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Windows Ipconfig命令教程,其中包含列出,更改,续订IP配置的示例

ipconfig command

ipconfig command provides basic network management functionalities about Windows operating systems like Windows Server and Windows Desktop families. With ipconfig command IP address information about network interfaces can be listed, changed or DNS cache can be flushed. In this tutorial, we will look at these usage examples.

ipconfig命令提供有关Windows操作系统(如Windows Server和Windows Desktop系列)的基本网络管理功能。 使用ipconfig命令,可以列出,更改有关网络接口的IP地址信息,或者可以刷新DNS缓存。 在本教程中,我们将看这些用法示例。

ipconfig命令帮助 (ipconfig Command Help )

Ipconfig command uses default Windows-style parameters and syntax for help information. We will use /h for print help. We can see that help provides useful information with the provided options and their functions.

ipconfig命令使用默认的Windows样式参数和语法来获取帮助信息。 我们将使用/ h获得打印帮助。 我们可以看到,帮助通过所提供的选项及其功能提供了有用的信息。

$ ipconfig /h

All parameters about the command ipconfig are provided with the help information. Also, some short description of these options is listed. Below we will list all parameters and their description provided by ipconfig command.

帮助信息提供了有关命令ipconfig的所有参数。 此外,列出了这些选项的一些简短说明。 下面我们将列出ipconfig命令提供的所有参数及其说明。

/all displays TCP/IP full configuration information.

/all显示TCP / IP完整配置信息。

/displaydns displays the contents of the DNS client resolver cache.


/flushdns flushes and resets the contents of the DNS client resolver cache.


/registerdns initiates manual registration for the DNS names and IP addresses that are configured at a computer.


/release releases IPV4 IP addresses with DHCPRELEASE message.

/release使用DHCPRELEASE消息释放IPV4 IP地址。

/release6 releases IPv6 IP addresses.

/release6释放IPv6 IP地址。

/renew renews DHCP configuration for all adapters or specific adapter if specified.

/renew为所有适配器或特定适配器/renew DHCP配置。

/renew6 renews DHCPv6 configuration for all adapters or specific adapter if specified.


/setclassid configures the DHCP class ID for specific adapter.


/showclassid displays the DHCP class ID for specified adapter.


/? or /h prints help information about ipconfig command parameters.


列出所有网络接口和IP地址 (List All Network Interfaces and IP Addresses)

Windows operating systems have more than one interface. These

