- optimize this sql to a count sql has exception, sql:"select a.id,
- a.code,
- a.title,
- a.text,
- a.body,
- CONCAT(?,b.img) as img,
- a.commend,
- a.tag,
- (select sum(viewcount) from tb_video_url c where c.video_id = a.id and c.close = 0) as viewcount
- from tb_video a
- left join tb_facepic b on b.obj = 'video' and a.id = b.obj_id and del = 0
- where a.close = 0
- order by commend desc ,a.id desc", exception:
- net.sf.jsqlparser.parser.ParseException: Encountered unexpected token: "select" <K_SELECT>
- at line 9, column 17.
- Was expecting one of:
- "!"
- "("
- "NOT"

解决: 把两个close加上``,就不报错了,可能是因为关键字的问题
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