Chinese Extractive Question Answering
Objective: Learn how to fine tune a pretrained model on downstream task using transformers
Training tips
Estimated training time (tesla t4 with automatic mixed precision enabled)
Sample Code
上进行了若干尝试(Linear learning rate
&Automatic mixed precision即fp16
&Try other pretrained models
# Download link 1
!gdown --id '1AVgZvy3VFeg0fX-6WQJMHPVrx3A-M1kb' --output hw7_data.zip
# Download Link 2 (if the above link fails)
# !gdown --id '1qwjbRjq481lHsnTrrF4OjKQnxzgoLEFR' --output hw7_data.zip
# Download Link 3 (if the above link fails)
# !gdown --id '1QXuWjNRZH6DscSd6QcRER0cnxmpZvijn' --output hw7_data.zip
!unzip -o hw7_data.zip
# For this HW, K80 < P4 < T4 < P100 <= T4(fp16) < V100
Documentation for the toolkit: https://huggingface.co/transformers/
# You are allowed to change version of transformers or use other toolkits
!pip install transformers==4.5.0
import json import numpy as np import random import torch from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset from transformers import AdamW, BertForQuestionAnswering, BertTokenizerFast from tqdm.auto import tqdm device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # Fix random seed for reproducibility def same_seeds(seed): torch.manual_seed(seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True same_seeds(0)
# Change "fp16_training" to True to support automatic mixed precision training (fp16) 由32bit浮点数改为16bit加速计算
fp16_training = True
if fp16_training:
#============================NEW BEGIN============================
# !pip install accelerate==0.2.0
!pip install accelerate==0.16.0
from accelerate import Accelerator
# accelerator = Accelerator(fp16=True)
accelerator = Accelerator(mixed_precision='fp16')
#============================NEW END============================
device = accelerator.device
# Documentation for the toolkit: https://huggingface.co/docs/accelerate/
Automatic mixed precision:使用16位浮点数替代32位浮点数,加速训练。但是由于accelerate的版本迭代,直接运行Sample Code
会出现TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'fp16'
的时候要将代码中的accelerator = Accelerator(fp16=True)
改为accelerator = Accelerator(mixed_precision='fp16')
同时要将版本改为!pip install accelerate==0.16.0
model = BertForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained("bert-base-chinese").to(device)
tokenizer = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("bert-base-chinese")
#============================NEW BEGIN============================
### Try to use other model
# model = BertForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained("bert-base-multilingual-cased").to(device)
# tokenizer = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("bert-base-multilingual-cased")
#============================NEW END============================
# You can safely ignore the warning message (it pops up because new prediction heads for QA are initialized randomly)
Try other pretrained model: 尝试了bert-base-multilingual-cased
Training set: 31690 QA pairs
Dev set: 4131 QA pairs
Test set: 4957 QA pairs
def read_data(file):
with open(file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as reader:
data = json.load(reader)
return data["questions"], data["paragraphs"]
train_questions, train_paragraphs = read_data("hw7_train.json")
dev_questions, dev_paragraphs = read_data("hw7_dev.json")
test_questions, test_paragraphs = read_data("hw7_test.json")
# Tokenize questions and paragraphs separately
# 「add_special_tokens」 is set to False since special tokens will be added when tokenized questions and paragraphs are combined in datset __getitem__
train_questions_tokenized = tokenizer([train_question["question_text"] for train_question in train_questions], add_special_tokens=False)
dev_questions_tokenized = tokenizer([dev_question["question_text"] for dev_question in dev_questions], add_special_tokens=False)
test_questions_tokenized = tokenizer([test_question["question_text"] for test_question in test_questions], add_special_tokens=False)
train_paragraphs_tokenized = tokenizer(train_paragraphs, add_special_tokens=False)
dev_paragraphs_tokenized = tokenizer(dev_paragraphs, add_special_tokens=False)
test_paragraphs_tokenized = tokenizer(test_paragraphs, add_special_tokens=False)
# You can safely ignore the warning message as tokenized sequences will be futher processed in datset __getitem__ before passing to model
class QA_Dataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, split, questions, tokenized_questions, tokenized_paragraphs): self.split = split self.questions = questions self.tokenized_questions = tokenized_questions self.tokenized_paragraphs = tokenized_paragraphs self.max_question_len = 40 self.max_paragraph_len = 150 ##### TODO: Change value of doc_stride ##### # self.doc_stride = 150 # doc_stride=max_paragraph_len=150 使得两个window不会产生overlap #============================NEW BEGIN============================ self.doc_stride = 80 # 将doc_stride设小可以让两个window产生overlap #============================NEW END============================ # Input sequence length = [CLS] + question + [SEP] + paragraph + [SEP] self.max_seq_len = 1 + self.max_question_len + 1 + self.max_paragraph_len + 1 def __len__(self): return len(self.questions) def __getitem__(self, idx): question = self.questions[idx] tokenized_question = self.tokenized_questions[idx] # 问题idx的题目 tokenized_paragraph = self.tokenized_paragraphs[question["paragraph_id"]] # 题目答案对应的段落 ##### TODO: Preprocessing ##### # Hint: How to prevent model from learning something it should not learn # 比如,答案一般在分句窗口的中间,但模型不应该学习到只从每句中间找答案 if self.split == "train": # Convert answer's start/end positions in paragraph_text to start/end positions in tokenized_paragraph answer_start_token = tokenized_paragraph.char_to_token(question["answer_start"]) # return int: answer_start在答案对应段落中为第几个token answer_end_token = tokenized_paragraph.char_to_token(question["answer_end"]) # A single window is obtained by slicing the portion of paragraph containing the answer mid = (answer_start_token + answer_end_token) // 2 # 整除2,答案序列中点 paragraph_start = max(0, min(mid - self.max_paragraph_len // 2, len(tokenized_paragraph) - self.max_paragraph_len)) paragraph_end = paragraph_start + self.max_paragraph_len # 在段落中找到一个包含答案的起始 #============================NEW BEGIN============================ # 在答案附近随机切一个window,让答案不位于window中间 # https://github.com/Wangdaoshuai/LHYML2021-Spring/blob/main/HW7-medium.ipynb # ''' # mid = (answer_start_token + answer_end_token) // 2 # answer_length = answer_end_token - answer_start_token + 1 # if answer_length // 2 < self.max_paragraph_len - answer_length // 2: # rnd = random.randint(answer_length // 2, self.max_paragraph_len - answer_length // 2) # else: # rnd = self.max_paragraph_len // 2 # paragraph_start = max(0, min(mid - rnd, len(tokenized_paragraph) - self.max_paragraph_len)) # paragraph_end = paragraph_start + self.max_paragraph_len #============================NEW END============================ # Slice question/paragraph and add special tokens (101: CLS, 102: SEP) input_ids_question = [101] + tokenized_question.ids[:self.max_question_len] + [102] input_ids_paragraph = tokenized_paragraph.ids[paragraph_start : paragraph_end] + [102] # Convert answer's start/end positions in tokenized_paragraph to start/end positions in the window answer_start_token += len(input_ids_question) - paragraph_start answer_end_token += len(input_ids_question) - paragraph_start # Pad sequence and obtain inputs to model input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask = self.padding(input_ids_question, input_ids_paragraph) return torch.tensor(input_ids), torch.tensor(token_type_ids), torch.tensor(attention_mask), answer_start_token, answer_end_token # Validation/Testing else: input_ids_list, token_type_ids_list, attention_mask_list = [], [], [] # Paragraph is split into several windows, each with start positions separated by step "doc_stride" for i in range(0, len(tokenized_paragraph), self.doc_stride): # Slice question/paragraph and add special tokens (101: CLS, 102: SEP) input_ids_question = [101] + tokenized_question.ids[:self.max_question_len] + [102] input_ids_paragraph = tokenized_paragraph.ids[i : i + self.max_paragraph_len] + [102] # Pad sequence and obtain inputs to model input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask = self.padding(input_ids_question, input_ids_paragraph) input_ids_list.append(input_ids) token_type_ids_list.append(token_type_ids) attention_mask_list.append(attention_mask) return torch.tensor(input_ids_list), torch.tensor(token_type_ids_list), torch.tensor(attention_mask_list) def padding(self, input_ids_question, input_ids_paragraph): # Pad zeros if sequence length is shorter than max_seq_len padding_len = self.max_seq_len - len(input_ids_question) - len(input_ids_paragraph) # Indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary input_ids = input_ids_question + input_ids_paragraph + [0] * padding_len # Segment token indices to indicate first and second portions of the inputs. Indices are selected in [0, 1] token_type_ids = [0] * len(input_ids_question) + [1] * len(input_ids_paragraph) + [0] * padding_len # Mask to avoid performing attention on padding token indices. Mask values selected in [0, 1] attention_mask = [1] * (len(input_ids_question) + len(input_ids_paragraph)) + [0] * padding_len return input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask train_set = QA_Dataset("train", train_questions, train_questions_tokenized, train_paragraphs_tokenized) dev_set = QA_Dataset("dev", dev_questions, dev_questions_tokenized, dev_paragraphs_tokenized) test_set = QA_Dataset("test", test_questions, test_questions_tokenized, test_paragraphs_tokenized) train_batch_size = 32 # Note: Do NOT change batch size of dev_loader / test_loader ! # Although batch size=1, it is actually a batch consisting of several windows from the same QA pair train_loader = DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=train_batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True) dev_loader = DataLoader(dev_set, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) test_loader = DataLoader(test_set, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True)
def evaluate(data, output): ##### TODO: Postprocessing ##### # There is a bug and room for improvement in postprocessing # Hint: Open your prediction file to see what is wrong # the but probably is that the start_index > end_idex answer = '' max_prob = float('-inf') num_of_windows = data[0].shape[1] for k in range(num_of_windows): # Obtain answer by choosing the most probable start position / end position start_prob, start_index = torch.max(output.start_logits[k], dim=0) end_prob, end_index = torch.max(output.end_logits[k], dim=0) # Probability of answer is calculated as sum of start_prob and end_prob prob = start_prob + end_prob # Replace answer if calculated probability is larger than previous windows #============================NEW BEGIN============================ # if prob > max_prob and start_index <= end_index: 位置特判 #============================NEW END============================ if prob > max_prob: max_prob = prob # Convert tokens to chars (e.g. [1920, 7032] --> "大 金") answer = tokenizer.decode(data[0][0][k][start_index : end_index + 1]) # Remove spaces in answer (e.g. "大 金" --> "大金") return answer.replace(' ','')
num_epoch = 1 validation = True logging_step = 100 learning_rate = 1e-4 optimizer = AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) if fp16_training: model, optimizer, train_loader = accelerator.prepare(model, optimizer, train_loader) model.train() print("Start Training ...") for epoch in range(num_epoch): step = 1 train_loss = train_acc = 0 for data in tqdm(train_loader): # Load all data into GPU data = [i.to(device) for i in data] # Model inputs: input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask, start_positions, end_positions (Note: only "input_ids" is mandatory) # Model outputs: start_logits, end_logits, loss (return when start_positions/end_positions are provided) output = model(input_ids=data[0], token_type_ids=data[1], attention_mask=data[2], start_positions=data[3], end_positions=data[4]) # Choose the most probable start position / end position start_index = torch.argmax(output.start_logits, dim=1) end_index = torch.argmax(output.end_logits, dim=1) # Prediction is correct only if both start_index and end_index are correct train_acc += ((start_index == data[3]) & (end_index == data[4])).float().mean() train_loss += output.loss if fp16_training: accelerator.backward(output.loss) else: output.loss.backward() optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() step += 1 ##### TODO: Apply linear learning rate decay ##### #============================NEW BEGIN============================ # check finally whether learning rate is close to zero after training optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] -= learning_rate / len(train_loader) #============================NEW END============================ # Print training loss and accuracy over past logging step if step % logging_step == 0: print(f"Epoch {epoch + 1} | Step {step} | loss = {train_loss.item() / logging_step:.3f}, acc = {train_acc / logging_step:.3f}") train_loss = train_acc = 0 a = optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] print(f"Learning rate is {a}") if validation: print("Evaluating Dev Set ...") model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): dev_acc = 0 for i, data in enumerate(tqdm(dev_loader)): output = model(input_ids=data[0].squeeze(dim=0).to(device), token_type_ids=data[1].squeeze(dim=0).to(device), attention_mask=data[2].squeeze(dim=0).to(device)) # prediction is correct only if answer text exactly matches dev_acc += evaluate(data, output) == dev_questions[i]["answer_text"] print(f"Validation | Epoch {epoch + 1} | acc = {dev_acc / len(dev_loader):.3f}") model.train() # Save a model and its configuration file to the directory 「saved_model」 # i.e. there are two files under the direcory 「saved_model」: 「pytorch_model.bin」 and 「config.json」 # Saved model can be re-loaded using 「model = BertForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained("saved_model")」 print("Saving Model ...") model_save_dir = "saved_model" model.save_pretrained(model_save_dir)
print("Evaluating Test Set ...") result = [] model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for data in tqdm(test_loader): output = model(input_ids=data[0].squeeze(dim=0).to(device), token_type_ids=data[1].squeeze(dim=0).to(device), attention_mask=data[2].squeeze(dim=0).to(device)) result.append(evaluate(data, output)) result_file = "result.csv" with open(result_file, 'w') as f: f.write("ID,Answer\n") for i, test_question in enumerate(test_questions): # Replace commas in answers with empty strings (since csv is separated by comma) # Answers in kaggle are processed in the same way f.write(f"{test_question['id']},{result[i].replace(',','')}\n") print(f"Completed! Result is in {result_file}")
import pandas
df = pandas.read_csv("./result.csv")
# for i in range(9):
,达到Sample Baseline;测试集输出答案发现只有个别正确答案。
fp16 & doc_stride=80
:没有linear learning rate decay
fp16 & linear learning rate decay & doc_stride=80
:运行时间6mins左右,且训练结束后发现learning rate
近似达到Medium Baseline,与上面没有使用linear learning rate decay
的精确度相比发现有所提升。但是发现验证集的答案中answer 0 = NaN
,此时应该是答案序列的start_index > end_index
为0.732,较未换模型前略有提高,且answer 0
不为NaN,但仍没有达到Strong Baseline。。不知道是不是没有换成合适的模型。
Sample Code中确定start_index & end_index
是取概率和最大的首尾,并没有固定start_index <= end_index
Medium中只使用fp16 & doc_stride & linear learning rate
的时候answer 0
是NaN,加上位置特判之后answer 0
由于只使用fp16 & doc_stride & linear learning rate
跑的结果较早,又跑了一遍发现answer 0
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