[Unity 连式编程框架-UniRx - Reactive Extensions for Unity](UniRx - Reactive Extensions for Unity | Integration | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 跨平台网络库-Photon Unity Networking Classic - FREE](Photon Unity Networking Classic - FREE | Network | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity ECS入门-entity-component-system-for-unity-getting-started](Entity Component System for Unity: Getting Started)
[Unity 多线程协程-Thread Ninja](Thread Ninja - Multithread Coroutine | Tools | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 一个比Unity默认更高效的协程-More Effective Coroutines](More Effective Coroutines [FREE] | Animation Tools | Unity Asset Store)
Unity UniTask Provides an efficient async/await integration to Unity
[Unity Dictionary序列化-generic-serializable-dictionary
[Unity A* Pathfinding Project](A* Pathfinding Project)
[Unity 资源非字符串引用-Weaver Lite](Weaver Lite | Utilities Tools | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 免费多语言框架-Lean Localization](Lean Localization | Localization | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 音效管理框架-Eazy Sound Manager](Eazy Sound Manager | Audio | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 免费场景资源-Blacksmith](Blacksmith | 3D Fantasy | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 非常漂亮的场景资源-Nature Starter Kit 2](Nature Starter Kit 2 | 3D Environments | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 一个免费的Tween-LeanTween](LeanTween | Animation Tools | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 次表面散射SSS实现优化](Fast Subsurface Scattering in Unity (Part 1) - Alan Zucconi)
[Unity 一种简单的次表面散射实现](My take on shaders: Simple Subsurface Scattering)
[Unity 基于物理的着色器框架-Lux – Physically Based Shader Framework](Lux – Physically Based Shader Framework | VFX Shaders | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 基于Animation状态机的框架-Animancer Lite](Animancer Lite | Animation Tools | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 卡通渲染效果实现-Toon Shader Free](Toon Shader Free | VFX Shaders | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 风格化天空盒效果](Making a Stylized Skybox Shader | Minions Art on Patreon)
[Unity 体积光和体积雾-Aura - Volumetric Lighting](Aura - Volumetric Lighting | Particles/Effects | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 颜色渐变LUTs库-Cinema Themes 2 - Color Grading LUTs Library](Cinema Themes 2 - Color Grading LUTs Library | Fullscreen & Camera Effects | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 简单的LUT调节器-Simple LUT Adjuster](Simple LUT Adjuster | Fullscreen & Camera Effects | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 每个模型单通道渲染21844个光源-SpriteLights](SpriteLights | VFX Shaders | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 闪电效果-Lightning Bolt Effect for Unity](Lightning Bolt Effect for Unity | Particles/Effects | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 自定义扫描线后处理(基于PostProcessStack)](Scanline Effect | Team Dogpit on Patreon)
Unity TextMeshPro文本组件之字体图集生成工-UnityTMProFontCustomizedCreater
[Unity 加解PlayerPrefs](Secured PlayerPrefs | Input Management | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity Inspector增强-Inspector Gadgets Lite](Inspector Gadgets Lite | GUI Tools | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 实时模型绘制-RealTime Painting](RealTime Painting | Tutorials | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity 公路创建-EasyRoads3D Free v3](EasyRoads3D Free v3 | 3D Characters | Unity Asset Store)
[Unity git文件属性-.gitattributes](.gitattributes for Unity3D with git-lfs)
[Bash脚本教程-bash-scripting-tutorial](Bash Scripting Tutorial)
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