print('\n'.join([''.join([('Love'[(x-y)%len('Love')] if ((x*0.05)**2+(y*0.1)**2-1)**3-(x*0.05)**2*(y*0.1)**3<=0 else' ') for x in range(-30,30)]) for y in range(15,-15,-1)]))
a = [
if ((x*0.05)**2+(y*0.1)**2-1)**3-(x*0.05)**2*(y*0.1)**3<=0 else' '
for x in range(-30,30)
for y in range(15,-15,-1)
import time
y = 2.5
while y>=-1.6:
x = -3.0
while x<=4.0:
if (x*x+y*y-1)**3<=3.6*x*x*y*y*y or (x>-2.4 and x<-2.1 and y<1.5 and y>-1) or (((x<2.5 and x>2.2)or(x>3.4 and x<3.7)) and y>-1 and y<1.5) or (y>-1 and y<-0.6 and x<3.7 and x>2.2):
print(' ',end="")
x += 0.1
y -= 0.2
输出五个爱心,分别由Dear I love you forever! 五个单词填充而成。
import time sentence = "Dear, I love you forever!" for char in sentence.split(): allChar = [] for y in range(12, -12, -1): lst = [] lst_con = '' for x in range(-30, 30): formula = ((x*0.05)**2+(y*0.1)**2-1)**3-(x*0.05)**2*(y*0.1)**3 if formula <= 0: lst_con += char[(x) % len(char)] else: lst_con += ' ' lst.append(lst_con) allChar += lst print('\n'.join(allChar)) time.sleep(1)
import turtle import time def LittleHeart(): for i in range(200): turtle.right(1) turtle.forward(2) # love = input('请输入表白语句,然后回车,默认为"I Love You":\n') # me = input('请输入要表白的人:\n') # if love=='': # # 如果未输入表白语句,则使用默认语句 # love='I Love you' love='I Love you' me = 'XXX' turtle.setup(width=900,height=600) # 爱心的画布的大小 turtle.color('red','red') # 爱心的颜色及外边笔的颜色 turtle.pensize(5) # 画笔的粗细 turtle.speed(1000000) # 绘制速度 turtle.up() # 画笔向上 turtle.hideturtle() turtle.goto(0,-180) turtle.showturtle() turtle.down() turtle.speed(5) turtle.begin_fill() # 开始填充 turtle.left(140) turtle.forward(224) LittleHeart() turtle.left(120) LittleHeart() turtle.forward(224) turtle.end_fill() turtle.pensize(5) turtle.up() turtle.hideturtle() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.showturtle() turtle.color('#CD5C5C','pink') turtle.write(love,font=('gungsuh',30,),align="center") turtle.up() turtle.hideturtle() if me !='': turtle.color('black', 'pink') time.sleep(2) turtle.goto(180,-180) turtle.showturtle() turtle.write(me, font=(20,), align="center", move=True) window=turtle.Screen() window.exitonclick()
import turtle import math turtle.pen() t=turtle t.up() t.goto(0,150) t.down() t.color('red') t.begin_fill() t.fillcolor('red') t.speed(1) t.left(45) t.forward(150) t.right(45) t.forward(100) t.right(45) t.forward(100) t.right(45) t.forward(100) t.right(45) t.forward(250+math.sqrt(2)*100) t.right (90) t.speed(2) t.forward(250+100*math.sqrt(2)) t.right(45) t.forward(100) t.right(45) t.forward(100) t.right(45) t.forward(100) t.right(45) t.forward(150) t.end_fill() t.goto(-10,0) t.pencolor('white') # L t.pensize(10) t.goto(-50,0) t.goto(-50,80) t.up () # I t.goto(-100,0) t.down() t.goto(-160,0) t.goto(-130,0) t.goto(-130,80) t.goto(-160,80) t.goto(-100,80) t.up() # O t.goto(10,25) t.down() t.right(45) t.circle(25,extent=180) t.goto(60,55) t.circle(25,extent=180) t.goto(10,25) t.up() t.goto(75,80) t.down() t.goto(100,0) t.goto(125,80) t.up() t.goto(180,80) t.down() t.goto(140,80) t.goto(140,0) t.goto(180,0) t.up() t.goto(180,40) t.down() t.goto(140,40) # U t.up() t.goto(-40,-30) t.down() t.goto(-40,-80) t.circle(40,extent=180) t.goto(40,-30) t.hideturtle() window=turtle.Screen() window.exitonclick()
import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #导入绘图模块 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D #3d绘图模块 import numpy as np #导入数值计算拓展模块 import time start = time.time() x_lim, y_lim, z_lim = np.linspace(-10,10,520), np.linspace(-10,10,520), np.linspace(-10,10,520) # 用来存放绘图点X,Y,Z坐标 X_points, Y_points, Z_points = [], [], [] for x in x_lim: for y in y_lim: for z in z_lim: if (x**2+(9/4)*y**2+z**2-1)**3-(9/80)*y**2*z**3-x**2*z**3<=0: X_points.append(x) Y_points.append(y) Z_points.append(z) end = time.time() fig=plt.figure() # 画布初始化 ax=fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') # 采用3d绘图 ax.scatter(X_points,Y_points,Z_points,s=20,alpha=0.5,color="red") # 3d散点图填充 plt.show() print(end-start)
# 绘制玫瑰花并添加文字 import turtle # 设置画布大小 # turtle.screensize(canvwidth=None, canvheight=None, bg=None) turtle.setup(width=0.6, height=0.6) # 设置初始位置 turtle.penup() turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(200) turtle.pendown() turtle.right(90) # 输出文字 printer = turtle.Turtle() printer.hideturtle() printer.penup() printer.back(200) printer.write("赠给亲爱的 XX\n\n", align="right", font=("楷体", 16, "bold")) printer.write("from XXX", align="center", font=("楷体", 12, "normal")) # 花蕊 turtle.fillcolor("red") turtle.begin_fill() turtle.circle(10, 180) turtle.circle(25, 110) turtle.left(50) turtle.circle(60, 45) turtle.circle(20, 170) turtle.right(24) turtle.fd(30) turtle.left(10) turtle.circle(30, 110) turtle.fd(20) turtle.left(40) turtle.circle(90, 70) turtle.circle(30, 150) turtle.right(30) turtle.fd(15) turtle.circle(80, 90) turtle.left(15) turtle.fd(45) turtle.right(165) turtle.fd(20) turtle.left(155) turtle.circle(150, 80) turtle.left(50) turtle.circle(150, 90) turtle.end_fill() # 花瓣1 turtle.left(150) turtle.circle(-90, 70) turtle.left(20) turtle.circle(75, 105) turtle.setheading(60) turtle.circle(80, 98) turtle.circle(-90, 40) # 花瓣2 turtle.left(180) turtle.circle(90, 40) turtle.circle(-80, 98) turtle.setheading(-83) # 叶子1 turtle.fd(30) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(25) turtle.left(45) turtle.fillcolor("green") turtle.begin_fill() turtle.circle(-80, 90) turtle.right(90) turtle.circle(-80, 90) turtle.end_fill() turtle.right(135) turtle.fd(60) turtle.left(180) turtle.fd(85) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(80) # 叶子2 turtle.right(90) turtle.right(45) turtle.fillcolor("green") turtle.begin_fill() turtle.circle(80, 90) turtle.left(90) turtle.circle(80, 90) turtle.end_fill() turtle.left(135) turtle.fd(60) turtle.left(180) turtle.fd(60) turtle.right(90) turtle.circle(200, 60) turtle.done()
import turtle import random def love(x, y): # 在(x,y)处画爱心lalala lv = turtle.Turtle() lv.hideturtle() lv.up() lv.goto(x, y) # 定位到(x,y) def curvemove(): # 画圆弧 for i in range(20): lv.right(10) lv.forward(2) lv.color('red', 'pink') lv.speed(10000000) lv.pensize(1) # 开始画爱心lalala lv.down() lv.begin_fill() lv.left(140) lv.forward(22) curvemove() lv.left(120) curvemove() lv.forward(22) lv.write("YZ", font=("Arial", 12, "normal"), align="center") # 写上表白的人的名字 lv.left(140) # 画完复位 lv.end_fill() def tree(branchLen, t): if branchLen > 5: # 剩余树枝太少要结束递归 if branchLen < 20: # 如果树枝剩余长度较短则变绿 t.color("green") t.pensize(random.uniform((branchLen + 5) / 4 - 2, (branchLen + 6) / 4 + 5)) t.down() t.forward(branchLen) love(t.xcor(), t.ycor()) # 传输现在turtle的坐标 t.up() t.backward(branchLen) t.color("brown") return t.pensize(random.uniform((branchLen + 5) / 4 - 2, (branchLen + 6) / 4 + 5)) t.down() t.forward(branchLen) # 以下递归 ang = random.uniform(15, 45) t.right(ang) tree(branchLen - random.uniform(12, 16), t) # 随机决定减小长度 t.left(2 * ang) tree(branchLen - random.uniform(12, 16), t) # 随机决定减小长度 t.right(ang) t.up() t.backward(branchLen) myWin = turtle.Screen() t = turtle.Turtle() t.hideturtle() t.speed(1000) t.left(90) t.up() t.backward(200) t.down() t.color("brown") t.pensize(32) t.forward(60) tree(100, t) myWin.exitonclick()
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