下面展示一些 内联代码片
DNA_PORT #( .SIM_DNA_VALUE(57'h000000000000000) // Specifies a sample 57-bit DNA value for simulation ) DNA_PORT_inst ( .DOUT(DOUT), // 1-bit output: DNA output data. .CLK(CLK), // 1-bit input: Clock input. .DIN(DIN), // 1-bit input: User data input pin. .READ(READ), // 1-bit input: Active high load DNA, active low read input. .SHIFT(SHIFT) // 1-bit input: Active high shift enable input. );``` 这里提供一个小Demo供参考 ```c -- reduce clock speed to 20 MHz max. Should work for all Xilinx families supporting DNA_PORT CLK_DIV2_GEN: process(CLK) begin if rising_edge(CLK) then if(SYNC_RESET = '1') then CNTR <= 0; elsif(CNTR = (CLK_DIV-1)) then CNTR <= 0; CLK_DIV2 <= not CLK_DIV2; else CNTR <= CNTR + 1; end if; end if; end process; -- state machine. counts from 0 to 60 STATE_001: process(CLK) begin if rising_edge(CLK) then if(SYNC_RESET = '1') then STATE <= 0; elsif(CLK_DIV2 = '0') and (CNTR = (CLK_DIV-1)) then -- rising edge of CLK_DIV2 if(STATE < 60) then STATE <= STATE + 1; end if; end if; end if; end process; -- read the DNA DNA_READ_001: process(CLK) begin if rising_edge(CLK) then if(SYNC_RESET = '1') then DNA_READ <= '0'; elsif(CLK_DIV2 = '1') and (CNTR = (CLK_DIV-1)) then -- falling edge of CLK_DIV2 if(STATE = 1) then DNA_READ <= '1'; else DNA_READ <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end process; SHIFT_GEN: process(CLK) begin if rising_edge(CLK) then if(CLK_DIV2 = '1') and (CNTR = (CLK_DIV-1)) then -- note the falling edge of CLK_DIV2, as per Xilinx recommendation -- shift 55 times if(STATE = 2) then DNA_SHIFT <= '1'; elsif(STATE = 58) then DNA_SHIFT <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end process; --DNA_PORT_inst : DNA_PORT --generic map ( -- SIM_DNA_VALUE => "0" & x"DCBA9876543210" -- 57-bit constant Specifies a DNA value for simulation purposes (the actual value -- -- will be specific to the particular device used). --) --port map ( -- DOUT => DNA_DOUT, -- 1-bit Serial shifted output data -- CLK => CLK_DIV2, -- 1-bit Clock input -- DIN => '0', -- 1-bit Data input to the shift register -- READ => DNA_READ, -- 1-bit Synchronous load of the shift register with the Device DNA data -- SHIFT => DNA_SHIFT -- 1-bit Active high shift enable input --); DNA_PORT_inst : DNA_PORT generic map ( SIM_DNA_VALUE => "0" & x"DCBA9876543210" -- 57-bit constant Specifies a DNA value for simulation purposes (the actual value -- will be specific to the particular device used). ) port map ( DOUT => DNA_DOUT, -- 1-bit Serial shifted output data CLK => CLK_DIV2, -- 1-bit Clock input DIN => '0', -- 1-bit Data input to the shift register READ => DNA_READ, -- 1-bit Synchronous load of the shift register with the Device DNA data SHIFT => DNA_SHIFT -- 1-bit Active high shift enable input ); ID_001: process(CLK) begin if rising_edge(CLK) then if(CLK_DIV2 = '0') and (CNTR = (CLK_DIV-1)) then -- rising edge of CLK_DIV2 if (DNA_SHIFT = '1') or (STATE = 58) then ID(0) <= DNA_DOUT; ID(56 downto 1) <= ID(55 downto 0); end if; end if; end if; end process; ID_002: process(CLK) begin if rising_edge(CLK) then if(SYNC_RESET = '1') then ID_VALID_OUT <= '0'; ID_SAMPLE_CLK_OUT <= '0'; elsif (STATE = 58) and (CLK_DIV2 = '0') and (CNTR = (CLK_DIV-1)) then -- just read last bit. ID_VALID_OUT <= '1'; ID_SAMPLE_CLK_OUT <= '1'; else ID_SAMPLE_CLK_OUT <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; ID_OUT <= ID;
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