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xarchiver 替代
1. 主要包列表
	1.1 字段说明
	1.2 pacreport配置文件
	1.3 list1: Qe(base, xfce组等)229
2. 大部分作为依赖安装的包
	2.1 list2: Qd(lib*)198
	2.2 list3: Qd(python*)19
	2.3 list4: Qd()240

个人使用1年多Arch Linux, 看看留下来的软件包都有那些.
日常简单应用: 文本编辑pluma等, 上网chrome等, 下载qbittorrent等, office办公LibreOffice, 视频软件vlc, 图片编辑gimp.
目前总共软件包为686个. 主动安装的软件包为200个.
这里还有很多重复的类似top的状态或各种系统信息查询软件, 不需要可以删除一部分或全部. 算上作为依赖安装的包还能压缩上百个软件包.

1. 主要包列表

1.1 字段说明

  • -Qi |grep 'installed size' (M1)绿色: $ sudo pacman -Qi xxx |grep 'installed size' 查询到的安装大小(已统一单位为M)
  • pacreport size(M2)橙色: $ sudo pacreport --unowned-files 结果Unneeded Packages Installed Explicitly:列出的大小(已统一单位为M)
  •  M1-M2 : 计算上面2个Size字段的差值
  • (M1-M2)/M1 : 计算差值与安装大小的占比
  • -Q? : 表示安装理由(主动安装Qe; 或作为依赖Qd; 't'代表该软件本身没有被依赖,若不需要可直接删除)

1.2 pacreport配置文件

$ cat /etc/pacreport.conf

 IgnoreUnowned = home/*
 IgnoreUnowned = proc/*
 IgnoreUnowned = mnt/*

 grub = boot/grub/*
 linux = boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
 linux = boot/initramfs-linux.img
 linux = boot/vmlinuz-linux
 pacman = var/lib/pacman/local
 pacman = var/lib/pacman/sync

1.3 list1: Qe(base, xfce组等)229

-Q?pacman -Qqdes…-Qi |grep
size’ (M1)
/ M1
/ type
QebashThe GNU Bourne Again shell8.050   base
Qebzip2A high-quality data compression program | 高质量的数据压缩程序0.144   
QecoreutilsThe basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system | GNU操作系统的基本文件, shell和文本操作实用程序15.990   
QefilesystemBase Arch Linux files | 基本Arch Linux文件0.041   
Qegcc-libsRuntime libraries shipped by GCC | GCC随附的运行时库148.820   
QeglibcGNU C Library46.210   
Qeiproute2IP Routing Utilities | IP路由实用程序2.680   
QetiputilsNetwork monitoring tools, including ping | 网络监控工具, 包括ping0.2840.284  
QelicensesStandard licenses distribution package | 标准许可证分发包0.416   
QelinuxThe Linux kernel and modules | Linux内核和模块75.830   
QepciutilsPCI bus configuration space access library and tools | PCI总线配置空间访问库和工具0.273   
Qeprocps-ngUtilities for monitoring your system and its processes | 监视系统及其过程的实用程序1.380   
QepsmiscMiscellaneous procfs tools | 杂项生产工具0.549   
QeshadowPassword and account management tool suite with support for shadow files and PAM | 密码和帐户管理工具套件, 支持影子文件和PAM3.730   
Qdsystemdsystem and service manager | 系统和服务经理22.860   
Qettsystemd-sysvcompatsysvinit compat for systemd0.0050.005  
QetarUtility used to store, backup, and transport files | 用于存储, 备份和传输文件的实用程序2.830   
Qeutil-linuxMiscellaneous system utilities for Linux | 适用于Linux的其他系统实用程序13.180   
QdxzLibrary and command line tools for XZ and LZMA compressed files | 用于XZ和LZMA压缩文件的库和命令行工具0.946   
QefileFile type identification utility | 文件类型识别实用程序6.560   base,
QefindutilsGNU utilities to locate files | GNU实用程序来查找文件1.619   
QegawkGNU version of awk2.660   
QegettextGNU internationalization library | GNU国际化库7.340   
QegrepA string search utility | 字符串搜索实用程序0.697   
QegzipGNU compression utility | GNU压缩实用程序0.157   
QepacmanA library-based package manager with dependency support | 基于库的程序包管理器, 具有依赖性支持4.430   
QesedGNU stream editor | GNU流编辑器0.736   
QebinutilsA set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files | 一组程序, 用于汇编和处理二进制文件和目标文件29.700   (base-devel)
QefakerootTool for simulating superuser privileges | 模拟超级用户权限的工具0.134   
QettgccThe GNU Compiler Collection - C and C++ frontends | GNU编译器集合-C和C ++前端147.190   
QdgroffGNU troff text-formatting system | GNU troff文本格式系统9.570   
QdlibtoolA generic library support script | 通用库支持脚本2.190   
Qem4The GNU macro processor | GNU宏处理器0.261   
QetmakeGNU make utility to maintain groups of programs | GNU使实用程序维护程序组1.552   
QetpatchA utility to apply patch files to original sources | 将补丁文件应用于原始来源的实用程序0.198   
QetexinfoGNU documentation system for on-line information and printed output | GNU文档系统, 用于在线信息和打印输出8.520   
QewhichA utility to show the full path of commands | 显示命令完整路径的实用程序0.034   
QetautoconfA GNU tool for automatically configuring source code | 一个用于自动配置源代码的GNU工具2.0472.000  
QetautomakeA GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles | 自动创建Makefile的GNU工具1.5911.550  
QetbisonThe GNU general-purpose parser generator | GNU通用解析器生成器2.2002.200  
QetflexA tool for generating text-scanning programs | 生成文本扫描程序的工具0.9710.971  
QetpkgconfPackage compiler and linker metadata toolkit | 包编译器和链接器元数据工具包0.1560.156  
QettsudoGive certain users the ability to run some commands as root | 使某些用户能够以root用户身份运行某些命令使某些用户能够以root用户身份运行某些命令(base-devel)4.2504.250  
QdmkinitcpioModular initramfs image creation utility | 模块化initramfs映像创建实用程序0.102   packages
Qettlinux-firmwareFirmware files for Linux | Linux的固件文件557.410557.410  
Qetintel-ucodeMicrocode update files for Intel CPUs | 英特尔CPU的微码更新文件3.0203.020  
QediffutilsUtility programs used for creating patch files | 用于创建补丁文件的实用程序1.421   
Qetman-dbA utility for reading man pages | 用于阅读手册页的实用程序2.210   
Qetman-pagesLinux man pages5.6105.610  
QetnanoPico editor clone with enhancements | 具有增强功能的Pico编辑器克隆2.1902.190  
QetusbutilsUSB Device Utilities | USB设备实用程序0.2890.289  
QettdhcpcdRFC2131 compliant DHCP client daemon | 符合RFC2131的DHCP客户端守护程序0.4780.478  
QetethtoolUtility for controlling network drivers and hardware | 用于控制网络驱动程序和硬件的实用程序0.4800.480  
Qewpa_supplicantA utility providing key negotiation for WPA wireless networks | 一种为WPA无线网络提供密钥协商的实用程序5.550   
QdgpmA mouse server for the console and xterm | 控制台和xterm的鼠标服务器0.419   
QetsmartmontoolsControl and monitor S.M.A.R.T. enabled ATA and SCSI Hard Drives | 控制和监视S.M.A.R.T.启用的ATA和SCSI硬盘驱动器2.0102.010  
QdpartedA program for creating, destroying, resizing, checking and copying partitions | 用于创建,销毁,调整大小,检查和复制分区的程序2.250   
QddosfstoolsDOS filesystem utilities | DOS文件系统实用程序0.178   
Qettntfs-3gNTFS filesystem driver and utilities | NTFS文件系统驱动程序和实用程序1.7741.730  
Qettexfat-utilsUtilities for exFAT file system | exFAT文件系统实用程序0.2580.258  
Qdbtrfs-progsBtrfs filesystem utilities | Btrfs文件系统实用程序5.020   
QexfsprogsXFS filesystem utilities | XFS文件系统实用程序5.270   
QddmraidDevice mapper RAID interface | 设备映射器RAID接口0.325   
Qelvm2Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities | 逻辑卷管理器2实用程序6.670   
QemdadmA tool for managing/monitoring Linux md device arrays, also known as Software RAID | 用于管理/监视Linux md设备阵列的工具, 也称为软件RAID0.972   
QdgptfdiskA text-mode partitioning tool that works on GUID Partition Table (GPT) disks | 在GUID分区表(GPT)磁盘上工作的文本模式分区工具0.770   
Qetxf86-video-intelX.org Intel i810/i830/i915/945G/G965+ video drivers2.2002.290  (xorg-drivers)
Qdxf86-input-libinputGeneric input driver for the X.Org server based on libinput | 基于libinput的X.Org服务器的通用输入驱动程序0.091   
Qexorg-xinitX.Org initialisation program | └─xfce4-session0.036   x…
Qetxorg-serverXorg X server | libxfont2, libfontenc3.5004.840-1.3438.29%(xorg)
Qdxorg-server-commonXorg server common files | Xorg服务器通用文件0.127   
Qdxorg-fonts-encodingsX.org font encoding files | X.org字体编码文件0.625   
Qdxorg-setxkbmapSet the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension | 使用X Keyboard Extension设置键盘0.029   
Qdxorg-xkbcompX Keyboard description compiler | X键盘描述编译器0.218   
Qdxorg-xrandr└─intel-gpu-tools | RandR扩展的原始命令行界面0.069   
Qdxorg-iceauth└─xfce4-session | ICE授权文件实用程序0.041   
Qdxorg-xmodmap└─xorg-xinit └─xfce4-session | 修改按键映射和按钮映射的实用程序0.049   
Qdxorg-xauth└─xorg-xinit └─xfce4-session | X.Org授权设置程序 |0.056   
Qdxorg-xrdb├─xfce4-session | X服务器资源数据库实用程序 |
└─xorg-xinit └─xfce4-session
Qdxorg-xsetUser preference utility for X | X的用户首选项实用程序0.040   
Qdxorg-xpropProperty displayer for X | X的属性显示器0.052   
QeexoManage preferred applications and edit .desktop files | 管理首选应用程序并编辑.desktop文件3.680   (xfce4)
Qetxfce4-appfinderApplication to quickly run applications and commands | 应用程序以快速运行应用程序和命令0.5530.553  
Qexfce4-panelApplication launchers, window buttons, applications menu, workspace switcher and more | 应用程序启动器, 窗口按钮, 应用程序菜单, 工作区切换器等4.000   
Qetxfce4-power-managerManage power sources and power consumption of devices | 管理设备的电源和功耗3.7104.670-0.9625.88%
Qetxfce4-sessionSave the state of your desktop and restore it on the next startup | 保存桌面状态并在下次启动时将其还原1.3741.710-0.3424.47%
Qetxfce4-settingsThe Settings daemon which persists many Xfce settings | 保留许多Xfce设置的Settings守护程序3.2207.660-4.44137.89%
QexfconfD-Bus-based configuration storage system | 基于D-Bus的配置存储系统1.078   
Qetxfce4-terminalTerminal emulator for the Xfce desktop | Xfce桌面的终端仿真器2.0273.620-1.5978.62%
QetxfdesktopConfigure the desktop background image, icons, launchers and folders | 配置桌面背景图像, 图标, 启动器和文件夹2.4302.430  
Qexfwm4Handles the placement of windows on the screen | 处理窗口在屏幕上的放置2.060   
Qetxfwm4-themesA set of additional themes for the Xfce window manager | Xfce窗口管理器的一组附加主题3.4303.430  
QethunarThe fast and easy to use file manager for the Xfce Desktop | Xfce桌面快速, 易于使用的文件管理器6.340   
Qettthunar-volmanAutomatic management of removeable devices in Thunar | thunar的可移动设备的自动管理0.6730.673  
QetttumblerD-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails | D-Bus服务, 供应用程序请求缩略图0.8260.826  
QegarconImplementation of the freedesktop.org menu specification | freedesktop.org菜单规范的实现0.924   
QetristrettoFast and lightweight picture-viewer for Xfce4 | Xfce4的快速轻量图片查看器1.0180.990  (xfce4-goodies)
Qetxfce4-dictA dictionary plugin for the Xfce panel | Xfce面板的字典插件0.7770.777  
Qetxfce4-notifydNotification daemon for the Xfce desktop | Xfce桌面的通知守护程序0.5820.582  
Qettxfce4-screensaverXfce Screensaver | Xfce屏幕保护程序1.0601.030  
Qetxfce4-taskmanagerEasy to use task manager | 易于使用的任务管理器0.4610.461  
Qettthunar-archive-pluginCreate and extract archives in Thunar | 在Thunar创建和提取档案0.1500.150  
Qettthunar-media-tags-pluginAdds special features for media files to the Thunar File Manager | 向Thunar文件管理器添加媒体文件的特殊功能0.2640.264  
Qetxfce4-artworkBackdrops for the Xfce4 desktop | Xfce4桌面的背景9.8209.820  
Qetxfce4-battery-pluginA battery monitor plugin for the Xfce panel | Xfce面板的电池监视器插件0.4590.459  
Qetxfce4-clipman-pluginA clipboard plugin for the Xfce4 panel | Xfce4面板的剪贴板插件0.8010.903  
Qetxfce4-cpugraph-pluginCPU graph plugin for the Xfce4 panel | Xfce4面板的CPU图形插件0.1710.171  
Qetxfce4-datetime-pluginA date and time display plugin for the Xfce panel | Xfce面板的日期和时间显示插件0.1230.123  
Qetxfce4-diskperf-pluginPlugin for the Xfce4 panel displaying instant disk/partition performance | Xfce4面板的插件可显示即时磁盘/分区性能0.2230.223  
Qetxfce4-eyes-pluginA rolling eyes (following mouse pointer) plugin for the Xfce panel | Xfce面板的滚动眼睛(跟随鼠标指针)插件0.0940.094  
Qetxfce4-fsguard-pluginFile system usage monitor plugin for the Xfce4 panel | Xfce4面板的文件系统使用情况监视插件0.2390.239  
Qetxfce4-genmon-pluginplugin that monitors customizable programs stdout for the Xfce4 panel | 插件, 用于监视Xfce4面板的可定制程序stdout0.1110.111  
Qetxfce4-mount-pluginMount/umount utility for the Xfce4 panel | Xfce4面板的Mount/umount实用程序0.3060.306  
Qetxfce4-mpc-pluginControl the Music Player Daemon from the Xfce4 panel | 从Xfce4面板控制Music Player守护程序0.1470.335-0.19127.59%
Qetxfce4-netload-pluginA netload plugin for the Xfce panel | Xfce面板的netload插件0.1990.199  
Qetxfce4-pulseaudio-pluginPulseaudio plugin for Xfce4 panel | Xfce4面板的Pulseaudio插件0.3750.450-0.0820.18%
Qetxfce4-sensors-pluginA lm_sensors plugin for the Xfce panel | Xfce面板的lm_sensors插件0.5260.526  
Qetxfce4-smartbookmark-pluginPlugin for the Xfce4 panel that lets you quicksearch from selected websites | Xfce4面板的插件, 可让您从选定的网站中快速搜索0.0680.068  
Qetxfce4-systemload-pluginA system load plugin for the Xfce4 panel | Xfce4面板的系统加载插件0.1460.146  
Qetxfce4-time-out-pluginTake a break from your computer with this plugin for Xfce4 | 使用此Xfce4插件从您的计算机中休息一下0.2120.212  
Qetxfce4-timer-pluginPlugin to track time for the Xfce4 panel | 插件来跟踪Xfce4面板的时间0.2060.206  
Qetxfce4-verve-pluginCommand line plugin Xfce4 panel | 命令行插件Xfce4面板0.1570.157  
Qetxfce4-whiskermenu-pluginMenu for Xfce40.6690.669  
Qetxfce4-xkb-pluginPlugin to switch keyboard layouts for the Xfce4 panel | 用于切换Xfce4面板的键盘布局的插件1.8741.830  
QettgvfsVirtual filesystem implementation for GIO | GIO的虚拟文件系统实现(gnome)5.1506.830-1.6832.62%(gnome)
QetbaobabA graphical directory tree analyzer (gnome) | 图形目录树分析器(gnome)1.3311.300  
QenetworkmanagerNetwork connection manager and user applications | 网络连接管理器和用户应用程序16.160   
Qdgnome-themes-extraExtra Themes for GNOME Applications | GNOME应用程序的额外主题4.440   
Qetmate-system-monitorA system monitor for MATE | MATE的系统监视器(额外的mate)10.86010.860  (mate-extra)
QetplumaA powerful text editor for MATE | 强大的MATE文字编辑器(mate-extra)27.110168.750-141.64522.46%
Qdmate-desktopLibrary with common API for various MATE modules | 具有用于各种MATE模块的通用API的库3.700   (mate)
Qdqt5-baseA cross-platform application and UI framework | 跨平台应用程序和UI框架64.070   (qt qt5)
Qdqt5-svgClasses for displaying the contents of SVG files | 用于显示SVG文件内容的类0.490   
Qdqt5-x11extrasProvides platform-specific APIs for X11 | 为X11提供特定于平台的API0.041   
Qdspirv-toolsAPI and commands for processing SPIR-V modules | 用于处理SPIR-V模块的API和命令5.790   (vulkan-devel)
QettfishSmart and user friendly shell intended mostly for interactive use | 智能和用户友好的外壳, 主要用于交互式使用13.75013.750   
Qettgitthe fast distributed version control system | 快速分布式版本控制系统41.26041.410   
QelightdmA lightweight display manager | 轻量级的显示管理器1.104   DM
Qettlightdm-gtk-greeterGTK+ greeter for LightDM | 适用于LightDM的GTK +迎宾器0.3240.324  
Qetlinux-headersHeaders and scripts for building modules for the Linux kernel | 用于为Linux内核构建模块的头文件和脚本119.680119.680   
Qetlinux-docsDocumentation for the Linux kernel | Linux内核的文档146.600146.600   
Qettos-proberUtility to detect other OSes on a set of drives | 用于检测一组驱动器上其他操作系统的实用程序0.0570.057  引导
QetgrubGNU GRand Unified Bootloader (2) | GNU GRand统一引导加载程序(2)32.82032.820  
QetvirtualboxPowerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use | 适用于企业和家庭的强大x86虚拟化161.480162.500  vbox
Qevirtualbox-host-modules-archVirtualbox host kernel modules for Arch Kernel | 用于Arch内核的Virtualbox主机内核模块0.151   
QetntpNetwork Time Protocol reference implementation | 网络时间协议参考实现4.4604.460   
QetlogrotateRotates system logs automatically | 自动旋转系统日志0.1040.104   
QetcatfishVersatile file searching tool | 多功能文件搜索工具1.4291.770-0.3423.88%查找
QettmlocateMerging locate/updatedb implementation | 合并locate/updatedb实现0.3520.352  
QetfdSimple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find | 简单, 快速和用户友好的替代方案2.7902.790  
Qettpacman-contribContributed scripts and tools for pacman systems | pacman系统的贡献脚本和工具0.0950.095  pacman
Qettpkgfilea pacman .files metadata explorer | pacman .files元数据浏览器0.0540.054  
QetpacmaticA pacman wrapper to avoid bricking your system and such other surprises. | pacman包装器, 可避免造成系统负担以及其他意外情况.0.0090.044-0.04378.13%
QetpacutilsHelper tools for libalpm | libalpm的帮助器工具0.4630.463  
QetpkgstatsSubmit a list of installed packages to the Arch Linux project | 将已安装软件包的列表提交到Arch Linux项目0.0020.002  
QetlostfilesFind orphaned files not owned by any Arch packages | 查找不属于任何Arch软件包的孤立文件0.0060.006  
QetfzfCommand-line fuzzy finder | 命令行模糊查找器3.3003.300  
QetnamcapA Pacman package analyzer | Pacman包装分析仪0.4181.800-1.38330.94%
QettpavucontrolPulseAudio Volume Control | PulseAudio音量控制0.9310.966  声音
QettpulseaudioA featureful, general-purpose sound server | 功能齐全的通用声音服务器6.2407.120  
Qetalsa-utilsAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture - Utilities | 先进的Linux声音体系结构-实用程序2.0702.070  
Qee2fsprogsExt2/3/4 filesystem utilities | Ext2/3/4文件系统实用程序4.760   disk
QetgpartedA Partition Magic clone, frontend to GNU Parted | 分区魔术师克隆, GNU Parted的前端7.0407.040  
Qettp7zipCommand-line file archiver with high compression ratio | 压缩率高的命令行文件归档器6.0906.090  压缩
QettunrarThe RAR uncompression program | RAR解压缩程序0.3130.313  
QettunzipFor extracting and viewing files in .zip archives | 用于提取和查看.zip存档中的文件0.3150.315  
QettxarchiverGTK+ frontend to various command line archivers | GTK +前端到各种命令行归档程序1.5081.470  
QettzipCompressor/archiver for creating and modifying zipfiles | 用于创建和修改zip文件的压缩器/存档器0.5580.558  
Qetadobe-source-han-sans-cn-fontsAdobe Source Han Sans Subset OTF - Simplified Chinese OpenType/CFF fonts | Adobe Source Han Sans Subset OTF-简体中文OpenType/CFF字体57.98057.980  字体
Qetnoto-fonts-cjkGoogle Noto CJK fonts | Google Noto CJK字体294.430294.430  
Qetibus-libpinyinIntelligent Pinyin engine based on libpinyin for IBus | 基于libpinyin的IBus智能拼音引擎2.29061.370-59.082579.91%输入
QeibusNext Generation Input Bus for Linux | Linux的下一代输入总线7.550   
QetgeanyFast and lightweight IDE | 快速轻巧的IDE13.07013.070  编辑
QetmeldCompare files, directories and working copies | 比较文件, 目录和工作副本3.6703.670  
QetviThe original ex/vi text editor | 原始的ex/vi文本编辑器0.3070.307  
Qetlibreoffice-fresh-zh-cnChinese (simplified) language pack for LibreOffice Fresh | LibreOffice Fresh的中文(简体)语言包21.32021.320  办公
Qelibreoffice-freshLibreOffice branch which contains new features and program enhancements | LibreOffice分支包含新功能和程序增强功能395.330   
Qetaria2Download utility that supports HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink | 支持HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent和Metalink的下载实用程序5.5505.740  下载
QetqbittorrentAn advanced BitTorrent client programmed in C++, based on Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar. | 基于Qt工具包和libtorrent-rasterbar的C ++编程高级BitTorrent客户端.8.67018.340-9.67111.53%
QewgetNetwork utility to retrieve files from the Web | 网络实用程序, 用于从Web检索文件2.880   
QetchromiumA web browser built for speed, simplicity, and security | 为提高速度, 简化性和安全性而构建的Web浏览器202.240202.850  网页
QetfirefoxStandalone web browser from mozilla.org | 来自mozilla.org的独立Web浏览器193.920200.670  
QetelinksAn advanced and well-established feature-rich text mode web browser. | 先进且完善的功能丰富的文本模式Web浏览器.2.8303.800-0.9734.28%
QetlinksA text WWW browser, similar to Lynx | 文本WWW浏览器, 类似于Lynx7.2607.260  
QetclamavAnti-virus toolkit for Unix | Unix防病毒工具包4.5804.740  杀毒
QetrkhunterChecks machines for the presence of rootkits and other unwanted tools. | 检查机器上是否存在rootkit和其他不需要的工具.1.1131.090  
QetnftablesNetfilter tables userspace tools | Netfilter表用户空间工具0.8380.838  
Qetintel-gpu-toolsTools for development and testing of the Intel DRM driver | 英特尔DRM驱动程序开发和测试工具11.13011.310  gpu
Qetmesa-demosMesa demos and tools incl. glxinfo + glxgears | Mesa演示和工具, 包括glxinfo + glxgears7.76011.370-3.6146.52%
QemesaAn open-source implementation of the OpenGL specification | OpenGL规范的开源实现84.480   
Qetiwnl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices | 基于nl80211的用于无线设备的CLI配置实用程序0.2590.259  网络
QetnetctlProfile based systemd network management | 基于配置文件的系统网络管理0.0940.150-0.0659.37%
Qetnetwork-manager-appletApplet for managing network connections | 用于管理网络连接的小程序0.6587.670-7.011064.79%
QetprivoxyA web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities. | 具有高级过滤功能的Web代理.1.9481.900  代理
Qetshadow.....A lightweight tunnel proxy | 轻量级隧道代理0.5130.513  
Qetv2r..A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions | 建立代理以绕过网络限制的平台43.38048.920  
QethexchatA popular and easy to use graphical IRC (chat) client | 流行且易于使用的图形IRC(聊天)客户端5.5005.500  日常
QetvlcMulti-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player | 多平台MPEG, VCD/DVD和DivX播放器58.75082.820-24.0740.97%
QetgimpGNU Image Manipulation Program | GNU图像处理程序111.250213.830-102.5892.21%
QetflameshotPowerful yet simple to use screenshot software | 功能强大但易于使用的屏幕截图软件0.9630.963  
QecryptsetupUserspace setup tool for transparent encryption of block devices using dm-crypt | 用户空间设置工具, 用于使用dm-crypt透明加密块设备2.350    
Qedevice-mapperDevice mapper userspace library and tools | 设备映射器用户空间库和工具0.835    
Qetdos2unixText file format converter | 文本文件格式转换器1.4911.460   
QetconvmvTool for converting encodings on filesystems | 用于在文件系统上转换编码的工具0.0460.046   
QettreeA directory listing program displaying a depth indented list of files | 目录列表程序, 显示深度缩进的文件列表0.0920.092   
QetwhoisIntelligent WHOIS client | 智能的WHOIS客户0.1600.160   
QelessA terminal based program for viewing text files | 基于终端的程序, 用于查看文本文件0.237    
QeinetutilsA collection of common network programs | 常见网络程序的集合1.139    
QesysfsutilsSystem Utilities Based on Sysfs | 基于Sysfs的系统实用程序0.147    
QeperlA highly capable, feature-rich programming language | 一种功能强大, 功能丰富的编程语言57.600    
QetltraceTracks runtime library calls in dynamically linked programs | 跟踪动态链接程序中的运行时库调用0.3330.333  跟踪
QettstraceA diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace tracer | 诊断, 调试和说明性用户空间跟踪器1.6371.600  
QettracerouteTracks the route taken by packets over an IP network | 跟踪IP网络上数据包所采用的路由0.0780.078  
QettlsofLists open files for running Unix processes | 列出用于运行Unix进程的打开文件0.2050.205  
QetacctUtilities for monitoring process activities | 监视流程活动的实用程序0.2200.220  
QethtopInteractive process viewer | 互动式流程查看器0.1990.199  各种
QetiftopDisplay bandwidth usage on an interface | 显示接口上的带宽使用情况0.0710.071  
QetiotopView I/O usage of processes | 查看进程的I/O使用情况0.1570.157  
QetjnettopA top-like console network traffic visualizer | 顶级控制台网络流量可视化工具0.0820.082  
QetdstatA versatile resource statistics tool | 多功能的资源统计工具0.3760.376  
QetnethogsA net top tool which displays traffic used per process instead of per IP or interface | 一个网络顶部工具, 显示每个进程而不是每个IP或接口使用的流量0.1620.162  
Qetspeedtest-cliCommand line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net | 命令行界面, 用于使用speedtest.net测试Internet带宽0.1840.184  
QetnmonAIX & Linux Performance Monitoring tool | AIX和Linux性能监视工具0.1680.168  
QetsmemGenerate reports on memory usage. | 生成有关内存使用情况的报告.0.0380.038  
Qetsysstata collection of performance monitoring tools (iostat,isag,mpstat,pidstat,sadf,sar) | 性能监视工具的集合(iostat, isag, mpstat, pidstat, sadf, sar)1.5371.500  
QetvnstatA console-based network traffic monitor | 基于控制台的网络流量监视器0.3610.361  
QethardinfoA system information and benchmark tool. | 系统信息和基准测试工具.0.8510.851   
QetneofetchA CLI system information tool written in BASH that supports displaying images. | 用BASH编写的CLI系统信息工具, 支持显示图像.0.3190.319   
QetpsensorA graphical hardware temperature monitor for Linux | 用于Linux的图形硬件温度监控器1.4781.890-0.4127.88% 

2. 大部分作为依赖安装的包

2.1 list2: Qd(lib*)198

pacman -Qqdes…Installed
size (M)
libabwa library that parses the file format of AbiWord documents | 解析AbiWord文档文件格式的库2.730
libaioThe Linux-native asynchronous I/O facility (aio) library | Linux原生异步I/O工具(aio)库0.022
libappindicator-gtk3Allow applications to extend a menu via Ayatana indicators in Unity, KDE or Systray (GTK+ 3 library) | 允许应用程序通过Unity, KDE或Systray中的Ayatana指示器扩展菜单(GTK + 3库)0.351
libarchiveMulti-format archive and compression library | 多格式存档和压缩库1.110
libassA portable library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering | 可移植的SSA/ASS字幕库0.232
libassuanIPC library used by some GnuPG related software | 一些GnuPG相关软件使用的IPC库0.156
libasyncnsA C library for executing name service queries asynchronously | 一个用于异步执行名称服务查询的C库0.048
libatasmartATA S.M.A.R.T. Reading and Parsing Library | ATA S.M.A.R.T.阅读和解析库0.103
libatomic_opsProvides semi-portable access to hardware provided atomic memory operations | 提供对硬件提供的原子内存操作的半便携式访问0.641
libavc1394A library to control A/V devices using the 1394ta AV/C commands. | 一个使用1394ta AV/C命令控制A/V设备的库.0.118
libblockdevA library for manipulating block devices | 用于操作块设备的库1.539
libblurayLibrary to access Blu-Ray disks for video playback | 用于访问蓝光光盘以播放视频的库1.210
libbytesizeA tiny library providing a C "class" for working with arbitrary big sizes in bytes | 一个微型库, 提供一个C“类”用于处理任意大字节数0.080
libcanberraA small and lightweight implementation of the XDG Sound Theme Specification | XDG声音主题规范的小型轻量级实现0.403
libcanberra-pulsePulseAudio plugin for libcanberra | libcanberra的PulseAudio插件0.035
libcapPOSIX 1003.1e capabilities | POSIX 1003.1e功能0.162
libcap-ngLibrary making programming with POSIX capabilities easier than traditional libcap | 库使使用POSIX功能的编程比传统的libcap更容易0.098
libcddbLibrary that implements the different protocols (CDDBP, HTTP, SMTP) to access data on a CDDB server (e.g. http://freedb.org). | 实现不同协议(CDDBP, HTTP, SMTP)以访问CDDB服务器(例如http://freedb.org)上的数据的库.0.160
libcdioGNU Compact Disc Input and Control Library | GNU光盘输入和控制库0.949
libcdio-paranoiaCD paranoia libraries from libcdio | libcdio的CD妄想库0.163
libcdrCorelDraw file format importer library for LibreOffice | LibreOffice的CorelDraw文件格式导入程序库7.690
libcmisa C/C++ client library for the CMIS protocol | CMIS协议的C/C ++客户端库1.924
libcrocoA CSS parsing library | CSS解析库1.217
libcupsThe CUPS Printing System - client libraries and headers | CUPS打印系统-客户端库和标头0.859
libdaemonLightweight C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons | 轻量级的C库, 简化了UNIX守护程序的编写0.058
libdatrieImplementation of double-array structure for representing trie, as proposed by Junichi Aoe. | 如Junichi Aoe所提出的, 用于表示特里的双数组结构的实现.0.076
libdbusmenu-glibLibrary for passing menus over DBus | 通过DBus传递菜单的库0.367
libdbusmenu-gtk3Library for passing menus over DBus (GTK+ 3 library) | 用于通过DBus传递菜单的库(GTK + 3库)0.136
libdcaFree library for decoding DTS Coherent Acoustics streams | 免费库, 用于解码DTS相干声学流0.224
libde265Open h.265 video codec implementation | 开放的h.265视频编解码器实现1.098
libdrmUserspace interface to kernel DRM services | 内核DRM服务的用户空间接口0.948
libdvbpsiLibrary designed for decoding and generation of MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables | 设计用于解码和生成MPEG TS和DVB PSI表的库0.552
libe-bookLibrary for import of reflowable e-book formats. | 用于导入可重排的电子书格式的库.11.460
libebmlExtensible Binary Meta Language library | 可扩展的二进制元语言库0.272
libeditCommand line editor library providing generic line editing, history, and tokenization functions | 命令行编辑器库, 提供通用的行编辑, 历史记录和标记化功能0.258
libelfLibraries to handle ELF object files and DWARF debugging information | 用于处理ELF目标文件和DWARF调试信息的库2.800
libepoxyLibrary handling OpenGL function pointer management | 库处理OpenGL函数指针管理3.260
libepubgenan EPUB generator for librevenge | 用于librevenge的EPUB生成器2.760
libetonyekLibrary and a set of tools for reading and converting Apple Keynote presentations | 库和一组用于阅读和转换Apple Keynote演示文稿的工具20.620
libevdevWrapper library for evdev devices | evdev设备的包装器库0.252
libeventAn event notification library | 事件通知库1.201
libexifLibrary to parse an EXIF file and read the data from those tags | 用于解析EXIF文件并从这些标签读取数据的库2.520
libexttextcatN-Gram-Based Text Categorization library primarily intended for language guessing | 基于N-Gram的文本分类库, 主要用于语言猜测0.446
libffiPortable foreign function interface library | 便携式外部功能接口库0.074
libfontencX11 font encoding library | X11字体编码库0.039
libfreehanda library for import of Aldus/Macromedia/Adobe FreeHand documents | 一个用于导入Aldus/Macromedia/Adob​​e FreeHand文档的库5.880
libgcryptGeneral purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG | 基于GnuPG代码的通用密码库1.362
libgexiv2GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library | Exiv2库周围基于GObject的包装器0.356
libglvndThe GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library | GL供应商中立调度库3.680
libgpg-errorSupport library for libgcrypt | libgcrypt支持库0.945
libgtopA library for collecting system monitoring data | 用于收集系统监视数据的库1.281
libgudevGObject bindings for libudev | libudev的GObject绑定0.359
libgusbGObject wrapper for libusb1 | libusb1的GObject包装器0.517
libheifHEIF file format decoder and encoder | HEIF文件格式解码器和编码器0.735
libibusIBus support library | IBus支持库60.840
libiceX11 Inter-Client Exchange library | X11客户端间交换库0.361
libidnImplementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA specifications | Stringprep, Punycode和IDNA规范的实现0.682
libidn2Free software implementation of IDNA2008, Punycode and TR46 | IDNA2008, Punycode和TR46的免费软件实现0.398
libiec61883A higher level API for streaming DV, MPEG-2 and audio over Linux IEEE 1394 | 通过Linux IEEE 1394传输DV, MPEG-2和音频的高级API0.118
libimobiledeviceLibrary that talks the protocols to support iPhone and iPod Touch devices on Linux | 讨论协议以支持Linux上的iPhone和iPod Touch设备的库1.579
libindicator-gtk3Set of symbols and convenience functions for Ayatana indicators (GTK+ 3 library) | Ayatana指示器的符号和便捷功能集(GTK + 3库)0.097
libinputInput device management and event handling library | 输入设备管理和事件处理库0.914
libixionA general purpose formula parser & interpreter | 通用公式解析器和解释器1.126
libjpeg-turboJPEG image codec with accelerated baseline compression and decompression | JPEG图像编解码器, 具有加速的基线压缩和解压缩功能2.100
libkeybinder3A library for registering global keyboard shortcuts | 用于注册全局键盘快捷键的库0.076
libksbaLibrary for working with X.509 certificates, CMS data and related objects | 用于处理X.509证书, CMS数据和相关对象的库0.314
liblangtaginterface library to access/deal with tags for identifying languages | 接口库, 用于使用识别语言的标签进行访问/交易3.050
libldapLightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client libraries | 轻型目录访问协议(LDAP)客户端库0.914
libmadA high-quality MPEG audio decoder | 高质量MPEG音频解码器0.157
libmatroskaMatroska library | 马特洛斯卡图书馆0.869
libmfxIntel Media SDK dispatcher library | 英特尔媒体SDK调度程序库0.268
libmicrohttpda small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. | 一个小的C库, 应该可以轻松地将HTTP服务器作为另一个应用程序的一部分运行.0.386
libmm-glibModemManager library | ModemManager库5.300
libmngA collection of routines used to create and manipulate MNG format graphics files | 一组例程, 用于创建和处理MNG格式的图形文件0.688
libmnlMinimalistic user-space library oriented to Netlink developers. | 面向Netlink开发人员的简约用户空间库.0.034
libmodplugA MOD playing library | MOD播放库0.366
libmpcLibrary for the arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision | 任意精度的复数算法库0.137
libmpcdecMusePack decoding library | MusePack解码库0.098
libmpdSignal based wrapper around libmpdclient | libmpdclient周围基于信号的包装器0.188
libmpeg2Library for decoding MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video streams. | 用于解码MPEG-1和MPEG-2视频流的库.0.233
libmspackA library for Microsoft compression formats | Microsoft压缩格式的库0.168
libmspubMicrosoft Publisher file format parser library (latest snapshot) | Microsoft Publisher文件格式解析器库(最新快照)7.450
libmwawImport library for some old mac text documents. | 导入一些旧的Mac文本文档的库.66.380
libmypaintLibrary for making brushstrokes which is used by MyPaint and other projects | MyPaint和其他项目使用的笔触库1.076
libndpLibrary for Neighbor Discovery Protocol | 邻居发现协议库0.056
libnetfilter_conntrackLibrary providing an API to the in-kernel connection tracking state table | 为内核内连接跟踪状态表提供API的库0.150
libnewtNot Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode windowing with slang | 不是Erik的Windowing Toolkit-带有lang语的文本模式窗口0.353
libnfnetlinkLow-level library for netfilter related kernel/userspace communication | 与Netfilter相关的内核/用户空间通信的低级库0.042
libnftnlNetfilter library providing interface to the nf_tables subsystem | Netfilter库提供到nf_tables子系统的接口0.241
libnghttp2Framing layer of HTTP/2 is implemented as a reusable C library | HTTP/2的框架层实现为可重用的C库0.361
libnlLibrary for applications dealing with netlink sockets | 用于处理netlink套接字的应用程序的库2.010
libnmNetworkManager client library | NetworkManager客户端库11.250
libnmaNetworkManager GUI client library | NetworkManager GUI客户端库1.728
libnotifyLibrary for sending desktop notifications | 用于发送桌面通知的库0.282
libnslPublic client interface library for NIS(YP) and NIS+ | NIS(YP)和NIS +的公共客户端接口库0.195
libnumbertextNumber to number name and money text conversion library | 数字到数字名称和货币文本转换库0.699
libodfgenLibrary for generating documents in Open Document Format | 用于以开放文档格式生成文档的库2.017
liboggOgg bitstream and framing library | Ogg比特流和框架库0.449
libomxil-bellagioAn opensource implementation of the OpenMAX Integration Layer API | OpenMAX集成层API的开源实现0.592
liborcusFile import filter library for spreadsheet documents. | 电子表格文档的文件导入过滤器库.3.540
libp11-kitLoads and enumerates PKCS#11 modules (library) | 加载和枚举PKCS#11模块(库)2.660
libpagemakera library that parses the file format of Aldus/Adobe PageMaker documents | 一个解析Aldus/Adob​​e PageMaker文档的文件格式的库2.080
libpcapA system-independent interface for user-level packet capture | 与系统无关的接口, 用于用户级别的数据包捕获0.541
libpciaccessX11 PCI access library | X11 PCI访问库0.062
libpeasA GObject plugins library | 一个GObject插件库1.051
libpgmOpenPGM: implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM, RFC3208) | OpenPGM:实用通用多播(PGM, RFC3208)的实现0.401
libpinyinLibrary to deal with pinyin | 图书馆处理拼音40.410
libpipelinea C library for manipulating pipelines of subprocesses in a flexible and convenient way | 一个C库, 以灵活方便的方式处理子流程的管道0.088
libplaceboReusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives | 可重用的库, 用于GPU加速的视频/图像渲染原语0.534
libplistA library to handle Apple Property List format whereas it's binary or XML | 用于处理Apple属性列表格式(二进制或XML)的库0.422
libpngA collection of routines used to create PNG format graphics files | 用于创建PNG格式图形文件的例程的集合0.567
libproxyAutomatic proxy configuration management library | 自动代理配置管理库0.264
libpslPublic Suffix List library | 公共后缀列表库0.190
libpulseA featureful, general-purpose sound server (client library) | 功能齐全的通用声音服务器(客户端库)1.445
libqxpa library that parses the file format of QuarkXPress documents | 解析QuarkXPress文档的文件格式的库3.610
librawA library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo cameras (CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG, and others) | 一个用于读取从数码相机(CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG等)获得的RAW文件的库2.520
libraw1394Provides an API to the Linux IEEE1394 (FireWire) driver | 为Linux IEEE1394(FireWire)驱动程序提供API0.161
librevengelibrary for REVerses ENGineered formats filters | REVerses工程格式过滤器的库8.370
librsvgSVG rendering library | SVG渲染库7.960
libsamplerateSecret Rabbit Code - aka Sample Rate Converter for audio | 秘密兔子代码-又名音频采样率转换器1.601
libsaslCyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL) Library | Cyrus简单身份验证服务层(SASL)库0.508
libseccompEnhanced seccomp library | 增强的seccomp库0.704
libsecretLibrary for storing and retrieving passwords and other secrets | 用于存储和检索密码和其他机密的库2.170
libsigc++Callback Framework for C++ | C ++的回调框架1.152
libsmX11 Session Management library | X11会话管理库0.261
libsndfileA C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound | 一个C库, 用于读写包含采样声音的文件1.259
libsodiumP(ortable|ackageable) NaCl-based crypto library | 基于P(可破解)的NaCl密码库0.506
libsoupHTTP client/server library for GNOME | GNOME的HTTP客户端/服务器库4.830
libsoxrThe SoX Resampler library that aims to give fast and high quality results for any constant resampling ratio | SoX Resampler库旨在为任何恒定的重采样率提供快速和高质量的结果0.335
libspiroSimplifies the drawing of beautiful curves | 简化美丽曲线的绘制0.033
libsshLibrary for accessing ssh client services through C libraries | 用于通过C库访问ssh客户端服务的库0.567
libssh2A library implementing the SSH2 protocol as defined by Internet Drafts | 实现Internet草案定义的SSH2协议的库0.410
libstarofficefilter for old StarOffice documents(.sdc, .sdw, ...) based on librevenge | 基于librevenge的旧StarSuite文档(.sdc, .sdw等)的过滤器49.050
libtarC library for manipulating POSIX tar files | C库, 用于处理POSIX tar文件0.083
libtasn1The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS | GNUTLS中使用的ASN.1库0.264
libteamLibrary for controlling team network device | 控制团队网络设备的库1.074
libthaiThai language support routines | 泰语支持例程0.656
libtheoraAn open video codec developed by the Xiph.org | Xiph.org开发的开放视频编解码器1.711
libtiffLibrary for manipulation of TIFF images | 用于处理TIFF图像的库2.730
libtirpcTransport Independent RPC library (SunRPC replacement) | 独立于传输的RPC库(SunRPC替代)0.435
libtommathHighly optimized and portable routines for integer based number theoretic applications | 高度优化且可移植的例程, 用于基于整数的数论应用0.120
libtorrent-rasterbarA C++ BitTorrent library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other implementations around | 一个C ++ BitTorrent库, 旨在替代周围的所有其他实现9.670
libunistringLibrary for manipulating Unicode strings and C strings | 用于处理Unicode字符串和C字符串的库2.250
libunwindPortable and efficient C programming interface (API) to determine the call-chain of a program | 可移植且高效的C编程接口(API), 可确定程序的调用链0.265
libupnpPortable Open Source UPnP Development Kit | 便携式开源UPnP开发套件0.478
libusbLibrary that provides generic access to USB devices | 提供对USB设备的通用访问的库0.178
libusbmuxdUSB Multiplex Daemon | USB Multiplex守护程序0.113
libutil-linuxutil-linux runtime libraries | util-linux运行时库1.399
libvaVideo Acceleration (VA) API for Linux | 适用于Linux的视频加速(VA)API0.772
libvdpauNvidia VDPAU library | Nvidia VDPAU库0.266
libvisioLibrary providing ability to interpret and import visio diagrams | 库提供解释和导入visio图表的功能8.800
libvorbisReference implementation of the Ogg Vorbis audio format | Ogg Vorbis音频格式的参考实现1.471
libvpxVP8 and VP9 codec | VP8和VP9编解码器4.330
libwacomLibrary to identify Wacom tablets and their features | 识别Wacom平板电脑及其功能的库0.572
libwebpWebP library and conversion tools | WebP库和转换工具1.086
libwmfA library for reading vector images in Microsoft's native Windows Metafile Format (WMF) | 用于读取Microsoft原生Windows图元文件格式(WMF)的矢量图像的库3.240
libwnck3Library to manage X windows and workspaces (via pagers, tasklists, etc.) | 用于管理X窗口和工作区的库(通过寻呼机, 任务列表等)3.010
libwpdLibrary for importing WordPerfect (tm) documents | 用于导入WordPerfect(tm)文档的库15.290
libwpeGeneral-purpose library for WPE WebKit | WPE WebKit的通用库0.265
libwpgLibrary for importing and converting Corel WordPerfect(tm) Graphics images. | 用于导入和转换Corel WordPerfect(tm)图形图像的库.1.424
libwpsa Microsoft Works file word processor format import filter library | Microsoft Works文件文字处理器格式的导入筛选器库20.720
libx11X11 client-side library | X11客户端库10.150
libxauX11 authorisation library | X11授权库0.021
libxcbX11 client-side library | X11客户端库3.730
libxcompositeX11 Composite extension library | X11复合扩展库0.024
libxcursorX cursor management library | X光标管理库0.061
libxdamageX11 damaged region extension library | X11损坏的区域扩展库0.017
libxdmcpX11 Display Manager Control Protocol library | X11 Display Manager控制协议库0.130
libxextX11 miscellaneous extensions library | X11其他扩展库0.311
libxfce4uiCommonly used Xfce widgets among Xfce applications | Xfce应用程序中常用的Xfce小部件1.854
libxfce4utilBasic utility non-GUI functions for Xfce | Xfce的基本实用程序非GUI功能0.822
libxfixesX11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library | X11其他“修复”扩展库0.041
libxfont2X11 font rasterisation library | X11字体栅格化库0.248
libxftFreeType-based font drawing library for X | 基于FreeType的X字体绘图库0.118
libxiX11 Input extension library | X11输入扩展库0.484
libxineramaX11 Xinerama extension library | X11 Xinerama扩展库0.024
libxkbcommonKeymap handling library for toolkits and window systems | 工具箱和窗口系统的按键映射处理库0.554
libxkbcommon-x11Keyboard handling library using XKB data for X11 XCB clients | X11 XCB客户端使用XKB数据的键盘处理库0.043
libxkbfileX11 keyboard file manipulation library | X11键盘文件操作库0.199
libxklavierHigh-level API for X Keyboard Extension | X键盘扩展的高级API0.371
libxml2XML parsing library, version 2 | XML解析库, 版本29.190
libxmuX11 miscellaneous micro-utility library | X11杂项微型实用程序库0.342
libxnvctrlNVIDIA NV-CONTROL X extension | NVIDIA NV-CONTROL X扩展0.458
libxpmX11 pixmap library | X11像素图库0.157
libxpresentX Present Extension library | X Present扩展库0.022
libxrandrX11 RandR extension library | X11 RandR扩展库0.071
libxrenderX Rendering Extension client library | X Rendering Extension客户端库0.078
libxresX11 Resource extension library | X11资源扩展库0.020
libxshmfencea library that exposes a event API on top of Linux futexes | 一个在Linux futex上公开事件API的库0.017
libxsltXML stylesheet transformation library | XML样式表转换库2.160
libxssX11 Screen Saver extension library | X11屏幕保护程序扩展库0.026
libxtX11 toolkit intrinsics library | X11工具包内在函数库2.030
libxtstX11 Testing -- Resource extension library | X11测试-资源扩展库0.112
libxvX11 Video extension library | X11视频扩展库0.060
libxvmcX11 Video Motion Compensation extension library | X11视频运动补偿扩展库0.093
libxxf86vmX11 XFree86 video mode extension library | X11 XFree86视频模式扩展库0.035
libyamlYAML 1.1 library | YAML 1.1库0.184
libzmfa library for import of Zoner drawing and bitmap files | 用于导入Zoner绘图和位图文件的库1.819

2.2 list3: Qd(python*)19

pacman -Qqdes…Installed
size (M)
pythonNext generation of the python high-level scripting language | 下一代python高级脚本语言77.540
python-appdirsA small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir". | 一个小型Python模块, 用于确定适当的特定于平台的目录, 例如一个“用户数据目录”.0.076
python-cairoPython bindings for the cairo graphics library | cairo图形库的Python绑定0.260
python-dbusPython bindings for DBUS | DBUS的Python绑定0.543
python-dbus-commonCommon dbus-python files shared between python-dbus and python2-dbus | python-dbus和python2-dbus之间共享的常见dbus-python文件8.500
python-gobjectPython Bindings for GLib/GObject/GIO/GTK+ | GLib/GObject/GIO/GTK +的Python绑定1.116
python-ordered-setA MutableSet that remembers its order, so that every entry has an index | 一个可记住其顺序的MutableSet, 以便每个条目都有一个索引0.054
python-packagingCore utilities for Python packages | Python软件包的核心实用程序0.178
python-pexpectFor controlling and automating applications | 用于控制和自动化应用程序0.318
python-ptyprocessRun a subprocess in a pseudo terminal | 在伪终端中运行子进程0.063
python-pyelftoolsPython library for analyzing ELF files and DWARF debugging information | 用于分析ELF文件和DWARF调试信息的Python库1.252
python-pyparsingGeneral parsing module for Python | Python的通用解析模块0.746
python-pyxdgPython library to access freedesktop.org standards | 使用Python库访问freedesktop.org标准0.391
python-setuptoolsEasily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages | 轻松下载, 构建, 安装, 升级和卸载Python软件包2.990
python-sixPython 2 and 3 compatibility utilities | Python 2和3兼容性实用程序0.089
python2A high-level scripting language | 一种高级脚本语言75.390
python2-dbusPython2 bindings for DBUS | DBUS的Python2绑定0.586
python2-gobjectPython2 Bindings for GLib/GObject/GIO/GTK+ | GLib/GObject/GIO/GTK +的Python2绑定1.221
python2-gobject2Legacy Python 2 bindings for GObject | GObject的旧版Python 2绑定1.881

2.3 list4: Qd()240

pacman -Qqdes…Installed
size (M)
a52decA free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams | 用于解码ATSC A/52流的免费库0.114
aclAccess control list utilities, libraries and headers | 访问控制列表实用程序, 库和标头0.323
adobe-source-code-pro-fontsMonospaced font family for user interface and coding environments | 用于用户界面和编码环境的等宽字体系列2.140
adwaita-icon-themeGNOME standard icons | GNOME标准图标22.340
alsa-libAn alternative implementation of Linux sound support | Linux声音支持的替代实现1.608
alsa-topology-confALSA topology configuration files | ALSA拓扑配置文件0.341
alsa-ucm-confALSA Use Case Manager configuration (and topologies) | ALSA用例管理器配置(和拓扑)0.146
aomAlliance for Open Media video codec | 开放媒体视频编解码器联盟11.710
archlinux-keyringArch Linux PGP keyring | Arch Linux PGP密钥环1.268
argon2A password-hashing function (reference C implementation) | 密码哈希函数(参考C实现)0.114
aribb24Library for ARIB STD-B24, decoding JIS 8 bit characters and parsing MPEG-TS stream | 用于ARIB STD-B24的库, 可解码JIS 8位字符并解析MPEG-TS流0.120
at-spi2-atkA GTK+ module that bridges ATK to D-Bus at-spi | GTK +模块可将ATK即时连接到D-Bus0.221
at-spi2-coreProtocol definitions and daemon for D-Bus at-spi | D-Bus at-spi的协议定义和守护程序2.120
atkInterface definitions of accessibility infrastructure | 可访问性基础结构的接口定义3.570
atkmmC++ bindings for ATK | ATK的C ++绑定0.551
attrExtended attribute support library for ACL support | 用于ACL支持的扩展属性支持库0.211
auditUserspace components of the audit framework | 审核框架的用户空间组件0.982
avahiService Discovery for Linux using mDNS/DNS-SD -- compatible with Bonjour | 使用mDNS/DNS-SD的Linux服务发现-与Bonjour兼容1.882
bablDynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library | 动态的任何像素格式转换库1.254
blasBasic Linear Algebra Subprograms | 基本的线性代数子程序0.343
bluez-libsDeprecated libraries for the bluetooth protocol stack | 蓝牙协议栈已弃用的库0.284
boost-libsFree peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries - runtime libraries | 免费的同行评审便携式C ++源库-运行时库10.520
brotliBrotli compression library | Brotli压缩库2.270
bubblewrapUnprivileged sandboxing tool | 非特权沙箱工具0.058
c-aresC library that performs DNS requests and name resolves asynchronously | 执行DNS请求和名称的C库异步解析0.192
ca-certificatesCommon CA certificates (default providers) | 通用CA证书(默认提供程序)0.000
ca-certificates-mozillaMozilla's set of trusted CA certificates | Mozilla的一组可信CA证书0.922
ca-certificates-utilsCommon CA certificates (utilities) | 通用CA证书(实用程序)0.006
cairo2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices | 2D图形库, 支持多个输出设备3.460
cairommC++ bindings for Cairo | 开罗的C ++绑定0.406
cantarell-fontsHumanist sans serif font | 人文主义无衬线字体0.881
cluceneC++ port of the high-performance text search engine Lucene | 高性能文本搜索引擎Lucene的C ++端口3.470
colordSystem daemon for managing color devices | 系统后台程序, 用于管理彩色设备6.920
cracklibPassword Checking Library | 密码检查库0.909
curlAn URL retrieval utility and library | URL检索实用程序和库1.677
dav1dAV1 cross-platform decoder focused on speed and correctness | AV1跨平台解码器专注于速度和正确性1.041
dbThe Berkeley DB embedded database system | Berkeley DB嵌入式数据库系统6.410
dbusFreedesktop.org message bus system | Freedesktop.org消息总线系统0.965
dbus-glibGLib bindings for DBUS | DBUS的GLib绑定0.791
dconfConfiguration database system | 配置数据库系统0.439
desktop-file-utilsCommand line utilities for working with desktop entries | 用于处理桌面条目的命令行实用程序0.204
double-conversionBinary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles | IEEE double的二进制十进制和十进制二进制例程0.169
elfutilsUtilities to handle ELF object files and DWARF debugging information | 实用程序, 用于处理ELF目标文件和DWARF调试信息3.540
enchantA wrapper library for generic spell checking | 一个包装库, 用于常规拼写检查0.204
exiv2Exif, Iptc and XMP metadata manipulation library and tools | Exif, iptc和XMP元数据操作库和工具8.410
expacpacman database extraction utility | pacman数据库提取实用程序0.035
expatAn XML parser library | XML解析器库0.313
faad2ISO AAC audio decoder | ISO AAC音频解码器0.573
ffmpegComplete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video | 录制, 转换和流音频和视频的完整解决方案31.600
flacFree Lossless Audio Codec | 免费的无损音频编解码器1.090
fontconfigLibrary for configuring and customizing font access | 用于配置和定制字体访问的库0.627
freeglutProvides functionality for small OpenGL programs | 为小型OpenGL程序提供功能0.399
freetype2Font rasterization library | 字体栅格化库1.625
fribidiA Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm | Unicode双向算法的免费实现0.218
fuse-commonCommon files for fuse2/3 packages | 保险丝2/3封装的通用文件0.001
fuse2A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. | 一个库, 可以在用户空间程序中实现文件系统.0.458
fuse3A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. | 一个库, 可以在用户空间程序中实现文件系统.0.450
gcA garbage collector for C and C++ | C和C ++的垃圾收集器0.750
gcrA library for bits of crypto UI and parsing | 一个用于加密用户界面和解析的库5.750
gdbmGNU database library | GNU数据库库0.490
gdk-pixbuf2An image loading library | 图像加载库4.030
geglGraph based image processing framework | 基于图的图像处理框架8.870
giflibLibrary for reading and writing gif images | 用于读取和写入gif图像的库0.307
glewThe OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library | OpenGL扩展Wrangler库2.750
glib-networkingNetwork extensions for GLib | GLib的网络扩展0.474
glib2Low level core library | 低级核心库14.660
glibmmC++ bindings for GLib | GLib的C ++绑定5.730
glslangOpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator | OpenGL和OpenGL ES着色器前端和验证器13.440
gluMesa OpenGL Utility library | Mesa OpenGL实用程序库0.482
gmpA free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic | 一个免费的任意精度算法库1.010
gnu-free-fontsA free family of scalable outline fonts | 免费的可扩展轮廓字体系列6.650
gnupgComplete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard | 完整和免费实施OpenPGP标准9.900
gnutlsA library which provides a secure layer over a reliable transport layer | 在可靠的传输层上提供安全层的库6.530
gobject-introspection-runtimeIntrospection system for GObject-based libraries (runtime library) | 基于GObject的库(运行时库)的自检系统0.826
gpgmeA C wrapper library for GnuPG | GnuPG的C包装器库1.272
graphitereimplementation of the SIL Graphite text processing engine | SIL Graphite文本处理引擎的重新实现0.683
gsettings-desktop-schemasShared GSettings schemas for the desktop | 桌面的共享GSettings模式4.360
gsfonts(URW)++ Core Font Set [Level 2] | (URW)++核心字体集[级别2]3.090
gsmShared libraries for GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression | GSM 06.10有损语音压缩的共享库0.102
gst-plugins-base-libsGStreamer open-source multimedia framework base libraries | GStreamer开源多媒体框架基础库17.370
gstreamerGStreamer open-source multimedia framework core library | GStreamer开源多媒体框架核心库18.600
gtk-update-icon-cacheGTK+ icon cache updater | GTK +图标缓存更新器0.039
gtk2GObject-based multi-platform GUI toolkit (legacy) | 基于GObject的多平台GUI工具包(旧版)36.190
gtk3GObject-based multi-platform GUI toolkit | 基于GObject的多平台GUI工具包74.510
gtkmm3C++ bindings for GTK+ 3 | GTK + 3的C ++绑定10.610
gtksourceview3A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME | 文本小部件, 用于向GNOME添加语法突出显示等功能5.880
guilePortable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C | 用C编写的可移植, 可嵌入Scheme实现44.080
harfbuzzOpenType text shaping engine | OpenType文字整形引擎4.310
harfbuzz-icuOpenType text shaping engine (ICU integration) | OpenType文本整形引擎(ICU集成)0.017
hicolor-icon-themeFreedesktop.org Hicolor icon theme | Freedesktop.org Hicolor图标主题0.054
hidapiSimple library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices | 与USB和Bluetooth HID设备通信的简单库0.088
hunspellSpell checker and morphological analyzer library and program | 拼写检查器和形态分析器库和程序0.784
hwidshardware identification databases | 硬件识别数据库1.781
hyphenlibrary for high quality hyphenation and justification | 高质量连字符和证明的库0.033
iana-etc/etc/protocols and /etc/services provided by IANA | IANA提供的/ etc/protocols和/ etc/services3.890
icuInternational Components for Unicode library | Unicode库的国际组件37.390
iptablesLinux kernel packet control tool (using legacy interface) | Linux内核数据包控制工具(使用旧版接口)2.410
iso-codesLists of the country, language, and currency names | 国家, 语言和货币名称的列表18.260
jackA low-latency audio server | 低延迟音频服务器2.840
janssonC library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data | C库, 用于编码, 解码和处理JSON数据0.183
jasperSoftware-based implementation of the codec specified in the emerging JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard | 新兴的JPEG-2000 Part-1标准中指定的编解码器的基于软件的实现1.240
js60JavaScript interpreter and libraries - Version 60 | JavaScript解释器和库-版本6055.380
json-cA JSON implementation in C | 用C实现的JSON实现0.169
json-glibJSON library built on GLib | 基于GLib构建的JSON库1.712
kbdKeytable files and keyboard utilities | 键表文件和键盘实用程序2.850
keyutilsLinux Key Management Utilities | Linux密钥管理实用程序0.197
kmodLinux kernel module management tools and library | Linux内核模块管理工具和库0.286
krb5The Kerberos network authentication system | Kerberos网络认证系统4.500
kyotocabineta modern implementation of DBM in C++ | C ++中DBM的现代实现16.760
l-smashMP4 muxer and other tools | MP4混合器和其他工具1.038
lameA high quality MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder | 高质量的MPEG Audio Layer III(MP3)编码器0.937
lapackLinear Algebra PACKage | 线性代数包装7.020
lcms2Small-footprint color management engine, version 2 | 小尺寸色彩管理引擎, 版本20.654
lensfunDatabase of photographic lenses and a library that allows advanced access to the database | 摄影镜头数据库和一个允许高级访问数据库的库3.010
linux-api-headersKernel headers sanitized for use in userspace | 清理了用于用户空间的内核头4.490
llvm-libsLLVM runtime libraries | LLVM运行时库84.070
lm_sensorsCollection of user space tools for general SMBus access and hardware monitoring | 收集用于通用SMBus访问和硬件监视的用户空间工具0.478
lpsolvea Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver | 混合整数线性规划(MILP)求解器1.485
luaPowerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications | 强大的轻量级编程语言, 旨在扩展应用程序1.051
lua51Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications | 强大的轻量级编程语言, 旨在扩展应用程序0.827
luajitJust-in-time compiler and drop-in replacement for Lua 5.1 | Lua 5.1的即时编译器和嵌入式替换1.066
lz4Extremely fast compression algorithm | 极快的压缩算法0.409
lzoPortable lossless data compression library | 便携式无损数据压缩库0.402
mailcapHelper application and MIME type associations for file types | 文件类型的帮助程序应用程序和MIME类型关联0.105
md4cC Markdown parser | C Markdown解析器0.250
metisA set of serial programs for partitioning graphs, partitioning finite element meshes, and producing fill reducing orderings for sparse matrices | 一组用于对图形进行分区, 对有限元网格进行分区以及为稀疏矩阵生成填充减少顺序的串行程序0.418
minizipMini zip and unzip based on zlib | 基于zlib的迷你zip和unzip0.086
mkinitcpio-busyboxBase initramfs tools | 基础initramfs工具0.508
mobile-broadband-provider-infoNetwork Management daemon | 网络管理守护程序0.486
mpfrMultiple-precision floating-point library | 多精度浮点库0.762
mtdevA stand-alone library which transforms all variants of kernel MT events to the slotted type B protocol | 一个独立的库, 它将内核MT事件的所有变体转换为带槽的B型协议0.051
mypaint-brushes1Brushes used by MyPaint and other software using libmypaint (v1.x) | MyPaint和其他使用libmypaint(v1.x)的软件使用的画笔2.320
ncursesSystem V Release 4.0 curses emulation library | System V 4.0版curses仿真库3.550
ndctlUtility library for managing the libnvdimm (non-volatile memory device) sub-system in the Linux kernel | 实用程序库, 用于管理Linux内核中的libnvdimm(非易失性存储设备)子系统0.578
neonHTTP and WebDAV client library with a C interface | 具有C接口的HTTP和WebDAV客户端库0.637
nettleA low-level cryptographic library | 低级密码库0.915
nm-connection-editorNetworkManager GUI connection editor and widgets | NetworkManager GUI连接编辑器和小部件4.410
npthNew portable threads library | 新的可移植线程库0.039
nsprNetscape Portable Runtime | Netscape便携式运行时0.736
nssNetwork Security Services | 网络安全服务5.130
openccLibrary for Open Chinese Convert | 开放中文转换图书馆1.966
opencore-amrOpen source implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec | 自适应多速率(AMR)语音编解码器的开源实现0.297
openexrAn high dynamic-range image file format library | 高动态范围图像文件格式库36.450
openjpeg2An open source JPEG 2000 codec, version 2.3.1 | 开源JPEG 2000编解码器2.3.1版13.630
openresolvresolv.conf management framework (resolvconf) | resolv.conf管理框架(resolvconf)0.056
opensslThe Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security | 用于安全套接字层和传输层安全性的开源工具包7.300
opusTotally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec | 完全开放, 免版税, 功能广泛的音频编解码器1.785
orcOptimized Inner Loop Runtime Compiler | 优化的内循环运行时编译器1.106
p11-kitLoads and enumerates PKCS#11 modules | 加载和枚举PKCS#11模块0.704
pacman-mirrorlistArch Linux mirror list for use by pacman | pacman使用的Arch Linux镜像列表0.031
pamPAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) library | PAM(可插入身份验证模块)库2.840
pambaseBase PAM configuration for services | 服务的基本PAM配置0.002
pangoA library for layout and rendering of text | 用于文本布局和渲染的库4.360
pangommC++ bindings for Pango | Pango的C ++绑定0.467
pcreA library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions | 实现Perl 5样式正则表达式的库3.400
pcre2A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions. 2nd version | 一个实现Perl 5样式正则表达式的库. 第二版3.900
pegrecursive-descent parser generators for C | C的递归下降解析器生成器0.117
perl-errorPerl/CPAN Error module - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way | Perl/CPAN错误模块-以OO-ish方式处理错误/异常0.043
perl-mailtoolsVarious e-mail related modules | 各种电子邮件相关模块0.108
perl-timedateDate formating subroutines | 日期格式化子例程0.085
perl-uriUniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative) | 统一资源标识符(绝对和相对)0.163
pinentryCollection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol | 使用Assuan协议的简单PIN或密码输入对话框的集合0.510
pixmanThe pixel-manipulation library for X and cairo | X和cairo的像素处理库0.716
polkitApplication development toolkit for controlling system-wide privileges | 应用程序开发工具包, 用于控制系统范围的特权1.875
polkit-gnomeLegacy polkit authentication agent for GNOME | 用于GNOME的旧版polkit身份验证代理0.337
popplerPDF rendering library based on xpdf 3.0 | 基于xpdf 3.0的PDF渲染库5.610
poppler-dataEncoding data for the poppler PDF rendering library | Poppler PDF渲染库的编码数据11.480
poppler-glibPoppler glib bindings | Poppler glib绑定2.470
poptA commandline option parser | 命令行选项解析器0.215
pyalpmLibalpm bindings for Python 3 | 适用于Python 3的Libalpm绑定0.176
pygobject-develCommon development files for pygobject | pygobject的常见开发文件0.025
qrencodeC library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol. | C库, 用于将数据编码为QR Code符号.0.102
raptorA C library that parses RDF/XML/N-Triples into RDF triples | 一个将RDF/XML/N-Triples解析为RDF三元组的C库1.969
rasqalA free C library that handles Resource Description Framework (RDF) query syntaxes, query construction and query execution returning result bindings | 一个免费的C库, 用于处理资源描述框架(RDF)查询语法, 查询构造和查询执行, 并返回结果绑定1.694
rav1eAn AV1 encoder focused on speed and safety | 专注于速度和安全性的AV1编码器4.880
re2Fast, safe, thread-friendly regular expression engine | 快速, 安全, 线程友好的正则表达式引擎0.467
readlineGNU readline library | GNU readline库0.708
redlandLibrary that provides a high-level interface to RDF data | 提供高级接口到RDF数据的库1.720
restHelper library for RESTful services | RESTful服务的帮助程序库0.855
rtkitRealtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon | 实时策略和看门狗守护程序0.085
sdlA library for portable low-level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, and keyboard | 一个用于对视频帧缓冲区, 音频输出, 鼠标和键盘进行便携式低级访问的库1.040
sdl2A library for portable low-level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, and keyboard (Version 2) | 用于对视频帧缓冲区, 音频输出, 鼠标和键盘进行便携式低级访问的库(版本2)3.120
shadercCollection of tools, libraries and tests for shader compilation | 收集用于着色器编译的工具, 库和测试0.655
shared-mime-infoFreedesktop.org Shared MIME Info | Freedesktop.org共享的MIME信息4.320
slangS-Lang is a powerful interpreted language | S-Lang是一种强大的解释语言3.170
snappyA fast compressor/decompressor library | 快速压缩器/解压缩器库0.073
sound-theme-freedesktopFreedesktop sound theme | Freedesktop声音主题0.461
speexA free codec for free speech | 免费的语音编解码器0.636
speexdspDSP library derived from Speex | 源自Speex的DSP库0.549
sqliteA C library that implements an SQL database engine | 实现SQL数据库引擎的C库9.180
srtSecure Reliable Transport library | 安全可靠的传输库6.620
startup-notificationMonitor and display application startup | 监视和显示应用程序启动0.061
suitesparseA collection of sparse matrix libraries | 稀疏矩阵库的集合3.400
systemd-libssystemd client libraries | 系统客户端库1.692
taglibA Library for reading and editing the meta-data of several popular audio formats | 一个用于读取和编辑几种流行音频格式的元数据的库1.658
tbbHigh level abstract threading library | 高级抽象线程库2.180
tdbTrivial Database similar to GDBM but allows simultaneous commits | 普通数据库类似于GDBM, 但允许同时提交0.235
thin-provisioning-toolsSuite of tools for manipulating the metadata of the dm-thin device-mapper target | 一套用于处理dm-thin设备映射器目标的元数据的工具套件1.399
trePOSIX compliant regexp matching library. Includes agrep for approximate grepping. | 符合POSIX的regexp匹配库. 包括用于近似grepping的agrep.0.166
tslibTouchscreen Access Library | 触摸屏访问库0.483
ttf-liberationRed Hats Liberation fonts | Red Hats Liberation字体4.130
tzdataSources for time zone and daylight saving time data | 时区和夏时制数据的来源2.350
udisks2Disk Management Service, version 2 | 磁盘管理服务, 版本213.710
upowerAbstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics | 枚举功率设备, 侦听设备事件以及查询历史和统计信息的抽象0.981
usbmuxdUSB Multiplex Daemon | USB Multiplex守护程序0.081
v2r..-domain-list-communityA list of domains to be used as geosites for routing purpose in Project V | 在Project V中用作路由目的的地理站点的域列表0.506
v2r..-geoipGeoIP List for V2R.. | V2R..的GeoIP列表5.040
v4l-utilsUserspace tools and conversion library for Video 4 Linux | Video 4 Linux的用户空间工具和转换库4.440
vid.stabVideo stabilization library | 视频稳定库0.138
vmafPerceptual video quality assessment algorithm based on multi-method fusion | 基于多方法融合的感知视频质量评估算法4.530
volume_keyA library for manipulating storage volume encryption keys and storing them separately from volumes to handle forgotten passphrases | 一个用于处理存储卷加密密钥并将其与卷分开存储以处理被忘记的密码短语的库0.810
vte-commonFiles shared by VTE libraries | VTE库共享的文件0.016
vte3Virtual Terminal Emulator widget | 虚拟终端仿真器小部件1.664
vulkan-icd-loaderVulkan Installable Client Driver (ICD) Loader | Vulkan可安装客户端驱动程序(ICD)加载程序0.385
waylandA computer display server protocol | 计算机显示服务器协议0.752
wayland-protocolsSpecifications of extended Wayland protocols | 扩展的Wayland协议规范0.409
webkit2gtkGTK+ Web content engine library | GTK + Web内容引擎库93.490
webrtc-audio-processingAudioProcessing library based on Google's implementation of WebRTC | 基于Google WebRTC实现的AudioProcessing库0.818
woff2Web Open Font Format 2 reference implementation | Web开放字体格式2参考实现0.198
wpebackend-fdoFreedesktop.org backend for WPE WebKit | WPE WebKit的Freedesktop.org后端0.081
x264Open Source H264/AVC video encoder | 开源H264/AVC视频编码器3.690
x265Open Source H265/HEVC video encoder | 开源H265/HEVC视频编码器18.900
xcb-protoXML-XCB protocol descriptions | XML-XCB协议描述0.845
xcb-utilUtility libraries for XC Binding | XC绑定实用程序库0.038
xcb-util-imageUtility libraries for XC Binding - Port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage functions | XC绑定实用程序库-Xlib XImage和XShmImage函数的端口0.053
xcb-util-keysymsUtility libraries for XC Binding - Standard X key constants and conversion to/from keycodes | XC绑定实用程序库-标准X键常量以及与/从键代码的转换0.029
xcb-util-renderutilUtility libraries for XC Binding - Convenience functions for the Render extension | XC绑定实用程序库-渲染扩展的便捷功能0.036
xcb-util-wmUtility libraries for XC Binding - client and window-manager helpers for ICCCM | XC绑定实用程序库-ICCCM的客户端和窗口管理器帮助器0.224
xdg-dbus-proxyD-Bus proxy | D-Bus代理0.050
xdg-utilsCommand line tools that assist applications with a variety of desktop integration tasks | 命令行工具可协助应用程序完成各种桌面集成任务0.283
xkeyboard-configX keyboard configuration files | X键盘配置文件5.330
xmlsecXML Security Library is a C library based on LibXML2 | XML安全性库是基于LibXML2的C库4.870
xorgprotocombined X.Org X11 Protocol headers | 组合的X.Org X11协议标头1.435
xvidcoreXviD is an open source MPEG-4 video codec | XviD是一种开源MPEG-4视频编解码器0.692
zenityDisplay graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts | 从Shell脚本显示图形对话框6.610
zeromqFast messaging system built on sockets. C and C++ bindings. aka 0MQ, ZMQ. | 基于套接字的快速消息传递系统. C和C ++绑定. 又名0MQ, ZMQ.2.960
zita-alsa-pcmiThe successor of clalsadrv, provides easy access to ALSA PCM devices. | clalsadrv的后继产品可轻松访问ALSA PCM设备.0.081
zita-resamplerA C++ library for resampling audio signals | 一个用于对音频信号进行重采样的C ++库0.197
zlibCompression library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIP | 压缩库实现了gzip和PKZIP中的deflate压缩方法0.334
zstdZstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm | Zstandard-快速实时压缩算法3.300

