- import os
- import pygame,sys,random,copy,time
- pygame.init()
- pygame.mixer.init()
- pygame.display.set_caption('俄罗斯方块1.0')
- '''操作设置'''
- left = pygame.K_LEFT
- right = pygame.K_RIGHT
- down = pygame.K_DOWN
- spi_r = pygame.K_UP #右旋-上键
- spi_l = pygame.K_g #左旋-G
- change = pygame.K_d #保留-D
- plunge = pygame.K_f #强降-F
- again = pygame.K_2 #重新游戏
- leve = 1 #难度等级,数字越大,下落越快
- '''定义屏幕大小'''
- width = 500
- height = 700
- screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500,700))#屏幕大小
- '''基础方块绘制'''
- size=30#方块规格
- sore = 10#分数单位
- sores = [0]#记录总分
- #基础方块的绘制
- face = pygame.Surface((size,size),flags=pygame.HWSURFACE)
- # face.fill("white")
- pygame.draw.rect(face, (0, 0, 0), [0,0,size,size],1)
- # pygame.draw.circle(face, (255, 0, 0), (15,15), 15, width=1)
- #基础方块的投影绘制--增加透明度
- face1 = pygame.Surface((size,size),flags=pygame.HWSURFACE)
- # face1.fill((255,255,255,0))
- pygame.draw.rect(face1, (0, 0, 0,0), [0,0,size,size],1)
- # pygame.draw.circle(face1, (255, 0, 0,0), (15,15), 15, width=1)
- face1.set_alpha(100)#设置透明度
- #字体设置
- f = pygame.font.SysFont(['方正粗黑宋简体'],30)#分数显示等需要用的字体
- f1 = pygame.font.SysFont(['方正粗黑宋简体'],20)
- f2 = pygame.font.SysFont(['方正粗黑宋简体'],15)
- '''地图参数设置'''
- origin=(5,5) #原点位置,边框的宽度
- set = [4*size+origin[0],origin[1]+0] #初始生成方块位置,该坐标全局控制当前形状的位置
- c_list=(2,4,6,7,14,16,19)#分别为7种大类型的方块,见方块类型函数
- ch1 = [ c_list[random.randint(0,6)] for i in range(4)] #初始方块产生随机函数
- ch1.append(0)#ch1为一个有装4个值的列表,前三个为即将出现的三个形状的标号,第四个为保留的形状的标号,开始时没有,定为0
- filled = []#落地方块储存列表,将一落地的每一个形状的信息存入
- n=[0]#控制是否能更换当前手中方块
- control = [1]#控制游戏结束,0为结束
- '''方块类型函数'''
- #每个形状表示为四个坐标,取其中一个方块为原点算出其他方块坐标
- #c为方块类型标号,a为形状的坐标。
- # 该函数最终输出一个列表,其中包含6个坐标,即为一个形状(包含四个基础方块)的四个方块坐标和四个方块中最小的x,y和最大的x,y,方便之后的碰撞判断
- #还要输出形状标号c(方便进行不同方块的不同颜色绘制)
- def forms(c,a):
- #长条
- if c == 1:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = 0
- y1 = -1
- x2 = 0
- y2 = 2
- x3 = 0
- y3 = 1
- if c == 2:#横条
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = -1
- y1 = 0
- x2 = 1
- y2 = 0
- x3 = 2
- y3 = 0
- # S
- if c==3:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = 0
- y1 = 1
- x2 = -1
- y2 = 0
- x3 = -1
- y3 = -1
- if c == 4:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = -1
- y1 = 0
- x2 = 0
- y2 = -1
- x3 = 1
- y3 = -1
- #Z
- if c==5:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = 1
- y1 = 0
- x2 = 0
- y2 = 1
- x3 = 1
- y3 = -1
- if c==6:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = -1
- y1 = 0
- x2 = 0
- y2 = 1
- x3 = 1
- y3 = 1
- #T
- if c==7:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = 1
- y1 = 0
- x2 = -1
- y2 = 0
- x3 = 0
- y3 = -1
- if c==8:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = 0
- y1 = -1
- x2 = 0
- y2 = 1
- x3 = 1
- y3 = 0
- if c==9:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = -1
- y1 = 0
- x2 = 0
- y2 = 1
- x3 = 1
- y3 = 0
- if c==10:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = 0
- y1 = 1
- x2 = 0
- y2 = -1
- x3 = -1
- y3 = 0
- #L
- if c==11:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = 0
- y1 = -1
- x2 = 0
- y2 = 1
- x3 = 1
- y3 = 1
- if c==12:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = -1
- y1 = 0
- x2 = 1
- y2 = 0
- x3 = -1
- y3 = 1
- if c==13:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = 0
- y1 = -1
- x2 = 0
- y2 = 1
- x3 = -1
- y3 = -1
- if c==14:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = -1
- y1 = 0
- x2 = 1
- y2 = 0
- x3 = 1
- y3 = -1
- #J
- if c==15:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = 0
- y1 = -1
- x2 = 0
- y2 = 1
- x3 = -1
- y3 = 1
- if c==16:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = -1
- y1 = -1
- x2 = -1
- y2 = 0
- x3 = 1
- y3 = 0
- if c==17:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = 0
- y1 = 1
- x2 = 0
- y2 = -1
- x3 = 1
- y3 = -1
- if c==18:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = -1
- y1 = 0
- x2 = 1
- y2 = 0
- x3 = 1
- y3 = 1
- # 田
- if c == 19:
- x0 = 0
- y0 = 0
- x1 = 0
- y1 = 1
- x2 = -1
- y2 = 0
- x3 = -1
- y3 = 1
- mx = max(x0,x1,x2,x3)
- my = max(y0,y1,y2,y3)
- mx1 = min(x0, x1, x2,x3)
- my1 = min(y0, y1, y2,y3)
- Z=[[x0*size+a[0],y0*size+a[1]],[x1*size+a[0],y1*size+a[1]],[x2*size+a[0],y2*size+a[1]],[x3*size+a[0],y3*size+a[1]],[mx1*size+a[0],my1*size+a[1]],[mx*size+a[0],my*size+a[1]],c]
- return Z
- '''屏幕更新函数'''
- """
- 屏幕动态更新的核心函数
- 实时更新形状位置,分数,预览形状等都在该函数完成
- 大概思路:
- 1每一次都使用新的空白页面(粉色覆盖,绘制边框)覆盖之前的内容,再
- 2再绘制新的实时内容
- a、根据filled列表中储存的形状坐标信息绘制已经降落的形状
- b、根据ch1列表中储存的实时形状(正在下落的形状,预降位置,预览的形状)
- c、根据sores列表记录的分数绘制新的分数
- """
- def update():
- # 更新前进行碰撞判断
- isclear(filled)
- # 游戏框绘制
- screen.fill("pink")
- pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 250), (0, 0), (size * 10 + 10, 0), 10)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 250), (0, 0), (0, size * 20 + 10), 10)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 250), (size * 10+10 , 0), (size * 10 +10, size * 20+15 ), 10)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 250), (0, 10+size * 20), (size * 10 + 10, size * 20+10 ), 10)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 250), (10*size+origin[0]+10,100+size), (width,100+size), 5)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 250), (10 * size + origin[0] + 10, 100 + 5*size), (width, 100 + 5*size), 5)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 250), (10 * size + origin[0] + 10, 100 + 9 * size), (width, 100 + 9 * size), 5)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 100), (10 * size + origin[0] + 10, 100 + 13 * size), (width, 100 + 13 * size), 5)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 100), (10 * size + origin[0] + 10, 100 + 17 * size), (width, 100 + 17 * size), 5)
- # 操作解释绘制
- sor = f2.render("操作介绍:", True, (0, 100, 10))
- screen.blit(sor, (20, 610))
- sor = f1.render("左:" + pygame.key.name(left), True, (0, 0, 0))
- screen.blit(sor, (50, 630))
- sor = f1.render("右:" + pygame.key.name(right), True, (0, 0, 0))
- screen.blit(sor, (150, 630))
- sor = f1.render("下:" + pygame.key.name(down), True, (0, 0, 0))
- screen.blit(sor, (250, 630))
- sor = f1.render("右旋:" + pygame.key.name(spi_r), True, (0, 0, 0))
- screen.blit(sor, (50, 660))
- sor = f1.render("左旋:" + pygame.key.name(spi_l), True, (0, 0, 0))
- screen.blit(sor, (150, 660))
- sor = f1.render("强降:" + pygame.key.name(plunge), True, (0, 0, 0))
- screen.blit(sor, (250, 660))
- sor = f1.render("保留:" + pygame.key.name(change), True, (0, 0, 0))
- screen.blit(sor, (360, 660))
- # 方块颜色控制函数
- '''
- c表示方块的编号
- face表示前面定义的基础方块
- '''
- def d_color(c, face=face):
- a = -1
- colors = ((0, 160, 233), (34, 172, 56), (230, 0, 18), (146, 7, 131), (235, 97, 0), (0, 71, 157), (243, 152, 0))
- if c == 1 or c == 2 or c == -2:
- a = 0
- face.fill(colors[0])
- if c == 3 or c == 4:
- face.fill(colors[1])
- a = 1
- if c == 5 or c == 6:
- a = 2
- face.fill(colors[2])
- if c >= 7 and c <= 10:
- a = 3
- face.fill(colors[3])
- if c >= 11 and c <= 14:
- a = 4
- face.fill(colors[4])
- if c >= 15 and c <= 18:
- a = 5
- face.fill(colors[5])
- if c == 19:
- a = 6
- face.fill(colors[6])
- pygame.draw.rect(face, (255,255,255), [0, 0, size, size], 1)
- #当前正在下落的方块绘制
- d_color(ch1[0], face=face)
- for i in range(4):
- screen.blit(face,forms(ch1[0],set)[i])
- #计算预降位置,找到当前形状与已落地方块的距离
- a = 19 * size - forms(ch1[0], set)[5][1] + origin[1]
- for i in filled:
- for j in range(4):
- for k in range(4):
- if i[j][0] == forms(ch1[0], set)[k][0]:#x相同的时候,找到符合要求的最y值,即当前形状与已落地方块的距离
- if a > i[j][1] - forms(ch1[0], set)[k][1] - size:
- a = i[j][1] - forms(ch1[0], set)[k][1] - size
- # 方块预降位置绘制
- d_color(ch1[0], face=face1)
- for i in range(4):
- screen.blit(face1,forms(ch1[0],(set[0],set[1]+a))[i])
- #将出现的方块预览绘制,可以预览3个形状
- d_color(ch1[1], face=face)
- for i in range(4):
- screen.blit(face,forms(ch1[1],(330+2*size,120+2*size))[i])
- d_color(ch1[2], face=face)
- for i in range(4):
- screen.blit(face,forms(ch1[2],(330+2*size,120+6*size))[i])
- d_color(ch1[3], face=face)
- for i in range(4):
- screen.blit(face,forms(ch1[3],(330+2*size,120+10*size))[i])
- # 有保留的形状时绘制,其值为0时没有保留的形状
- sor = f.render("retain", True, (0, 0, 0))
- screen.blit(sor, (10*size+20, 90 + 13 * size))
- if ch1[4]!=0:
- d_color(ch1[4], face=face)
- for i in range(4):
- screen.blit(face,forms(ch1[4],(330+2*size,120+14*size))[i])
- #已经落地方块绘制
- for i in filled:
- d_color(i[-1], face=face)
- for j in range(4):
- screen.blit(face, i[j])
- #分数绘制
- sor = f.render("sore:"+str(sores[0]),True,(0,0,0),(246,127,240))
- screen.blit(sor, (335, 50))
- #判断游戏是否结束
- if iscrash(forms(ch1[0],set),filled)[0]==0 and forms(ch1[0],set)[5][1]==origin[1]:
- control[0]=0
- #绘制游戏结束界面并判断游戏是否继续
- if control[0]==0:
- sor1 = f1.render("game over!!", True, (255, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255))
- screen.blit(sor1, (100, 300))
- for event in pygame.event.get():
- if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
- pygame.quit()
- sys.exit()
- if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
- if event.key == again:
- filled.clear()
- set[0]=origin[0]+4*size
- set[1]=origin[1]+0
- sores[0]=0
- control[0]=1
- pygame.display.flip()#更新屏幕
- """方块控制函数"""
- '''
- 控制原理为改变set列表中的横纵坐标对形状的位置进行控制
- 每次移动完成要及时进行碰撞判断(无论是否有按键事件都要判断)
- 但该版本还未解决长按连续移动的问题
- '''
- def move():
- #获取键盘事件
- for event in pygame.event.get():
- if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
- pygame.quit()
- sys.exit()
- if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
- if event.key== left:#左移动
- set[0] -= size
- if iscrash(forms(ch1[0], set), filled)[2] == 2:
- set[0] += size
- if event.key == right:
- set[0] += size
- if iscrash(forms(ch1[0], set), filled)[1] == 1:
- set[0] -= size
- if event.key == down:#加速下降
- set[1] += size
- if event.key == spi_r:#右旋
- m = ch1[0]
- spin(0)
- for i in filled:
- for j in range(4):
- for k in range(4):
- if i[j][0]==forms(ch1[0],set)[k][0] and i[j][1]==forms(ch1[0],set)[k][1]:
- ch1[0]=m
- if event.key == spi_l:#左旋
- m = ch1[0]
- spin(1)
- for i in filled:
- for j in range(4):
- for k in range(4):
- if i[j][0]==forms(ch1[0],set)[k][0] and i[j][1]==forms(ch1[0],set)[k][1]:
- ch1[0]=m
- if event.key == change:#保留
- if n[0]==0:
- if ch1[4]==0:
- if ch1[0] == 19:
- ch1[4]=19
- if ch1[0]>=1 and ch1[0]<=2:
- ch1[4] = 2
- if ch1[0]>=3 and ch1[0]<=4:
- ch1[4] = 4
- if ch1[0]>=5 and ch1[0]<=6:
- ch1[4] = 6
- if ch1[0]>=7 and ch1[0]<=10:
- ch1[4] = 7
- if ch1[0]>=11 and ch1[0]<=14:
- ch1[4] = 14
- if ch1[0]>=15 and ch1[0]<=18:
- ch1[4] = 16
- ch1[0] = ch1[1]
- ch1[1]=ch1[2]
- ch1[2]=ch1[3]
- ch1[3]=c_list[random.randint(0,6)]
- set[0] =4 * size + origin[0]
- set[1]=origin[1] + 0
- n[0]=1
- else:
- v=ch1[0]
- ch1[0] = ch1[4]
- if v == 19:
- ch1[4]=19
- if v>=1 and v<=2:
- ch1[4] = 2
- if v>=3 and v<=4:
- ch1[4] = 4
- if v>=5 and v<=6:
- ch1[4] = 6
- if v>=7 and v<=10:
- ch1[4] = 7
- if v>=11 and v<=14:
- ch1[4] = 14
- if v>=15 and v<=18:
- ch1[4] = 16
- set[0] = 4 * size + origin[0]
- set[1] = origin[1] + 0
- n[0] = 1
- if event.key == plunge:#强降
- #原理也是计算当前方块落地的最小距离
- a=20*size-forms(ch1[0],set)[5][1]+origin[1]
- for i in filled:
- for j in range(4):
- for k in range(4):
- if i[j][0]==forms(ch1[0],set)[k][0]:
- if a>i[j][1]-forms(ch1[0],set)[k][1]:
- a=i[j][1]-forms(ch1[0],set)[k][1]
- set[1] += a
- # 判断碰撞情况
- if forms(ch1[0], set)[4][0] < origin[0]:
- set[0] += size
- if forms(ch1[0], set)[5][0] > origin[0] + 9 * size:
- set[0] -= size
- # 落地判断
- if forms(ch1[0], set)[5][1] > origin[1] + 19 * size:
- set[1] -= size
- filled.append(copy.deepcopy(forms(ch1[0], set)))
- set[0] = 4 * size + origin[0]
- set[1] = origin[1] + 0
- ch1[0] = ch1[1]
- ch1[1] = ch1[2]
- ch1[2] = ch1[3]
- ch1[3] = c_list[random.randint(0, 6)]
- n[0] = 0
- #方块间的碰撞判断
- if iscrash(forms(ch1[0], set), filled)[0] == 0:
- set[1] -= size
- filled.append(copy.deepcopy(forms(ch1[0], set)))
- set[0] = 4 * size + origin[0]
- set[1] = origin[1] + 0
- ch1[0] = ch1[1]
- ch1[1] = ch1[2]
- ch1[2] = ch1[3]
- ch1[3] = c_list[random.randint(0, 6)]
- n[0] = 0
- """方块间的碰撞判断函数"""
- def iscrash(form, form1):
- a, b, m = 10, 10, 10
- # 上下碰撞
- for i in form1:
- for c in range(4):
- for j in range(4):
- if i[c][0] == form[j][0] and i[c][1] - form[j][1] == 0:
- a = 0
- # 碰right
- for i in form1:
- for c in range(4):
- for j in range(4):
- if i[c][0] - form[j][0] == 0 and i[c][1] - form[j][1] == 0:
- b = 1
- # 碰left
- for i in form1:
- for c in range(4):
- for j in range(4):
- if form[j][0] - i[c][0] == 0 and i[c][1] - form[j][1] == 0:
- m = 2
- return a, b, m
- """形状旋转命令函数"""
- """"
- 输入旋转命令(在move函数中调用),
- 直接改变ch1[0]的值(正在下落的形状标号),及直接改变当前形状
- """
- def spin(a):
- if a==0:#右旋
- if ch1[0]==1:
- ch1[0]=2
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==2:
- ch1[0]=1
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==3:
- ch1[0]=4
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==4:
- ch1[0]=3
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==5:
- ch1[0]=6
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==6:
- ch1[0]=5
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==7:
- ch1[0]=8
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 8:
- ch1[0] = 9
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 9:
- ch1[0] = 10
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 10:
- ch1[0] = 7
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 11:
- ch1[0] = 12
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 12:
- ch1[0] = 13
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 13:
- ch1[0] = 14
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 14:
- ch1[0] = 11
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 15:
- ch1[0] = 16
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 16:
- ch1[0] = 17
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 17:
- ch1[0] = 18
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 18:
- ch1[0] = 15
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 19:
- ch1[0] = 19
- return ch1[0]
- if a==1:#左旋
- if ch1[0]==1:
- ch1[0]=2
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==2:
- ch1[0]=1
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==3:
- ch1[0]=4
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==4:
- ch1[0]=3
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==5:
- ch1[0]=6
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==6:
- ch1[0]=5
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0]==7:
- ch1[0]=10
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 10:
- ch1[0] = 9
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 9:
- ch1[0] = 8
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 8:
- ch1[0] = 7
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 11:
- ch1[0] = 14
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 14:
- ch1[0] = 13
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 13:
- ch1[0] = 12
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 12:
- ch1[0] = 11
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 15:
- ch1[0] = 18
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 18:
- ch1[0] = 17
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 17:
- ch1[0] = 16
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 16:
- ch1[0] = 15
- return ch1[0]
- if ch1[0] == 19:
- ch1[0] = 19
- return ch1[0]
- '''#满行判断'''
- #通过及算每一行的横坐标之和来进行满行判断
- def isclear(form1):
- sor=0
- for j in range(20):
- sum = 0#保存一行的横坐标和
- c = j * size+origin[1]
- for i in form1:
- for k in range(4):
- if i[k][1] == c:
- sum+=i[k][0]
- if sum >= 45*size + origin[0]*10:#判断是否满行
- sor+=sore
- for i in form1:
- for k in range(4):
- if i[k][1]==c:
- i[k][1]=size*30#满行后将满行的y值赋值为size*30,在屏幕上就看不见了
- if i[k][1]<c:
- i[k][1]+=size#在满行上方的所有方块下移一格
- sores[0] += sor#记录满行数
- '''游戏主函数'''
- def main():
- while 1:
- #游戏总循环
- if control[0]==1:
- #游戏进行中循环
- # 此处使用两个循环解决操作与自动下落冲突问题
- while 1:
- t = time.time()
- while 1:
- move()
- update()
- if control[0] == 0:
- break
- if time.time() - t >= leve:#每隔leve下降一格
- t = time.time()
- set[1] += size
- break
- move()
- update()
- if control[0]==0:break
- if control[0] == 0:
- #游戏结束界面
- while 1:
- update()
- if control[0] == 1:break
- if __name__=="__main__":
- main()
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