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mike acton

Mike Acton and Andreas Fredriksson have joined Unity as Principal Engineers from Insomniac Games. They’re two AAA engine and performance experts who bring best-in-class expertise to Unity. Acton and Fredriksson will be based out of Unity’s new Los Angeles office in Burbank, CA.

Mike Acton和Andreas Fredriksson已加入Insomniac Games,担任Unity的首席工程师。 他们是两位AAA引擎和性能专家,他们为Unity带来了一流的专业知识。 Acton和Fredriksson将来自Unity在加利福尼亚州伯班克的新洛杉矶办事处。

Mike Acton, Principal Engineer at Unity

Unity首席工程师Mike Acton

“I have had the privilege of working in AAA games development for over 20 years and the honor of leading one of the most well-respected and talented internal AAA engine teams at Insomniac Games over the last 10+ years. Along the way, I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to produce some of the highest quality work in the space and what is required from an engine to meet those requirements.

“我有幸从事AAA游戏开发工作20多年,并有幸在过去10多年里带领Insomniac Games领导了一支最受尊敬和最有才华的内部AAA引擎团队。 一路走来,我学到了很多关于在太空中生产一些最高质量的工件所需要的知识,以及满足这些要求的发动机需要什么。

Being the Engine Director at Insomniac Games is a position very few could walk away from, but when Joachim showed me what he and his team at Unity had been working on to take data-oriented programming and make it accessible to everyone, I knew that this was an opportunity to not only change how games are built, but set a new bar for engineering across large-scale projects everywhere. And that was an opportunity I just could not ignore. I’m excited to work with Joachim directly to help democratize data-oriented programming so that teams everywhere can achieve things only previously possible by a few dedicated groups.” – Mike

担任Insomniac Games的引擎总监几乎是不容错过的职位,但是当Joachim向我展示他和他在Unity的团队一直致力于采用面向数据的编程并使每个人都可以使用它时,我知道这不仅是一个改变游戏制作方式的机会,而且为跨越各地大型项目的工程技术树立了新的标杆。 那是我无法忽视的机会。 我很高兴直接与Joachim一起工作,以帮助使面向数据的编程民主化,从而使各地的团队都可以实现只有少数几个专门小组才能实现的目标。” –迈克

Andreas Fredriksson, Principal Engineer at Unity

Unity首席工程师Andreas Fredriksson

“Joining Unity is an ideal and logical next step for me. Working on Frostbite and Insomniac Games’ internal engine was very rewarding and challenging but, ultimately, the number of developers I could directly help was limited.

“对我来说,加入Unity是理想且合乎逻辑的下一步。 在Frostbite和Insomniac Games的内部引擎上工作非常有益且充满挑战,但是最终,我可以直接帮助的开发人员数量有限。

Unity is everywhere. It is impossible to have a conversation about engine tech and game development without someone bringing up Unity. This means a much bigger stage for me to inspire and lead from, which is exciting.

团结无处不在。 没有有人提出Unity,就不可能谈论引擎技术和游戏开发。 这对我来说是一个更大的启发和引导的阶段,这令人兴奋。

Besides programming cool tech at Unity, I want to continue reaching out to developers in conference lectures and blog posts to make a difference in the way people reason about performance and low-level programming.” – Andreas

除了在Unity编程出色的技术外,我还希望继续在会议演讲和博客文章中与开发人员联系,以改变人们对性能和低级编程的看法。” –安德烈亚斯

Not only are we thrilled to see what we can build at Unity, we’re both going to be based out of Unity’s new Los Angeles office in Burbank, CA! We really couldn’t think of a better place to grow our careers and can’t wait to start working with the Unity teams and developers around the world.

我们不仅很高兴看到我们可以在Unity上构建什么,而且我们俩都将基于Unity在加利福尼亚州伯班克的新洛杉矶办事处工作! 我们真的想不出一个更好的职业发展之地,迫不及待地开始与全球的Unity团队和开发人员合作。

– Mike & Andreas

– Mike&Andreas

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/11/08/were-joining-unity-to-help-democratize-data-oriented-programming/

