1:了解两阶段目标检测模型 RCNN或Faster RCNN模型的原理和结构。
2:学习通过RCNN或Faster RCNN模型解决目标检测问题。
2.1 RCNN模型简介
区域卷积神经网络(RCNN)系列模型为两阶段目标检测器,包含对图像生成候选区域,提取特征,判别特征类别并修正候选框位置等几个步骤。 RCNN系列目前包含两个代表模型:Faster RCNN和Mask RCNN。
Faster RCNN 整体网络可以分为4个主要内容:
1、基础卷积层。作为一种卷积神经网络目标检测方法,Faster RCNN首先使用一组基础的卷积网络提取图像的特征图。特征图被后续 区域生成网络RPN层和全连接层共享。本示例采用ResNet-50作为基础卷积层。
2、区域生成网络(RPN)。RPN网络用于生成候选区域(proposals)。该层通过一组固定的尺寸和比例得到一组锚点(anchors), 通过softmax判断锚点属于前景或者背景,再利用区域回归修正锚点从而获得精确的候选区域。
3、RoI Align。该层收集输入的特征图和候选区域,将候选区域映射到特征图中并池化为统一大小的区域特征图,送入全连接层判定目标类别, 该层可选用RoIPool和RoIAlign两种方式,在config.py中设置roi_func。
2.2 数据集
1.Faster RCNN模型实验代码。
2. 参考paddle版本代码:
Faster RCNN目标检测 - 飞桨AI Studio星河社区
2、结合目标检测算法的相关论文https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01497,补充完成参考代码(或自选框架实现),实现目标检测算法(Faster RCNN)。
操作系统 | Ubuntu(Linux) |
程序语言 | Python(3.11.4) |
第三方依赖 | numpy, matplotlib,pytorch,openmmlab等 |
两阶段(two-stage)目标检测模型通常由两个阶段组成:区域提议(Region Proposal)和目标分类与定位(Object Classification and Localization)。
【1】Faster RCNN
训练过程中,各类参数的设置类似Faster RCNN。
2:在两阶段目标检测模型中,代表性的模型包括Faster R-CNN、R-CNN、Mask R-CNN等。
(2)语义上下文信息:引入了一种新的上下文引导模块(Context Guided Module),用于利用图像语义上下文信息来增强目标检测。
6:mAP 表示平均精度,它是在不同类别上的平均准确率(Precision)值。通常情况下,这个值是在所有目标尺寸范围内计算的平均精度。
7:在coco/bbox_mAP_s、coco/bbox_mAP_m、coco/bbox_mAP_l中,s、m、l 分别代表小尺寸(small)、中尺寸(medium)、大尺寸(large)目标。这些指标用于衡量模型在不同尺寸范围内目标的检测性能。
绘图 |
# 打开文本文件 root = '/home/ubuntu/mmdetection-main/work_dirs/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco/20240421_074656/20240421_074656.log' with open(root, 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() # 初始化存储数值的列表 map1 = [] # coco/bbox_mAP map2 = [] # coco/bbox_mAP_50 map3 = [] # coco/bbox_mAP_75 map4 = [] # coco/bbox_mAP_l # 遍历每一行文本,提取数值 for line in lines: if 'coco/bbox_mAP' in line: values = line.split('coco/bbox_mAP: ') # 使用split方法分割字符串,并获取数值部分 if len(values) > 1: value_str = values[1].strip().split()[0] map1.append(float(value_str)) # 将数值转换为浮点数并添加到列表中
values = line.split('coco/bbox_mAP_50: ') # 使用split方法分割字符串,并获取数值部分 if len(values) > 1: value_str = values[1].strip().split()[0] map2.append(float(value_str)) # 将数值转换为浮点数并添加到列表中
values = line.split('coco/bbox_mAP_75: ') # 使用split方法分割字符串,并获取数值部分 if len(values) > 1: value_str = values[1].strip().split()[0] map3.append(float(value_str)) # 将数值转换为浮点数并添加到列表中
values = line.split('coco/bbox_mAP_l: ') # 使用split方法分割字符串,并获取数值部分 if len(values) > 1: value_str = values[1].strip().split()[0] map4.append(float(value_str)) # 将数值转换为浮点数并添加到列表中 print(map1) print(map2) print(map3) print(map4) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 获取模型迭代次数(假设为每迭代一次记录一次) iterations = range(1, len(map1) + 1) # 绘制图像 plt.plot(iterations, map1, marker='o') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('mAP') plt.title('coco/bbox_mAP on VALID over Iterations') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('map1.png') plt.close() plt.plot(iterations, map2, marker='o') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('mAP') plt.title('coco/bbox_mAP_50 on VALID over Iterations') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('map2.png') plt.close() plt.plot(iterations, map3, marker='o') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('mAP') plt.title('coco/bbox_mAP_75 on VALID over Iterations') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('map3.png') plt.close() plt.plot(iterations, map4, marker='o') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('mAP') plt.title('coco/bbox_mAP_l on VALID over Iterations') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('map4.png') plt.close() """ map1 = [] # coco/bbox_mAP map2 = [] # coco/bbox_mAP_50 map3 = [] # coco/bbox_mAP_75 map4 = [] # coco/bbox_mAP_l """ |
Backbone:ResNet |
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import warnings import torch.nn as nn import torch.utils.checkpoint as cp from mmcv.cnn import build_conv_layer, build_norm_layer, build_plugin_layer from mmengine.model import BaseModule from torch.nn.modules.batchnorm import _BatchNorm from mmdet.registry import MODELS from ..layers import ResLayer class BasicBlock(BaseModule): expansion = 1 def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, dilation=1, downsample=None, style='pytorch', with_cp=False, conv_cfg=None, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN'), dcn=None, plugins=None, init_cfg=None): super(BasicBlock, self).__init__(init_cfg) assert dcn is None, 'Not implemented yet.' assert plugins is None, 'Not implemented yet.' self.norm1_name, norm1 = build_norm_layer(norm_cfg, planes, postfix=1) self.norm2_name, norm2 = build_norm_layer(norm_cfg, planes, postfix=2) self.conv1 = build_conv_layer( conv_cfg, inplanes, planes, 3, stride=stride, padding=dilation, dilation=dilation, bias=False) self.add_module(self.norm1_name, norm1) self.conv2 = build_conv_layer( conv_cfg, planes, planes, 3, padding=1, bias=False) self.add_module(self.norm2_name, norm2) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.downsample = downsample self.stride = stride self.dilation = dilation self.with_cp = with_cp @property def norm1(self): """nn.Module: normalization layer after the first convolution layer""" return getattr(self, self.norm1_name) @property def norm2(self): """nn.Module: normalization layer after the second convolution layer""" return getattr(self, self.norm2_name) def forward(self, x): """Forward function.""" def _inner_forward(x): identity = x out = self.conv1(x) out = self.norm1(out) out = self.relu(out) out = self.conv2(out) out = self.norm2(out) if self.downsample is not None: identity = self.downsample(x) out += identity return out if self.with_cp and x.requires_grad: out = cp.checkpoint(_inner_forward, x) else: out = _inner_forward(x) out = self.relu(out) return out class Bottleneck(BaseModule): expansion = 4 def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, dilation=1, downsample=None, style='pytorch', with_cp=False, conv_cfg=None, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN'), dcn=None, plugins=None, init_cfg=None): """Bottleneck block for ResNet. If style is "pytorch", the stride-two layer is the 3x3 conv layer, if it is "caffe", the stride-two layer is the first 1x1 conv layer. """ super(Bottleneck, self).__init__(init_cfg) assert style in ['pytorch', 'caffe'] assert dcn is None or isinstance(dcn, dict) assert plugins is None or isinstance(plugins, list) if plugins is not None: allowed_position = ['after_conv1', 'after_conv2', 'after_conv3'] assert all(p['position'] in allowed_position for p in plugins) self.inplanes = inplanes self.planes = planes self.stride = stride self.dilation = dilation self.style = style self.with_cp = with_cp self.conv_cfg = conv_cfg self.norm_cfg = norm_cfg self.dcn = dcn self.with_dcn = dcn is not None self.plugins = plugins self.with_plugins = plugins is not None if self.with_plugins: # collect plugins for conv1/conv2/conv3 self.after_conv1_plugins = [ plugin['cfg'] for plugin in plugins if plugin['position'] == 'after_conv1' ] self.after_conv2_plugins = [ plugin['cfg'] for plugin in plugins if plugin['position'] == 'after_conv2' ] self.after_conv3_plugins = [ plugin['cfg'] for plugin in plugins if plugin['position'] == 'after_conv3' ] if self.style == 'pytorch': self.conv1_stride = 1 self.conv2_stride = stride else: self.conv1_stride = stride self.conv2_stride = 1 self.norm1_name, norm1 = build_norm_layer(norm_cfg, planes, postfix=1) self.norm2_name, norm2 = build_norm_layer(norm_cfg, planes, postfix=2) self.norm3_name, norm3 = build_norm_layer( norm_cfg, planes * self.expansion, postfix=3) self.conv1 = build_conv_layer( conv_cfg, inplanes, planes, kernel_size=1, stride=self.conv1_stride, bias=False) self.add_module(self.norm1_name, norm1) fallback_on_stride = False if self.with_dcn: fallback_on_stride = dcn.pop('fallback_on_stride', False) if not self.with_dcn or fallback_on_stride: self.conv2 = build_conv_layer( conv_cfg, planes, planes, kernel_size=3, stride=self.conv2_stride, padding=dilation, dilation=dilation, bias=False) else: assert self.conv_cfg is None, 'conv_cfg must be None for DCN' self.conv2 = build_conv_layer( dcn, planes, planes, kernel_size=3, stride=self.conv2_stride, padding=dilation, dilation=dilation, bias=False) self.add_module(self.norm2_name, norm2) self.conv3 = build_conv_layer( conv_cfg, planes, planes * self.expansion, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.add_module(self.norm3_name, norm3) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.downsample = downsample if self.with_plugins: self.after_conv1_plugin_names = self.make_block_plugins( planes, self.after_conv1_plugins) self.after_conv2_plugin_names = self.make_block_plugins( planes, self.after_conv2_plugins) self.after_conv3_plugin_names = self.make_block_plugins( planes * self.expansion, self.after_conv3_plugins) def make_block_plugins(self, in_channels, plugins): """make plugins for block. Args: in_channels (int): Input channels of plugin. plugins (list[dict]): List of plugins cfg to build. Returns: list[str]: List of the names of plugin. """ assert isinstance(plugins, list) plugin_names = [] for plugin in plugins: plugin = plugin.copy() name, layer = build_plugin_layer( plugin, in_channels=in_channels, postfix=plugin.pop('postfix', '')) assert not hasattr(self, name), f'duplicate plugin {name}' self.add_module(name, layer) plugin_names.append(name) return plugin_names def forward_plugin(self, x, plugin_names): out = x for name in plugin_names: out = getattr(self, name)(out) return out @property def norm1(self): """nn.Module: normalization layer after the first convolution layer""" return getattr(self, self.norm1_name) @property def norm2(self): """nn.Module: normalization layer after the second convolution layer""" return getattr(self, self.norm2_name) @property def norm3(self): """nn.Module: normalization layer after the third convolution layer""" return getattr(self, self.norm3_name) def forward(self, x): """Forward function.""" def _inner_forward(x): identity = x out = self.conv1(x) out = self.norm1(out) out = self.relu(out) if self.with_plugins: out = self.forward_plugin(out, self.after_conv1_plugin_names) out = self.conv2(out) out = self.norm2(out) out = self.relu(out) if self.with_plugins: out = self.forward_plugin(out, self.after_conv2_plugin_names) out = self.conv3(out) out = self.norm3(out) if self.with_plugins: out = self.forward_plugin(out, self.after_conv3_plugin_names) if self.downsample is not None: identity = self.downsample(x) out += identity return out if self.with_cp and x.requires_grad: out = cp.checkpoint(_inner_forward, x) else: out = _inner_forward(x) out = self.relu(out) return out @MODELS.register_module() class ResNet(BaseModule): """ResNet backbone. Args: depth (int): Depth of resnet, from {18, 34, 50, 101, 152}. stem_channels (int | None): Number of stem channels. If not specified, it will be the same as `base_channels`. Default: None. base_channels (int): Number of base channels of res layer. Default: 64. in_channels (int): Number of input image channels. Default: 3. num_stages (int): Resnet stages. Default: 4. strides (Sequence[int]): Strides of the first block of each stage. dilations (Sequence[int]): Dilation of each stage. out_indices (Sequence[int]): Output from which stages. style (str): `pytorch` or `caffe`. If set to "pytorch", the stride-two layer is the 3x3 conv layer, otherwise the stride-two layer is the first 1x1 conv layer. deep_stem (bool): Replace 7x7 conv in input stem with 3 3x3 conv avg_down (bool): Use AvgPool instead of stride conv when downsampling in the bottleneck. frozen_stages (int): Stages to be frozen (stop grad and set eval mode). -1 means not freezing any parameters. norm_cfg (dict): Dictionary to construct and config norm layer. norm_eval (bool): Whether to set norm layers to eval mode, namely, freeze running stats (mean and var). Note: Effect on Batch Norm and its variants only. plugins (list[dict]): List of plugins for stages, each dict contains: - cfg (dict, required): Cfg dict to build plugin. - position (str, required): Position inside block to insert plugin, options are 'after_conv1', 'after_conv2', 'after_conv3'. - stages (tuple[bool], optional): Stages to apply plugin, length should be same as 'num_stages'. with_cp (bool): Use checkpoint or not. Using checkpoint will save some memory while slowing down the training speed. zero_init_residual (bool): Whether to use zero init for last norm layer in resblocks to let them behave as identity. pretrained (str, optional): model pretrained path. Default: None init_cfg (dict or list[dict], optional): Initialization config dict. Default: None Example: >>> from mmdet.models import ResNet >>> import torch >>> self = ResNet(depth=18) >>> self.eval() >>> inputs = torch.rand(1, 3, 32, 32) >>> level_outputs = self.forward(inputs) >>> for level_out in level_outputs: ... print(tuple(level_out.shape)) (1, 64, 8, 8) (1, 128, 4, 4) (1, 256, 2, 2) (1, 512, 1, 1) """ arch_settings = { 18: (BasicBlock, (2, 2, 2, 2)), 34: (BasicBlock, (3, 4, 6, 3)), 50: (Bottleneck, (3, 4, 6, 3)), 101: (Bottleneck, (3, 4, 23, 3)), 152: (Bottleneck, (3, 8, 36, 3)) } def __init__(self, depth, in_channels=3, stem_channels=None, base_channels=64, num_stages=4, strides=(1, 2, 2, 2), dilations=(1, 1, 1, 1), out_indices=(0, 1, 2, 3), style='pytorch', deep_stem=False, avg_down=False, frozen_stages=-1, conv_cfg=None, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True), norm_eval=True, dcn=None, stage_with_dcn=(False, False, False, False), plugins=None, with_cp=False, zero_init_residual=True, pretrained=None, init_cfg=None): super(ResNet, self).__init__(init_cfg) self.zero_init_residual = zero_init_residual if depth not in self.arch_settings: raise KeyError(f'invalid depth {depth} for resnet') block_init_cfg = None assert not (init_cfg and pretrained), \ 'init_cfg and pretrained cannot be specified at the same time' if isinstance(pretrained, str): warnings.warn('DeprecationWarning: pretrained is deprecated, ' 'please use "init_cfg" instead') self.init_cfg = dict(type='Pretrained', checkpoint=pretrained) elif pretrained is None: if init_cfg is None: self.init_cfg = [ dict(type='Kaiming', layer='Conv2d'), dict( type='Constant', val=1, layer=['_BatchNorm', 'GroupNorm']) ] block = self.arch_settings[depth][0] if self.zero_init_residual: if block is BasicBlock: block_init_cfg = dict( type='Constant', val=0, override=dict(name='norm2')) elif block is Bottleneck: block_init_cfg = dict( type='Constant', val=0, override=dict(name='norm3')) else: raise TypeError('pretrained must be a str or None') self.depth = depth if stem_channels is None: stem_channels = base_channels self.stem_channels = stem_channels self.base_channels = base_channels self.num_stages = num_stages assert num_stages >= 1 and num_stages <= 4 self.strides = strides self.dilations = dilations assert len(strides) == len(dilations) == num_stages self.out_indices = out_indices assert max(out_indices) < num_stages self.style = style self.deep_stem = deep_stem self.avg_down = avg_down self.frozen_stages = frozen_stages self.conv_cfg = conv_cfg self.norm_cfg = norm_cfg self.with_cp = with_cp self.norm_eval = norm_eval self.dcn = dcn self.stage_with_dcn = stage_with_dcn if dcn is not None: assert len(stage_with_dcn) == num_stages self.plugins = plugins self.block, stage_blocks = self.arch_settings[depth] self.stage_blocks = stage_blocks[:num_stages] self.inplanes = stem_channels self._make_stem_layer(in_channels, stem_channels) self.res_layers = [] for i, num_blocks in enumerate(self.stage_blocks): stride = strides[i] dilation = dilations[i] dcn = self.dcn if self.stage_with_dcn[i] else None if plugins is not None: stage_plugins = self.make_stage_plugins(plugins, i) else: stage_plugins = None planes = base_channels * 2**i res_layer = self.make_res_layer( block=self.block, inplanes=self.inplanes, planes=planes, num_blocks=num_blocks, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, style=self.style, avg_down=self.avg_down, with_cp=with_cp, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, dcn=dcn, plugins=stage_plugins, init_cfg=block_init_cfg) self.inplanes = planes * self.block.expansion layer_name = f'layer{i + 1}' self.add_module(layer_name, res_layer) self.res_layers.append(layer_name) self._freeze_stages() self.feat_dim = self.block.expansion * base_channels * 2**( len(self.stage_blocks) - 1) def make_stage_plugins(self, plugins, stage_idx): """Make plugins for ResNet ``stage_idx`` th stage. Currently we support to insert ``context_block``, ``empirical_attention_block``, ``nonlocal_block`` into the backbone like ResNet/ResNeXt. They could be inserted after conv1/conv2/conv3 of Bottleneck. An example of plugins format could be: Examples: >>> plugins=[ ... dict(cfg=dict(type='xxx', arg1='xxx'), ... stages=(False, True, True, True), ... position='after_conv2'), ... dict(cfg=dict(type='yyy'), ... stages=(True, True, True, True), ... position='after_conv3'), ... dict(cfg=dict(type='zzz', postfix='1'), ... stages=(True, True, True, True), ... position='after_conv3'), ... dict(cfg=dict(type='zzz', postfix='2'), ... stages=(True, True, True, True), ... position='after_conv3') ... ] >>> self = ResNet(depth=18) >>> stage_plugins = self.make_stage_plugins(plugins, 0) >>> assert len(stage_plugins) == 3 Suppose ``stage_idx=0``, the structure of blocks in the stage would be: .. code-block:: none conv1-> conv2->conv3->yyy->zzz1->zzz2 Suppose 'stage_idx=1', the structure of blocks in the stage would be: .. code-block:: none conv1-> conv2->xxx->conv3->yyy->zzz1->zzz2 If stages is missing, the plugin would be applied to all stages. Args: plugins (list[dict]): List of plugins cfg to build. The postfix is required if multiple same type plugins are inserted. stage_idx (int): Index of stage to build Returns: list[dict]: Plugins for current stage """ stage_plugins = [] for plugin in plugins: plugin = plugin.copy() stages = plugin.pop('stages', None) assert stages is None or len(stages) == self.num_stages # whether to insert plugin into current stage if stages is None or stages[stage_idx]: stage_plugins.append(plugin) return stage_plugins def make_res_layer(self, **kwargs): """Pack all blocks in a stage into a ``ResLayer``.""" return ResLayer(**kwargs) @property def norm1(self): """nn.Module: the normalization layer named "norm1" """ return getattr(self, self.norm1_name) def _make_stem_layer(self, in_channels, stem_channels): if self.deep_stem: self.stem = nn.Sequential( build_conv_layer( self.conv_cfg, in_channels, stem_channels // 2, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1, bias=False), build_norm_layer(self.norm_cfg, stem_channels // 2)[1], nn.ReLU(inplace=True), build_conv_layer( self.conv_cfg, stem_channels // 2, stem_channels // 2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False), build_norm_layer(self.norm_cfg, stem_channels // 2)[1], nn.ReLU(inplace=True), build_conv_layer( self.conv_cfg, stem_channels // 2, stem_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False), build_norm_layer(self.norm_cfg, stem_channels)[1], nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) else: self.conv1 = build_conv_layer( self.conv_cfg, in_channels, stem_channels, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3, bias=False) self.norm1_name, norm1 = build_norm_layer( self.norm_cfg, stem_channels, postfix=1) self.add_module(self.norm1_name, norm1) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) def _freeze_stages(self): if self.frozen_stages >= 0: if self.deep_stem: self.stem.eval() for param in self.stem.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False else: self.norm1.eval() for m in [self.conv1, self.norm1]: for param in m.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False for i in range(1, self.frozen_stages + 1): m = getattr(self, f'layer{i}') m.eval() for param in m.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False def forward(self, x): """Forward function.""" if self.deep_stem: x = self.stem(x) else: x = self.conv1(x) x = self.norm1(x) x = self.relu(x) x = self.maxpool(x) outs = [] for i, layer_name in enumerate(self.res_layers): res_layer = getattr(self, layer_name) x = res_layer(x) if i in self.out_indices: outs.append(x) return tuple(outs) def train(self, mode=True): """Convert the model into training mode while keep normalization layer freezed.""" super(ResNet, self).train(mode) self._freeze_stages() if mode and self.norm_eval: for m in self.modules(): # trick: eval have effect on BatchNorm only if isinstance(m, _BatchNorm): m.eval() @MODELS.register_module() class ResNetV1d(ResNet): r"""ResNetV1d variant described in `Bag of Tricks <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.01187.pdf>`_. Compared with default ResNet(ResNetV1b), ResNetV1d replaces the 7x7 conv in the input stem with three 3x3 convs. And in the downsampling block, a 2x2 avg_pool with stride 2 is added before conv, whose stride is changed to 1. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ResNetV1d, self).__init__( deep_stem=True, avg_down=True, **kwargs) |
Neck:fpn |
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. from typing import List, Tuple, Union import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule from mmengine.model import BaseModule from torch import Tensor from mmdet.registry import MODELS from mmdet.utils import ConfigType, MultiConfig, OptConfigType @MODELS.register_module() class FPN(BaseModule): r"""Feature Pyramid Network. This is an implementation of paper `Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection <https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.03144>`_. Args: in_channels (list[int]): Number of input channels per scale. out_channels (int): Number of output channels (used at each scale). num_outs (int): Number of output scales. start_level (int): Index of the start input backbone level used to build the feature pyramid. Defaults to 0. end_level (int): Index of the end input backbone level (exclusive) to build the feature pyramid. Defaults to -1, which means the last level. add_extra_convs (bool | str): If bool, it decides whether to add conv layers on top of the original feature maps. Defaults to False. If True, it is equivalent to `add_extra_convs='on_input'`. If str, it specifies the source feature map of the extra convs. Only the following options are allowed - 'on_input': Last feat map of neck inputs (i.e. backbone feature). - 'on_lateral': Last feature map after lateral convs. - 'on_output': The last output feature map after fpn convs. relu_before_extra_convs (bool): Whether to apply relu before the extra conv. Defaults to False. no_norm_on_lateral (bool): Whether to apply norm on lateral. Defaults to False. conv_cfg (:obj:`ConfigDict` or dict, optional): Config dict for convolution layer. Defaults to None. norm_cfg (:obj:`ConfigDict` or dict, optional): Config dict for normalization layer. Defaults to None. act_cfg (:obj:`ConfigDict` or dict, optional): Config dict for activation layer in ConvModule. Defaults to None. upsample_cfg (:obj:`ConfigDict` or dict, optional): Config dict for interpolate layer. Defaults to dict(mode='nearest'). init_cfg (:obj:`ConfigDict` or dict or list[:obj:`ConfigDict` or \ dict]): Initialization config dict. Example: >>> import torch >>> in_channels = [2, 3, 5, 7] >>> scales = [340, 170, 84, 43] >>> inputs = [torch.rand(1, c, s, s) ... for c, s in zip(in_channels, scales)] >>> self = FPN(in_channels, 11, len(in_channels)).eval() >>> outputs = self.forward(inputs) >>> for i in range(len(outputs)): ... print(f'outputs[{i}].shape = {outputs[i].shape}') outputs[0].shape = torch.Size([1, 11, 340, 340]) outputs[1].shape = torch.Size([1, 11, 170, 170]) outputs[2].shape = torch.Size([1, 11, 84, 84]) outputs[3].shape = torch.Size([1, 11, 43, 43]) """ def __init__( self, in_channels: List[int], out_channels: int, num_outs: int, start_level: int = 0, end_level: int = -1, add_extra_convs: Union[bool, str] = False, relu_before_extra_convs: bool = False, no_norm_on_lateral: bool = False, conv_cfg: OptConfigType = None, norm_cfg: OptConfigType = None, act_cfg: OptConfigType = None, upsample_cfg: ConfigType = dict(mode='nearest'), init_cfg: MultiConfig = dict( type='Xavier', layer='Conv2d', distribution='uniform') ) -> None: super().__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg) assert isinstance(in_channels, list) self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.num_ins = len(in_channels) self.num_outs = num_outs self.relu_before_extra_convs = relu_before_extra_convs self.no_norm_on_lateral = no_norm_on_lateral self.fp16_enabled = False self.upsample_cfg = upsample_cfg.copy() if end_level == -1 or end_level == self.num_ins - 1: self.backbone_end_level = self.num_ins assert num_outs >= self.num_ins - start_level else: # if end_level is not the last level, no extra level is allowed self.backbone_end_level = end_level + 1 assert end_level < self.num_ins assert num_outs == end_level - start_level + 1 self.start_level = start_level self.end_level = end_level self.add_extra_convs = add_extra_convs assert isinstance(add_extra_convs, (str, bool)) if isinstance(add_extra_convs, str): # Extra_convs_source choices: 'on_input', 'on_lateral', 'on_output' assert add_extra_convs in ('on_input', 'on_lateral', 'on_output') elif add_extra_convs: # True self.add_extra_convs = 'on_input' self.lateral_convs = nn.ModuleList() self.fpn_convs = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(self.start_level, self.backbone_end_level): l_conv = ConvModule( in_channels[i], out_channels, 1, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg if not self.no_norm_on_lateral else None, act_cfg=act_cfg, inplace=False) fpn_conv = ConvModule( out_channels, out_channels, 3, padding=1, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=act_cfg, inplace=False) self.lateral_convs.append(l_conv) self.fpn_convs.append(fpn_conv) # add extra conv layers (e.g., RetinaNet) extra_levels = num_outs - self.backbone_end_level + self.start_level if self.add_extra_convs and extra_levels >= 1: for i in range(extra_levels): if i == 0 and self.add_extra_convs == 'on_input': in_channels = self.in_channels[self.backbone_end_level - 1] else: in_channels = out_channels extra_fpn_conv = ConvModule( in_channels, out_channels, 3, stride=2, padding=1, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=act_cfg, inplace=False) self.fpn_convs.append(extra_fpn_conv) def forward(self, inputs: Tuple[Tensor]) -> tuple: """Forward function. Args: inputs (tuple[Tensor]): Features from the upstream network, each is a 4D-tensor. Returns: tuple: Feature maps, each is a 4D-tensor. """ assert len(inputs) == len(self.in_channels) # build laterals laterals = [ lateral_conv(inputs[i + self.start_level]) for i, lateral_conv in enumerate(self.lateral_convs) ] # build top-down path used_backbone_levels = len(laterals) for i in range(used_backbone_levels - 1, 0, -1): # In some cases, fixing `scale factor` (e.g. 2) is preferred, but # it cannot co-exist with `size` in `F.interpolate`. if 'scale_factor' in self.upsample_cfg: # fix runtime error of "+=" inplace operation in PyTorch 1.10 laterals[i - 1] = laterals[i - 1] + F.interpolate( laterals[i], **self.upsample_cfg) else: prev_shape = laterals[i - 1].shape[2:] laterals[i - 1] = laterals[i - 1] + F.interpolate( laterals[i], size=prev_shape, **self.upsample_cfg) # build outputs # part 1: from original levels outs = [ self.fpn_convs[i](laterals[i]) for i in range(used_backbone_levels) ] # part 2: add extra levels if self.num_outs > len(outs): # use max pool to get more levels on top of outputs # (e.g., Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN) if not self.add_extra_convs: for i in range(self.num_outs - used_backbone_levels): outs.append(F.max_pool2d(outs[-1], 1, stride=2)) # add conv layers on top of original feature maps (RetinaNet) else: if self.add_extra_convs == 'on_input': extra_source = inputs[self.backbone_end_level - 1] elif self.add_extra_convs == 'on_lateral': extra_source = laterals[-1] elif self.add_extra_convs == 'on_output': extra_source = outs[-1] else: raise NotImplementedError outs.append(self.fpn_convs[used_backbone_levels](extra_source)) for i in range(used_backbone_levels + 1, self.num_outs): if self.relu_before_extra_convs: outs.append(self.fpn_convs[i](F.relu(outs[-1]))) else: outs.append(self.fpn_convs[i](outs[-1])) return tuple(outs) |
参数文件 |
auto_scale_lr = dict(base_batch_size=16, enable=False) backend_args = None data_root = 'data/coco/' dataset_type = 'mmdet.datasets.CocoDataset' default_hooks = dict( checkpoint=dict(interval=1, type='mmengine.hooks.CheckpointHook'), logger=dict(interval=50, type='mmengine.hooks.LoggerHook'), param_scheduler=dict(type='mmengine.hooks.ParamSchedulerHook'), sampler_seed=dict(type='mmengine.hooks.DistSamplerSeedHook'), timer=dict(type='mmengine.hooks.IterTimerHook'), visualization=dict(type='mmdet.engine.hooks.DetVisualizationHook')) default_scope = None env_cfg = dict( cudnn_benchmark=False, dist_cfg=dict(backend='nccl'), mp_cfg=dict(mp_start_method='fork', opencv_num_threads=0)) launcher = 'none' load_from = None log_level = 'INFO' log_processor = dict( by_epoch=True, type='mmengine.runner.LogProcessor', window_size=50) model = dict( backbone=dict( depth=50, frozen_stages=1, init_cfg=dict(checkpoint='torchvision://resnet50', type='Pretrained'), norm_cfg=dict(requires_grad=True, type='torch.nn.BatchNorm2d'), norm_eval=True, num_stages=4, out_indices=( 0, 1, 2, 3, ), style='pytorch', type='mmdet.models.backbones.resnet.ResNet'), data_preprocessor=dict( bgr_to_rgb=True, mean=[ 123.675, 116.28, 103.53, ], pad_size_divisor=32, std=[ 58.395, 57.12, 57.375, ], type= 'mmdet.models.data_preprocessors.data_preprocessor.DetDataPreprocessor' ), neck=dict( in_channels=[ 256, 512, 1024, 2048, ], num_outs=5, out_channels=256, type='mmdet.models.necks.fpn.FPN'), roi_head=dict( bbox_head=dict( bbox_coder=dict( target_means=[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ], target_stds=[ 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, ], type= 'mmdet.models.task_modules.coders.delta_xywh_bbox_coder.DeltaXYWHBBoxCoder' ), fc_out_channels=1024, in_channels=256, loss_bbox=dict( loss_weight=1.0, type='mmdet.models.losses.smooth_l1_loss.L1Loss'), loss_cls=dict( loss_weight=1.0, type='mmdet.models.losses.cross_entropy_loss.CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False), num_classes=80, reg_class_agnostic=False, roi_feat_size=7, type= 'mmdet.models.roi_heads.bbox_heads.convfc_bbox_head.Shared2FCBBoxHead' ), bbox_roi_extractor=dict( featmap_strides=[ 4, 8, 16, 32, ], out_channels=256, roi_layer=dict( output_size=7, sampling_ratio=0, type='mmcv.ops.RoIAlign'), type= 'mmdet.models.roi_heads.roi_extractors.single_level_roi_extractor.SingleRoIExtractor' ), type='mmdet.models.roi_heads.standard_roi_head.StandardRoIHead'), rpn_head=dict( anchor_generator=dict( ratios=[ 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, ], scales=[ 8, ], strides=[ 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, ], type= 'mmdet.models.task_modules.prior_generators.anchor_generator.AnchorGenerator' ), bbox_coder=dict( target_means=[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ], target_stds=[ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, ], type= 'mmdet.models.task_modules.coders.delta_xywh_bbox_coder.DeltaXYWHBBoxCoder' ), feat_channels=256, in_channels=256, loss_bbox=dict( loss_weight=1.0, type='mmdet.models.losses.smooth_l1_loss.L1Loss'), loss_cls=dict( loss_weight=1.0, type='mmdet.models.losses.cross_entropy_loss.CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=True), type='mmdet.models.dense_heads.rpn_head.RPNHead'), test_cfg=dict( rcnn=dict( max_per_img=100, nms=dict(iou_threshold=0.5, type='mmcv.ops.nms'), score_thr=0.05), rpn=dict( max_per_img=1000, min_bbox_size=0, nms=dict(iou_threshold=0.7, type='mmcv.ops.nms'), nms_pre=1000)), train_cfg=dict( rcnn=dict( assigner=dict( ignore_iof_thr=-1, match_low_quality=False, min_pos_iou=0.5, neg_iou_thr=0.5, pos_iou_thr=0.5, type= 'mmdet.models.task_modules.assigners.max_iou_assigner.MaxIoUAssigner' ), debug=False, pos_weight=-1, sampler=dict( add_gt_as_proposals=True, neg_pos_ub=-1, num=512, pos_fraction=0.25, type= 'mmdet.models.task_modules.samplers.random_sampler.RandomSampler' )), rpn=dict( allowed_border=-1, assigner=dict( ignore_iof_thr=-1, match_low_quality=True, min_pos_iou=0.3, neg_iou_thr=0.3, pos_iou_thr=0.7, type= 'mmdet.models.task_modules.assigners.max_iou_assigner.MaxIoUAssigner' ), debug=False, pos_weight=-1, sampler=dict( add_gt_as_proposals=False, neg_pos_ub=-1, num=256, pos_fraction=0.5, type= 'mmdet.models.task_modules.samplers.random_sampler.RandomSampler' )), rpn_proposal=dict( max_per_img=1000, min_bbox_size=0, nms=dict(iou_threshold=0.7, type='mmcv.ops.nms'), nms_pre=2000)), type='mmdet.models.detectors.faster_rcnn.FasterRCNN') optim_wrapper = dict( optimizer=dict( lr=0.02, momentum=0.9, type='torch.optim.sgd.SGD', weight_decay=0.0001), type='mmengine.optim.optimizer.optimizer_wrapper.OptimWrapper') param_scheduler = [ dict( begin=0, by_epoch=False, end=500, start_factor=0.001, type='mmengine.optim.scheduler.lr_scheduler.LinearLR'), dict( begin=0, by_epoch=True, end=12, gamma=0.1, milestones=[ 8, 11, ], type='mmengine.optim.scheduler.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR'), ] resume = False test_cfg = dict(type='mmengine.runner.loops.TestLoop') test_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, dataset=dict( ann_file='annotations/instances_val2017.json', backend_args=None, data_prefix=dict(img='val2017/'), data_root='data/coco/', pipeline=[ dict(backend_args=None, type='mmcv.transforms.LoadImageFromFile'), dict( keep_ratio=True, scale=( 1333, 800, ), type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.Resize'), dict( type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True), dict( meta_keys=( 'img_id', 'img_path', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', 'scale_factor', ), type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.PackDetInputs'), ], test_mode=True, type='mmdet.datasets.CocoDataset'), drop_last=False, num_workers=2, persistent_workers=True, sampler=dict( shuffle=False, type='mmengine.dataset.sampler.DefaultSampler')) test_evaluator = dict( ann_file='data/coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json', backend_args=None, format_only=False, metric='bbox', type='mmdet.evaluation.CocoMetric') test_pipeline = [ dict(backend_args=None, type='mmcv.transforms.LoadImageFromFile'), dict( keep_ratio=True, scale=( 1333, 800, ), type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.Resize'), dict(type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True), dict( meta_keys=( 'img_id', 'img_path', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', 'scale_factor', ), type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.PackDetInputs'), ] train_cfg = dict( max_epochs=12, type='mmengine.runner.loops.EpochBasedTrainLoop', val_interval=1) train_dataloader = dict( batch_sampler=dict(type='mmdet.datasets.AspectRatioBatchSampler'), batch_size=2, dataset=dict( ann_file='annotations/instances_train2017.json', backend_args=None, data_prefix=dict(img='train2017/'), data_root='data/coco/', filter_cfg=dict(filter_empty_gt=True, min_size=32), pipeline=[ dict(backend_args=None, type='mmcv.transforms.LoadImageFromFile'), dict( type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True), dict( keep_ratio=True, scale=( 1333, 800, ), type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.Resize'), dict(prob=0.5, type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.RandomFlip'), dict(type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.PackDetInputs'), ], type='mmdet.datasets.CocoDataset'), num_workers=2, persistent_workers=True, sampler=dict(shuffle=True, type='mmengine.dataset.sampler.DefaultSampler')) train_pipeline = [ dict(backend_args=None, type='mmcv.transforms.LoadImageFromFile'), dict(type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True), dict( keep_ratio=True, scale=( 1333, 800, ), type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.Resize'), dict(prob=0.5, type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.RandomFlip'), dict(type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.PackDetInputs'), ] val_cfg = dict(type='mmengine.runner.loops.ValLoop') val_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, dataset=dict( ann_file='annotations/instances_val2017.json', backend_args=None, data_prefix=dict(img='val2017/'), data_root='data/coco/', pipeline=[ dict(backend_args=None, type='mmcv.transforms.LoadImageFromFile'), dict( keep_ratio=True, scale=( 1333, 800, ), type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.Resize'), dict( type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True), dict( meta_keys=( 'img_id', 'img_path', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', 'scale_factor', ), type='mmdet.datasets.transforms.PackDetInputs'), ], test_mode=True, type='mmdet.datasets.CocoDataset'), drop_last=False, num_workers=2, persistent_workers=True, sampler=dict( shuffle=False, type='mmengine.dataset.sampler.DefaultSampler')) val_evaluator = dict( ann_file='data/coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json', backend_args=None, format_only=False, metric='bbox', type='mmdet.evaluation.CocoMetric') vis_backends = [ dict(type='mmengine.visualization.LocalVisBackend'), ] visualizer = dict( name='visualizer', type='mmdet.visualization.DetLocalVisualizer', vis_backends=[ dict(type='mmengine.visualization.LocalVisBackend'), ]) work_dir = './work_dirs/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco' |
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