题外话:本地虚拟机的话 注意一定是打通上网的状态大同小异 主要是安装到无服务器
购买服务器不做解释 必须购买大于4G内存运行的服务器本地的也是必须大于 因为sqlserver2019 必须要求3.5g内存运行上 就算你用破除2g内存改了 后面操作也会报错 所以大于4G内存运行的服务器才是王道
系统版本:Centos7.7 ,内存4G(SQL Server内存要求至少2G),硬盘40G,1核CPU
SQL Server版本:SQL Server 2019:
[root@localhost ~]# sed -i '/^SELINUX/s/enforcing/disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config && setenforce 0
[root@localhost ~]# curl https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/7/prod.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/msprod.repo
[root@localhost ~]# yum -y install mssql-tools unixODBC-devel bzip2 gdb libsss_nss_idmap cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-gssapi
安装之前上面的地址可以直接下载SQL Server2019,上传到服务器并安装 上传到
首先 cd /
cd /root
用xftp7 在本地下载好的直接拖进去 其它方法页可以
之后 在这个目录中运行
[root@localhost ~]# rpm -ivh mssql-server-15.0.4003.23-3.x86_64.rpm
[root@localhost ~]# /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup usermod: no changes Choose an edition of SQL Server: 1) Evaluation (free, no production use rights, 180-day limit) 2) Developer (free, no production use rights) 3) Express (free) 4) Web (PAID) 5) Standard (PAID) 6) Enterprise (PAID) - CPU Core utilization restricted to 20 physical/40 hyperthreaded 7) Enterprise Core (PAID) - CPU Core utilization up to Operating System Maximum 8) I bought a license through a retail sales channel and have a product key to enter. Details about editions can be found at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2109348&clcid=0x409 Use of PAID editions of this software requires separate licensing through a Microsoft Volume Licensing program. By choosing a PAID edition, you are verifying that you have the appropriate number of licenses in place to install and run this software. Enter your edition(1-8): 3 #这里选择了Express版本 The license terms for this product can be found in /usr/share/doc/mssql-server or downloaded from: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2104294&clcid=0x409 The privacy statement can be viewed at: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=853010&clcid=0x409 Do you accept the license terms? [Yes/No]:Yes #输入Yes接受许可条目 Enter the SQL Server system administrator password: #设置SA管理员密码 Confirm the SQL Server system administrator password: Configuring SQL Server... The licensing PID was successfully processed. The new edition is [Express Edition]. ForceFlush is enabled for this instance. ForceFlush feature is enabled for log durability. Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/mssql-server.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/mssql-server.service. Setup has completed successfully. SQL Server is now starting.
[root@localhost ~]# echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin' > /etc/profile.d/mssql.sh
[root@localhost ~]# source !$
source /etc/profile.d/mssql.sh
[root@localhost ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=mssql
[root@localhost ~]# firewall-cmd --reload
如果错误 一般都是显示没有开 安装sqlerver2019的话可以不用在意
可以这样解决 执行systemctl status firewalld
systemctl start firewalld 使用后可以设置了
如果到时候执 行命令行工具连接测试 报错的话 建议就再把防火墙关掉
关闭防火墙:systemctl stop firewalld
开启防火墙:systemctl start firewalld
关闭防火墙:systemctl stop firewalld
查看防火墙状态:systemctl status firewalld
[root@localhost ~]# sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa Password: # 显示系统数据库 1> select name,database_id from sys.databases; # 执行 2> go name database_id -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- master 1 tempdb 2 model 3 msdb 4 (4 rows affected) # 查看软件版本 1> SELECT @@VERSION 2> go ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (RTM-CU1) (KB4527376) - 15.0.4003.23 (X64) Dec 6 2019 14:53:33 Copyright (C) 2019 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition (64-bit) on Linux (CentOS Linux 7 (Core)) (1 rows affected) 1>
如果链接不上的话 一般就算就是没有添加端口或者密码错误
(1)依次选择:开始-〉所有程序-〉Microsoft SQL Server 2008-〉配置工具-〉SQL Server配置管理器,如下图所示:
(2)打开SQL Server配置管理器后,选择SQL Server网络配置下面的MSSQLSERVER,然后看右边里面的TCP/IP是否为“已启用”,如下图所示:
这样就大公告成啦 连接后
就能连接成功啦!!! 撒花本文章是自己学习结合网上文章完成的,就是自己留着自己以后学习使用的喔!勿喷!!!!
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