要连接到 SQLite 数据库,我们将使用SqliteDatabase. 第一个参数是包含数据库的文件名,或 ':memory:'用于创建内存数据库的字符串。在数据库文件名之后,您可以指定列表或编译指示或任何其他任意sqlite3 参数。
sqlite_db = SqliteDatabase('my_app.db', pragmas={'journal_mode': 'wal'})
class BaseModel(Model):
"""A base model that will use our Sqlite database."""
class Meta:
database = sqlite_db
class User(BaseModel):
username = TextField()
# etc, etc
Peewee 包含一个SQLite 扩展模块,它提供了许多 SQLite 特定的功能,例如全文搜索、 json 扩展支持等等。如果您想使用这些很棒的功能,请使用SqliteExtDatabase模块中的playhouse.sqlite_ext:
from playhouse.sqlite_ext import SqliteExtDatabase
sqlite_db = SqliteExtDatabase('my_app.db', pragmas={
'journal_mode': 'wal', # WAL-mode.
'cache_size': -64 * 1000, # 64MB cache.
'synchronous': 0}) # Let the OS manage syncing.
PRAGMASQLite 允许通过语句(SQLite 文档)对许多参数进行运行时配置 。这些语句通常在创建新的数据库连接时运行。要针对新连接运行一个或多个PRAGMA语句,可以将它们指定为字典或包含 pragma 名称和值的 2 元组列表:
db = SqliteDatabase('my_app.db', pragmas={
'journal_mode': 'wal',
'cache_size': 10000, # 10000 pages, or ~40MB
'foreign_keys': 1, # Enforce foreign-key constraints
PRAGMA 也可以使用 pragma()方法或对象上公开的特殊属性动态配置SqliteDatabase:
# Set cache size to 64MB for *current connection*.
db.pragma('cache_size', -1024 * 64)
# Same as above.
db.cache_size = -1024 * 64
# Read the value of several pragmas:
print('cache_size:', db.cache_size)
print('foreign_keys:', db.foreign_keys)
print('journal_mode:', db.journal_mode)
print('page_size:', db.page_size)
# Set foreign_keys pragma on current connection *AND* on all
# connections opened subsequently.
db.pragma('foreign_keys', 1, permanent=True)
使用该方法设置的 Pragma
PRAGMA 设置的完整列表、它们的含义和可接受的值可以在 SQLite 文档中找到: http:
以下设置是我与 SQLite 一起用于典型 Web 应用程序数据库的设置。
参数 | 推荐设置 | 解释 |
journal_mode | 沃尔 | 让读者和作家共存 |
cache_size | -1 * data_size_kb | 以 KiB 为单位设置页面缓存大小,例如 -32000 = 32MB |
foreign_keys | 1 | 强制外键约束 |
ignore_check_constraints | 0 | 强制 CHECK 约束 |
synchronous | 0 | 让操作系统处理 fsync(谨慎使用) |
使用上述选项的示例数据库: |
db = SqliteDatabase('my_app.db', pragmas={
'journal_mode': 'wal',
'cache_size': -1 * 64000, # 64MB
'foreign_keys': 1,
'ignore_check_constraints': 0,
'synchronous': 0})
SQLite 可以使用用户定义的 Python 代码进行扩展。该类 SqliteDatabase支持三种类型的用户定义扩展:
db = SqliteDatabase('analytics.db')
from urllib.parse import urlparse
def hostname(url):
if url is not None:
return urlparse(url).netloc
# Call this function in our code:
# The following finds the most common hostnames of referrers by count:
query = (PageView
.select(fn.hostname(PageView.referrer), fn.COUNT(PageView.id))
from hashlib import md5
class MD5Checksum(object):
def __init__(self):
self.checksum = md5()
def step(self, value):
def finalize(self):
return self.checksum.hexdigest()
# Usage:
# The following computes an aggregate MD5 checksum for files broken
# up into chunks and stored in the database.
query = (FileChunk
.select(FileChunk.filename, fn.MD5(FileChunk.data))
.order_by(FileChunk.filename, FileChunk.sequence))
def collate_reverse(s1, s2):
# Case-insensitive reverse.
s1, s2 = s1.lower(), s2.lower()
return (s1 < s2) - (s1 > s2) # Equivalent to -cmp(s1, s2)
# To use this collation to sort books in reverse order...
# Or...
示例用户定义的表值函数(请参阅TableFunction 和table_function)以获取更多详细信息:
from playhouse.sqlite_ext import TableFunction
db = SqliteDatabase('my_app.db')
class Series(TableFunction):
columns = ['value']
params = ['start', 'stop', 'step']
def initialize(self, start=0, stop=None, step=1):
Table-functions declare an initialize() method, which is
called with whatever arguments the user has called the
function with.
self.start = self.current = start
self.stop = stop or float('Inf')
self.step = step
def iterate(self, idx):
Iterate is called repeatedly by the SQLite database engine
until the required number of rows has been read **or** the
function raises a `StopIteration` signalling no more rows
are available.
if self.current > self.stop:
raise StopIteration
ret, self.current = self.current, self.current + self.step
return (ret,)
# Usage:
cursor = db.execute_sql('SELECT * FROM series(?, ?, ?)', (0, 5, 2))
for value, in cursor:
# Prints:
# 0
# 2
# 4
SQLite 事务可以以三种不同的模式打开:
db = SqliteDatabase('app.db')
with db.atomic('EXCLUSIVE'):
def some_other_function():
# This function is wrapped in an "IMMEDIATE" transaction.
有关更多信息,请参阅 SQLite锁定文档。要了解有关 Peewee 中事务的更多信息,请参阅管理事务 文档。
Peewee 还附带了一个使用apsw 的备用 SQLite 数据库,一个高级 sqlite 驱动程序,一个高级 Python SQLite 驱动程序。有关 APSW 的更多信息,请 访问 APSW 项目网站。APSW 提供特殊功能,例如:
from playhouse.apsw_ext import APSWDatabase
apsw_db = APSWDatabase('my_app.db')
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