原文:【ChatGPT】AI评论家,适合点评论文和文章的Prompt模板 - 知乎
1. 家长辅导孩子写作
2. 老师给学生的作文打分
3. 业余评论家点评文章
4. 小编审稿(可以早下班了!哈h ) ...
- 一、综合评价
- 主要贡献和要点 xxx(在这里简要概述该文的主要贡献和要点)
- 二、论文优势
- 1)xxx(列出该文的优势之一,例如创新实用的方法、深刻实证研究结果或理论分析,结构良好的文献回顾等)
- 2)xxx(列出该文的优势之二)
- 3)xxx(列出该文的优势之三)
- 三、论文不足
- 1)xxx(列出对该文的主要关切之一,例如对于研究结果的实现细节描述不足,对所提出方法进行评估和消融实验不充分,理论分析的正确性有待验证,缺乏与领域中广泛已知基线方法的比较等)
- 2)xxx(列出对该文的主要关切之二)
- 3)xxx(列出对该文的主要关切之三)
- 四、对作者的问题和建议
- 1)xxx(提出清晰的问题,可帮助作者在辩驳中更好地解释其提出的方法、评估结果或其他方面的内容)
- 2)xxx(提出清晰的问题和建议)
- 3)xxx(提出清晰的问题和建议)
- 五、综合评分(1-10)
- 评分:xxx(在这里填写对该篇论文的综合评分,10为满分,6为及格线,6之下分数为不及格,可以简要陈述评分的理由)
- 本文的文案如下:(复制你需要评价的文章内容到这里)

- Overall Review
- Please briefly summarize the main points and contributions of this paper.
- xxx
- Paper Strength
- Please provide a list of the strengths of this paper, including but not limited to: innovative and practical methodology, insightful empirical findings or in-depth theoretical analysis,
- well-structured review of relevant literature, and any other factors that may make the paper valuable to readers. (Maximum length: 2,000 characters)
- (1) xxx
- (2) xxx
- (3) xxx
- Paper Weakness
- Please provide a numbered list of your main concerns regarding this paper (so authors could respond to the concerns individually).
- These may include, but are not limited to: inadequate implementation details for reproducing the study, limited evaluation and ablation studies for the proposed method,
- correctness of the theoretical analysis or experimental results, lack of comparisons or discussions with widely-known baselines in the field, lack of clarity in exposition,
- or any other factors that may impede the reader's understanding or benefit from the paper. Please kindly refrain from providing a general assessment of the paper's novelty without providing detailed explanations. (Maximum length: 2,000 characters)
- (1) xxx
- (2) xxx
- (3) xxx
- Questions To Authors And Suggestions For Rebuttal
- Please provide a numbered list of specific and clear questions that pertain to the details of the proposed method, evaluation setting, or additional results that would aid in supporting the authors' claims.
- The questions should be formulated in a manner that, after the authors have answered them during the rebuttal, it would enable a more thorough assessment of the paper's quality. (Maximum length: 2,000 characters)
- *Overall score (1-10)
- The paper is scored on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the full mark, and 6 stands for borderline accept. Then give the reason for your rating.
- xxx
- The copy of this article is as follows: (Copy the content of the article you need to evaluate here)

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