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【PGGAN】2、利用ProgressGAN进行的探索_progress gan

progress gan




 python -m visdom.server


the command of eval is:

python eval.py visualization -n molecular -m PGAN --save_dataset data/output --size_dataset 100

the mean of -m and -n is: 

parser.add_argument('-m', '--module', help="Module to evaluate, available modules: PGAN, PPGAN, DCGAN", type=str, dest="module")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', help="Model's name", type=str, dest="name")

 notice1、: 这里一定要注意,-n 是模型的名称“pubchem”而不是它的全称"pubchem_s5_i62000.pt"


 notice2、: 这里一定要注意,文件夹的格式如下所示:


4、Inspirational generation

python eval.py inspirational_generation -n pubchem -m PGAN --input_image data/input/1.jpg -f data/output/feature_extractor


Molecule synthesis using AI

Step by step guide to use GAN in search for new drugs and materials

In this article, I will demonstrate how a GAN can be trained to generate molecular structures. This is the first step in automating molecule syntheses. Similar work is being done by Machine Learning for Pharmaceutical Discovery and Synthesis Consortium (Can AI Create molecules? by 

MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab

). I am taking this example to accentuate the ease with which any individual can use AI to perform cutting edge research. The only limiting factor is imagination.


 PubChem contains a list of ~96M chemical compounds in SMILES notation. SMILES notation can be classified into functional groups and converted into molecular structure images using python rdkit library. Out of 52 functional groups, only Alcohol Aliphatic functional group was used to limit the scope of this work. First 50,000(他们的实验用了5W张照片) compounds from Alcohol Aliphatic group were converted into images of size 128x128. The code to categorize and convert SMILES entries into images is available at github.


Next step was to select the GAN model. After a few failed attempts, I selected Progressive GAN’s (PGAN) pytorch implementation by facebook research (pytorch_GAN_zoo). Novelty of Progressive GAN is that it starts training with images at low resolution and add new layers that introduce higher-resolution details as the training progresses. According to its authors, these characteristics of PGAN makes it more stable and faster to train.

First step in training was to clone the pytorch_GAN_zoo:

​git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch_GAN_zoo.git


The training process for PGAN is slightly different than other GANs. Before starting the training, data has to be resized into low resolution images. This is done by giving the following command:

python datasets.py celeba $PATH_TO_IMAGES -o $OUTPUT_DIR -f
python datasets.py celeba256 data/train_datasets/opt_image256 -o data/train_datasets/opt_image256_out -f 

In this command, “celeba” is the name of pre-trainned dataset. pytorch_GAN_zoo has multiple dataset pre-trainned on this model. “celeba” dataset corresponds to images of 128x128 pixel, which is same as size of images used in this project. Unless user is a hyper-parameter wizard, it is advisable to adapt data to the hyper-parameters of the pre-trainned model rather than tuning hyper parameters according to data. After first run, hyper-parameters can be changed to fine tune the model. Following Table contains the pre-trainned model names and supported image sizes.

Datasets.py will also generate a config file. This config file will contain:
1) path to the resized images and the original images.
2) number of iterations per scale. ‘Scale’ is a concept that is unique to PGAN. Every scale is associated with number of layers in the model, iterations and image resolution. Max scale is calculated using following formula.

image_size = 2**(2+max_scale)


In this formula constant 2 is added to max scale because the training layers start from resolution of 4x4. Datasets.py will resize images in steps of (64, 128, 512, 1024) until the image size of the data. “$PATH_TO_IMAGES” is the location of the training images. “OUTPUT_DIR” this is the location where resized images will be saved. “-f” option is to generate resized images before training starts. Once the resize images and config file is created, next step was to start training by giving the following command:

python train.py PGAN -c config_celeba256.json -n molecular -d data/train_datasets/opt_image256_out

In this command, “PGAN” refers to Progressive GAN. pytorch_GAN_zoo also support DCGAN. ”CONFIG_FILE” is the path to config file generated by datasets.py. “DATASET_NAME” is the name of custom dataset. “WEIGHTS_DIR” is the location where weights will be stored. More options are defined in train.py. I had used “ — np_vis” option to use numpy based visualization instead of installing “visdom” package. I had also set “-e” and “-s” option to 2000.

Training Analysis(训练分析)

This training went on for 9 days on Tesla K80 based server. I stopped the training after 62000 iterations on last scale. Weights of the trained model can be downloaded using this link. One of the main reason GAN training takes long time is due to lack of transfer learning in generative models. Transfer learning reduces the data requirement and convergence time in discriminative models. There is a recent paper that propose to address this issue in GANs. One way of reducing training time is to use minimum sized images relevant to data.

In PGAN, training layer starts from 4x4 resolution and goes up to image size of the dataset. For image size of 128, layers were added in the scale of 4,8,16,32,64,128. Plotting training time vs iterations clearly show how addition of new layer increased the training time exponentially at every scale.

pytorch_GAN_zoo provides tools to evaluate the performance of the model on generated images. Most popular one is inception score. Inception score of generated images was calculated by giving following command.

python eval.py inception -c $CONFIGURATION_FILE -n $modelName -m $modelType -d $WEIGHTS_DIR

Sliced Wasserstein distance (SWD) is another method used to evaluate high-resolution GANs. laplacian SWD score was calculated by giving following command. More information about evaluating GAN performance is given in this paper.

python eval.py laplacian_SWD -c $CONFIGURATION_FILE -n $modelName -m $modelType -d $WEIGHTS_DIR

Inspirational generation

pytorch_GAN_zoo implements another tool, “Inspirational Adverserial Image generation”. This tool takes an image as input and extracts an input vector using gradient decent. This input vector is used to generate new images that share characteristics of the input image. Inspirational generation is a two step process.


python save_feature_extractor.py {vgg16, vgg19}\   $PATH_TO_THE_OUTPUT_FEATURE_EXTRACTOR --layers 3 4 5
python save_feature_extractor.py vgg19 data/output/feature_extractor --layers 3 4 5

2、进行Inspirational generation

In this command vgg16/vgg19 specify model to be used for input vector generation. Once the feature extractor was downloaded, following command was used to generate molecule structure based on

python eval.py inspirational_generation -n $modelName -m $modelType\ --inputImage $pathTotheInputImage -f \ $PATH_TO_THE_OUTPUT_FEATURE_EXTRACTOR -d $WEIGHTS_DIR
python eval.py inspirational_generation -n molecular -m PGAN --input_image data/input/11.png -f data/output/feature_extractor

Image below shows input and generated molecule structures. It is admirable how well ProGAN had learned input vector and generated pattern.

Inspiration Generation

Future Work

The model trained above will generate random molecular structures.

  1. This work can be easily extended by using LC GAN to generate molecules with certain attributes by constraining the latent space of a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) with a separate GAN trained in latent space.
  2. This model can also be trained on 3D molecular structures.
  3. Output of this model can be fed to another model that can validate and predict the properties of the generated molecular structures.


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python datasets.py celeba256 data/train_datasets/mol_image256bold -o data/train_datasets/mol_image256bold_out -f 


python train.py PGAN -c config_celeba256.json -n molecularBold -d data/train_datasets/mol_image256bold_out

