1、 先安装bpmn相关依赖
npm install bpmn-js@7.3.1
npm install bpmn-js-properties-panel@0.37.2
npm install camunda-bpmn-moddle@4.4.0
注意:版本不对会出现 报错 unhandled error in event listener TypeError: bo.get is not a function
- export default {
- // Labels
- 'Activate the global connect tool': '激活全局连接工具',
- 'Append {type}': '添加 {type}',
- 'Add Lane above': '在上面添加道',
- 'Divide into two Lanes': '分割成两个道',
- 'Divide into three Lanes': '分割成三个道',
- 'Add Lane below': '在下面添加道',
- 'Append compensation activity': '追加补偿活动',
- 'Change type': '修改类型',
- 'Connect using Association': '使用关联连接',
- 'Connect using Sequence/MessageFlow or Association': '使用顺序/消息流或者关联连接',
- 'Connect using DataInputAssociation': '使用数据输入关联连接',
- Remove: '移除',
- 'Activate the hand tool': '激活抓手工具',
- 'Activate the lasso tool': '激活套索工具',
- 'Activate the create/remove space tool': '激活创建/删除空间工具',
- 'Create expanded SubProcess': '创建扩展子过程',
- 'Create IntermediateThrowEvent/BoundaryEvent': '创建中间抛出事件/边界事件',
- 'Create Pool/Participant': '创建池/参与者',
- 'Parallel Multi Instance': '并行多重事件',
- 'Sequential Multi Instance': '时序多重事件',
- DataObjectReference: '数据对象参考',
- DataStoreReference: '数据存储参考',
- Loop: '循环',
- 'Ad-hoc': '即席',
- 'Create {type}': '创建 {type}',
- Task: '任务',
- 'Send Task': '发送任务',
- 'Receive Task': '接收任务',
- 'User Task': '用户任务',
- 'Manual Task': '手工任务',
- 'Business Rule Task': '业务规则任务',
- 'Service Task': '服务任务',
- 'Script Task': '脚本任务',
- 'Call Activity': '调用活动',
- 'Sub Process (collapsed)': '子流程(折叠的)',
- 'Sub Process (expanded)': '子流程(展开的)',
- 'Start Event': '开始事件',
- StartEvent: '开始事件',
- 'Intermediate Throw Event': '中间事件',
- 'End Event': '结束事件',
- EndEvent: '结束事件',
- 'Create Gateway': '创建网关',
- 'Create Intermediate/Boundary Event': '创建中间/边界事件',
- 'Message Start Event': '消息开始事件',
- 'Timer Start Event': '定时开始事件',
- 'Conditional Start Event': '条件开始事件',
- 'Signal Start Event': '信号开始事件',
- 'Error Start Event': '错误开始事件',
- 'Escalation Start Event': '升级开始事件',
- 'Compensation Start Event': '补偿开始事件',
- 'Message Start Event (non-interrupting)': '消息开始事件(非中断)',
- 'Timer Start Event (non-interrupting)': '定时开始事件(非中断)',
- 'Conditional Start Event (non-interrupting)': '条件开始事件(非中断)',
- 'Signal Start Event (non-interrupting)': '信号开始事件(非中断)',
- 'Escalation Start Event (non-interrupting)': '升级开始事件(非中断)',
- 'Message Intermediate Catch Event': '消息中间捕获事件',
- 'Message Intermediate Throw Event': '消息中间抛出事件',
- 'Timer Intermediate Catch Event': '定时中间捕获事件',
- 'Escalation Intermediate Throw Event': '升级中间抛出事件',
- 'Conditional Intermediate Catch Event': '条件中间捕获事件',
- 'Link Intermediate Catch Event': '链接中间捕获事件',
- 'Link Intermediate Throw Event': '链接中间抛出事件',
- 'Compensation Intermediate Throw Event': '补偿中间抛出事件',
- 'Signal Intermediate Catch Event': '信号中间捕获事件',
- 'Signal Intermediate Throw Event': '信号中间抛出事件',
- 'Message End Event': '消息结束事件',
- 'Escalation End Event': '定时结束事件',
- 'Error End Event': '错误结束事件',
- 'Cancel End Event': '取消结束事件',
- 'Compensation End Event': '补偿结束事件',
- 'Signal End Event': '信号结束事件',
- 'Terminate End Event': '终止结束事件',
- 'Message Boundary Event': '消息边界事件',
- 'Message Boundary Event (non-interrupting)': '消息边界事件(非中断)',
- 'Timer Boundary Event': '定时边界事件',
- 'Timer Boundary Event (non-interrupting)': '定时边界事件(非中断)',
- 'Escalation Boundary Event': '升级边界事件',
- 'Escalation Boundary Event (non-interrupting)': '升级边界事件(非中断)',
- 'Conditional Boundary Event': '条件边界事件',
- 'Conditional Boundary Event (non-interrupting)': '条件边界事件(非中断)',
- 'Error Boundary Event': '错误边界事件',
- 'Cancel Boundary Event': '取消边界事件',
- 'Signal Boundary Event': '信号边界事件',
- 'Signal Boundary Event (non-interrupting)': '信号边界事件(非中断)',
- 'Compensation Boundary Event': '补偿边界事件',
- 'Exclusive Gateway': '互斥网关',
- 'Parallel Gateway': '并行网关',
- 'Inclusive Gateway': '相容网关',
- 'Complex Gateway': '复杂网关',
- 'Event based Gateway': '事件网关',
- Transaction: '转运',
- 'Sub Process': '子流程',
- 'Event Sub Process': '事件子流程',
- 'Collapsed Pool': '折叠池',
- 'Expanded Pool': '展开池',
- // Errors
- 'no parent for {element} in {parent}': '在{parent}里,{element}没有父类',
- 'no shape type specified': '没有指定的形状类型',
- 'flow elements must be children of pools/participants': '流元素必须是池/参与者的子类',
- 'out of bounds release': 'out of bounds release',
- 'more than {count} child lanes': '子道大于{count} ',
- 'element required': '元素不能为空',
- 'diagram not part of bpmn:Definitions': '流程图不符合bpmn规范',
- 'no diagram to display': '没有可展示的流程图',
- 'no process or collaboration to display': '没有可展示的流程/协作',
- 'element {element} referenced by {referenced}#{property} not yet drawn':
- '由{referenced}#{property}引用的{element}元素仍未绘制',
- 'already rendered {element}': '{element} 已被渲染',
- 'failed to import {element}': '导入{element}失败',
- // 属性面板的参数
- Id: '编号',
- Name: '名称',
- General: '常规',
- Details: '详情',
- 'Message Name': '消息名称',
- Message: '消息',
- Initiator: '创建者',
- 'Asynchronous Continuations': '持续异步',
- 'Asynchronous Before': '异步前',
- 'Asynchronous After': '异步后',
- 'Job Configuration': '工作配置',
- Exclusive: '排除',
- 'Job Priority': '工作优先级',
- 'Retry Time Cycle': '重试时间周期',
- Documentation: '文档',
- 'Element Documentation': '元素文档',
- 'History Configuration': '历史配置',
- 'History Time To Live': '历史的生存时间',
- Forms: '表单',
- 'Form Key': '表单key',
- 'Form Fields': '表单字段',
- 'Business Key': '业务key',
- 'Form Field': '表单字段',
- ID: '编号',
- Type: '类型',
- Label: '名称',
- 'Default Value': '默认值',
- Validation: '校验',
- 'Add Constraint': '添加约束',
- Config: '配置',
- Properties: '属性',
- 'Add Property': '添加属性',
- Value: '值',
- Listeners: '监听器',
- 'Execution Listener': '执行监听',
- 'Event Type': '事件类型',
- 'Listener Type': '监听器类型',
- 'Java Class': 'Java类',
- Expression: '表达式',
- 'Must provide a value': '必须提供一个值',
- 'Delegate Expression': '代理表达式',
- Script: '脚本',
- 'Script Format': '脚本格式',
- 'Script Type': '脚本类型',
- 'Inline Script': '内联脚本',
- 'External Script': '外部脚本',
- Resource: '资源',
- 'Field Injection': '字段注入',
- Extensions: '扩展',
- 'Input/Output': '输入/输出',
- 'Input Parameters': '输入参数',
- 'Output Parameters': '输出参数',
- Parameters: '参数',
- 'Output Parameter': '输出参数',
- 'Timer Definition Type': '定时器定义类型',
- 'Timer Definition': '定时器定义',
- Date: '日期',
- Duration: '持续',
- Cycle: '循环',
- Signal: '信号',
- 'Signal Name': '信号名称',
- Escalation: '升级',
- Error: '错误',
- 'Link Name': '链接名称',
- Condition: '条件名称',
- 'Variable Name': '变量名称',
- 'Variable Event': '变量事件',
- 'Specify more than one variable change event as a comma separated list.':
- '多个变量事件以逗号隔开',
- 'Wait for Completion': '等待完成',
- 'Activity Ref': '活动参考',
- 'Version Tag': '版本标签',
- Executable: '可执行文件',
- 'External Task Configuration': '扩展任务配置',
- 'Task Priority': '任务优先级',
- External: '外部',
- Connector: '连接器',
- 'Must configure Connector': '必须配置连接器',
- 'Connector Id': '连接器编号',
- Implementation: '实现方式',
- 'Field Injections': '字段注入',
- Fields: '字段',
- 'Result Variable': '结果变量',
- Topic: '主题',
- 'Configure Connector': '配置连接器',
- 'Input Parameter': '输入参数',
- Assignee: '代理人',
- 'Candidate Users': '候选用户',
- 'Candidate Groups': '候选组',
- 'Due Date': '到期时间',
- 'Follow Up Date': '跟踪日期',
- 'Specify more than one group as a comma separated list.': '多个用户使用逗号隔开',
- Priority: '优先级',
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string
- 'The follow up date as an EL expression (e.g. ${someDate} or an ISO date (e.g. 2015-06-26T09:54:00)':
- '跟踪日期必须符合EL表达式,如: ${someDate} ,或者一个ISO标准日期,如:2015-06-26T09:54:00',
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string
- 'The due date as an EL expression (e.g. ${someDate} or an ISO date (e.g. 2015-06-26T09:54:00)':
- '跟踪日期必须符合EL表达式,如: ${someDate} ,或者一个ISO标准日期,如:2015-06-26T09:54:00',
- Variables: '变量',
- 'Candidate Starter Users': '选择启动候选人',
- 'Candidate Starter Configuration': '候选人启动器配置',
- 'Candidate Starter Groups': '候选人启动组',
- 'This maps to the process definition key.': '编号将映射到流程主键.',
- save: '保存',
- Tools: '工具',
- FlowGateway: '流程网关',
- ProcessControl: '流程节点',
- 'Create StartEvent': '开始节点',
- 'Create EndEvent': '结束节点',
- 'Create ExclusiveGateway': '互斥网关',
- 'Create ParallelGateway': '并行网关',
- 'Create Task': '任务节点',
- 'Create UserTask': '用户任务节点',
- 'Condition Type': '条件类型',
- // 左侧工具箱补充汉化项 热水2020.1.12
- 'Create Group': '创建组',
- 'Create DataObjectReference': '创建数据对象引用',
- 'Create DataStoreReference': '创建数据存储引用',
- // 节点添加Pad 补充汉化 热水2020.1.12
- 'Append EndEvent': '追加结束事件节点',
- 'Append Gateway': '追加网关节点',
- 'Append UserTask': '追加用户任务节点',
- 'Append Intermediate/Boundary Event': '追加中间或边界事件',
- 'Append TextAnnotation': '追加文本批注' // 此句要有效,必须在CustomContexPadProvide给此节点增加一个translate('Append TextAnnotation')
- }
- import translations from './translations';
- export default function customTranslate(template, replacements) {undefined
- replacements = replacements || {};
- // Translate
- template = translations[template] || template;
- // Replace
- return template.replace(/{([^}]+)}/g, function(_, key) {undefined
- return replacements[key] || '{' + key + '}';
- });
- }
(3)生成流程图的默认模板 defaultXmlStr.js
- export var xmlStr = `
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <bpmn2:definitions xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xmlns:bpmn2="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL"
- xmlns:bpmndi="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/DI"
- xmlns:dc="http://www.omg.org/spec/DD/20100524/DC"
- id="sample-diagram"
- targetNamespace="http://bpmn.io/schema/bpmn"
- xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL BPMN20.xsd">
- <bpmn2:process id="Process_1" isExecutable="false">
- <bpmn2:startEvent id="StartEvent_1" />
- </bpmn2:process>
- <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="BPMNDiagram_1">
- <bpmndi:BPMNPlane id="BPMNPlane_1" bpmnElement="Process_1">
- <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="_BPMNShape_StartEvent_2" bpmnElement="StartEvent_1">
- <dc:Bounds x="192" y="82" width="36" height="36" />
- </bpmndi:BPMNShape>
- </bpmndi:BPMNPlane>
- </bpmndi:BPMNDiagram>
- </bpmn2:definitions>`
- <template>
- <div class="containers" ref="content">
- <div class="button-row">
- <Upload :file-list="uploadBpmnFileList" :before-upload="beforeUpload" action="">
- <Button class="button" type="warning">
- 导入BPMN
- </Button>
- </Upload>
- <Button @click="downloadBpmn" class="button" type="success">
- 保存BPMN
- </Button>
- <!-- <Button @click="downloadXml" class="button" icon="md-download" type="success">
- 保存XML
- </Button> -->
- <Button @click="downloadSvg" class="button" type="success">
- 保存SVG
- </Button>
- <Button @click="showXml" class="button" type="primary">
- 预览xml
- </Button>
- <ButtonGroup class="button">
- <Button @click="handlerUndo">撤销</Button>
- <Button @click="handlerRedo">恢复</Button>
- </ButtonGroup>
- <ButtonGroup>
- <Button @click="handlerZoom(0.1)">放大</Button>
- <Button @click="handlerZoom(-0.1)">缩小</Button>
- <Button @click="handlerZoom(0)">还原</Button>
- </ButtonGroup>
- <a hidden ref="downloadLink"></a>
- </div>
- <div class="canvas" ref="canvas"></div>
- <div id="js-properties-panel" class="panel"></div>
- <Modal title="预览" v-model="showXmlModal" fullscreen :mask-closable="false">
- <!-- <xmp><div v-text="xmlData"></div></xmp> -->
- <pre><div v-text="xmlData"></div></pre>
- <div slot="footer"></div>
- </Modal>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script>
- import BpmnModeler from 'bpmn-js/lib/Modeler'
- import propertiesPanelModule from 'bpmn-js-properties-panel'
- import propertiesProviderModule from 'bpmn-js-properties-panel/lib/provider/camunda'
- import camundaModdleDescriptor from 'camunda-bpmn-moddle/resources/camunda'
- // BPMN国际化
- import customTranslate from '@/lib/customTranslate';
- // 自定义汉化模块
- var customTranslateModule = {
- translate: ['value', customTranslate]
- };
- import {
- xmlStr
- } from '@/lib/defaultXmlStr';
- export default {
- components: {},
- data() {
- return {
- bpmnModeler: null,
- container: null,
- canvas: null,
- uploadBpmnFileList: [],
- scale: 1,
- showXmlModal: false,
- xmlData: "",
- }
- },
- created() {
- },
- mounted() {
- this.init();
- // 删除 bpmn logo bpmn.io官方要求不给删或者隐藏,否则侵权 内部使用
- // const bjsIoLogo = document.querySelector('.bjs-powered-by')
- // while (bjsIoLogo.firstChild) {
- // bjsIoLogo.removeChild(bjsIoLogo.firstChild)}
- },
- methods: {
- /**
- * 初始化流程设计器对象
- * @returns {Promise<void>}
- */
- async init() {
- // 获取到属性ref为“content”的dom节点
- this.container = this.$refs.content
- // 获取到属性ref为“canvas”的dom节点
- const canvas = this.$refs.canvas
- // 创建BpmnModeler
- this.bpmnModeler = new BpmnModeler({
- container: canvas,
- // 加入工具栏支持
- propertiesPanel: {
- parent: '#js-properties-panel'
- },
- additionalModules: [
- // 左边工具栏以及节点
- propertiesProviderModule,
- // 右边的工具栏
- propertiesPanelModule,
- // 国际化
- customTranslateModule,
- // camundaModdleDescriptor
- ],
- moddleExtensions: {
- // bpmn: bpmnModdleDescriptor
- camunda: camundaModdleDescriptor
- }
- });
- // 创建新流程
- await this.createNewDiagram(xmlStr);
- },
- /**
- * 创建新流程
- * @param bpmn BPMN流程XML报文
- * @returns {Promise<void>}
- */
- async createNewDiagram(bpmn) {
- // 将字符串转换成图显示出来;
- this.bpmnModeler.importXML(bpmn, err => {
- if (err) {
- console.log('err', err);
- this.$Message.error('打开模型出错,请确认该模型符合Bpmn2.0规范');
- } else {
- console.log("成功导入模型");
- }
- });
- },
- handlerRedo() {
- this.bpmnModeler.get("commandStack").redo();
- },
- handlerUndo() {
- this.bpmnModeler.get("commandStack").undo();
- },
- handlerZoom(radio) {
- const newScale = !radio ? 1.0 : this.scale + radio;
- this.bpmnModeler.get("canvas").zoom(newScale);
- this.scale = newScale;
- },
- beforeUpload(file) {
- // this.uploadBpmnFileList = [];
- this.openBpmn(file);
- return false;
- },
- openBpmn(file) {
- const reader = new FileReader();
- // 读取File对象中的文本信息,编码格式为UTF-8
- reader.readAsText(file, "utf-8");
- reader.onload = () => {
- // 读取完毕后将文本信息导入到Bpmn建模器
- this.createNewDiagram(reader.result);
- };
- return false;
- },
- downloadBpmn() {
- this.bpmnModeler.saveXML({
- format: true
- }, (err, xml) => {
- if (!err) {
- // 获取文件名
- const name = `${this.getFilename(xml)}.bpmn`;
- // 将文件名以及数据交给下载方法
- this.download({
- name: name,
- data: xml
- });
- }
- });
- },
- downloadXml() {
- this.bpmnModeler.saveXML({
- format: true
- }, (err, xml) => {
- if (!err) {
- // 获取文件名
- const name = `${this.getFilename(xml)}.xml`;
- // 将文件名以及数据交给下载方法
- this.download({
- name: name,
- data: xml
- });
- }
- });
- },
- downloadSvg() {
- this.bpmnModeler.saveXML({
- format: true
- }, (err, xml) => {
- if (!err) {
- // 获取文件名
- const name = `${this.getFilename(xml)}.svg`;
- // 从建模器画布中提取svg图形标签
- let context = "";
- const djsGroupAll = this.$refs.canvas.querySelectorAll(".djs-group");
- for (let item of djsGroupAll) {
- context += item.innerHTML;
- }
- // 获取svg的基本数据,长宽高
- const viewport = this.$refs.canvas
- .querySelector(".viewport")
- .getBBox();
- // 将标签和数据拼接成一个完整正常的svg图形
- const svg = `
- <svg
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
- width="${viewport.width}"
- height="${viewport.height}"
- viewBox="${viewport.x} ${viewport.y} ${viewport.width} ${viewport.height}"
- version="1.1"
- >
- ${context}
- </svg>
- `;
- // 将文件名以及数据交给下载方法
- this.download({
- name: name,
- data: svg
- });
- }
- });
- },
- download({
- name = "diagram.bpmn",
- data
- }) {
- // 这里就获取到了之前设置的隐藏链接
- const downloadLink = this.$refs.downloadLink;
- // 把输就转换为URI,下载要用到的
- const encodedData = encodeURIComponent(data);
- if (data) {
- // 将数据给到链接
- downloadLink.href = "data:application/bpmn20-xml;charset=UTF-8," + encodedData;
- // 设置文件名
- downloadLink.download = name;
- // 触发点击事件开始下载
- downloadLink.click();
- }
- },
- getFilename(xml) {
- let start = xml.indexOf("process");
- let filename = xml.substr(start, xml.indexOf(">"));
- filename = filename.substr(filename.indexOf("id") + 4);
- filename = filename.substr(0, filename.indexOf('"'));
- return filename;
- },
- showXml() {
- this.bpmnModeler.saveXML({ format: true }).then(({ xml }) => {
- this.xmlData = xml;
- this.showXmlModal = true;
- });
- },
- },
- computed: {}
- }
- </script>
- <style lang="less" scoped>
- // 左边工具栏以及编辑节点的样式
- @import '~bpmn-js/dist/assets/diagram-js.css';
- @import '~bpmn-js/dist/assets/bpmn-font/css/bpmn.css';
- @import '~bpmn-js/dist/assets/bpmn-font/css/bpmn-codes.css';
- @import '~bpmn-js/dist/assets/bpmn-font/css/bpmn-embedded.css';
- // 右边工具栏样式
- @import '~bpmn-js-properties-panel/dist/assets/bpmn-js-properties-panel.css';
- .containers {
- position: absolute;
- background-color: #ffffff;
- width: 100%;
- height: 100vh;
- padding: 5px;
- }
- .canvas {
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- }
- .panel {
- position: absolute;
- right: 0;
- top: 0;
- width: 300px;
- }
- .button-row {
- margin-top: 10px;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: row;
- justify-content: center;
- .button {
- margin-right: 10px;
- font-weight: bolder;
- }
- }
- </style>
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