问题一:TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'type' and 'type'
原因分析:出现这个错误的原因是使用了|运算符来表示类型联合,但这个特性仅在Python 3.10及以后版本中才支持,如果你使用的Python版本低于3.10,就会出现你遇到的这个错误。
- # 导入typing模块中的Union类型
- from typing_extensions import Union
- import torch
- # 使用Union来指定类型
- Device: TypeAlias = Union[str, torch.device, None]
问题二:line 119, in Mamba2LMHeadModel self, input_ids: LongTensor, h: list[InferenceCache] | list[None] | None = None TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable
原因分析:因为在Python 3.8中不支持使用下标表示法来定义类型提示。
self, input_ids: LongTensor, h: list[InferenceCache] | list[None] | None = None
- from typing_extensions import List, Union
- self, input_ids: LongTensor, h: Union[List[InferenceCache], List[None], None] = None
-> Tuple[LongTensor, List[InferenceCache]]:
-> Iterable[Tuple[int, List[InferenceCache]]]:
def forward(self, u: Tensor, h: Union[InferenceCache, None] = None):
def step(self, u: Tensor, h: InferenceCache) -> Tuple[Tensor, InferenceCache]:
from typing_extensions import Iterable, NamedTuple, TypeAlias, cast, Union, List, Tuple
问题三:RuntimeError: expected self and mask to be on the same device, but got mask on cpu and self on cuda:0
- import json
- from dataclasses import dataclass
- from typing_extensions import Iterable, NamedTuple, TypeAlias, cast, Union, List, Tuple
- import torch
- import torch.nn.functional as F
- from einops import rearrange, repeat
- from torch import LongTensor, Tensor, nn
- Device = Union[str, torch.device, None]
- @dataclass
- class Mamba2Config:
- d_model: int # model dimension (D)
- n_layer: int = 24 # number of Mamba-2 layers in the language model
- d_state: int = 128 # state dimension (N)
- d_conv: int = 4 # convolution kernel size
- expand: int = 2 # expansion factor (E)
- headdim: int = 2 # head dimension (P)
- chunk_size: int = 1 # matrix partition size (Q)
- vocab_size: int = 50277
- pad_vocab_size_multiple: int = 16
- def __post_init__(self):
- self.d_inner = self.expand * self.d_model
- assert self.d_inner % self.headdim == 0
- self.nheads = self.d_inner // self.headdim
- if self.vocab_size % self.pad_vocab_size_multiple != 0:
- self.vocab_size += (
- self.pad_vocab_size_multiple
- - self.vocab_size % self.pad_vocab_size_multiple
- )
- class InferenceCache(NamedTuple):
- conv_state: Tensor # (batch, d_inner + 2 * d_state, d_conv)
- ssm_state: Tensor # (batch, nheads, headdim, d_state)
- @staticmethod
- def alloc(batch_size: int, args: Mamba2Config, device: Device = None):
- return InferenceCache(
- torch.zeros(
- batch_size, args.d_inner + 2 * args.d_state, args.d_conv, device=device
- ),
- torch.zeros(
- batch_size, args.nheads, args.headdim, args.d_state, device=device
- ),
- )
- class Mamba2LMHeadModel(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, args: Mamba2Config, device: Device = None):
- super().__init__()
- self.args = args
- self.device = device
- self.backbone = nn.ModuleDict(
- dict(
- embedding=nn.Embedding(args.vocab_size, args.d_model, device=device),
- layers=nn.ModuleList(
- [
- nn.ModuleDict(
- dict(
- mixer=Mamba2(args, device=device),
- norm=RMSNorm(args.d_model, device=device),
- )
- )
- for _ in range(args.n_layer)
- ]
- ),
- norm_f=RMSNorm(args.d_model, device=device),
- )
- )
- self.lm_head = nn.Linear(
- args.d_model, args.vocab_size, bias=False, device=device
- )
- self.lm_head.weight = self.backbone.embedding.weight
- @staticmethod
- def from_pretrained(huggingface_model_id: str, device: Device = None):
- from transformers.utils import CONFIG_NAME, WEIGHTS_NAME
- from transformers.utils.hub import cached_file
- config_path = cached_file(huggingface_model_id, CONFIG_NAME)
- assert config_path, "Failed to get huggingface config file"
- state_dict_path = cached_file(huggingface_model_id, WEIGHTS_NAME)
- assert state_dict_path, "Failed to get huggingface state dict file"
- config = json.load(open(config_path))
- args = Mamba2Config(
- d_model=config["d_model"],
- n_layer=config["n_layer"],
- vocab_size=config["vocab_size"],
- pad_vocab_size_multiple=config["pad_vocab_size_multiple"],
- )
- map_location = "cpu" if device is None else device
- state_dict = torch.load(
- state_dict_path, weights_only=True, map_location=map_location, mmap=True
- )
- model = Mamba2LMHeadModel(args, device=device)
- model.load_state_dict(state_dict)
- model.eval()
- return model
- def forward(
- self, input_ids: LongTensor, h: Union[List[InferenceCache], List[None], None] = None
- ) -> Tuple[LongTensor, List[InferenceCache]]:
- seqlen = input_ids.shape[1]
- if h is None:
- h = [None for _ in range(self.args.n_layer)]
- x = self.backbone.embedding(input_ids).to(self.device)
- for i, layer in enumerate(self.backbone.layers):
- y, h[i] = layer.mixer(layer.norm(x), h[i])
- x = y + x
- x = self.backbone.norm_f(x)
- logits = self.lm_head(x)
- return logits[:, :seqlen], cast(List[InferenceCache], h)
- def generate(
- self,
- input_ids: LongTensor,
- max_new_length: int = 20,
- temperature: float = 1.0,
- top_k: int = 50,
- top_p: float = 1.0,
- eos_token_id: int = 0,
- ) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, List[InferenceCache]]]:
- prefix, tokens = input_ids[:-1], input_ids[-1:].unsqueeze(0)
- n_chunked = (prefix.shape[0] // self.args.chunk_size) * self.args.chunk_size
- if n_chunked > 0:
- _, h = self(prefix[:n_chunked].unsqueeze(0), None)
- else:
- h = [
- InferenceCache.alloc(1, self.args, device=self.device)
- for _ in range(self.args.n_layer)
- ]
- for i in range(n_chunked, prefix.shape[0]):
- _, h = self(prefix[i : i + 1].unsqueeze(0), h)
- for _ in range(max_new_length):
- with torch.no_grad():
- out, h = self(tokens, h)
- logits = out[0, -1]
- if temperature != 1.0:
- logits = logits / temperature
- if top_k > 0:
- indices_to_remove = logits < torch.topk(logits, k=top_k)[0][-1]
- logits[indices_to_remove] = -torch.inf
- if top_p < 1.0:
- sorted_logits, sorted_indices = torch.sort(logits, descending=True)
- cum_probs = torch.cumsum(F.softmax(sorted_logits, dim=-1), dim=-1)
- sorted_indices_to_remove = cum_probs > top_p
- sorted_indices_to_remove[1:] = sorted_indices_to_remove[:-1].clone()
- sorted_indices_to_remove[0] = False
- indices_to_remove = sorted_indices[sorted_indices_to_remove]
- logits[indices_to_remove] = -torch.inf
- probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
- next_token = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1)
- if next_token.item() == eos_token_id:
- return
- tokens = next_token.unsqueeze(0)
- yield cast(int, next_token.item()), h
- class Mamba2(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, args: Mamba2Config, device: Device = None):
- super().__init__()
- self.args = args
- self.device = device
- d_in_proj = 2 * args.d_inner + 2 * args.d_state + args.nheads
- self.in_proj = nn.Linear(args.d_model, d_in_proj, bias=False, device=device)
- conv_dim = args.d_inner + 2 * args.d_state
- self.conv1d = nn.Conv1d(
- in_channels=conv_dim,
- out_channels=conv_dim,
- kernel_size=args.d_conv,
- groups=conv_dim,
- padding=args.d_conv - 1,
- device=device,
- )
- self.dt_bias = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(args.nheads, device=device))
- self.A_log = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(args.nheads, device=device))
- self.D = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(args.nheads, device=device))
- self.norm = RMSNorm(args.d_inner, device=device)
- self.out_proj = nn.Linear(args.d_inner, args.d_model, bias=False, device=device)
- def forward(self, u: Tensor, h: Union[InferenceCache, None] = None):
- if h:
- return self.step(u, h)
- A = -torch.exp(self.A_log) # (nheads,)
- zxbcdt = self.in_proj(u) # (batch, seqlen, d_in_proj)
- z, xBC, dt = torch.split(
- zxbcdt,
- [
- self.args.d_inner,
- self.args.d_inner + 2 * self.args.d_state,
- self.args.nheads,
- ],
- dim=-1,
- )
- dt = F.softplus(dt + self.dt_bias) # (batch, seqlen, nheads)
- conv_state = F.pad(
- rearrange(xBC, "b l d -> b d l"), (self.args.d_conv - u.shape[1], 0)
- )
- xBC = silu(
- self.conv1d(xBC.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2)[:, : u.shape[1], :]
- ) # (batch, seqlen, d_inner + 2 * d_state))
- x, B, C = torch.split(
- xBC, [self.args.d_inner, self.args.d_state, self.args.d_state], dim=-1
- )
- x = rearrange(x, "b l (h p) -> b l h p", p=self.args.headdim)
- y, ssm_state = ssd(
- x * dt.unsqueeze(-1),
- A * dt,
- rearrange(B, "b l n -> b l 1 n"),
- rearrange(C, "b l n -> b l 1 n"),
- self.args.chunk_size,
- device=self.device,
- )
- y = y + x * self.D.unsqueeze(-1)
- y = rearrange(y, "b l h p -> b l (h p)")
- y = self.norm(y, z)
- y = self.out_proj(y)
- h = InferenceCache(conv_state, ssm_state)
- return y, h
- def step(self, u: Tensor, h: InferenceCache) -> Tuple[Tensor, InferenceCache]:
- assert u.shape[1] == 1, "Only one token can be decoded per inference step"
- zxbcdt = self.in_proj(u.squeeze(1)) # (batch, d_in_proj)
- z, xBC, dt = torch.split(
- zxbcdt,
- [
- self.args.d_inner,
- self.args.d_inner + 2 * self.args.d_state,
- self.args.nheads,
- ],
- dim=-1,
- )
- h.conv_state.copy_(torch.roll(h.conv_state, shifts=-1, dims=-1))
- h.conv_state[:, :, -1] = xBC
- xBC = torch.sum(
- h.conv_state * rearrange(self.conv1d.weight, "d 1 w -> d w"), dim=-1
- )
- xBC += self.conv1d.bias
- xBC = silu(xBC)
- x, B, C = torch.split(
- xBC, [self.args.d_inner, self.args.d_state, self.args.d_state], dim=-1
- )
- A = -torch.exp(self.A_log) # (nheads,)
- dt = F.softplus(dt + self.dt_bias) # (batch, nheads)
- dA = torch.exp(dt * A) # (batch, nheads)
- x = rearrange(x, "b (h p) -> b h p", p=self.args.headdim)
- dBx = torch.einsum("bh, bn, bhp -> bhpn", dt, B, x)
- h.ssm_state.copy_(h.ssm_state * rearrange(dA, "b h -> b h 1 1") + dBx)
- y = torch.einsum("bhpn, bn -> bhp", h.ssm_state, C)
- y = y + rearrange(self.D, "h -> h 1") * x
- y = rearrange(y, "b h p -> b (h p)")
- y = self.norm(y, z)
- y = self.out_proj(y)
- return y.unsqueeze(1), h
- def segsum(x: Tensor, device: Device = None) -> Tensor:
- T = x.size(-1)
- x = repeat(x, "... d -> ... d e", e=T)
- mask = torch.tril(torch.ones(T, T, dtype=torch.bool, device=device), diagonal=-1)
- x = x.masked_fill(~mask, 0)
- x_segsum = torch.cumsum(x, dim=-2)
- mask = torch.tril(torch.ones(T, T, dtype=torch.bool, device=device), diagonal=0)
- x_segsum = x_segsum.masked_fill(~mask, -torch.inf)
- return x_segsum
- def ssd(x, A, B, C, chunk_size, initial_states=None, device: Device = None):
- assert x.shape[1] % chunk_size == 0
- x, A, B, C = [
- rearrange(m, "b (c l) ... -> b c l ...", l=chunk_size) for m in (x, A, B, C)
- ]
- A = rearrange(A, "b c l h -> b h c l")
- A_cumsum = torch.cumsum(A, dim=-1)
- L = torch.exp(segsum(A, device=device))
- Y_diag = torch.einsum("bclhn, bcshn, bhcls, bcshp -> bclhp", C, B, L, x)
- decay_states = torch.exp(A_cumsum[:, :, :, -1:] - A_cumsum)
- states = torch.einsum("bclhn, bhcl, bclhp -> bchpn", B, decay_states, x)
- if initial_states is None:
- initial_states = torch.zeros_like(states[:, :1])
- states = torch.cat([initial_states, states], dim=1)
- decay_chunk = torch.exp(segsum(F.pad(A_cumsum[:, :, :, -1], (1, 0)), device=device))
- new_states = torch.einsum("bhzc, bchpn -> bzhpn", decay_chunk, states)
- states, final_state = new_states[:, :-1], new_states[:, -1]
- state_decay_out = torch.exp(A_cumsum)
- Y_off = torch.einsum("bclhn, bchpn, bhcl -> bclhp", C, states, state_decay_out)
- Y = rearrange(Y_diag + Y_off, "b c l h p -> b (c l) h p")
- return Y, final_state
- class RMSNorm(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, d: int, eps: float = 1e-5, device: Device = None):
- super().__init__()
- self.eps = eps
- self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(d, device=device))
- def forward(self, x, z=None):
- if z is not None:
- x = x * silu(z)
- return x * torch.rsqrt(x.pow(2).mean(-1, keepdim=True) + self.eps) * self.weight
- def silu(x):
- return x * F.sigmoid(x)
- device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
- model = Mamba2(config, device=device)
- model.to(device)
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