Paper1 Revisiting Self-Similarity: Structural Embedding for Image Retrieval
摘要原文: Despite advances in global image representation, existing image retrieval approaches rarely consider geometric structure during the global retrieval stage. In this work, we revisit the conventional self-similarity descriptor from a convolutional perspective, to encode both the visual and structural cues of the image to global image representation. Our proposed network, named Structural Embedding Network (SENet), captures the internal structure of the images and gradually compresses them into dense self-similarity descriptors while learning diverse structures from various images. These self-similarity descriptors and original image features are fused and then pooled into global embedding, so that global embedding can represent both geometric and visual cues of the image. Along with this novel structural embedding, our proposed network sets new state-of-the-art performances on several image retrieval benchmarks, convincing its robustness to look-alike distractors. The code and models are available:
Paper2 Decoupling-and-Aggregating for Image Exposure Correction
摘要原文: The images captured under improper exposure conditions often suffer from contrast degradation and detail distortion. Contrast degradation will destroy the statistical properties of low-frequency components, while detail distortion will disturb the structural properties of high-frequency components, leading to the low-frequency and high-frequency components being mixed and inseparable. This will limit the statistical and structural modeling capacity for exposure correction. To address this issue, this paper proposes to decouple the contrast enhancement and detail restoration within each convolution process. It is based on the observation that, in the local regions covered by convolution kernels, the feature response of low-/high-frequency can be decoupled by addition/difference operation. To this end, we inject the addition/difference operation into the convolution process and devise a Contrast Aware (CA) unit and a Detail Aware (DA) unit to facilitate the statistical and structural regularities modeling. The proposed CA and DA can be plugged into existing CNN-based exposure correction networks to substitute the Traditional Convolution (TConv) to improve the performance. Furthermore, to maintain the computational costs of the network without changing, we aggregate two units into a single TConv kernel using structural re-parameterization. Evaluations of nine methods and five benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method can comprehensively improve the performance of existing methods without introducing extra computational costs compared with the original networks. The codes will be publicly available.
Paper3 LANIT: Language-Driven Image-to-Image Translation for Unlabeled Data
摘要原文: Existing techniques for image-to-image translation commonly have suffered from two critical problems: heavy reliance on per-sample domain annotation and/or inability to handle multiple attributes per image. Recent truly-unsupervised methods adopt clustering approaches to easily provide per-sample one-hot domain labels. However, they cannot account for the real-world setting: one sample may have multiple attributes. In addition, the semantics of the clusters are not easily coupled to human understanding. To overcome these, we present LANguage-driven Image-to-image Translation model, dubbed LANIT. We leverage easy-to-obtain candidate attributes given in texts for a dataset: the similarity between images and attributes indicates per-sample domain labels. This formulation naturally enables multi-hot labels so that users can specify the target domain with a set of attributes in language. To account for the case that the initial prompts are inaccurate, we also present prompt learning. We further present domain regularization loss that enforces translated images to be mapped to the corresponding domain. Experiments on several standard benchmarks demonstrate that LANIT achieves comparable or superior performance to existing models. The code is available at
Paper4 Bitstream-Corrupted JPEG Images Are Restorable: Two-Stage Compensation and Alignment Framework for Image Restoration
摘要原文: In this paper, we study a real-world JPEG image restoration problem with bit errors on the encrypted bitstream. The bit errors bring unpredictable color casts and block shifts on decoded image contents, which cannot be trivially resolved by existing image restoration methods mainly relying on pre-defined degradation models in the pixel domain. To address these challenges, we propose a robust JPEG decoder, followed by a two-stage compensation and alignment framework to restore bitstream-corrupted JPEG images. Specifically, the robust JPEG decoder adopts an error-resilient mechanism to decode the corrupted JPEG bitstream. The two-stage framework is composed of the self-compensation and alignment (SCA) stage and the guided-compensation and alignment (GCA) stage. The SCA adaptively performs block-wise image color compensation and alignment based on the estimated color and block offsets via image content similarity. The GCA leverages the extracted low-resolution thumbnail from the JPEG header to guide full-resolution pixel-wise image restoration in a coarse-to-fine manner. It is achieved by a coarse-guided pix2pix network and a refine-guided bi-directional Laplacian pyramid fusion network. We conduct experiments on three benchmarks with varying degrees of bit error rates. Experimental results and ablation studies demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method. The code will be released at
Paper5 WeatherStream: Light Transport Automation of Single Image Deweathering
摘要原文: Today single image deweathering is arguably more sensitive to the dataset type, rather than the model. We introduce WeatherStream, an automatic pipeline capturing all real-world weather effects (rain, snow, and rain fog degradations), along with their clean image pairs. Previous state-of-the-art methods that have attempted the all-weather removal task train on synthetic pairs, and are thus limited by the Sim2Real domain gap. Recent work has attempted to manually collect time multiplexed pairs, but the use of human labor limits the scale of such a dataset. We introduce a pipeline that uses the power of light-transport physics and a model trained on a small, initial seed dataset to reject approximately 99.6% of unwanted scenes. The pipeline is able to generalize to new scenes and degradations that can, in turn, be used to train existing models just like fully human-labeled data. Training on a dataset collected through this procedure leads to significant improvements on multiple existing weather removal methods on a carefully human-collected test set of real-world weather effects. The dataset and code can be found in the following website:
Paper6 You Do Not Need Additional Priors or Regularizers in Retinex-Based Low-Light Image Enhancement
摘要原文: Images captured in low-light conditions often suffer from significant quality degradation. Recent works have built a large variety of deep Retinex-based networks to enhance low-light images. The Retinex-based methods require decomposing the image into reflectance and illumination components, which is a highly ill-posed problem and there is no available ground truth. Previous works addressed this problem by imposing some additional priors or regularizers. However, finding an effective prior or regularizer that can be applied in various scenes is challenging, and the performance of the model suffers from too many additional constraints. We propose a contrastive learning method and a self-knowledge distillation method that allow training our Retinex-based model for Retinex decomposition without elaborate hand-crafted regularization functions. Rather than estimating reflectance and illuminance images and representing the final images as their element-wise products as in previous works, our regularizer-free Retinex decomposition and synthesis network (RFR) extracts reflectance and illuminance features and synthesizes them end-to-end. In addition, we propose a loss function for contrastive learning and a progressive learning strategy for self-knowledge distillation. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed methods can achieve superior performance compared with state-of-the-art approaches.
Paper7 PIP-Net: Patch-Based Intuitive Prototypes for Interpretable Image Classification
摘要原文: Interpretable methods based on prototypical patches recognize various components in an image in order to explain their reasoning to humans. However, existing prototype-based methods can learn prototypes that are not in line with human visual perception, i.e., the same prototype can refer to different concepts in the real world, making interpretation not intuitive. Driven by the principle of explainability-by-design, we introduce PIP-Net (Patch-based Intuitive Prototypes Network): an interpretable image classification model that learns prototypical parts in a self-supervised fashion which correlate better with human vision. PIP-Net can be interpreted as a sparse scoring sheet where the presence of a prototypical part in an image adds evidence for a class. The model can also abstain from a decision for out-of-distribution data by saying “I haven’t seen this before”. We only use image-level labels and do not rely on any part annotations. PIP-Net is globally interpretable since the set of learned prototypes shows the entire reasoning of the model. A smaller local explanation locates the relevant prototypes in one image. We show that our prototypes correlate with ground-truth object parts, indicating that PIP-Net closes the “semantic gap” between latent space and pixel space. Hence, our PIP-Net with interpretable prototypes enables users to interpret the decision making process in an intuitive, faithful and semantically meaningful way. Code is available at
Paper8 Spectral Bayesian Uncertainty for Image Super-Resolution
摘要原文: Recently deep learning techniques have significantly advanced image super-resolution (SR). Due to the black-box nature, quantifying reconstruction uncertainty is crucial when employing these deep SR networks. Previous approaches for SR uncertainty estimation mostly focus on capturing pixel-wise uncertainty in the spatial domain. SR uncertainty in the frequency domain which is highly related to image SR is seldom explored. In this paper, we propose to quantify spectral Bayesian uncertainty in image SR. To achieve this, a Dual-Domain Learning (DDL) framework is first proposed. Combined with Bayesian approaches, the DDL model is able to estimate spectral uncertainty accurately, enabling a reliability assessment for high frequencies reasoning from the frequency domain perspective. Extensive experiments under non-ideal premises are conducted and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed spectral uncertainty. Furthermore, we propose a novel Spectral Uncertainty based Decoupled Frequency (SUDF) training scheme for perceptual SR. Experimental results show the proposed SUDF can evidently boost perceptual quality of SR results without sacrificing much pixel accuracy.
Paper9 CLIP for All Things Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval, Fine-Grained or Not
摘要原文: In this paper, we leverage CLIP for zero-shot sketch based image retrieval (ZS-SBIR). We are largely inspired by recent advances on foundation models and the unparalleled generalisation ability they seem to offer, but for the first time tailor it to benefit the sketch community. We put forward novel designs on how best to achieve this synergy, for both the category setting and the fine-grained setting (“all”). At the very core of our solution is a prompt learning setup. First we show just via factoring in sketch-specific prompts, we already have a category-level ZS-SBIR system that overshoots all prior arts, by a large margin (24.8%) - a great testimony on studying the CLIP and ZS-SBIR synergy. Moving onto the fine-grained setup is however trickier, and requires a deeper dive into this synergy. For that, we come up with two specific designs to tackle the fine-grained matching nature of the problem: (i) an additional regularisation loss to ensure the relative separation between sketches and photos is uniform across categories, which is not the case for the gold standard standalone triplet loss, and (ii) a clever patch shuffling technique to help establishing instance-level structural correspondences between sketch-photo pairs. With these designs, we again observe significant performance gains in the region of 26.9% over previous state-of-the-art. The take-home message, if any, is the proposed CLIP and prompt learning paradigm carries great promise in tackling other sketch-related tasks (not limited to ZS-SBIR) where data scarcity remains a great challenge. Project page:
Paper10 Learning To Generate Image Embeddings With User-Level Differential Privacy
摘要原文: Small on-device models have been successfully trained with user-level differential privacy (DP) for next word prediction and image classification tasks in the past. However, existing methods can fail when directly applied to learn embedding models using supervised training data with a large class space. To achieve user-level DP for large image-to-embedding feature extractors, we propose DP-FedEmb, a variant of federated learning algorithms with per-user sensitivity control and noise addition, to train from user-partitioned data centralized in datacenter. DP-FedEmb combines virtual clients, partial aggregation, private local fine-tuning, and public pretraining to achieve strong privacy utility trade-offs. We apply DP-FedEmb to train image embedding models for faces, landmarks and natural species, and demonstrate its superior utility under same privacy budget on benchmark datasets DigiFace, GLD and iNaturalist. We further illustrate it is possible to achieve strong user-level DP guarantees of epsilon < 2 while controlling the utility drop within 5%, when millions of users can participate in training.
Paper11 Learning a Simple Low-Light Image Enhancer From Paired Low-Light Instances
摘要原文: Low-light Image Enhancement (LIE) aims at improving contrast and restoring details for images captured in low-light conditions. Most of the previous LIE algorithms adjust illumination using a single input image with several handcrafted priors. Those solutions, however, often fail in revealing image details due to the limited information in a single image and the poor adaptability of handcrafted priors. To this end, we propose PairLIE, an unsupervised approach that learns adaptive priors from low-light image pairs. First, the network is expected to generate the same clean images as the two inputs share the same image content. To achieve this, we impose the network with the Retinex theory and make the two reflectance components consistent. Second, to assist the Retinex decomposition, we propose to remove inappropriate features in the raw image with a simple self-supervised mechanism. Extensive experiments on public datasets show that the proposed PairLIE achieves comparable performance against the state-of-the-art approaches with a simpler network and fewer handcrafted priors. Code is available at:
摘要原文: Rising concerns about privacy and anonymity preservation of deep learning models have facilitated research in data-free learning. Primarily based on data-free knowledge distillation, models developed in this area so far have only been able to operate in a single modality, performing the same kind of task as that of the teacher. For the first time, we propose Data-Free Sketch-Based Image Retrieval (DF-SBIR), a cross-modal data-free learning setting, where teachers trained for classification in a single modality have to be leveraged by students to learn a cross-modal metric-space for retrieval. The widespread availability of pre-trained classification models, along with the difficulty in acquiring paired photo-sketch datasets for SBIR justify the practicality of this setting. We present a methodology for DF-SBIR, which can leverage knowledge from models independently trained to perform classification on photos and sketches. We evaluate our model on the Sketchy, TU-Berlin, and QuickDraw benchmarks, designing a variety of baselines based on existing data-free learning literature, and observe that our method surpasses all of them by significant margins. Our method also achieves mAPs competitive with data-dependent approaches, all the while requiring no training data. Implementation is available at
Paper13 Multi-Realism Image Compression With a Conditional Generator
摘要原文: By optimizing the rate-distortion-realism trade-off, generative compression approaches produce detailed, realistic images, even at low bit rates, instead of the blurry reconstructions produced by rate-distortion optimized models. However, previous methods do not explicitly control how much detail is synthesized, which results in a common criticism of these methods: users might be worried that a misleading reconstruction far from the input image is generated. In this work, we alleviate these concerns by training a decoder that can bridge the two regimes and navigate the distortion-realism trade-off. From a single compressed representation, the receiver can decide to either reconstruct a low mean squared error reconstruction that is close to the input, a realistic reconstruction with high perceptual quality, or anything in between. With our method, we set a new state-of-the-art in distortion-realism, pushing the frontier of achievable distortion-realism pairs, i.e., our method achieves better distortions at high realism and better realism at low distortion than ever before.
Paper14 OmniCity: Omnipotent City Understanding With Multi-Level and Multi-View Images
摘要原文: This paper presents OmniCity, a new dataset for omnipotent city understanding from multi-level and multi-view images. More precisely, OmniCity contains multi-view satellite images as well as street-level panorama and mono-view images, constituting over 100K pixel-wise annotated images that are well-aligned and collected from 25K geo-locations in New York City. To alleviate the substantial pixel-wise annotation efforts, we propose an efficient street-view image annotation pipeline that leverages the existing label maps of satellite view and the transformation relations between different views (satellite, panorama, and mono-view). With the new OmniCity dataset, we provide benchmarks for a variety of tasks including building footprint extraction, height estimation, and building plane/instance/fine-grained segmentation. Compared with existing multi-level and multi-view benchmarks, OmniCity contains a larger number of images with richer annotation types and more views, provides more benchmark results of state-of-the-art models, and introduces a new task for fine-grained building instance segmentation on street-level panorama images. Moreover, OmniCity provides new problem settings for existing tasks, such as cross-view image matching, synthesis, segmentation, detection, etc., and facilitates the developing of new methods for large-scale city understanding, reconstruction, and simulation. The OmniCity dataset as well as the benchmarks will be released at
Paper15 Learning To Exploit the Sequence-Specific Prior Knowledge for Image Processing Pipelines Optimization
摘要原文: The hardware image signal processing (ISP) pipeline is the intermediate layer between the imaging sensor and the downstream application, processing the sensor signal into an RGB image. The ISP is less programmable and consists of a series of processing modules. Each processing module handles a subtask and contains a set of tunable hyperparameters. A large number of hyperparameters form a complex mapping with the ISP output. The industry typically relies on manual and time-consuming hyperparameter tuning by image experts, biased towards human perception. Recently, several automatic ISP hyperparameter optimization methods using downstream evaluation metrics come into sight. However, existing methods for ISP tuning treat the high-dimensional parameter space as a global space for optimization and prediction all at once without inducing the structure knowledge of ISP. To this end, we propose a sequential ISP hyperparameter prediction framework that utilizes the sequential relationship within ISP modules and the similarity among parameters to guide the model sequence process. We validate the proposed method on object detection, image segmentation, and image quality tasks.
Paper16 Light Source Separation and Intrinsic Image Decomposition Under AC Illumination
摘要原文: Artificial light sources are often powered by an electric grid, and then their intensities rapidly oscillate in response to the grid’s alternating current (AC). Interestingly, the flickers of scene radiance values due to AC illumination are useful for extracting rich information on a scene of interest. In this paper, we show that the flickers due to AC illumination is useful for intrinsic image decomposition (IID). Our proposed method conducts the light source separation (LSS) followed by the IID under AC illumination. In particular, we reveal the ambiguity in the blind LSS via matrix factorization and the ambiguity in the IID assuming the Lambert model, and then show why and how those ambiguities can be resolved. We experimentally confirmed that our method can recover the colors of the light sources, the diffuse reflectance values, and the diffuse and specular intensities (shadings) under each of the light sources, and that the IID under AC illumination is effective for application to auto white balancing.
Paper17 NeRFInvertor: High Fidelity NeRF-GAN Inversion for Single-Shot Real Image Animation
摘要原文: Nerf-based Generative models have shown impressive capacity in generating high-quality images with consistent 3D geometry. Despite successful synthesis of fake identity images randomly sampled from latent space, adopting these models for generating face images of real subjects is still a challenging task due to its so-called inversion issue. In this paper, we propose a universal method to surgically fine-tune these NeRF-GAN models in order to achieve high-fidelity animation of real subjects only by a single image. Given the optimized latent code for an out-of-domain real image, we employ 2D loss functions on the rendered image to reduce the identity gap. Furthermore, our method leverages explicit and implicit 3D regularizations using the in-domain neighborhood samples around the optimized latent code to remove geometrical and visual artifacts. Our experiments confirm the effectiveness of our method in realistic, high-fidelity, and 3D consistent animation of real faces on multiple NeRF-GAN models across different datasets.
Paper18 Progressive Transformation Learning for Leveraging Virtual Images in Training
摘要原文: To effectively interrogate UAV-based images for detecting objects of interest, such as humans, it is essential to acquire large-scale UAV-based datasets that include human instances with various poses captured from widely varying viewing angles. As a viable alternative to laborious and costly data curation, we introduce Progressive Transformation Learning (PTL), which gradually augments a training dataset by adding transformed virtual images with enhanced realism. Generally, a virtual2real transformation generator in the conditional GAN framework suffers from quality degradation when a large domain gap exists between real and virtual images. To deal with the domain gap, PTL takes a novel approach that progressively iterates the following three steps: 1) select a subset from a pool of virtual images according to the domain gap, 2) transform the selected virtual images to enhance realism, and 3) add the transformed virtual images to the training set while removing them from the pool. In PTL, accurately quantifying the domain gap is critical. To do that, we theoretically demonstrate that the feature representation space of a given object detector can be modeled as a multivariate Gaussian distribution from which the Mahalanobis distance between a virtual object and the Gaussian distribution of each object category in the representation space can be readily computed. Experiments show that PTL results in a substantial performance increase over the baseline, especially in the small data and the cross-domain regime.
Paper19 Learning Bottleneck Concepts in Image Classification
摘要原文: Interpreting and explaining the behavior of deep neural networks is critical for many tasks. Explainable AI provides a way to address this challenge, mostly by providing per-pixel relevance to the decision. Yet, interpreting such explanations may require expert knowledge. Some recent attempts toward interpretability adopt a concept-based framework, giving a higher-level relationship between some concepts and model decisions. This paper proposes Bottleneck Concept Learner (BotCL), which represents an image solely by the presence/absence of concepts learned through training over the target task without explicit supervision over the concepts. It uses self-supervision and tailored regularizers so that learned concepts can be human-understandable. Using some image classification tasks as our testbed, we demonstrate BotCL’s potential to rebuild neural networks for better interpretability.
Paper20 StyleRes: Transforming the Residuals for Real Image Editing With StyleGAN
摘要原文: We present a novel image inversion framework and a training pipeline to achieve high-fidelity image inversion with high-quality attribute editing. Inverting real images into StyleGAN’s latent space is an extensively studied problem, yet the trade-off between the image reconstruction fidelity and image editing quality remains an open challenge. The low-rate latent spaces are limited in their expressiveness power for high-fidelity reconstruction. On the other hand, high-rate latent spaces result in degradation in editing quality. In this work, to achieve high-fidelity inversion, we learn residual features in higher latent codes that lower latent codes were not able to encode. This enables preserving image details in reconstruction. To achieve high-quality editing, we learn how to transform the residual features for adapting to manipulations in latent codes. We train the framework to extract residual features and transform them via a novel architecture pipeline and cycle consistency losses. We run extensive experiments and compare our method with state-of-the-art inversion methods. Qualitative metrics and visual comparisons show significant improvements.
Paper21 Edge-Aware Regional Message Passing Controller for Image Forgery Localization
摘要原文: Digital image authenticity has promoted research on image forgery localization. Although deep learning-based methods achieve remarkable progress, most of them usually suffer from severe feature coupling between the forged and authentic regions. In this work, we propose a two-step Edge-aware Regional Message Passing Controlling strategy to address the above issue. Specifically, the first step is to account for fully exploiting the edge information. It consists of two core designs: context-enhanced graph construction and threshold-adaptive differentiable binarization edge algorithm. The former assembles the global semantic information to distinguish the features between the forged and authentic regions, while the latter stands on the output of the former to provide the learnable edges. In the second step, guided by the learnable edges, a region message passing controller is devised to weaken the message passing between the forged and authentic regions. In this way, our ERMPC is capable of explicitly modeling the inconsistency between the forged and authentic regions and enabling it to perform well on refined forged images. Extensive experiments on several challenging benchmarks show that our method is superior to state-of-the-art image forgery localization methods qualitatively and quantitatively.
Paper22 Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation With Shortest Path Regularization
摘要原文: Unpaired image-to-image translation aims to learn proper mappings that can map images from one domain to another domain while preserving the content of the input image. However, with large enough capacities, the network can learn to map the inputs to any random permutation of images in another domain. Existing methods treat two domains as discrete and propose different assumptions to address this problem. In this paper, we start from a different perspective and consider the paths connecting the two domains. We assume that the optimal path length between the input and output image should be the shortest among all possible paths. Based on this assumption, we propose a new method to allow generating images along the path and present a simple way to encourage the network to find the shortest path without pair information. Extensive experiments on various tasks demonstrate the superiority of our approach.
Paper23 CR-FIQA: Face Image Quality Assessment by Learning Sample Relative Classifiability
摘要原文: Face image quality assessment (FIQA) estimates the utility of the captured image in achieving reliable and accurate recognition performance. This work proposes a novel FIQA method, CR-FIQA, that estimates the face image quality of a sample by learning to predict its relative classifiability. This classifiability is measured based on the allocation of the training sample feature representation in angular space with respect to its class center and the nearest negative class center. We experimentally illustrate the correlation between the face image quality and the sample relative classifiability. As such property is only observable for the training dataset, we propose to learn this property by probing internal network observations during the training process and utilizing it to predict the quality of unseen samples. Through extensive evaluation experiments on eight benchmarks and four face recognition models, we demonstrate the superiority of our proposed CR-FIQA over state-of-the-art (SOTA) FIQA algorithms.
Paper24 GeneCIS: A Benchmark for General Conditional Image Similarity
摘要原文: We argue that there are many notions of ‘similarity’ and that models, like humans, should be able to adapt to these dynamically. This contrasts with most representation learning methods, supervised or self-supervised, which learn a fixed embedding function and hence implicitly assume a single notion of similarity. For instance, models trained on ImageNet are biased towards object categories, while a user might prefer the model to focus on colors, textures or specific elements in the scene. In this paper, we propose the GeneCIS (‘genesis’) benchmark, which measures models’ ability to adapt to a range of similarity conditions. Extending prior work, our benchmark is designed for zero-shot evaluation only, and hence considers an open-set of similarity conditions. We find that baselines from powerful CLIP models struggle on GeneCIS and that performance on the benchmark is only weakly correlated with ImageNet accuracy, suggesting that simply scaling existing methods is not fruitful. We further propose a simple, scalable solution based on automatically mining information from existing image-caption datasets. We find our method offers a substantial boost over the baselines on GeneCIS, and further improves zero-shot performance on related image retrieval benchmarks. In fact, though evaluated zero-shot, our model surpasses state-of-the-art supervised models on MIT-States.
Paper25 Toward Accurate Post-Training Quantization for Image Super Resolution
摘要原文: Model quantization is a crucial step for deploying super resolution (SR) networks on mobile devices. However, existing works focus on quantization-aware training, which requires complete dataset and expensive computational overhead. In this paper, we study post-training quantization(PTQ) for image super resolution using only a few unlabeled calibration images. As the SR model aims to maintain the texture and color information of input images, the distribution of activations are long-tailed, asymmetric and highly dynamic compared with classification models. To this end, we introduce the density-based dual clipping to cut off the outliers based on analyzing the asymmetric bounds of activations. Moreover, we present a novel pixel aware calibration method with the supervision of the full-precision model to accommodate the highly dynamic range of different samples. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms existing PTQ algorithms on various models and datasets. For instance, we get a 2.091 dB increase on Urban100 benchmark when quantizing EDSRx4 to 4-bit with 100 unlabeled images. Our code is available at both and
Paper26 CoralStyleCLIP: Co-Optimized Region and Layer Selection for Image Editing
摘要原文: Edit fidelity is a significant issue in open-world controllable generative image editing. Recently, CLIP-based approaches have traded off simplicity to alleviate these problems by introducing spatial attention in a handpicked layer of a StyleGAN. In this paper, we propose CoralStyleCLIP, which incorporates a multi-layer attention-guided blending strategy in the feature space of StyleGAN2 for obtaining high-fidelity edits. We propose multiple forms of our co-optimized region and layer selection strategy to demonstrate the variation of time complexity with the quality of edits over different architectural intricacies while preserving simplicity. We conduct extensive experimental analysis and benchmark our method against state-of-the-art CLIP-based methods. Our findings suggest that CoralStyleCLIP results in high-quality edits while preserving the ease of use.
Paper27 Initialization Noise in Image Gradients and Saliency Maps
摘要原文: In this paper, we examine gradients of logits of image classification CNNs by input pixel values. We observe that these fluctuate considerably with training randomness, such as the random initialization of the networks. We extend our study to gradients of intermediate layers, obtained via GradCAM, as well as popular network saliency estimators such as DeepLIFT, SHAP, LIME, Integrated Gradients, and SmoothGrad. While empirical noise levels vary, qualitatively different attributions to image features are still possible with all of these, which comes with implications for interpreting such attributions, in particular when seeking data-driven explanations of the phenomenon generating the data. Finally, we demonstrate that the observed artefacts can be removed by marginalization over the initialization distribution by simple stochastic integration.
Paper28 Single Image Depth Prediction Made Better: A Multivariate Gaussian Take
摘要原文: Neural-network-based single image depth prediction (SIDP) is a challenging task where the goal is to predict the scene’s per-pixel depth at test time. Since the problem, by definition, is ill-posed, the fundamental goal is to come up with an approach that can reliably model the scene depth from a set of training examples. In the pursuit of perfect depth estimation, most existing state-of-the-art learning techniques predict a single scalar depth value per-pixel. Yet, it is well-known that the trained model has accuracy limits and can predict imprecise depth. Therefore, an SIDP approach must be mindful of the expected depth variations in the model’s prediction at test time. Accordingly, we introduce an approach that performs continuous modeling of per-pixel depth, where we can predict and reason about the per-pixel depth and its distribution. To this end, we model per-pixel scene depth using a multivariate Gaussian distribution. Moreover, contrary to the existing uncertainty modeling methods—in the same spirit, where per-pixel depth is assumed to be independent, we introduce per-pixel covariance modeling that encodes its depth dependency w.r.t. all the scene points. Unfortunately, per-pixel depth covariance modeling leads to a computationally expensive continuous loss function, which we solve efficiently using the learned low-rank approximation of the overall covariance matrix. Notably, when tested on benchmark datasets such as KITTI, NYU, and SUN-RGB-D, the SIDP model obtained by optimizing our loss function shows state-of-the-art results. Our method’s accuracy (named MG) is among the top on the KITTI depth-prediction benchmark leaderboard.
Paper29 NUWA-LIP: Language-Guided Image Inpainting With Defect-Free VQGAN
摘要原文: Language-guided image inpainting aims to fill the defective regions of an image under the guidance of text while keeping the non-defective regions unchanged. However, directly encoding the defective images is prone to have an adverse effect on the non-defective regions, giving rise to distorted structures on non-defective parts. To better adapt the text guidance to the inpainting task, this paper proposes NUWA-LIP, which involves defect-free VQGAN (DF-VQGAN) and a multi-perspective sequence-to-sequence module (MP-S2S). To be specific, DF-VQGAN introduces relative estimation to carefully control the receptive spreading, as well as symmetrical connections to protect structure details unchanged. For harmoniously embedding text guidance into the locally defective regions, MP-S2S is employed by aggregating the complementary perspectives from low-level pixels, high-level tokens as well as the text description. Experiments show that our DF-VQGAN effectively aids the inpainting process while avoiding unexpected changes in non-defective regions. Results on three open-domain benchmarks demonstrate the superior performance of our method against state-of-the-arts. Our code, datasets, and model will be made publicly available.
Paper30 ImageBind: One Embedding Space To Bind Them All
摘要原文: We present ImageBind, an approach to learn a joint embedding across six different modalities - images, text, audio, depth, thermal, and IMU data. We show that all combinations of paired data are not necessary to train such a joint embedding, and only image-paired data is sufficient to bind the modalities together. ImageBind can leverage recent large scale vision-language models, and extends their zero-shot capabilities to new modalities just by using their natural pairing with images. It enables novel emergent applications ‘out-of-the-box’ including cross-modal retrieval, composing modalities with arithmetic, cross-modal detection and generation. The emergent capabilities improve with the strength of the image encoder and we set a new state-of-the-art on emergent zero-shot recognition tasks across modalities, outperforming specialist supervised models. Finally, we show strong few-shot recognition results outperforming prior work, and that ImageBind serves as a new way to evaluate vision models for visual and non-visual tasks.
Paper31 UMat: Uncertainty-Aware Single Image High Resolution Material Capture
摘要原文: We propose a learning-based method to recover normals, specularity, and roughness from a single diffuse image of a material, using microgeometry appearance as our primary cue. Previous methods that work on single images tend to produce over-smooth outputs with artifacts, operate at limited resolution, or train one model per class with little room for generalization. In contrast, in this work, we propose a novel capture approach that leverages a generative network with attention and a U-Net discriminator, which shows outstanding performance integrating global information at reduced computational complexity. We showcase the performance of our method with a real dataset of digitized textile materials and show that a commodity flatbed scanner can produce the type of diffuse illumination required as input to our method. Additionally, because the problem might be ill-posed --more than a single diffuse image might be needed to disambiguate the specular reflection-- or because the training dataset is not representative enough of the real distribution, we propose a novel framework to quantify the model’s confidence about its prediction at test time. Our method is the first one to deal with the problem of modeling uncertainty in material digitization, increasing the trustworthiness of the process and enabling more intelligent strategies for dataset creation, as we demonstrate with an active learning experiment.
Paper32 Rethinking Image Super Resolution From Long-Tailed Distribution Learning Perspective
摘要原文: Existing studies have empirically observed that the resolution of the low-frequency region is easier to enhance than that of the high-frequency one. Although plentiful works have been devoted to alleviating this problem, little understanding is given to explain it. In this paper, we try to give a feasible answer from a machine learning perspective, i.e., the twin fitting problem caused by the long-tailed pixel distribution in natural images. With this explanation, we reformulate image super resolution (SR) as a long-tailed distribution learning problem and solve it by bridging the gaps of the problem between in low- and high-level vision tasks. As a result, we design a long-tailed distribution learning solution, that rebalances the gradients from the pixels in the low- and high-frequency region, by introducing a static and a learnable structure prior. The learned SR model achieves better balance on the fitting of the low- and high-frequency region so that the overall performance is improved. In the experiments, we evaluate the solution on four CNN- and one Transformer-based SR models w.r.t. six datasets and three tasks, and experimental results demonstrate its superiority.
摘要原文: Learning-based image harmonization techniques are usually trained to undo synthetic global transformations, applied to a masked foreground in a single ground truth photo. This simulated data does not model many important appearance mismatches (illumination, object boundaries, etc.) between foreground and background in real composites, leading to models that do not generalize well and cannot model complex local changes. We propose a new semi-supervised training strategy that addresses this problem and lets us learn complex local appearance harmonization from unpaired real composites, where foreground and background come from different images. Our model is fully parametric. It uses RGB curves to correct the global colors and tone and a shading map to model local variations. Our approach outperforms previous work on established benchmarks and real composites, as shown in a user study, and processes high-resolution images interactively. The code and project page is available at
Paper34 High-Res Facial Appearance Capture From Polarized Smartphone Images
摘要原文: We propose a novel method for high-quality facial texture reconstruction from RGB images using a novel capturing routine based on a single smartphone which we equip with an inexpensive polarization foil. Specifically, we turn the flashlight into a polarized light source and add a polarization filter on top of the camera. Leveraging this setup, we capture the face of a subject with cross-polarized and parallel-polarized light. For each subject, we record two short sequences in a dark environment under flash illumination with different light polarization using the modified smartphone. Based on these observations, we reconstruct an explicit surface mesh of the face using structure from motion. We then exploit the camera and light co-location within a differentiable renderer to optimize the facial textures using an analysis-by-synthesis approach. Our method optimizes for high-resolution normal textures, diffuse albedo, and specular albedo using a coarse-to-fine optimization scheme. We show that the optimized textures can be used in a standard rendering pipeline to synthesize high-quality photo-realistic 3D digital humans in novel environments.
Paper35 ConZIC: Controllable Zero-Shot Image Captioning by Sampling-Based Polishing
摘要原文: Zero-shot capability has been considered as a new revolution of deep learning, letting machines work on tasks without curated training data. As a good start and the only existing outcome of zero-shot image captioning (IC), ZeroCap abandons supervised training and sequentially searching every word in the caption using the knowledge of large-scale pre-trained models. Though effective, its autoregressive generation and gradient-directed searching mechanism limit the diversity of captions and inference speed, respectively. Moreover, ZeroCap does not consider the controllability issue of zero-shot IC. To move forward, we propose a framework for Controllable Zero-shot IC, named ConZIC. The core of ConZIC is a novel sampling-based non-autoregressive language model named GibbsBERT, which can generate and continuously polish every word. Extensive quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed ConZIC for both zero-shot IC and controllable zero-shot IC. Especially, ConZIC achieves about 5x faster generation speed than ZeroCap, and about 1.5x higher diversity scores, with accurate generation given different control signals.
Paper36 EXIF As Language: Learning Cross-Modal Associations Between Images and Camera Metadata
摘要原文: We learn a visual representation that captures information about the camera that recorded a given photo. To do this, we train a multimodal embedding between image patches and the EXIF metadata that cameras automatically insert into image files. Our model represents this metadata by simply converting it to text and then processing it with a transformer. The features that we learn significantly outperform other self-supervised and supervised features on downstream image forensics and calibration tasks. In particular, we successfully localize spliced image regions “zero shot” by clustering the visual embeddings for all of the patches within an image.
Paper37 HAAV: Hierarchical Aggregation of Augmented Views for Image Captioning
摘要原文: A great deal of progress has been made in image captioning, driven by research into how to encode the image using pre-trained models. This includes visual encodings (e.g. image grid features or detected objects) and more recently textual encodings (e.g. image tags or text descriptions of image regions). As more advanced encodings are available and incorporated, it is natural to ask: how to efficiently and effectively leverage the heterogeneous set of encodings? In this paper, we propose to regard the encodings as augmented views of the input image. The image captioning model encodes each view independently with a shared encoder efficiently, and a contrastive loss is incorporated across the encoded views in a novel way to improve their representation quality and the model’s data efficiency. Our proposed hierarchical decoder then adaptively weighs the encoded views according to their effectiveness for caption generation by first aggregating within each view at the token level, and then across views at the view level. We demonstrate significant performance improvements of +5.6% CIDEr on MS-COCO and +12.9% CIDEr on Flickr30k compared to state of the arts,
Paper38 Zero-Shot Everything Sketch-Based Image Retrieval, and in Explainable Style
摘要原文: This paper studies the problem of zero-short sketch-based image retrieval (ZS-SBIR), however with two significant differentiators to prior art (i) we tackle all variants (inter-category, intra-category, and cross datasets) of ZS-SBIR with just one network (“everything”), and (ii) we would really like to understand how this sketch-photo matching operates (“explainable”). Our key innovation lies with the realization that such a cross-modal matching problem could be reduced to comparisons of groups of key local patches – akin to the seasoned “bag-of-words” paradigm. Just with this change, we are able to achieve both of the aforementioned goals, with the added benefit of no longer requiring external semantic knowledge. Technically, ours is a transformer-based cross-modal network, with three novel components (i) a self-attention module with a learnable tokenizer to produce visual tokens that correspond to the most informative local regions, (ii) a cross-attention module to compute local correspondences between the visual tokens across two modalities, and finally (iii) a kernel-based relation network to assemble local putative matches and produce an overall similarity metric for a sketch-photo pair. Experiments show ours indeed delivers superior performances across all ZS-SBIR settings. The all important explainable goal is elegantly achieved by visualizing cross-modal token correspondences, and for the first time, via sketch to photo synthesis by universal replacement of all matched photo patches.
Paper39 Context-Based Trit-Plane Coding for Progressive Image Compression
摘要原文: Trit-plane coding enables deep progressive image compression, but it cannot use autoregressive context models. In this paper, we propose the context-based trit-plane coding (CTC) algorithm to achieve progressive compression more compactly. First, we develop the context-based rate reduction module to estimate trit probabilities of latent elements accurately and thus encode the trit-planes compactly. Second, we develop the context-based distortion reduction module to refine partial latent tensors from the trit-planes and improve the reconstructed image quality. Third, we propose a retraining scheme for the decoder to attain better rate-distortion tradeoffs. Extensive experiments show that CTC outperforms the baseline trit-plane codec significantly, e.g. by -14.84% in BD-rate on the Kodak lossless dataset, while increasing the time complexity only marginally. The source codes are available at
Paper40 Structure Aggregation for Cross-Spectral Stereo Image Guided Denoising
摘要原文: To obtain clean images with salient structures from noisy observations, a growing trend in current denoising studies is to seek the help of additional guidance images with high signal-to-noise ratios, which are often acquired in different spectral bands such as near infrared. Although previous guided denoising methods basically require the input images to be well-aligned, a more common way to capture the paired noisy target and guidance images is to exploit a stereo camera system. However, current studies on cross-spectral stereo matching cannot fully guarantee the pixel-level registration accuracy, and rarely consider the case of noise contamination. In this work, for the first time, we propose a guided denoising framework for cross-spectral stereo images. Instead of aligning the input images via conventional stereo matching, we aggregate structures from the guidance image to estimate a clean structure map for the noisy target image, which is then used to regress the final denoising result with a spatially variant linear representation model. Based on this, we design a neural network, called as SANet, to complete the entire guided denoising process. Experimental results show that, our SANet can effectively transfer structures from an unaligned guidance image to the restoration result, and outperforms state-of-the-art denoisers on various stereo image datasets. Besides, our structure aggregation strategy also shows its potential to handle other unaligned guided restoration tasks such as super-resolution and deblurring. The source code is available at
Paper41 Imagen Editor and EditBench: Advancing and Evaluating Text-Guided Image Inpainting
摘要原文: Text-guided image editing can have a transformative impact in supporting creative applications. A key challenge is to generate edits that are faithful to the input text prompt, while consistent with the input image. We present Imagen Editor, a cascaded diffusion model, built by fine-tuning Imagen on text-guided image inpainting. Imagen Editor’s edits are faithful to the text prompts, which is accomplished by incorporating object detectors for proposing inpainting masks during training. In addition, text-guided image inpainting captures fine details in the input image by conditioning the cascaded pipeline on the original high resolution image. To improve qualitative and quantitative evaluation, we introduce EditBench, a systematic benchmark for text-guided image inpainting. EditBench evaluates inpainting edits on natural and generated images exploring objects, attributes, and scenes. Through extensive human evaluation on EditBench, we find that object-masking during training leads to across-the-board improvements in text-image alignment – such that Imagen Editor is preferred over DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion – and, as a cohort, these models are better at object-rendering than text-rendering, and handle material/color/size attributes better than count/shape attributes.
Paper42 SmallCap: Lightweight Image Captioning Prompted With Retrieval Augmentation
摘要原文: Recent advances in image captioning have focused on scaling the data and model size, substantially increasing the cost of pre-training and finetuning. As an alternative to large models, we present SmallCap, which generates a caption conditioned on an input image and related captions retrieved from a datastore. Our model is lightweight and fast to train as the only learned parameters are in newly introduced cross-attention layers between a pre-trained CLIP encoder and GPT-2 decoder. SmallCap can transfer to new domains without additional finetuning and can exploit large-scale data in a training-free fashion since the contents of the datastore can be readily replaced. Our experiments show that SmallCap, trained only on COCO, has competitive performance on this benchmark, and also transfers to other domains without retraining, solely through retrieval from target-domain data. Further improvement is achieved through the training-free exploitation of diverse human-labeled and web data, which proves effective for a range of domains, including the nocaps benchmark, designed to test generalization to unseen visual concepts.
Paper43 Learning Generative Structure Prior for Blind Text Image Super-Resolution
摘要原文: Blind text image super-resolution (SR) is challenging as one needs to cope with diverse font styles and unknown degradation. To address the problem, existing methods perform character recognition in parallel to regularize the SR task, either through a loss constraint or intermediate feature condition. Nonetheless, the high-level prior could still fail when encountering severe degradation. The problem is further compounded given characters of complex structures, e.g., Chinese characters that combine multiple pictographic or ideographic symbols into a single character. In this work, we present a novel prior that focuses more on the character structure. In particular, we learn to encapsulate rich and diverse structures in a StyleGAN and exploit such generative structure priors for restoration. To restrict the generative space of StyleGAN so that it obeys the structure of characters yet remains flexible in handling different font styles, we store the discrete features for each character in a codebook . The code subsequently drives the StyleGAN to generate high-resolution structural details to aid text SR. Compared to priors based on character recognition, the proposed structure prior exerts stronger character-specific guidance to restore faithful and precise strokes of a designated character. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real datasets demonstrate the compelling performance of the proposed generative structure prior in facilitating robust text SR. Our code is available at
Paper44 Soft Augmentation for Image Classification
摘要原文: Modern neural networks are over-parameterized and thus rely on strong regularization such as data augmentation and weight decay to reduce overfitting and improve generalization. The dominant form of data augmentation applies invariant transforms, where the learning target of a sample is invariant to the transform applied to that sample. We draw inspiration from human visual classification studies and propose generalizing augmentation with invariant transforms to soft augmentation where the learning target softens non-linearly as a function of the degree of the transform applied to the sample: e.g., more aggressive image crop augmentations produce less confident learning targets. We demonstrate that soft targets allow for more aggressive data augmentation, offer more robust performance boosts, work with other augmentation policies, and interestingly, produce better calibrated models (since they are trained to be less confident on aggressively cropped/occluded examples). Combined with existing aggressive augmentation strategies, soft targets 1) double the top-1 accuracy boost across Cifar-10, Cifar-100, ImageNet-1K, and ImageNet-V2, 2) improve model occlusion performance by up to 4x, and 3) half the expected calibration error (ECE). Finally, we show that soft augmentation generalizes to self-supervised classification tasks.
Paper45 OPE-SR: Orthogonal Position Encoding for Designing a Parameter-Free Upsampling Module in Arbitrary-Scale Image Super-Resolution
摘要原文: Arbitrary-scale image super-resolution (SR) is often tackled using the implicit neural representation (INR) approach, which relies on a position encoding scheme to improve its representation ability. In this paper, we introduce orthogonal position encoding (OPE), an extension of position encoding, and an OPE-Upscale module to replace the INR-based upsampling module for arbitrary-scale image super-resolution. Our OPE-Upscale module takes 2D coordinates and latent code as inputs, just like INR, but does not require any training parameters. This parameter-free feature allows the OPE-Upscale module to directly perform linear combination operations, resulting in continuous image reconstruction and achieving arbitrary-scale image reconstruction. As a concise SR framework, our method is computationally efficient and consumes less memory than state-of-the-art methods, as confirmed by extensive experiments and evaluations. In addition, our method achieves comparable results with state-of-the-art methods in arbitrary-scale image super-resolution. Lastly, we show that OPE corresponds to a set of orthogonal basis, validating our design principle.
Paper46 Generalized Decoding for Pixel, Image, and Language
摘要原文: We present X-Decoder, a generalized decoding model that can predict pixel-level segmentation and language tokens seamlessly. X-Decoder takes as input two types of queries: (i) generic non-semantic queries and (ii) semantic queries induced from text inputs, to decode different pixel-level and token-level outputs in the same semantic space. With such a novel design, X-Decoder is the first work that provides a unified way to support all types of image segmentation and a variety of vision-language (VL) tasks. Further, our design enables seamless interactions across tasks at different granularities and brings mutual benefits by learning a common and rich pixel-level visual-semantic understanding space, without any pseudo-labeling. After pretraining on a mixed set of a limited amount of segmentation data and millions of image-text pairs, X-Decoder exhibits strong transferability to a wide range of downstream tasks in both zero-shot and finetuning settings. Notably, it achieves (1) state-of-the-art results on open-vocabulary segmentation and referring segmentation on eight datasets; (2) better or competitive finetuned performance to other generalist and specialist models on segmentation and VL tasks; and (3) flexibility for efficient finetuning and novel task composition. Code, demo, video and visualization are available at:
Paper47 Document Image Shadow Removal Guided by Color-Aware Background
摘要原文: Existing works on document image shadow removal mostly depend on learning and leveraging a constant background (the color of the paper) from the image. However, the constant background is less representative and frequently ignores other background colors, such as the printed colors, resulting in distorted results. In this paper, we present a color-aware background extraction network (CBENet) for extracting a spatially varying background image that accurately depicts the background colors of the document. Furthermore, we propose a background-guided document images shadow removal network (BGShadowNet) using the predicted spatially varying background as auxiliary information, which consists of two stages. At Stage I, a background-constrained decoder is designed to promote a coarse result. Then, the coarse result is refined with a background-based attention module (BAModule) to maintain a consistent appearance and a detail improvement module (DEModule) to enhance the texture details at Stage II. Experiments on two benchmark datasets qualitatively and quantitatively validate the superiority of the proposed approach over state-of-the-arts.
Paper48 Hi-LASSIE: High-Fidelity Articulated Shape and Skeleton Discovery From Sparse Image Ensemble
摘要原文: Automatically estimating 3D skeleton, shape, camera viewpoints, and part articulation from sparse in-the-wild image ensembles is a severely under-constrained and challenging problem. Most prior methods rely on large-scale image datasets, dense temporal correspondence, or human annotations like camera pose, 2D keypoints, and shape templates. We propose Hi-LASSIE, which performs 3D articulated reconstruction from only 20-30 online images in the wild without any user-defined shape or skeleton templates. We follow the recent work of LASSIE that tackles a similar problem setting and make two significant advances. First, instead of relying on a manually annotated 3D skeleton, we automatically estimate a class-specific skeleton from the selected reference image. Second, we improve the shape reconstructions with novel instance-specific optimization strategies that allow reconstructions to faithful fit on each instance while preserving the class-specific priors learned across all images. Experiments on in-the-wild image ensembles show that Hi-LASSIE obtains higher fidelity state-of-the-art 3D reconstructions despite requiring minimum user input. Project page:
Paper49 Pix2map: Cross-Modal Retrieval for Inferring Street Maps From Images
摘要原文: Self-driving vehicles rely on urban street maps for autonomous navigation. In this paper, we introduce Pix2Map, a method for inferring urban street map topology directly from ego-view images, as needed to continually update and expand existing maps. This is a challenging task, as we need to infer a complex urban road topology directly from raw image data. The main insight of this paper is that this problem can be posed as cross-modal retrieval by learning a joint, cross-modal embedding space for images and existing maps, represented as discrete graphs that encode the topological layout of the visual surroundings. We conduct our experimental evaluation using the Argoverse dataset and show that it is indeed possible to accurately retrieve street maps corresponding to both seen and unseen roads solely from image data. Moreover, we show that our retrieved maps can be used to update or expand existing maps and even show proof-of-concept results for visual localization and image retrieval from spatial graphs.
Paper50 Cross-Modal Implicit Relation Reasoning and Aligning for Text-to-Image Person Retrieval
摘要原文: Text-to-image person retrieval aims to identify the target person based on a given textual description query. The primary challenge is to learn the mapping of visual and textual modalities into a common latent space. Prior works have attempted to address this challenge by leveraging separately pre-trained unimodal models to extract visual and textual features. However, these approaches lack the necessary underlying alignment capabilities required to match multimodal data effectively. Besides, these works use prior information to explore explicit part alignments, which may lead to the distortion of intra-modality information. To alleviate these issues, we present IRRA: a cross-modal Implicit Relation Reasoning and Aligning framework that learns relations between local visual-textual tokens and enhances global image-text matching without requiring additional prior supervision. Specifically, we first design an Implicit Relation Reasoning module in a masked language modeling paradigm. This achieves cross-modal interaction by integrating the visual cues into the textual tokens with a cross-modal multimodal interaction encoder. Secondly, to globally align the visual and textual embeddings, Similarity Distribution Matching is proposed to minimize the KL divergence between image-text similarity distributions and the normalized label matching distributions. The proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art results on all three public datasets, with a notable margin of about 3%-9% for Rank-1 accuracy compared to prior methods.
Paper51 CLIPPO: Image-and-Language Understanding From Pixels Only
摘要原文: Multimodal models are becoming increasingly effective, in part due to unified components, such as the Transformer architecture. However, multimodal models still often consist of many task- and modality-specific pieces and training procedures. For example, CLIP (Radford et al., 2021) trains independent text and image towers via a contrastive loss. We explore an additional unification: the use of a pure pixel-based model to perform image, text, and multimodal tasks. Our model is trained with contrastive loss alone, so we call it CLIP-Pixels Only (CLIPPO). CLIPPO uses a single encoder that processes both regular images and text rendered as images. CLIPPO performs image-based tasks such as retrieval and zero-shot image classification almost as well as CLIP-style models, with half the number of parameters and no text-specific tower or embedding. When trained jointly via image-text contrastive learning and next-sentence contrastive learning, CLIPPO can perform well on natural language understanding tasks, without any word-level loss (language modelling or masked language modelling), outperforming pixel-based prior work. Surprisingly, CLIPPO can obtain good accuracy in visual question answering, simply by rendering the question and image together. Finally, we exploit the fact that CLIPPO does not require a tokenizer to show that it can achieve strong performance on multilingual multimodal retrieval without modifications. Code and pretrained models are available at
中文总结: 这段话主要讨论了多模态模型的发展趋势以及一个新的模型CLIPPO。多模态模型越来越有效,部分原因是统一组件,如Transformer架构。然而,多模态模型仍然通常由许多任务和模态特定的部分和训练程序组成。作者提出了一个新的统一方法:使用基于像素的模型执行图像、文本和多模态任务。他们的模型仅使用对比损失进行训练,因此称之为CLIP-Pixels Only (CLIPPO)。CLIPPO使用一个单一编码器处理常规图像和文本渲染为图像。通过图像-文本对比学习和下一个句子对比学习的联合训练,CLIPPO在自然语言理解任务上表现良好,无需任何单词级别的损失,优于基于像素的先前工作。最后,作者展示了CLIPPO在多语言多模态检索上表现强劲,而无需修改。
Paper52 Real-Time 6K Image Rescaling With Rate-Distortion Optimization
摘要原文: The task of image rescaling aims at embedding an high-resolution (HR) image into a low-resolution (LR) one that can contain embedded information for HR image reconstruction. Existing image rescaling methods do not optimize the LR image file size and recent flow-based rescaling methods are not real-time yet for HR image reconstruction (e.g., 6K). To address these two challenges, we propose a novel framework (HyperThumbnail) for real-time 6K rate-distortion-aware image rescaling. Our HyperThumbnail first embeds an HR image into a JPEG LR image (thumbnail) by an encoder with our proposed learnable JPEG quantization module, which optimizes the file size of the embedding LR JPEG image. Then, an efficient decoder reconstructs a high-fidelity HR (6K) image from the LR one in real time. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework outperforms previous image rescaling baselines in both rate-distortion performance and is much faster than prior work in HR image reconstruction speed.
Paper53 Ingredient-Oriented Multi-Degradation Learning for Image Restoration
摘要原文: Learning to leverage the relationship among diverse image restoration tasks is quite beneficial for unraveling the intrinsic ingredients behind the degradation. Recent years have witnessed the flourish of various All-in-one methods, which handle multiple image degradations within a single model. In practice, however, few attempts have been made to excavate task correlations in that exploring the underlying fundamental ingredients of various image degradations, resulting in poor scalability as more tasks are involved. In this paper, we propose a novel perspective to delve into the degradation via an ingredients-oriented rather than previous task-oriented manner for scalable learning. Specifically, our method, named Ingredients-oriented Degradation Reformulation framework (IDR), consists of two stages, namely task-oriented knowledge collection and ingredients-oriented knowledge integration. In the first stage, we conduct ad hoc operations on different degradations according to the underlying physics principles, and establish the corresponding prior hubs for each type of degradation. While the second stage progressively reformulates the preceding task-oriented hubs into single ingredients-oriented hub via learnable Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and employs a dynamic routing mechanism for probabilistic unknown degradation removal. Extensive experiments on various image restoration tasks demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our method. More importantly, our IDR exhibits the favorable generalization ability to unknown downstream tasks.
摘要原文: We present a learning-based approach to relight a single image of Lambertian and low-frequency specular objects. Our method enables inserting objects from photographs into new scenes and relighting them under the new environment lighting, which is essential for AR applications. To relight the object, we solve both inverse rendering and re-rendering. To resolve the ill-posed inverse rendering, we propose a weakly-supervised method by a low-rank constraint. To facilitate the weakly-supervised training, we contribute Relit, a large-scale (750K images) dataset of videos with aligned objects under changing illuminations. For re-rendering, we propose a differentiable specular rendering layer to render low-frequency non-Lambertian materials under various illuminations of spherical harmonics. The whole pipeline is end-to-end and efficient, allowing for a mobile app implementation of AR object insertion. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance. Project page:
Paper55 Interventional Bag Multi-Instance Learning on Whole-Slide Pathological Images
摘要原文: Multi-instance learning (MIL) is an effective paradigm for whole-slide pathological images (WSIs) classification to handle the gigapixel resolution and slide-level label. Prevailing MIL methods primarily focus on improving the feature extractor and aggregator. However, one deficiency of these methods is that the bag contextual prior may trick the model into capturing spurious correlations between bags and labels. This deficiency is a confounder that limits the performance of existing MIL methods. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme, Interventional Bag Multi-Instance Learning (IBMIL), to achieve deconfounded bag-level prediction. Unlike traditional likelihood-based strategies, the proposed scheme is based on the backdoor adjustment to achieve the interventional training, thus is capable of suppressing the bias caused by the bag contextual prior. Note that the principle of IBMIL is orthogonal to existing bag MIL methods. Therefore, IBMIL is able to bring consistent performance boosting to existing schemes, achieving new state-of-the-art performance. Code is available at
摘要原文: Common editing operations performed by professional photographers include the cleanup operations: de-emphasizing distracting elements and enhancing subjects. These edits are challenging, requiring a delicate balance between manipulating the viewer’s attention while maintaining photo realism. While recent approaches can boast successful examples of attention attenuation or amplification, most of them also suffer from frequent unrealistic edits. We propose a realism loss for saliency-guided image enhancement to maintain high realism across varying image types, while attenuating distractors and amplifying objects of interest. Evaluations with professional photographers confirm that we achieve the dual objective of realism and effectiveness, and outperform the recent approaches on their own datasets, while requiring a smaller memory footprint and runtime. We thus offer a viable solution for automating image enhancement and photo cleanup operations.
Paper57 RankMix: Data Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Learning of Classifying Whole Slide Images With Diverse Sizes and Imbalanced Categories
摘要原文: Whole Slide Images (WSIs) are usually gigapixel in size and lack pixel-level annotations. The WSI datasets are also imbalanced in categories. These unique characteristics, significantly different from the ones in natural images, pose the challenge of classifying WSI images as a kind of weakly supervise learning problems. In this study, we propose, RankMix, a data augmentation method of mixing ranked features in a pair of WSIs. RankMix introduces the concepts of pseudo labeling and ranking in order to extract key WSI regions in contributing to the WSI classification task. A two-stage training is further proposed to boost stable training and model performance. To our knowledge, the study of weakly supervised learning from the perspective of data augmentation to deal with the WSI classification problem that suffers from lack of training data and imbalance of categories is relatively unexplored.
Paper58 Grounding Counterfactual Explanation of Image Classifiers to Textual Concept Space
摘要原文: Concept-based explanation aims to provide concise and human-understandable explanations of an image classifier. However, existing concept-based explanation methods typically require a significant amount of manually collected concept-annotated images. This is costly and runs the risk of human biases being involved in the explanation. In this paper, we propose counterfactual explanation with text-driven concepts (CounTEX), where the concepts are defined only from text by leveraging a pre-trained multi-modal joint embedding space without additional concept-annotated datasets. A conceptual counterfactual explanation is generated with text-driven concepts. To utilize the text-driven concepts defined in the joint embedding space to interpret target classifier outcome, we present a novel projection scheme for mapping the two spaces with a simple yet effective implementation. We show that CounTEX generates faithful explanations that provide a semantic understanding of model decision rationale robust to human bias.
摘要原文: Rapid development in automatic vector extraction from remote sensing images has been witnessed in recent years. However, the vast majority of existing works concentrate on a specific target, fragile to category variety, and hardly achieve stable performance crossing different categories. In this work, we propose an innovative class-agnostic model, namely TopDiG, to directly extract topological directional graphs from remote sensing images and solve these issues. Firstly, TopDiG employs a topology-concentrated node detector (TCND) to detect nodes and obtain compact perception of topological components. Secondly, we propose a dynamic graph supervision (DGS) strategy to dynamically generate adjacency graph labels from unordered nodes. Finally, the directional graph (DiG) generator module is designed to construct topological directional graphs from predicted nodes. Experiments on the Inria, CrowdAI, GID, GF2 and Massachusetts datasets empirically demonstrate that TopDiG is class-agnostic and achieves competitive performance on all datasets.
Paper60 InstructPix2Pix: Learning To Follow Image Editing Instructions
摘要原文: We propose a method for editing images from human instructions: given an input image and a written instruction that tells the model what to do, our model follows these instructions to edit the image. To obtain training data for this problem, we combine the knowledge of two large pretrained models–a language model (GPT-3) and a text-to-image model (Stable Diffusion)–to generate a large dataset of image editing examples. Our conditional diffusion model, InstructPix2Pix, is trained on our generated data, and generalizes to real images and user-written instructions at inference time. Since it performs edits in the forward pass and does not require per-example fine-tuning or inversion, our model edits images quickly, in a matter of seconds. We show compelling editing results for a diverse collection of input images and written instructions.
Paper61 Local Implicit Normalizing Flow for Arbitrary-Scale Image Super-Resolution
摘要原文: Flow-based methods have demonstrated promising results in addressing the ill-posed nature of super-resolution (SR) by learning the distribution of high-resolution (HR) images with the normalizing flow. However, these methods can only perform a predefined fixed-scale SR, limiting their potential in real-world applications. Meanwhile, arbitrary-scale SR has gained more attention and achieved great progress. Nonetheless, previous arbitrary-scale SR methods ignore the ill-posed problem and train the model with per-pixel L1 loss, leading to blurry SR outputs. In this work, we propose “Local Implicit Normalizing Flow” (LINF) as a unified solution to the above problems. LINF models the distribution of texture details under different scaling factors with normalizing flow. Thus, LINF can generate photo-realistic HR images with rich texture details in arbitrary scale factors. We evaluate LINF with extensive experiments and show that LINF achieves the state-of-the-art perceptual quality compared with prior arbitrary-scale SR methods.
摘要原文: Different from conventional image matting, which either requires user-defined scribbles/trimap to extract a specific foreground object or directly extracts all the foreground objects in the image indiscriminately, we introduce a new task named Referring Image Matting (RIM) in this paper, which aims to extract the meticulous alpha matte of the specific object that best matches the given natural language description, thus enabling a more natural and simpler instruction for image matting. First, we establish a large-scale challenging dataset RefMatte by designing a comprehensive image composition and expression generation engine to automatically produce high-quality images along with diverse text attributes based on public datasets. RefMatte consists of 230 object categories, 47,500 images, 118,749 expression-region entities, and 474,996 expressions. Additionally, we construct a real-world test set with 100 high-resolution natural images and manually annotate complex phrases to evaluate the out-of-domain generalization abilities of RIM methods. Furthermore, we present a novel baseline method CLIPMat for RIM, including a context-embedded prompt, a text-driven semantic pop-up, and a multi-level details extractor. Extensive experiments on RefMatte in both keyword and expression settings validate the superiority of CLIPMat over representative methods. We hope this work could provide novel insights into image matting and encourage more follow-up studies. The dataset, code and models are available at
摘要原文: Single-chip polarized color photography provides both visual textures and object surface information in one snapshot. However, the use of an additional directional polarizing filter array tends to lower photon count and SNR, when compared to conventional color imaging. As a result, such a bilayer structure usually leads to unpleasant noisy images and undermines performance of polarization analysis, especially in low-light conditions. It is a challenge for traditional image processing pipelines owing to the fact that the physical constraints exerted implicitly in the channels are excessively complicated. In this paper, we propose to tackle this issue through a noise modeling method for realistic data synthesis and a powerful network structure inspired by vision Transformer. A real-world polarized color image dataset of paired raw short-exposed noisy images and long-exposed reference images is captured for experimental evaluation, which has demonstrated the effectiveness of our approaches for data synthesis and polarized color image denoising.