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ICLR 2023(投稿)|自然语言处理相关论文分类整理

2023-dynamic heterogeneous-graph reasoning with language models and knowledg

  © 作者|都一凡


  研究方向 | 预训练模型 


ICLR 2023将于2023年5月1日至5月5日在卢旺达基加利举行。由于官方的论文接受列表尚未公开,因此本文从投稿论文中选取了与自然语言处理相关的100多篇论文,按照不同的研究主题进行了分类整理,以供参考。

ICLR 2023投稿论文链接如下:https://openreview.net/group?id=ICLR.cc/2023/Conference。


  • 模型

  • 文本生成

  • 机器翻译

  • 对话与问答

  • 知识与推理

  • 多模态

  • 信息检索

  • 代码

  • 数学

  • 知识蒸馏

  • 表示学习

  • 可解释性

  • 鲁棒性

  • 其他任务

  • Benchmark

1. 模型

1.1 模型结构

  • EIT: Enhanced Interactive Transformer for Sequence Generation

  • Transformers with Multiresolution Attention Heads

  • SaMoE: Parameter Efficient MoE Language Models via Self-Adaptive Expert Combination

  • Sparse MoE with Random Routing as the New Dropout: Training Bigger and Self-Scalable Models

1.2 模型训练

  • Guess the Instruction! Making Language Models Stronger Zero-Shot Learners

  • LEXA: Language-agnostic Cross-consistency Training for Question Answering Tasks

  • CCT: Cross-consistency training for Clone Detection and Code Search Tasks

  • Large Language Models Can Self-improve

  • Self-Guided Noise-Free Data Generation for Efficient Zero-Shot Learning

  • PMixUp: Simultaneous Utilization of Part-of-Speech Replacement and Feature Space Interpolation for Text Data Augmentation

  • Self-Consistent Learning: Cooperation between Generators and Discriminators

  • Multitask Prompt Tuning Enables Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning

  • Toward Adversarial Training on Contextualized Language Representation

  • ContraGen: Effective Contrastive Learning For Causal Language Model

  • Language Model Pre-training with Linguistically Motivated Curriculum Learning

  • MLM with Global Co-occurrence

  • Improving Language Model Pretraining with Text Structure Information

  • Learning by Distilling Context

  • MAT: Mixed-Strategy Game of Adversarial Training in Fine-tuning

  • Sub-Task Decomposition Enables Learning in Sequence to Sequence Tasks

1.3 模型使用

  • Prompt Injection: Parameterization of Fixed Inputs

  • Meta-Weighted Language Model Tuning for Augmentation-Enhanced Few-Shot Learning

  • Pre-trained Language Models can be Fully Zero-Shot Learners

  • KnowDA: All-in-One Knowledge Mixture Model for Data Augmentation in Low-Resource NLP

  • Contrastive Novelty Learning: Anticipating Outliers with Large Language Models

  • Model ensemble instead of prompt fusion: a sample-specific knowledge transfer method for few-shot prompt tuning

  • Mass-Editing Memory in a Transformer

  • Zemi: Learning Zero-Shot Semi-Parametric Language Models from Multiple Tasks

  • Knowledge-in-Context: Towards Knowledgeable Semi-Parametric Language Models

  • Selective Annotation Makes Language Models Better Few-Shot Learners

  • Generate rather than Retrieve: Large Language Models are Strong Context Generators

  • Ahead-of-Time P-Tuning

  • Can discrete information extraction prompts generalize across language models?

2. 文本生成

  • Dynamic Scheduled Sampling with Imitation Loss for Neural Text Generation

  • DiffusER: Diffusion via Edit-based Reconstruction

  • MVP: Multi-task Supervised Pre-training for Natural Language Generation

  • Penalizing the High-likelihood: A Novel Sampling Method for Open-ended Neural Text Generation via Inverse Probability Weighting

  • RainProof: An Umbrella to Shield Text Generator from Out-Of-Distribution Data

  • A Non-monotonic Self-terminating Language Model

  • PromptSum: Planning with Mixed Prompts for Parameter-Efficient Controllable Abstractive Summarization

  • On the Usefulness of Embeddings, Clusters and Strings for Text Generation Evaluation

  • Joint Generator-Ranker Learning for Natural Language Generation

  • Calibrating Sequence likelihood Improves Conditional Language Generation

  • Sequence to sequence text generation with diffusion models

  • Tailoring Language Generation Models under Total Variation Distance

  • Language Models Can See: Plugging Visual Controls in Text Generation

  • Distribution Aware Metrics for Conditional Natural Language Generation

  • PEER: A Collaborative Language Model

3. 机器翻译

  • Seq2Seq Pre-training with Dual-channel Recombination for Translation

  • Simple and Scalable Nearest Neighbor Machine Translation

  • Fuzzy Alignments in Directed Acyclic Graph for Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation

4. 对话与问答

  • Towards Boosting the Open-Domain Chatbot with Human Feedback

  • Learning Locality and Isotropy in Dialogue Modeling

  • Knowledge-Consistent Dialogue Generation with Language Models and Knowledge Graphs

  • Complex-Target-Guided Open-Domain Conversation based on offline reinforcement learning

5. 知识与推理

  • ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models

  • Language model with Plug-in Knowldge Memory

  • Thrust: Adaptively Propels Large Language Models with External Knowledge

  • Self-Consistency Improves Chain of Thought Reasoning in Language Models

  • DecAF: Joint Decoding of Answers and Logical Forms for Question Answering over Knowledge Bases

  • Least-to-Most Prompting Enables Complex Reasoning in Large Language Models

  • Neuro-Symbolic Procedural Planning with Commonsense Prompting

  • Multimodal Analogical Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs

  • ThinkSum: Probabilistic reasoning over sets using large language models

  • Joint Representations of Text and Knowledge Graphs for Retrieval and Evaluation

  • Rethinking Identity in Knowledge Graph Embedding

  • gGN: learning to represent nodes in directed graphs as low-rank Gaussian distributions

  • Don't Throw Your Old Policies Away: Knowledge-based Policy Recycling Protects Against Adversarial Attacks

  • Measuring and Narrowing the Compositionality Gap in Language Models

6. 多模态

  • CogVideo: Large-scale Pretraining for Text-to-Video Generation via Transformers

  • CLIP model is an Efficient Continual Learner

  • Language Modelling with Pixels

  • Visual Classification via Description from Large Language Models

  • Contrastive Alignment of Vision to Language Through Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning

  • RelationCLIP: Training-free Fine-grained Visual and Language Concept Matching

  • Contrastive Prompt Tuning Improves Generalization in Vision-Language Models

  • Masked Vision and Language Modeling for Multi-modal Representation Learning

  • UNIFIED-IO: A Unified Model for Vision, Language, and Multi-modal Tasks

  • Visually-augmented pretrained language models for NLP Tasks without Images

  • Music-to-Text Synaesthesia: Generating Descriptive Text from Music Recordings

  • VLG: General Video Recognition with Web Textual Knowledge

  • Dynamic Historical Adaptation for Continual Image-Text Modeling

  • From Images to Textual Prompts: Zero-shot VQA with Frozen Large Language Models

  • NÜWA-LIP: Language-guided Image Inpainting with Defect-free VQGAN

  • Universal Vision-Language Dense Retrieval: Learning A Unified Representation Space for Multi-Modal Retrieval

  • Socratic Models: Composing Zero-Shot Multimodal Reasoning with Language

  • Language-Guided Artistic Style Transfer Using the Latent Space of DALL-E

  • Unified Vision and Language Prompt Learning

  • DrML: Diagnosing and Rectifying Vision Models using Language

  • MaPLe: Multi-modal Prompt Learning

  • Prefix Conditioning Unifies Language and Label Supervision

  • Domain-Unified Prompt Representations for Source-Free Domain Generalization

  • Learning to Decompose Visual Features with Latent Textual Prompts

  • Delving into the Openness of CLIP

  • Cali-NCE: Boosting Cross-modal Video Representation Learning with Calibrated Alignment

  • Dynamic Historical Adaptation for Continual Image-Text Modeling

  • Design of the topology for contrastive visual-textual alignment

7. 信息检索

  • Multi-Vector Retrieval as Sparse Alignment

  • Augmenting Zero-shot Dense Retrievers With Plug-in Mixture-of-memories

  • CAMVR: Context-Adaptive Multi-View Representation Learning for Dense Retrieval

8. 代码

  • Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Program Better

  • Repository-Level Prompt Generation for Large Language Models of Code

  • NAPG: Non-Autoregressive Program Generation for Hybrid Tabular-Textual Question Answering

  • A Simple, Yet Effective Approach to Finding Biases in Code Generation

  • Deep Learning-based Source Code Complexity Prediction

  • FixEval: Execution-based Evaluation of Program Fixes for Competitive Programming Problems

  • InCoder: A Generative Model for Code Infilling and Synthesis

  • Code Translation with Compiler Representations

  • CodeT: Code Generation with Generated Tests

  • Multi-lingual Evaluation of Code Generation Models

9. 数学

  • Learning Math Reasoning from Self-Sampled Correct and Partially-Correct Solutions

  • Dynamic Prompt Learning via Policy Gradient for Semi-structured Mathematical Reasoning

10. 知识蒸馏

  • Speed Up Iterative Non-Autoregressive Transformers by Distilling Multiple Steps

  • A comparison of dataset distillation and active learning in text classification

  • Less is More: Task-aware Layer-wise Distillation for Language Model Compression

  • Distilling Text-Image Foundation Models

11. 表示学习

  • RankCSE: Unsupervised Sentence Representations Learning via Learning to Rank

  • Neural Embeddings for Text

  • Ranking-Enhanced Unsupervised Sentence Representation Learning

  • Neural Topic Modeling with Embedding Clustering Regularization

  • Counterfactual Contrastive Learning for Robust Text Classification

  • On The Inadequacy of Optimizing Alignment and Uniformity in Contrastive Learning of Sentence Representations

12. 可解释性

  • ORCA: Interpreting Prompted Language Models via Locating Supporting Evidence in the Ocean of Pretraining Data

  • ContraSim -- A Similarity Measure Based on Contrastive Learning

13. 鲁棒性

  • Learning from Others: Similarity-based Regularization for Mitigating Artifacts

  • Randomized Smoothing with Masked Inference for Adversarially Robust NLP Systems

14. 其他任务

  • Exploring Methods for Parsing Movie Scripts - Feature Extraction for Further Social Injustice Analysis

  • MSQ-BioBERT: Ambiguity Resolution to Enhance BioBERT Medical Question-Answering

  • Compositional Semantic Parsing with Large Language Models

  • AxBERT: An Explainable Chinese Spelling Correction Method Driven by Associative Knowledge Network

  • BED: Boundary-Enhanced Decoder for Chinese Word Segmentation

  • Semi-connected Joint Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction of Contextual Entities in Family History Records

15. Benchmark

  • GuoFeng: A Discourse-aware Evaluation Benchmark for Language Understanding, Translation and Generation


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