- name = "Alice"
- age = 25
- height = 1.65
- print("Name:", name, "Age:", age, "Height:", height)#输出:Name: Alice Age: 25 Height: 1.65
使用 end
参数来指定输出结束时的字符,默认为换行符 \n
- print("Hello", end=" ")
- print("World", end="!")
- # 输出:Hello World!
- print("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", sep=", ")
- # 输出:Alice, Bob, Charlie
在字符串中使用转义字符实现对应功能,例如换行符 \n
、制表符 \t
转义字符 | 含义 |
\n | 换行符 |
\t | Tab |
\" | 双引号 |
\' | 单引号 |
\\ | 反斜杠 |
- print("Hello\nWorld") # 输出:
- # Hello
- # World
- print("This is a\ttabbed\ttext") # 输出:This is a tabbed text
- print("He said, \"Hello!\"") # 输出:He said, "Hello!"
- print('She said, \'How are you?\', he replied.') # 输出:She said, 'How are you?', he replied.
- print("C:\\Users\\Username\\Documents") # 输出:C:\Users\Username\Documents
- name = "Alice"
- age = 25
- print(f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.")
- # 输出:My name is Alice and I am 25 years old.
操作符可以将变量的值插入到格式化字符串中的特定位置。使用不同的格式化占位符来表示不同类型的值,例如 %d
- name = "Alice"
- age = 25
- print("My name is %s and I am %d years old." % (name, age))
- # 输出:My name is Alice and I am 25 years old.
- name = "Alice"
- age = 25
- print("My name is {} and I am {} years old.".format(name, age))
- # 输出:My name is Alice and I am 25 years old.
- name = "Alice"
- age = 25
- print(f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.")
- # 输出:My name is Alice and I am 25 years old.
- # 控制精度和小数位数
- pi = 3.1415926
- print("Pi = %.2f" % pi) # 输出:Pi = 3.14
- print("Value = %10d" % 42) # 输出:Value = 42
- #"%.2f":浮点数占位符。其中,"%" 是格式化字符串的开始,".2" 表示要显示的小数位数为 2,"f" 表示浮点数类型。"%10d":整数占位符。其中,"%" 是格式化字符串的开始,"10" 表示字段的宽度为 10,"d" 表示整数类型。
- # 对齐输出的字段
- name = "Alice"
- age = 25
- print("{:<10s} {:>3d}".format(name, age)) # 输出:Alice 25
- #"{:<10s}":字符串占位符。其中,"<" 表示左对齐,"10" 表示字段的宽度为 10,"s" 表示字符串类型。当这个占位符被替换时,它将根据指定的字段宽度将字符串值格式化并在输出时进行左对齐。"{:>3d}":整数占位符。其中,">" 表示右对齐,"3" 表示字段的宽度为 3,"d" 表示整数类型。
- # 格式化数字
- price = 19.99
- print("Price: ${:.2f}".format(price)) # 输出:Price: $19.99
- percentage = 0.75
- print("Percentage: {:.2%}".format(percentage)) # 输出:Percentage: 75.00%
- # 格式化日期和时间
- import datetime
- now = datetime.datetime.now()
- print("Current date: {}".format(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) # 输出:Current date: 2023-06-18
- print("Current time: {}".format(now.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))) # 输出:Current time: 14:30:00
- # 根据条件选择不同的输出格式
- score = 80
- result = "Pass" if score >= 60 else "Fail"
- print("Result: {}".format(result)) # 输出:Result: Pass

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