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  1. select
  2. product_id
  3. from
  4. Products
  5. where
  6. low_fats = "Y" and recyclable = "Y"



即:数值不等于2或者空值。也可以用<=>表示,即not referee_id <=> 2。

  1. select
  2. name
  3. from
  4. customer
  5. where
  6. referee_id <> 2 or referee_id is NULL


  1. select
  2. name,population,area
  3. from
  4. World
  5. where
  6. area >= 3000000 or population >= 25000000

4.文章浏览 I

  1. select
  2. distinct author_id as id
  3. from
  5. where
  6. viewer_id = author_id
  7. order by
  8. author_id


 length()中一个汉字会算3个字符,而char_length() 一个汉字算一个字符。

  1. select
  2. tweet_id
  3. from
  4. Tweets
  5. where length(content) > 15


  1. select
  2. unique_id,name
  3. from
  4. Employees
  5. left join
  6. EmployeeUNI
  7. on
  8. Employees.id = EmployeeUNI.id

7.产品销售分析 I

  1. select
  2. product_name,year,price
  3. from
  4. Sales
  5. left join
  6. Product
  7. on
  8. Sales.product_id = Product.product_id


  1. select
  2. customer_id,
  3. count(*) count_no_trans
  4. from
  5. Visits
  6. left join
  7. Transactions
  8. on
  9. Visits.visit_id = Transactions.visit_id
  10. where
  11. Transactions.visit_id is null
  12. group by
  13. customer_id



日期做差函数:datediff(W1.recordDate,W2.recordDate) = 1

  1. select
  2. W1.id as id
  3. from
  4. Weather W1
  5. left join
  6. Weather W2
  7. on
  8. datediff(W1.recordDate,W2.recordDate) = 1
  9. where
  10. W1.Temperature > W2.Temperature




  1. select
  2. a1.machine_id,
  3. round(avg(a2.timestamp - a1.timestamp),3) processing_time
  4. from
  5. Activity a1
  6. left join
  7. Activity a2
  8. on
  9. a1.machine_id = a2.machine_id and a1.process_id = a2.process_id
  10. where
  11. a1.activity_type = "start" and a2.activity_type = "end"
  12. group by
  13. machine_id


  1. select
  2. machine_id,
  3. round(avg(if(activity_type='start', -timestamp, timestamp))*2, 3) processing_time
  4. from Activity
  5. group by machine_id


  1. select
  2. name,bonus
  3. from
  4. Employee
  5. left join
  6. Bonus
  7. on
  8. Employee.empId = Bonus.empId
  9. where
  10. bonus < 1000 or bonus is null


笛卡尔积可以用cross join 或者join表示;

  1. select
  2. Students.student_id,student_name,Subjects.subject_name,
  3. count(Examinations.subject_name) attended_exams
  4. from
  5. Students
  6. cross join
  7. Subjects
  8. left join
  9. Examinations
  10. on
  11. Examinations.student_id = Students.student_id
  12. and
  13. Examinations.subject_name = Subjects.subject_name
  14. group by
  15. Students.student_id,subject_name
  16. order by
  17. student_id,subject_name


  1. select
  2. name
  3. from(
  4. select
  5. e1.name,
  6. count(*) num
  7. from
  8. Employee e1
  9. left join
  10. Employee e2
  11. on
  12. e1.id = e2.managerId
  13. group by
  14. e1.id
  15. having
  16. num >=5)t



  1. select
  2. Signups.user_id,
  3. round(avg(if(action = 'confirmed',1,0)),2) confirmation_rate
  4. from
  5. Signups
  6. left join
  7. Confirmations
  8. on
  9. Signups.user_id = Confirmations.user_id
  10. group by
  11. Signups.user_id


  1. select
  2. id,movie,description,rating
  3. from
  4. cinema
  5. where
  6. description <> 'boring' and id%2 = 1
  7. order by
  8. rating desc



  1. select
  2. UnitsSold.product_id,
  3. round(sum(price*units)/sum(units),2) average_price
  4. from
  5. UnitsSold
  6. join
  7. Prices
  8. on
  9. UnitsSold.product_id = Prices.product_id
  10. where
  11. purchase_date between start_date and end_date
  12. group by
  13. product_id

17.项目员工 I

  1. select
  2. project_id,
  3. round(sum(experience_years)/count(*),2)
  4. average_years
  5. from
  6. Project
  7. left join
  8. Employee
  9. on
  10. Project.employee_id = Employee.employee_id
  11. group by
  12. project_id


取一个数据库的值直接(select count(*) from Users)就行。

  1. select
  2. contest_id,
  3. round(100 * count(Register.user_id)/(select count(*) from Users),2)
  4. percentage
  5. from
  6. Register
  7. left join
  8. Users
  9. on
  10. Register.user_id = Users.user_id
  11. group by
  12. contest_id
  13. order by
  14. percentage desc,contest_id


  1. select
  2. query_name,
  3. round(avg(rating / position),2) quality,
  4. round(100*sum(if(rating<3,1,0))/count(*),2) poor_query_percentage
  5. from
  6. Queries
  7. group by
  8. query_name

20.每月交易 I

不能直接group by的情况,最好在select部分把划分依据修改好,在group by后直接用别名划分最好。

  1. select
  2. date_format(trans_date,"%Y-%m") month,country,
  3. count(*) trans_count,
  4. sum(if(state = 'approved',1,0)) approved_count,
  5. sum(amount) trans_total_amount,
  6. sum(if(state = 'approved',amount,0)) approved_total_amount
  7. from
  8. Transactions
  9. group by
  10. month,country

21.即时食物配送 II

  1. select
  2. round(100 * sum(if(order_date = customer_pref_delivery_date,1,0))/count(*),2) immediate_percentage
  3. from
  4. Delivery
  5. where
  6. (customer_id, order_date) in (select customer_id, min(order_date)
  7. from Delivery group by customer_id)

22.游戏玩法分析 IV


  1. select
  2. round(avg(event_date is not null),2) fraction
  3. from
  4. (select
  5. player_id, min(event_date) as login
  6. from
  7. Activity
  8. group by
  9. player_id)t
  10. left join
  11. Activity
  12. on
  13. t.player_id = Activity.player_id and
  14. datediff(Activity.event_date, t.login) = 1


  1. select
  2. teacher_id, count(distinct subject_id) cnt
  3. from
  4. Teacher
  5. group by
  6. teacher_id


  1. select
  2. activity_date day,
  3. count(distinct user_id) active_users
  4. from
  5. Activity
  6. where
  7. activity_date between "2019-06-28" and "2019-07-27"
  8. group by
  9. activity_date



  1. select
  2. Product.product_id, product_name
  3. from
  4. Product
  5. join
  6. Sales
  7. on
  8. Product.product_id = Sales.product_id
  9. group by
  10. Product.product_id
  11. having
  12. min(sale_date) >= "2019-01-01" and max(sale_date) <= "2019-03-31"


  1. select
  2. class
  3. from
  4. Courses
  5. group by
  6. class
  7. having count(student) >= 5


  1. select
  2. user_id,
  3. count(distinct follower_id) followers_count
  4. from
  6. group by
  7. user_id



  1. select(
  2. select
  3. num
  4. from
  5. MyNumbers
  6. group by
  7. num
  8. having
  9. count(distinct num) = count(num)
  10. order by
  11. num desc limit 1)as num


  1. select
  2. customer_id
  3. from
  4. Customer
  5. group by
  6. customer_id
  7. having
  8. count(distinct product_key) = (select count(*) from Product)


  1. select
  2. Employees.reports_to employee_id,e2.name,
  3. count(*) reports_count,
  4. round(avg(Employees.age),0) average_age
  5. from
  6. Employees
  7. join
  8. Employees e2
  9. on
  10. Employees.reports_to = e2.employee_id
  11. group by
  12. Employees.reports_to
  13. having
  14. employee_id is not null
  15. order by
  16. employee_id


nuion可以自动去重,union all是保留重复。

  1. select
  2. employee_id,
  3. department_id
  4. from
  5. Employee
  6. group by
  7. employee_id
  8. having
  9. count(*) = 1
  10. union
  11. select
  12. employee_id,
  13. department_id
  14. from
  15. Employee
  16. where
  17. primary_flag = 'Y'
  18. group by
  19. employee_id


  1. select
  2. x,y,z,
  3. if(x+y>z and x+z>y and y+z>x, 'Yes', 'No') triangle
  4. from
  5. Triangle



  1. select
  2. distinct num ConsecutiveNums
  3. from
  4. (
  5. select
  6. id,num,
  7. lag(num,1)over(order by id) num1,
  8. lag(num,2)over(order by id) num2
  9. from
  10. Logs
  11. ) t
  12. where
  13. t.num = t.num1 and t.num1 = t.num2





  1. select
  2. t1.product_id,
  3. if(t2.new_price is null,10,t2.new_price) price
  4. from
  5. (
  6. select product_id,new_price
  7. from Products
  8. group by
  9. product_id
  10. )t1
  11. left join
  12. (
  13. select
  14. product_id,
  15. new_price
  16. from
  17. Products
  18. where
  19. (product_id,change_date) in (
  20. select product_id, max(change_date)
  21. from
  22. Products
  23. where change_date <= '2019-08-16'
  24. group by
  25. product_id
  26. )
  27. )t2
  28. on
  29. t1.product_id = t2.product_id



  1. select
  2. person_name
  3. from
  4. (
  5. select
  6. person_name,
  7. sum(weight) over(order by turn) as s
  8. from
  9. Queue
  10. )t
  11. where t.s <= 1000
  12. order by
  13. s desc limit 1


  1. select
  2. 'Low Salary' category,
  3. count(*) accounts_count
  4. from
  5. Accounts
  6. where
  7. income < 20000
  8. union
  9. select
  10. 'Average Salary' category,
  11. count(*) accounts_count
  12. from
  13. Accounts
  14. where
  15. income >= 20000 and income <= 50000
  16. union
  17. select
  18. 'High Salary' category,
  19. count(*) accounts_count
  20. from
  21. Accounts
  22. where
  23. income > 50000


提一下多个or和and相连的准则吧:condition1  OR   condition2  AND   condition3

其运算实际上是等价于:condition1 OR   (condition2 AND condition3)     //先运算and  再运算or

  1. select
  2. employee_id
  3. from
  4. Employees
  5. where
  6. manager_id not in (select employee_id from Employees) and salary < 30000
  7. order by
  8. employee_id


  1. select(
  2. case
  3. when id % 2 = 1 and id = (select count(*) from Seat) then id
  4. when id % 2 = 1 then id + 1
  5. else id - 1
  6. end
  7. )as id, student
  8. from
  9. Seat
  10. order by
  11. id


如果 union/union all前后有 order by,limit 就需要加括号,否则语法通过不了。

  1. (select
  2. name results
  3. from
  4. MovieRating
  5. left join
  6. Users
  7. on
  8. MovieRating.user_id = Users.user_id
  9. group by
  10. MovieRating.user_id
  11. order by
  12. count(movie_id) desc, Users.name limit 1)
  13. union all
  14. (select
  15. title results
  16. from
  17. MovieRating
  18. left join
  19. Movies
  20. on
  21. MovieRating.movie_id = Movies.movie_id
  22. where
  23. MovieRating.created_at like "2020-02%"
  24. group by
  25. MovieRating.movie_id
  26. order by
  27. avg(rating) desc, Movies.title limit 1)




  1. select
  2. distinct visited_on,
  3. t.amount,
  4. t.average_amount
  5. from(
  6. select
  7. distinct visited_on,
  8. sum(amount) over(order by visited_on range interval 6 day preceding) amount,
  9. round(sum(amount) over(order by visited_on range interval 6 day preceding)/7,2) average_amount,
  10. dense_rank() over(order by visited_on) rk
  11. from
  12. Customer)t
  13. where t.rk > 6
  14. order by
  15. visited_on

41.好友申请 II :谁有最多的好友

  1. select
  2. t.requester_id id,
  3. count(*) num
  4. from(
  5. select
  6. requester_id,accepter_id,accept_date
  7. from
  8. RequestAccepted
  9. union all
  10. select
  11. accepter_id,requester_id,accept_date
  12. from
  13. RequestAccepted
  14. )t
  15. group by
  16. t.requester_id
  17. order by
  18. num desc limit 1



  1. select
  2. round(sum(tiv_2016),2) tiv_2016
  3. from
  4. (
  5. select
  6. tiv_2016,
  7. count(*) over(partition by tiv_2015) c1,
  8. count(*) over(partition by lat,lon) c2
  9. from
  10. Insurance
  11. )t
  12. where
  13. t.c1>1 and t.c2 = 1

43. 部门工资前三高的所有员工

  1. select
  2. Department, Employee, Salary
  3. from(
  4. select
  5. Department.name Department, Employee.name Employee, Salary,
  6. dense_rank() over(partition by departmentId order by salary desc) rk
  7. from
  8. Employee
  9. join
  10. Department
  11. on
  12. Employee.departmentId = Department.id)t
  13. where t.rk <= 3


CONCAT 用来拼接字符串 ;LEFT 从左边截取字符 ;RIGHT 从右边截取字符;UPPER 变为大写 ; LOWER 变为小写 ;LENGTH 获取字符串长度。

  1. select
  2. user_id,
  3. concat(upper(left(name,1)),lower(right(name,length(name)-1))) name
  4. from
  5. Users
  6. order by
  7. user_id


  1. select
  2. patient_id,patient_name,conditions
  3. from
  4. Patients
  5. where
  6. conditions like "% DIAB1%" or conditions like "DIAB1%"



  1. delete from Person
  2. where id in (
  3. select
  4. id
  5. from(
  6. select
  7. id,
  8. row_number() over(partition by email order by id) rk
  9. from
  10. Person)t
  11. where t.rk > 1
  12. )



  1. select
  2. (
  3. select
  4. distinct t.salary SecondHighestSalary
  5. from
  6. (select
  7. id,salary,
  8. dense_rank() over(order by salary desc) rn
  9. from
  10. Employee)t
  11. where
  12. t.rn = 2)as SecondHighestSalary


组内字符串拼接函数:group_concat(distinct product order by product separator ',')

  1. select
  2. sell_date,
  3. count(distinct product) num_sold,
  4. group_concat(distinct product order by product separator ',') products
  5. from
  6. Activities
  7. group by
  8. sell_date


  1. select
  2. product_name,
  3. sum(unit) unit
  4. from
  5. Orders
  6. join
  7. Products
  8. on
  9. Orders.product_id = Products.product_id
  10. where
  11. order_date like "2020-02%"
  12. group by
  13. Orders.product_id
  14. having
  15. unit >= 100



  1. select
  2. user_id,name,mail
  3. from
  4. Users
  5. where
  6. mail rlike '^[a-z|A-Z][0-9|A-Z|a-z|_|.|/|-]*@leetcode\\.com$'

