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【深度学习】C++ onnx Yolov8 目标检测推理_yolov8onnxc++


【深度学习】C++ onnx Yolov8 目标检测推理


python 中导出

from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load the YOLOv8 model
model = YOLO("best.pt")

# # Export the model to ONNX format
model.export(format="onnx", dynamic=False, simplify=True, imgsz = (640,640), opset=12, half=False, int8=False)  # creates 'yolov8n.onnx'

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#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <onnxruntime_cxx_api.h>
#include <numeric>

#define _PRINT true

namespace det
    struct OutputDet
        int id;
        float confidence;
        cv::Rect box;

    struct param
        int batchSize = 1;
        int netWidth = 640;   //ONNX-net-input-width
        int netHeight = 640;  //ONNX-net-input-height
        bool dynamicShape = true;   //onnx support dynamic shape
        float classThreshold = 0.25;
        float nmsThrehold= 0.45;
        float maskThreshold = 0.5;

class detectModel
    detectModel():m_ortMemoryInfo(Ort::MemoryInfo::CreateCpu(OrtAllocatorType::OrtDeviceAllocator, OrtMemType::OrtMemTypeCPUOutput)) {};
        delete m_ortSession;

    bool readModel(const std::string& modelPath, bool isCuda=false, int cudaId=0, bool warmUp=true);
    bool onnxDetect(cv::Mat& srcImg, std::vector<det::OutputDet>& output);
    bool onnxBatchDetect(std::vector<cv::Mat>& srcImgs, std::vector<std::vector<det::OutputDet>>& output);
    void drawPred(cv::Mat& img, std::vector<det::OutputDet> result,
              std::vector<std::string> classNames, std::vector<cv::Scalar> color);
    // parameter.
    det::param m_param = {1,640,640,true,0.25,0.45,0.5};

    std::vector<std::string> m_className = {"blackPoint"};

    // ort parameter
    Ort::Env m_ortEnv = Ort::Env(OrtLoggingLevel::ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_ERROR, "Yolov8n"); // set up your log level and project name.
    Ort::MemoryInfo m_ortMemoryInfo;
    Ort::SessionOptions m_ortSessionOptions = Ort::SessionOptions(); // init. default do not need any parameter.

    Ort::Session* m_ortSession = nullptr;

    std::shared_ptr<char> m_inputName, m_output_name;
    std::vector<char*> m_inputNodeNames; 
    std::vector<char*> m_outputNodeNames; 

    size_t m_inputNodesNum = 0;        
    size_t m_outputNodesNum = 0;      
    ONNXTensorElementDataType m_inputNodeDataType;  
    ONNXTensorElementDataType m_outputNodeDataType;
    std::vector<int64_t> m_inputTensorShape;  
    std::vector<int64_t> m_outputTensorShape;
    template<typename T>
    T vectorProduct(const std::vector<T>& v)
        return std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 1, std::multiplies<T>());

    int preProcessing(const std::vector<cv::Mat>& srcImgs,
                    std::vector<cv::Mat>& outSrcImgs,
                    std::vector<cv::Vec4d>& params);

    void letterBox(const cv::Mat& image, cv::Mat& outImage, cv::Vec4d& params, const cv::Size& newShape = cv::Size(640, 640),
               bool autoShape = false, bool scaleFill=false, bool scaleUp=true, int stride= 32, const cv::Scalar& color = cv::Scalar(114,114,114));

    bool checkPath(const std::string path);
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#include "onnx_detect_infer.h"
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
using namespace Ort;
using namespace cv;
using namespace det;

bool detectModel::checkPath(const std::string path) 
    string tempPath = path;
    ifstream f(tempPath.c_str());
    return f.good();

bool detectModel::readModel(const std::string &modelPath, bool isCuda, int cudaId, bool warmUp)
    if(m_param.batchSize < 1)
        m_param.batchSize = 1;

        if (!checkPath(modelPath))
                cout << "your model path isn't corrent. check up : " << modelPath << endl;
            return false;
        // check up whether there is a gpu device.
        std::vector<std::string> available_providers = GetAvailableProviders();
        auto cuda_available = std::find(available_providers.begin(), available_providers.end(), "CUDAExecutionProvider");

        // using cpu threads.
        // m_ortSessionOptions.SetIntraOpNumThreads(4);
        // m_ortSessionOptions.SetExecutionMode(ORT_SEQUENTIAL);

        // gpu mode set up.
        if (isCuda && (cuda_available == available_providers.end()))
                std::cout << "Your ORT build without GPU. Change to CPU." << std::endl;
                std::cout << "************* Infer model on CPU! *************" << std::endl;
        else if (isCuda && (cuda_available != available_providers.end()))
                std::cout << "************* Infer model on GPU! *************" << std::endl;
			OrtCUDAProviderOptions cudaOption;
			cudaOption.device_id = cudaId;
			OrtStatus* status = OrtSessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA(m_ortSessionOptions, cudaId);
                std::cout << "************* Infer model on CPU! *************" << std::endl;

        // GraphOptimizationLevel::ORT_DISABLE_ALL -> Disables all optimizations
        // GraphOptimizationLevel::ORT_ENABLE_BASIC -> Enables basic optimizations
        // GraphOptimizationLevel::ORT_ENABLE_EXTENDED -> Enables basic and extended optimizations
        // GraphOptimizationLevel::ORT_ENABLE_ALL -> Enables all available optimizations including layout

        // I have tested all modes, and ort_enable_all had fastest speed.
        m_ortSessionOptions.SetGraphOptimizationLevel(GraphOptimizationLevel::ORT_ENABLE_ALL); // ORT_ENABLE_ALL
#ifdef _WIN32
        std::wstring model_path(modelPath.begin(), modelPath.end());
        m_ortSession = new Ort::Session(m_ortEnv, model_path.c_str(), m_ortSessionOptions);
        m_ortSession = new Ort::Session(m_ortEnv, modelPath.c_str(), m_ortSessionOptions);

        Ort::AllocatorWithDefaultOptions allocator;
        //init input
        m_inputNodesNum = m_ortSession->GetInputCount();
        m_inputName = _OrtSession->GetInputName(0, allocator);
        m_inputName = std::move(m_ortSession->GetInputNameAllocated(0, allocator));

        Ort::TypeInfo inputTypeInfo = m_ortSession->GetInputTypeInfo(0);
        auto input_tensor_info = inputTypeInfo.GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo();
        m_inputNodeDataType = input_tensor_info.GetElementType();
        m_inputTensorShape = input_tensor_info.GetShape();
        if (m_inputTensorShape[0] == -1)
            m_param.dynamicShape = true;
            m_inputTensorShape[0] = m_param.batchSize;
        if (m_inputTensorShape[2] == -1 || m_inputTensorShape[3] == -1) {
            m_param.dynamicShape = true;
            m_inputTensorShape[2] = m_param.netHeight;
            m_inputTensorShape[3] = m_param.netWidth;

        // init output
        m_outputNodesNum = m_ortSession->GetOutputCount();
        m_output_name = _OrtSession->GetOutputName(0, allocator);
        m_output_name = std::move(m_ortSession->GetOutputNameAllocated(0, allocator));
        Ort::TypeInfo type_info_output0(nullptr);
        type_info_output0 = m_ortSession->GetOutputTypeInfo(0);  //output0
        auto tensor_info_output0 = type_info_output0.GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo();
        m_outputNodeDataType = tensor_info_output0.GetElementType();
        m_outputTensorShape = tensor_info_output0.GetShape();

        //warm up
        if (isCuda && warmUp) 
            //draw run
            size_t input_tensor_length = vectorProduct(m_inputTensorShape);
            float* temp = new float[input_tensor_length];
            std::vector<Ort::Value> input_tensors;
            std::vector<Ort::Value> output_tensors;
                m_ortMemoryInfo, temp, input_tensor_length, m_inputTensorShape.data(),
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) 
                output_tensors = m_ortSession->Run(Ort::RunOptions{ nullptr },
    catch (const std::exception&)
        return false;
    return true;

bool detectModel::onnxBatchDetect(std::vector<cv::Mat> &srcImgs, std::vector<std::vector<OutputDet> > &output)
    vector<Vec4d> params;
    vector<Mat> input_images;
    cv::Size input_size(m_param.netWidth, m_param.netHeight);
    // preProcessing.
    preProcessing(srcImgs, input_images, params);
    // [0~255] --> [0~1]; BGR2RGB.
    Mat blob = cv::dnn::blobFromImages(input_images, 1 / 255.0, input_size, Scalar(0,0,0), true, false);
    // get output result.
    int64_t input_tensor_length = vectorProduct(m_inputTensorShape);
    std::vector<Ort::Value> input_tensors;
    std::vector<Ort::Value> output_tensors;
    input_tensors.push_back(Ort::Value::CreateTensor<float>(m_ortMemoryInfo, (float*)blob.data,
                                                            input_tensor_length, m_inputTensorShape.data(),
    output_tensors = m_ortSession->Run(Ort::RunOptions{ nullptr },
        m_inputNodeNames.data(), input_tensors.data(), m_inputNodeNames.size(),
        m_outputNodeNames.data(), m_outputNodeNames.size() );
    int net_width = m_className.size() + 4;
    float* all_data = output_tensors[0].GetTensorMutableData<float>(); // outputs of the first picture.
    m_outputTensorShape = output_tensors[0].GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo().GetShape(); // output dimension [1, 84, 8400]
    int64_t one_output_length = vectorProduct(m_outputTensorShape) / m_outputTensorShape[0]; // the length of the memory of the output of a picture 8400*84

    for (int img_index = 0; img_index < srcImgs.size(); ++img_index)
        Mat output0 = Mat(Size((int)m_outputTensorShape[2], (int)m_outputTensorShape[1]), CV_32F, all_data).t(); // [1, 84 ,8400] -> [1, 8400, 84]
        all_data += one_output_length; // point to the adress of the picture. 
        float* pdata = (float*)output0.data; // [x,y,w,h,class1,class2.....class80]
        int rows = output0.rows; 
        // predict box.
        vector<int> class_ids;
        vector<float> confidences;
        vector<Rect> boxes;
        for (int r=0; r<rows; ++r) // can not support yolov5, if use v5, need to change it 
            Mat scores(1, m_className.size(), CV_32F, pdata + 4); // score
            Point classIdPoint;
            double max_class_soces;
            minMaxLoc(scores, 0, &max_class_soces, 0, &classIdPoint);
            max_class_soces = (float)max_class_soces;
            if (max_class_soces >= m_param.classThreshold)
                // rect [x,y,w,h]
                float x = (pdata[0] - params[img_index][2]) / params[img_index][0]; //x
                float y = (pdata[1] - params[img_index][3]) / params[img_index][1]; //y
                float w = pdata[2] / params[img_index][0]; //w
                float h = pdata[3] / params[img_index][1]; //h
                int left = MAX(int(x - 0.5 *w +0.5), 0);
                int top = MAX(int(y - 0.5*h + 0.5), 0);
                boxes.push_back(Rect(left, top, int(w + 0.5), int(h + 0.5)));
            pdata += net_width; // next box
        // nms process
        vector<int> nms_result;
        cv::dnn::NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, m_param.classThreshold, m_param.nmsThrehold, nms_result); // 还需要classThreshold?
         cv::Rect holeImgRect(0, 0, m_param.netWidth, m_param.netHeight);
        // get predict output.
        vector<OutputDet> temp_output;
        for (size_t i=0; i<nms_result.size(); ++i)
            int idx = nms_result[i];
            OutputDet result;
            result.id = class_ids[idx];
            result.confidence = confidences[idx];
            result.box = boxes[idx] & holeImgRect;
    if (output.size())
        return true;
        return false;

bool detectModel::onnxDetect(cv::Mat &srcImg, std::vector<OutputDet> &output)
    vector<Mat> input_data = {srcImg};
    vector<vector<OutputDet>> temp_output;
    if(onnxBatchDetect(input_data, temp_output))
        output = temp_output[0];
        return true;
    else return false;
int detectModel::preProcessing(const std::vector<cv::Mat> &SrcImgs,
                              std::vector<cv::Mat> &OutSrcImgs,
                              std::vector<cv::Vec4d> &params)
    Size input_size = Size(m_param.netWidth, m_param.netHeight);
    for (size_t i=0; i<SrcImgs.size(); ++i)
        Mat temp_img = SrcImgs[i];
        Vec4d temp_param = {1,1,0,0};
        if (temp_img.size() != input_size)
            Mat borderImg;
            letterBox(temp_img, borderImg, temp_param, input_size, false, false, true, 32);
    int lack_num = m_param.batchSize - SrcImgs.size();
    if (lack_num > 0)
        Mat temp_img = Mat::zeros(input_size, CV_8UC3);
        Vec4d temp_param = {1,1,0,0};
    return 0;

void detectModel::letterBox(const cv::Mat& image, cv::Mat& outImage, cv::Vec4d& params, const cv::Size& newShape,
               bool autoShape, bool scaleFill, bool scaleUp, int stride, const cv::Scalar& color)
    // get smaller scale size.
    cv::Size shape = image.size();
    float r = std::min((float)newShape.height / (float)shape.height,
                       (float)newShape.width / (float)shape.width);
    if (!scaleUp)
        r = std::min(r, 1.0f);
    // source image size
    float ratio[2]{r,r};
    int new_un_pad[2] = { (int)std::round((float)shape.width  * r), (int)std::round((float)shape.height * r)};
    // detect the plexs of the size of detect object.
    auto dw = (float)(newShape.width - new_un_pad[0]);
    auto dh = (float)(newShape.height - new_un_pad[1]);
    if (autoShape)
        dw = (float)((int)dw % stride);
        dh = (float)((int)dh % stride);
    else if (scaleFill)
        dw = 0.0f;
        dh = 0.0f;
        new_un_pad[0] = newShape.width;
        new_un_pad[1] = newShape.height;
        ratio[0] = (float)newShape.width / (float)shape.width;
        ratio[1] = (float)newShape.height / (float)shape.height;
    dw /= 2.0f;
    dh /= 2.0f;
    // resize
    if (shape.width != new_un_pad[0] && shape.height != new_un_pad[1])
        cv::resize(image, outImage, cv::Size(new_un_pad[0], new_un_pad[1]));
        outImage = image.clone();
    // padding, make every pictures have the same size.
    int top = int(std::round(dh - 0.1f));
    int bottom = int(std::round(dh + 0.1f));
    int left = int(std::round(dw - 0.1f));
    int right = int(std::round(dw + 0.1f));
    params[0] = ratio[0]; // scale of width
    params[1] = ratio[1]; // scale of height
    params[2] = left; // the number of padding from left to right
    params[3] = top; //the number of padding from top to bottom
    cv::copyMakeBorder(outImage, outImage, top, bottom, left, right, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, color);
void detectModel::drawPred(cv::Mat& img, std::vector<OutputDet> result,
              std::vector<std::string> classNames,
              std::vector<cv::Scalar> color)
    for (size_t i=0; i<result.size(); i++)
        int  left,top;
        left = result[i].box.x;
        top = result[i].box.y;
        // rectangle the object.
        rectangle(img, result[i].box,color[result[i].id], 2, 8);
        // put text.
        string label = to_string(result[i].confidence); //classNames[result[i].id] + ":" + to_string(result[i].confidence);
        int baseLine;
        Size labelSize = getTextSize(label, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 1, &baseLine);
        top = max(top, labelSize.height);
        putText(img, label, Point(left, top), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, color[result[i].id], 2);
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#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "onnx_detect_infer.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::dnn;
int main()
    string model_path = "/home/xiaoxin/Documents/ultralytics-main/last.onnx";
    detectModel yolov8;
    if (!yolov8.readModel(model_path))
        return -1;
    yolov8.m_param.batchSize = 1;
    yolov8.m_param.netWidth = 640;
    yolov8.m_param.netHeight = 640;
    yolov8.m_param.dynamicShape = false;
    yolov8.m_param.classThreshold = 0.25;
    yolov8.m_param.nmsThrehold= 0.45;
    yolov8.m_param.maskThreshold = 0.5;

    // random color
    vector<Scalar> color;
    for (int i=0; i<80; i++)
        int b = rand() %  256;
        int g = rand() % 256;
        int r = rand() % 256;
    string inputPath = "/home/xiaoxin/Documents/ultralytics-main/datasets/Tray/labelImg";
    vector<String> vPaths;
    for(int i = 0; i < vPaths.size(); ++i)
        Mat frame = imread(vPaths[i], 1);
        struct timeval t1, t2;
        double timeuse;

        vector<det::OutputDet> reuslt;

        gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);      
        for(int i = 0; i < 50 ; i++)
            bool find = yolov8.onnxDetect(frame, reuslt);
        gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
        yolov8.drawPred(frame, reuslt, yolov8.m_className, color);

        timeuse = (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) +
                (double)(t2.tv_usec -t1.tv_usec)/1000000; //s
        cout << timeuse*1000 << endl;
        resize(frame, frame, Size(0,0), 3, 3);
        imshow("result", frame);

    return 0;

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SET (OpenCV_DIR path/to/opencv/build)  #opencv root
#SET (ONNXRUNTIME_DIR path/to/onnxruntime)
Set(ONNXRUNTIME_DIR ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/onnxruntime-linux-x64-gpu-1.18.0)

ADD_EXECUTABLE(YOLOv8 main.cpp onnx_detect_infer.cpp)




if (WIN32)
    TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(YOLOv8 "${ONNXRUNTIME_DIR}/lib/onnxruntime.lib")

if (UNIX)
    TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(YOLOv8 "${ONNXRUNTIME_DIR}/lib/libonnxruntime.so")

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