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wordpress 如何实现让客户自动点击获取优惠券

Do you want to give your WooCommerce customers a special link that automatically applies a coupon for them?


Normally, users need to add their coupon code before checking out. However, coupon URLs make it easy to auto-apply coupons and make it even faster for users to finish the purchase.

通常,用户需要在退房前添加优惠券代码。 但是,优惠券URL可以轻松自动应用优惠券,并让用户更快地完成购买。

In this article, we’ll be showing you how to auto-apply coupons in WooCommerce using coupon URLs.


Auto applying coupon URLs in WooCommerce
为什么在WooCommerce中使用优惠券URL? (Why Use Coupon URLs in WooCommerce?)

Coupon links can be a great way to increase sales on your online store because they’re quick and easy for your customers to use.


Customers don’t have to write down or remember a code to put in at checkout. You can send the discount via your email newsletter or in a social media message, and all customers have to do is click on the link to claim the coupon.

客户不必写下或记住要在结帐时输入的代码。 您可以通过电子邮件通讯或社交媒体消息发送折扣,所有客户要做的就是单击链接以索取优惠券。

Smart business owners use coupon URLs to boost sales during seasonal holidays, such as for Black Friday. This means the coupon is quick and straightforward for your customers to use when they’re likely getting a lot of coupon emails.

精明的企业主使用优惠券URL来提高季节性假期(例如黑色星期五)的销量。 这意味着当您的客户可能会收到大量优惠券电子邮件时,优惠券可以快速,直接地使用。

Another great time to use coupon URLs is for a flash sale on social media. Again, the coupon is easy for your customers to use, plus only giving the URL (not the coupon code) means you can keep your message short.

使用优惠券URL的另一个好时机是在社交媒体上进行快速促销。 同样,优惠券易于客户使用,加上仅提供URL(而非优惠券代码)就可以使您的信息简短。

为WooCommerce创建优惠券链接 (Creating a Coupon Link for WooCommerce)

The best way to create coupon links in WooCommerce is by using the Advanced Coupons. It is the best WordPress coupon code plugin on the market and allows you to easily create and manage coupons on your eCommerce store.

在WooCommerce中创建优惠券链接的最佳方法是使用“ 高级优惠券” 。 它是市场上最好的WordPress优惠券代码插件 ,可让您轻松地在电子商务商店中创建和管理优惠券。

First, you need to install and activate the Advanced Coupons plugin. If you’re not sure how, our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin will walk you through the process.

首先,您需要安装并激活Advanced Coupons插件。 如果您不确定如何安装,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的逐步指南,以逐步完成该过程。

Next, you can go to WooCommerce » Coupons to create your coupon link. Click ‘Create your first coupon’ or ‘Add coupon’ to create a new coupon.

接下来,您可以转到WooCommerce»优惠券以创建您的优惠券链接。 点击“创建您的第一张优惠券”或“添加优惠券”以创建新的优惠券。

Create a new coupon using the Advanced Coupons plugin

At the top of the page, enter your chosen coupon code and (optionally) a description.


Adding the code for your coupon in Advanced Coupons

Next, you’ll need to enter the coupon’s details in the ‘Coupon Data’ section. Start with ‘General’, where you can set the discount.

接下来,您需要在“优惠券数据”部分中输入优惠券的详细信息。 从“常规”开始,您可以在其中设置折扣。

For our example, we’re going to use a ‘Fixed cart discount’ for the discount type. We’ll give the customer a discount of 25%.

对于我们的示例,我们将使用“固定购物车折扣”作为折扣类型。 我们将为客户提供25%的折扣。

Creating a 25% discount coupon

If you want to, you can set specific restrictions for your coupon under the ‘Usage restriction’ and ‘Usage limits’ tabs. For instance, you might want to set a usage limit so that the coupon can only be used once per user.

如果需要,可以在“使用限制”和“使用限制”标签下为优惠券设置特定的限制。 例如,您可能需要设置使用限制,以便每个用户只能使用一次优惠券。

Setting a usage limit using Advanced Coupons

You can also schedule coupons with a start and end date. This is useful if you want to set it up for use in the future, or if you want to automatically end your promotion at a specific point.

您还可以安排优惠券的开始和结束日期。 如果您想将其设置为将来使用,或者想要在特定时间自动结束促销,这将很有用。

Setting a start and end date for your coupon in Advanced Coupons

Next, click the ‘URL Coupons’ tab. This is where you can enter the details of your coupon.

接下来,点击“ URL优惠券”标签。 您可以在此处输入优惠券的详细信息。

Entering the details for your auto-apply coupon in Advanced Coupons

The ‘Coupon URL’ in WooCommerce is automatically generated for you, so you don’t need to enter anything here.

WooCommerce中的“ Coupon URL”会自动为您生成,因此您无需在此处输入任何内容。

If you want to use something other than your coupon code itself at the end of the URL, then you can type it in the ‘Code URL Override’ box.


In ‘Redirect To URL’, you should paste the link of the page you want the customer to go to. This might be your storefront or a specific area of your store.

在“重定向到URL”中,您应该粘贴客户希望访问的页面的链接。 这可能是您的店面或商店的特定区域。

Your ‘Custom Success Message’ can be whatever you like.


To get your coupon URL, you’ll need to click ‘Publish’ on the right hand side of your screen. Then, you can go back to the ‘URL Coupons’ tab and you’ll see your URL in place:

要获取优惠券网址,您需要点击屏幕右侧的“发布”。 然后,您可以返回“ URL优惠券”标签,并在适当位置看到您的URL:

The auto-generated URL for your coupon

Now, you can send out your URL by email or social media. When someone clicks on it, the coupon will be automatically applied to their cart.

现在,您可以通过电子邮件或社交媒体发送您的URL。 当有人单击它时,优惠券将自动应用于他们的购物车。

如何在WooCommerce中推广优惠券URL (How to Promote Your Coupon URLs in WooCommerce)

The next step is to promote your Coupon URLs.


First, you would obviously want to promote it to your email newsletter subscribers and social media followers.


Next, you can promote the coupon URL on your website.


The easiest way to do this is by using OptinMonster. It is the best conversion optimization software on the market and helps you convert website visitors into paying customers.

最简单的方法是使用OptinMonster 。 它是市场上最好的转化优化软件,可帮助您将网站访问者转化为付费客户。

It comes with beautiful lightbox popups, slide-in popups, fullscreen welcome mats, and more.

它带有漂亮的灯箱弹出窗口 ,滑入式弹出窗口,全屏欢迎垫等。

Promoting your coupon URL in WooCommerce

You can simply add popups on the individual product pages with a button to auto-apply coupon URL. For details, see our article on how to add coupon popup in WooCommerce.

您可以使用按钮自动在各个产品页面上添加弹出窗口,以自动应用优惠券URL。 有关详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WooCommerce中添加优惠券弹出窗口的文章。

We hope this article helped you learn how to auto-apply coupons in WooCommerce using URLs. You might also like our expert pick of the best WooCommerce plugins for your online store, and our guide on how to create a WooCommerce contest to boost loyalty and engagement.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何使用URL在WooCommerce中自动应用优惠券。 您可能还会喜欢我们的专家为您的在线商店选择的最佳WooCommerce插件 ,以及有关如何创建WooCommerce竞赛以提高忠诚度和参与度的指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-auto-apply-coupons-in-woocommerce-using-coupon-urls/

