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毕业设计 JavaWeb的学生信息管理系统_javaweb学生信息管理系统



Java web技术的基础就是核心Java平台,它有许多优点,例如:“编写一次、随处运行”的特性、方便存取数据库的JDBC
本文基于Java web平台技术、采用Browser/Server结构,设计并实现了该系统的简化版学生信息管理系统
关键词: 学生信息管理系统,Java web,Servlet,JSP







    1public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet {
    2	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    3	protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    4		request.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
    5		String username = request.getParameter("username");
    6		String password = request.getParameter("password");
    7		String level = null;
    8		//实例化UserDao对象
    9		UserDao userDao = new UserDao();
    10		User user = userDao.login(username, password);
    11		//判断是否登录成功
    12		if(user != null){//成功
    13			level = user.getLevel();
    14			if(level.equals("用户")){
    15				request.getSession().setAttribute("user", user);//将用户对象放到session中
    16				//转发到user.jsp中
    17				request.getRequestDispatcher("user.jsp").forward(request, response);
    18			}
    19			else{
    20			request.getSession().setAttribute("admin", user);//将管理员对象放到session中
    21				//转发到admin.jsp中
    22				request.getRequestDispatcher("admin.jsp").forward(request, response);
    23			}	
    24		}else {//失败
    25			request.setAttribute("info"," 错误:用户名或密码错误!");
    26			request.getRequestDispatcher("message.jsp").forward(request, response);
    27		}
    28	}

    1public class CourseDao {
    2	// 获取所有课程的信息,用ArrayList返回
    3	public ArrayList<Course> query_all_course() {
    4		Connection conn = DBUtils.getConnection();
    5		String sql = "select * from course order by cno;";
    6		ArrayList<Course> results = new ArrayList<Course>();
    7		try {
    8			PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    9			ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
    10			while (rs.next()) {
    11				Course temp = new Course();
    12				temp.setCno(rs.getString("Cno"));
    13				temp.setCname(rs.getString("Cname"));
    14				temp.setCteacher(rs.getString("Cteacher"));
    15				temp.setCcredit(rs.getInt("Ccredit"));
    16				results.add(temp);
    17			}
    18			// 关闭资源
    19			rs.close();
    20			ps.close();
    21		} catch (SQLException e) {
    22			e.printStackTrace();
    23		} finally {
    24			DBUtils.closeConnection(conn);
    25		}
    26		return results;
    27	}
    28	// 插入课程信息,返回一个int值表示状态,1:成功,0失败
    29	public int insert_course(String Cno, String Cname, String Cteacher, double Ccredit) {
    30		Connection conn = DBUtils.getConnection();
    31		String sql = "insert into course values(?,?,?,?);";
    32		int flag = 0;
    33		try {
    34			PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    35			ps.setString(1, Cno);
    36			ps.setString(2, Cname);
    37			ps.setString(3, Cteacher);
    38			ps.setDouble(4, Ccredit);
    39			flag = ps.executeUpdate();
    40			ps.close();
    41		} catch (SQLException e) {
    42			e.printStackTrace();
    43		} finally {
    44			DBUtils.closeConnection(conn);
    45		}
    46		return flag;
    47	}
    48	// 删除课程信息,返回一个int值表示状态,1:成功,0失败
    49	public int delete_course(String Cno) {
    50		Connection conn = DBUtils.getConnection();
    51		String sql = "delete from course where Cno = ?;";
    52		int flag = 0;
    53		try {
    54			PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    55			ps.setString(1, Cno);
    56			flag = ps.executeUpdate();
    57			ps.close();
    58		} catch (SQLException e) {
    59			e.printStackTrace();
    60		} finally {
    61			DBUtils.closeConnection(conn);
    62		}
    63		return flag;
    64	}
    65	//修改课程信息,返回一个int值表示状态,1:成功,0失败
    66	public int alter_course(String cno,String after_cno,String after_cname,String after_cteacher,double after_ccredit) {
    67		Connection conn = DBUtils.getConnection();
    68		String sql = "update course set cno = ?,cname = ?,cteacher = ?,ccredit = ? where cno = ?;";
    69		int flag = 0;
    70		try {
    71			PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    72			ps.setString(1, after_cno);
    73			ps.setString(2, after_cname);
    74			ps.setString(3, after_cteacher);
    75			ps.setDouble(4, after_ccredit);
    76			ps.setString(5, cno);
    77			flag = ps.executeUpdate();
    78			ps.close();
    79		} catch (SQLException e) {
    80			e.printStackTrace();
    81		}finally {
    82			DBUtils.closeConnection(conn);
    83		}
    84		return flag;
    85	}
    86	// 查询课程平均分信息,返回一个ArrayLst集合
    87	public ArrayList<Course_avg> course_avg() {
    88		Connection conn = DBUtils.getConnection();
    89		String sql = "select sc.cno cno,cname,avg(grade) avg from course,sc where course.cno = sc.cno group by cno order by cno;";
    90		ResultSet result = null;
    91		ArrayList<Course_avg> course_avg = new ArrayList<Course_avg>();
    92		try {
    93			PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    94			result = ps.executeQuery();
    95			while(result.next()){
    96				Course_avg temp = new Course_avg();
    97				temp.setCno(result.getString("Cno"));
    98				temp.setCname(result.getString("Cname"));
    99				temp.setAvg(result.getDouble("avg"));
    100				course_avg.add(temp);
    101			}
    102			ps.close();
    103			result.close();
    104		} catch (SQLException e) {
    105			e.printStackTrace();
    106		} finally {
    107			DBUtils.closeConnection(conn);
    108		}
    109		return course_avg;
    110	}
    111	//查询课程不及格率,返回一个ArrayList集合
    112	public ArrayList<Course_fail_rate> fail_rate(){
    113		Connection conn = DBUtils.getConnection();
    114		String sql = "select cno,(select cname from course where cno = x.cno) cname,cast(100.0*(select count(sno) from sc where grade < 60 and cno = x.cno)/(select count(sno) from sc where cno = x.cno) as decimal(18,2)) rate from sc x group by cno order by cno;";
    115		ArrayList<Course_fail_rate> fail_rate = new ArrayList<Course_fail_rate>();
    116		try {
    117			PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    118			ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
    119			while(rs.next()){
    120				Course_fail_rate temp = new Course_fail_rate();
    121				temp.setCno(rs.getString("cno"));
    122				temp.setCname(rs.getString("cname"));
    123				temp.setFail_rate(rs.getDouble("rate"));
    124				fail_rate.add(temp);
    125			}
    126			rs.close();
    127			ps.close();
    128		} catch (SQLException e) {
    129			e.printStackTrace();
    130		} finally {
    131			DBUtils.closeConnection(conn);
    132		}
    133		return fail_rate;
    134	}
    135	//查询课程排名情况,返回一个ArrayList集合
    136	public ArrayList<Course_ranking> course_ranking(String cno){
    137		Connection conn = DBUtils.getConnection();
    138		String sql = "select student.Sno Sno,Dname,Clname,Sname,Ssex,Sage,Grade from department,class,student,sc where student.sno = sc.sno and class.Clno = student.Clno and department.Dno = class.Dno and cno = '"+cno+"' order by grade desc;";
    139		ArrayList<Course_ranking> course_ranking = new ArrayList<Course_ranking>();
    140		try {
    141			PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    142			ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
    143			while(rs.next()){
    144				Course_ranking temp = new Course_ranking();
    145				temp.setSno(rs.getString("Sno"));
    146				temp.setDname(rs.getString("Dname"));
    147				temp.setClname(rs.getString("Clname"));
    148				temp.setSname(rs.getString("Sname"));
    149				temp.setSsex(rs.getString("Ssex"));
    150				temp.setSage(rs.getInt("Sage"));
    151				temp.setGrade(rs.getDouble("Grade"));
    152				course_ranking.add(temp);
    153			}
    154			rs.close();
    155			ps.close();
    156		} catch (SQLException e) {
    157			e.printStackTrace();
    158		} finally {
    159			DBUtils.closeConnection(conn);
    160		}
    161		return course_ranking;
    162	}

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