package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "regexp" ) func main() { match, _ := regexp.MatchString("p([a-z]+)ch", "peach") fmt.Println(match) //true //Above we used a string pattern directly //but for other regexp tasks you’ll need to Compile an optimized Regexp struct r, _ := regexp.Compile("p([a-z]+)ch") //Many methods are available on these structs fmt.Println(r.MatchString("peach")) //true fmt.Println(r.FindString("peach punch")) //peach //返回第一个匹配的开始索引和结束索引 fmt.Println(r.FindStringIndex("peach punch")) //[0 5] //return information for both p([a-z]+)ch and ([a-z]+) //既完全匹配又部分匹配 fmt.Println(r.FindStringSubmatch("peach punch")) //[peach ea] fmt.Println(r.FindStringSubmatchIndex("peach punch")) //[0 5 1 3] //返回所有匹配,不仅仅是第一个匹配 fmt.Println(r.FindAllString("peach punch pinch", -1)) //[peach punch pinch] fmt.Println(r.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex( "peach punch pinch", -1)) //[[0 5 1 3] [6 11 7 9] [12 17 13 15]] //2限制match的number fmt.Println(r.FindAllString("peach punch pinch", 2)) //[peach punch] //形参为byte[]类型 //provide []byte arguments and drop String from the function name fmt.Println(r.Match([]byte("peach"))) //true //When creating global variables with regular expressions you can use the MustCompile //MustCompile panics instead of returning an error r = regexp.MustCompile("p([a-z]+)ch") fmt.Println(r) //p([a-z]+)ch //正则被用于替换string中的匹配值 //replace subsets of strings with other values fmt.Println(r.ReplaceAllString("a peach", "<fruit>")) //a <fruit> //transform matched text with a given function in := []byte("a peach") out := r.ReplaceAllFunc(in, bytes.ToUpper) fmt.Println(string(out)) //a PEACH }
map[string]int{"apple": 5, "lettuce": 7}
package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "os" ) //Only exported fields will be encoded/decoded in JSON. //Fields must start with capital letters to be exported. type response1 struct { Page int Fruits []string } type response2 struct { Page int `json:"page"` Fruits []string `json:"fruits"` } func main() { //encoding basic data types to JSON strings bolB, _ := json.Marshal(true) fmt.Println(string(bolB)) intB, _ := json.Marshal(1) fmt.Println(string(intB)) fltB, _ := json.Marshal(2.34) fmt.Println(string(fltB)) strB, _ := json.Marshal("gopher") fmt.Println(string(strB)) slcD := []string{"apple", "peach", "pear"} slcB, _ := json.Marshal(slcD) fmt.Println(string(slcB)) mapD := map[string]int{"apple": 5, "lettuce": 7} mapB, _ := json.Marshal(mapD) fmt.Println(string(mapB)) //{"apple":5,"lettuce":7} //encode自定义数据类型 //将只是encode大写的fields,且将这些fields的名字作为json的key name //It will only include exported fields in the encoded output //and will by default use those names as the JSON keys. res1D := &response1{ Page: 1, Fruits: []string{"apple", "peach", "pear"}} res1B, _ := json.Marshal(res1D) fmt.Println(string(res1B)) //{"Page":1,"Fruits":["apple","peach","pear"]} //在结构体定义中使用 tag来自定义key的名字 res2D := &response2{ Page: 1, Fruits: []string{"apple", "peach", "pear"}} res2B, _ := json.Marshal(res2D) fmt.Println(string(res2B)) //{"page":1,"fruits":["apple","peach","pear"]} //下例为json到数据类型 byt := []byte(`{"num":6.13,"strs":["a","b"]}`) //decoded map存放转换的映射数据,key为string,value为对应的数据类型 var dat map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(byt, &dat); err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(dat) //map[num:6.13 strs:[a b]] num := dat["num"].(float64) //convert the value in num to the expected float64 type fmt.Println(num) //6.13 strs := dat["strs"].([]interface{}) //Accessing nested data requires a series of conversions. str1 := strs[0].(string) fmt.Println(str1) //a //直接将json转换为自定义数据类型 //has the advantages of adding additional type-safety to our programs //and eliminating the need for type assertions str := `{"page": 1, "fruits": ["apple", "peach"]}` res := response2{} json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &res) fmt.Println(res) //{1 [apple peach]} fmt.Println(res.Fruits[0]) //apple //上述例子我们将bytes和strings作为数据和在标准输出的json表达的intermediates //used bytes and strings as intermediates //between the data and JSON representation on standard out enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout) d := map[string]int{"apple": 5, "lettuce": 7} //We can also stream JSON encodings directly to os.Writers like os.Stdout //or even HTTP response bodies. enc.Encode(d) //{"apple":5,"lettuce":7} }
package main import ( "encoding/xml" "fmt" ) // field tags contain directives for the encoder and decoder type Plant struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"plant"` //xmlName这个field表明这个结构体的XML元素名字 //attr表明ID这个field是XML的属性而不是内置的元素 //<plant id="27"> Id int `xml:"id,attr"` Name string `xml:"name"` Origin []string `xml:"origin"` } func (p Plant) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Plant id=%v, name=%v, origin=%v", p.Id, p.Name, p.Origin) } func main() { coffee := &Plant{Id: 27, Name: "Coffee"} coffee.Origin = []string{"Ethiopia", "Brazil"} //生成易读的XML out, _ := xml.MarshalIndent(coffee, " ", " ") fmt.Println(string(out)) //手动添加header fmt.Println(xml.Header + string(out)) var p Plant //Use Unmarhshal to parse a stream of bytes with XML into a data structure //若XML格式不对或者无法完成映射,则返回error值 if err := xml.Unmarshal(out, &p); err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(p) tomato := &Plant{Id: 81, Name: "Tomato"} tomato.Origin = []string{"Mexico", "California"} type Nesting struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"nesting"` //parent>child>plant //tells the encoder to nest all plants under <parent><child> Plants []*Plant `xml:"parent>child>plant"` } nesting := &Nesting{} nesting.Plants = []*Plant{coffee, tomato} out, _ = xml.MarshalIndent(nesting, " ", " ") fmt.Println(string(out)) } <plant id="27"> <name>Coffee</name> <origin>Ethiopia</origin> <origin>Brazil</origin> </plant> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <plant id="27"> <name>Coffee</name> <origin>Ethiopia</origin> <origin>Brazil</origin> </plant> Plant id=27, name=Coffee, origin=[Ethiopia Brazil] <nesting> <parent> <child> <plant id="27"> <name>Coffee</name> <origin>Ethiopia</origin> <origin>Brazil</origin> </plant> <plant id="81"> <name>Tomato</name> <origin>Mexico</origin> <origin>California</origin> </plant> </child> </parent> </nesting>
package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main() { p := fmt.Println now := time.Now() p(now) //build a time struct by providing the year, month, day, etc. //Times are always associated with a Location, i.e. time zone then := time.Date( 2009, 11, 17, 20, 34, 58, 651387237, time.UTC) p(then) p(then.Year()) p(then.Month()) p(then.Day()) p(then.Hour()) p(then.Minute()) p(then.Second()) p(then.Nanosecond()) p(then.Location()) p(then.Weekday()) p(then.Before(now)) p(then.After(now)) //compare the time as the second p(then.Equal(now)) //返回两个时间点的interval diff := now.Sub(then) p(diff) //不同计量单位 p(diff.Hours()) p(diff.Minutes()) p(diff.Seconds()) p(diff.Nanoseconds()) //advance time p(then.Add(diff)) //move backwards p(then.Add(-diff)) }
package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main() { now := time.Now() //基于秒 secs := now.Unix() //基于纳秒 nanos := now.UnixNano() fmt.Println(now) //没有UnixMillis,自己手动算 millis := nanos / 1000000 fmt.Println(secs) fmt.Println(millis) fmt.Println(nanos) //从纳秒等转化为time表示 fmt.Println(time.Unix(secs, 0)) fmt.Println(time.Unix(0, nanos)) } 2012-10-31 16:13:58.292387 +0000 UTC 1351700038 1351700038292 1351700038292387000 2012-10-31 16:13:58 +0000 UTC 2012-10-31 16:13:58.292387 +0000 UTC
package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main() { p := fmt.Println t := time.Now() p(t.Format(time.RFC3339)) //2014-04-15T18:00:15-07:00 t1, e := time.Parse( time.RFC3339, "2012-11-01T22:08:41+00:00") //2012-11-01 22:08:41 +0000 +0000 p(t1) //自定义格式化格式,相当于自己给个example p(t.Format("3:04PM")) p(t.Format("Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006")) p(t.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999-07:00")) /* 6:00PM Tue Apr 15 18:00:15 2014 2014-04-15T18:00:15.161182-07:00 */ form := "3 04 PM" t2, e := time.Parse(form, "8 41 PM") p(t2) //0000-01-01 20:41:00 +0000 UTC //基于string的format方法来格式化 fmt.Printf("%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d-00:00\n", t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), t.Hour(), t.Minute(), t.Second()) //2014-04-15T18:00:15-00:00 //若输入有错,Parse方法会返回err ansic := "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006" _, e = time.Parse(ansic, "8:41PM") //parsing time "8:41PM" as "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006": ... p(e) }
package main import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "time" ) func main() { //rand.Intn returns a random int n, 0 <= n < 100 fmt.Print(rand.Intn(100), ",") fmt.Print(rand.Intn(100)) fmt.Println() //rand.Float64 returns a float64 f, 0.0 <= f < 1.0 fmt.Println(rand.Float64()) fmt.Print((rand.Float64()*5)+5, ",") fmt.Print((rand.Float64() * 5) + 5) fmt.Println() //The default number generator is deterministic //so it’ll produce the same sequence of numbers each time by default. //入口参数为随机数序列的seed s1 := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()) r1 := rand.New(s1) //Call the resulting rand.Rand just like the functions on the rand package. fmt.Print(r1.Intn(100), ",") fmt.Print(r1.Intn(100)) fmt.Println() 0,28 //If you seed a source with the same number, it produces the same sequence of random numbers. s2 := rand.NewSource(42) r2 := rand.New(s2) fmt.Print(r2.Intn(100), ",") fmt.Print(r2.Intn(100)) fmt.Println() s3 := rand.NewSource(42) r3 := rand.New(s3) fmt.Print(r3.Intn(100), ",") fmt.Print(r3.Intn(100)) 5,87 5,87 }
package main import ( "fmt" "strconv" ) func main() { f, _ := strconv.ParseFloat("1.234", 64) fmt.Println(f) //the 0 means infer the base from the string. 64 requires that the result fit in 64 bits i, _ := strconv.ParseInt("123", 0, 64) fmt.Println(i) //能解析十六进制数字 d, _ := strconv.ParseInt("0x1c8", 0, 64) fmt.Println(d) //456 u, _ := strconv.ParseUint("789", 0, 64) fmt.Println(u) //用于十进制的数字转换 k, _ := strconv.Atoi("135") fmt.Println(k) //错误input则报错 _, e := strconv.Atoi("wat") fmt.Println(e) }
package main import ( "fmt" "net" "net/url" ) func main() { //包括scheme, authentication info, host, port, path, query params, and query fragment s := "postgres://user:pass@host.com:5432/path?k=v#f" u, err := url.Parse(s) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(u.Scheme) fmt.Println(u.User) fmt.Println(u.User.Username()) p, _ := u.User.Password() fmt.Println(p) //Host包括端口和hostname fmt.Println(u.Host) host, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host) fmt.Println(host) fmt.Println(port) fmt.Println(u.Path) fmt.Println(u.Fragment) fmt.Println(u.RawQuery) //将query参数转换为map,key为strings,value为strings的slice //所以 index into [0] if you only want the first value m, _ := url.ParseQuery(u.RawQuery) fmt.Println(m) fmt.Println(m["k"][0]) } postgres user:pass user pass host.com:5432 host.com 5432 /path f k=v map[k:[v]] v
, sha1.Write(bytes)
, then sha1.Sum([]byte{})
md5.New()package main import ( "crypto/sha1" "fmt" ) func main() { s := "sha1 this string" h := sha1.New() //If you have a string s, use []byte(s) to coerce it to bytes h.Write([]byte(s)) //获取最终哈希值(byte slice类型) //This gets the finalized hash result as a byte slice. //The argument to Sum can be used to append to an existing byte slice: it usually isn’t needed bs := h.Sum(nil) fmt.Println(s) //SHA1 values are often printed in hex 、、for example in git commits. Use the %x format verb to convert a hash results to a hex string. fmt.Printf("%x\n", bs) }
package main import ( b64 "encoding/base64" "fmt" ) func main() { data := "abc123!?$*&()'-=@~" sEnc := b64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(data)) fmt.Println(sEnc) sDec, _ := b64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(sEnc) fmt.Println(string(sDec)) fmt.Println() uEnc := b64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(data)) fmt.Println(uEnc) uDec, _ := b64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(uEnc) fmt.Println(string(uDec)) } 两种编码方式的末尾字符不同 YWJjMTIzIT8kKiYoKSctPUB+ abc123!?$*&()'-=@~ YWJjMTIzIT8kKiYoKSctPUB- abc123!?$*&()'-=@~
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