- "requestPermissions": [
- {
- "name": "ohos.permission.INTERNET"
- }
- ],
该例引用自鸿蒙开发文档@ohos.net.http (数据请求)
- // 引入包名
- import http from '@ohos.net.http';
- // 每一个httpRequest对应一个HTTP请求任务,不可复用
- let httpRequest = http.createHttp();
- // 用于订阅HTTP响应头,此接口会比request请求先返回。可以根据业务需要订阅此消息
- // 从API 8开始,使用on('headersReceive', Callback)替代on('headerReceive', AsyncCallback)。 8+
- httpRequest.on('headersReceive', (header) => {
- console.info('header: ' + JSON.stringify(header));
- });
- httpRequest.request(
- // 填写HTTP请求的URL地址,可以带参数也可以不带参数。URL地址需要开发者自定义。请求的参数可以在extraData中指定
- {
- method: http.RequestMethod.POST, // 可选,默认为http.RequestMethod.GET
- // 开发者根据自身业务需要添加header字段
- header: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- // 当使用POST请求时此字段用于传递内容
- extraData: {
- "data": "data to send",
- },
- expectDataType: http.HttpDataType.STRING, // 可选,指定返回数据的类型
- usingCache: true, // 可选,默认为true
- priority: 1, // 可选,默认为1
- connectTimeout: 60000, // 可选,默认为60000ms
- readTimeout: 60000, // 可选,默认为60000ms
- usingProtocol: http.HttpProtocol.HTTP1_1, // 可选,协议类型默认值由系统自动指定
- }, (err, data) => {
- if (!err) {
- // data.result为HTTP响应内容,可根据业务需要进行解析
- console.info('Result:' + JSON.stringify(data.result));
- console.info('code:' + JSON.stringify(data.responseCode));
- // data.header为HTTP响应头,可根据业务需要进行解析
- console.info('header:' + JSON.stringify(data.header));
- console.info('cookies:' + JSON.stringify(data.cookies)); // 8+
- // 取消订阅HTTP响应头事件
- httpRequest.off('headersReceive');
- // 当该请求使用完毕时,调用destroy方法主动销毁
- httpRequest.destroy();
- } else {
- console.info('error:' + JSON.stringify(err));
- // 取消订阅HTTP响应头事件
- httpRequest.off('headersReceive');
- // 当该请求使用完毕时,调用destroy方法主动销毁。
- httpRequest.destroy();
- }
- }
- );

/** * Creates an HTTP request task. * 创建一个HTTP请求任务,返回值为HttpRequest对象 */ function createHttp(): HttpRequest;
export interface HttpRequest { /** * Initiates an HTTP request to a given URL. * 向给定的URL地址发送一个HTTP请求 */ request(url: string, callback: AsyncCallback<HttpResponse>): void; request(url: string, options: HttpRequestOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<HttpResponse>): void; request(url: string, options?: HttpRequestOptions): Promise<HttpResponse>; /** * Destroys an HTTP request. * 销毁一个HTTP请求 */ destroy(): void; /** * Registers an observer for HTTP Response Header events. * 订阅HTTP响应头事件 * @deprecated since 8 * @useinstead on_headersReceive */ on(type: "headerReceive", callback: AsyncCallback<Object>): void; /** * Unregisters the observer for HTTP Response Header events. * 取消订阅HTTP响应头事件 * @deprecated since 8 * @useinstead off_headersReceive */ off(type: "headerReceive", callback?: AsyncCallback<Object>): void; /** * Registers an observer for HTTP Response Header events. * 订阅HTTP响应头事件 * @since 8 */ on(type: "headersReceive", callback: Callback<Object>): void; /** * Unregisters the observer for HTTP Response Header events. * 取消订阅HTTP响应头事件 * @since 8 */ off(type: "headersReceive", callback?: Callback<Object>): void; /** * Registers a one-time observer for HTTP Response Header events. * 订阅一次HTTP响应头事件 * @since 8 */ once(type: "headersReceive", callback: Callback<Object>): void; }
名称 | 类型 | 必选项 | 说明 |
method | RequestMethod(枚举) | 否 | 请求方式 |
extraData | string | Object | ArrayBuffer(API8以后) | 否 | 发送请求的额外数据,用于http请求的POST、PUT方法 |
expectDataType | HttpDataType(枚举) | 否 | 指定返回数据的类型,如果指定了,将优先返回指定的类型 |
useingCache(API9之后) | boolean | 否 | 是否使用缓存,默认为true |
priority(API9后) | number | 否 | 优先级,取值为[1,1000],默认为1 |
header | Object | 否 | http请求头字段,默认为{‘Content-Type’:'application/json'} |
redTimeout | number | 否 | 读取超时时间,单位ms,设置为0时表示不会出现超时情况 |
connectTimeout | number | 否 | 连接超时时间,单位ms |
usingProtocol(API9之后) | HttpProtocol(枚举) | 否 | 使用的http协议,默认值由系统指定 |
export enum RequestMethod { OPTIONS = "OPTIONS", GET = "GET", HEAD = "HEAD", POST = "POST", PUT = "PUT", DELETE = "DELETE", TRACE = "TRACE", CONNECT = "CONNECT" }
/** * Indicates the type of the returned data. * 指定返回数据的类型 * @since 9 */ export enum HttpDataType { STRING, OBJECT = 1, ARRAY_BUFFER = 2 }
/** * Supported protocols. * 支持的协议 * @since 9 */ export enum HttpProtocol { HTTP1_1, HTTP2 }
名称 | 类型 | 说明 |
result | string | Object | ArrayBuffer(API6之后) | HTTP请求根据响应头中Content-type类型返回对应的响应格式内容 |
resultType(API 9之后) | HttpDataType(枚举) | 返回值类型 |
responseCode | ResponseCode | number | 回调函数执行成功时,此字段为ResponseCode。若执行失败,错误码会从AsyncCallback中的err字段返回 |
header | Object | http请求返回的响应头 |
- export default class Response{
- /**
- * 响应码
- */
- code: number
- /**
- * 相应消息
- */
- msg: string
- /**
- * 相应数据
- */
- data: any
- }
http请求封装引自鸿蒙 HarmonyOS4.0 Http数据请求封装详解-CSDN博客https://blog.csdn.net/qq_68512683/article/details/134724984
- import http from '@ohos.net.http';
- import Response from './Response';
- //导出httpRequest请求函数
- export function request(url: string, method: http.RequestMethod, requestData?: any): Promise<Response>{
- //如果使用本地模拟器,则ip为本机的IP地址
- const BASE_URL: string = "http://ip:服务端端口号"
- let httpRequest = http.createHttp()
- let responseResult = httpRequest.request(
- BASE_URL + url,
- {
- method: method,
- header: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- //携带额外参数
- extraData: JSON.stringify(requestData),
- //可选,默认为60000ms
- connectTimeout: 60000,
- readTimeout: 60000,
- }
- )
- let response = new Response();
- //处理数据,并返回
- return responseResult.then((value: http.HttpResponse) => {
- if (value.responseCode === 200) {
- //获取返回数据,将返回的json数据解析成事先预定好的响应格式
- //这里建议和后端的保持一致
- let res: Response = JSON.parse(`${value.result}`);
- response.data = res.data;
- response.code = res.code;
- response.msg = res.msg;
- }else {
- response.msg = '请求错误';
- response.code = 400;
- }
- return response;
- }).catch(() => {
- response.msg = '请求错误';
- response.code = 400;
- return response;
- });
- }

- import router from '@ohos.router'
- import { User } from '../entity/User'
- import { login } from './httpRequest/UserRelated'
- /**
- * 登录页面
- */
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct Login{
- @State user: User = new User('','')
- build(){
- Column({space: 10}){
- Row(){
- Text('+86')
- TextInput({placeholder: '请输入手机号'})
- .type(InputType.PhoneNumber)
- .height(45)
- .backgroundColor('#ffffff')
- .padding(10)
- .layoutWeight(1)
- .onChange(value =>{
- this.user.phone = value
- })
- }.padding({left: 20, right: 20})
- Row(){
- TextInput({placeholder: '请输入密码'})
- .type(InputType.Number)
- .height(45)
- .backgroundColor('#ffffff')
- .padding({left: 0, right: 0})
- .layoutWeight(1)
- .onChange(value =>{
- this.user.password = value
- })
- }.padding({left: 20, right: 20})
- Row(){
- Button('登 录')
- .type(ButtonType.Normal)
- .fontSize(20)
- .width('100%')
- .borderRadius(20)
- .backgroundColor('#2f90b9')
- .fontColor('#ffffff')
- .onClick(() => {
- login(this.user).then(res =>{
- if (res.code === 1) {
- router.pushUrl({
- url: 'pages/Index'
- })
- } else {
- AlertDialog.show({
- title: '警告',
- message: res.msg
- })
- }
- })
- })
- }.padding({left: 20, right: 20})
- }
- .width('100%')
- .height('100%')
- .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center)
- }
- }

- import http from '@ohos.net.http'
- import { User } from '../../entity/User'
- import { request } from '../../utils/httpUtils/Request'
- /**
- * 用户相关数据请求
- * @returns
- */
- export function login(user: User){
- return request('/user/user/login', http.RequestMethod.POST, user)
- }
- export class User{
- phone: String
- password: String
- constructor(phone: String, password: String) {
- this.phone = phone
- this.password = password
- }
- }
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