time
Enter the errShow command.
To clear the system message log
Enter the errClear command.
8. supportShow、supportSave、pdShow
The command prompts for an FTP server, packages the following files, and sends them to the specified server:
• The output of the supportShow command
• The contents of any trace dump files on the switch
• System message logs (for Brocade directors, supportSave saves the system message logs
from both of the CP blades)
显示panic dump文件的内容,帮助诊断系统panic的原因
11. version
检查Fabric OS的版本,将显示如下信息:
- Kernel: displays the version of switch kernel operating system.
- Fabric OS: displays the version of switch Fabric OS.
- Made on: displays the build date of firmware running in switch.
- Flash: displays the install date of firmware stored in nonvolatile memory.
- BootProm: displays the version of the firmware stored in the boot PROM.
12. haShow
查看Control Blade的状态
swDir: admin> haShow
Local CP (Slot 6, CP1): Active
Remote CP (Slot 5, CP0): Standby
HA Enabled, Heartbeat Up, State Synchronized
修改Domain ID
1. 查看当前的Domain ID
输入命令fabricShow,输出结果中的Switch ID即包括交换机的Domain ID。
2. 先关闭交换机
3. 配置Domain ID
Enter y after the Fabric Parameters prompt:
Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
Enter a unique domain ID at the Domain prompt. Use a domain ID value from 1 through 239 for normal operating mode (FCSW compatible):
Domain: (1..239) [1] 3
Respond to the remaining prompts, or press Ctrl-d to accept the other settings and exit.
4. 重新启用交换机
FC10-6 Blade需要Firmware Version 5.3以上
FC4-16IP Blade、FC4-48 Port Blade需要Firmware Version 5.2以上
FR4-18i router blade需要Firmware Version 5.1以上
如果M48有主备Control Processor,且主备CP处于synchronized状态,则升级过程可在线进行,不干扰数据流量。
升级M48 Firmware约需15分钟
4. 使用configUpload命令保存配置信息。
swDir:admin> configUpload
Protocol (scp or ftp) [ftp]: ftp
Server Name or IP Address [host]: 123.456.78.90
User Name [None]: user
File Name [config.txt]: config.txt
Password: xxxxxxxx
upload complete
3. 创建别名
switch:admin> alicreate "array1", "2,32; 2,33; 2,34; 4,4"
switch:admin> alicreate "array2", "21:00:00:20:37:0c:66:23; 4,3"
switch:admin> alicreate "loop1", "4,6"
switch:admin> cfgsave
You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This
action will only save the changes on the Defined configuration.
Any changes made on the Effective configuration will not
take effect until it is re-enabled.
Do you want to save Defined zoning configuration only? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
4. 向别名中增加成员
switch:admin> aliadd "array1", "1,2"
switch:admin> aliadd "array2", "21:00:00:20:37:0c:72:51"
switch:admin> aliadd "loop1", "5,6"
switch:admin> cfgsave
You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This
action will only save the changes on the Defined configuration.
Any changes made on the Effective configuration will not
take effect until it is re-enabled.
Do you want to save Defined zoning configuration only? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
5. 删除别名中的成员
switch:admin> aliremove "array1", "1,2"
switch:admin> aliremove "array2", "21:00:00:20:37:0c:72:51"
switch:admin> aliremove "loop1", "4,6"
switch:admin> cfgsave
You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This
action will only save the changes on the Defined configuration.
Any changes made on the Effective configuration will not
take effect until it is re-enabled.
Do you want to save Defined zoning configuration only? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
19. 保存zone配置
switch:admin> cfgenable "USA_cfg"
You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.
This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected.
Do you want to enable 'USA_cfg' configuration (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
zone config "USA_cfg" is in effect
Updating flash ...