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android基础(一) View与六大布局(上)_scroll view 从左到右 从上到下排序

scroll view 从左到右 从上到下排序



GridLayout 格子布局

TableLayout 表格布局


RelativeLayout 相对布局


l  实例代码片段(见布局文件)

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!--
  3. LinearLayout - 线形布局。
  4. orientation - 容器内元素的排列方式。vertical: 子元素们垂直排列;horizontal: 子元素们水平排列
  5. gravity - 内容的排列形式。常用的有 top, bottom, left, right, center 等,详见文档
  6. -->
  7. <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
  8. android:layout_width="fill_parent"
  9. android:layout_height="fill_parent"
  10. android:gravity="right"
  11. android:orientation="vertical" >
  12. <!-- FrameLayout - 层叠式布局。以左上角为起点,将 FrameLayout 内的元素一层覆盖一层地显示 -->
  13. <FrameLayout
  14. android:layout_width="fill_parent"
  15. android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
  16. <TextView
  17. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  18. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  19. android:text="FrameLayout" >
  20. </TextView>
  21. <TextView
  22. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  23. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  24. android:text="Frame Layout" >
  25. </TextView>
  26. </FrameLayout>
  27. <TextView
  28. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  29. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  30. android:text="@string/hello" />
  31. <!--
  32. GridLayout 格子布局。控件从左到右,从上至下进行布局
  33. columnCount指定列数,rowCount指定行数
  34. layout_gravity实现控件补齐或者充满
  35. layout_row及layout_column指定显示的行或者列
  36. 控件间距margine的设置:leftMargin、topMargine、rightMargine、bottomMargin、useDefaultMargine
  37. -->
  38. <GridLayout
  39. android:layout_width="fill_parent"
  40. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  41. android:columnCount="5"
  42. android:rowCount="4"
  43. android:useDefaultMargins="true" >
  44. <TextView
  45. android:layout_gravity="fill_horizontal"
  46. android:text="1.1" />
  47. <TextView android:text="1.2" />
  48. <TextView android:text="1.3" />
  49. <TextView android:text="1.4" />
  50. <TextView android:text="1.5" />
  51. <TextView android:text="2.1" />
  52. <TextView android:text="2.2" />
  53. <TextView android:text="2.3" />
  54. <TextView android:text="2.4" />
  55. <TextView android:text="2.5" />
  56. <TextView android:text="3.1" />
  57. <TextView android:text="3.2" />
  58. <TextView android:text="3.3" />
  59. <TextView android:text="3.4" />
  60. <TextView android:text="3.5" />
  61. <TextView android:text="4.1" />
  62. <TextView android:text="4.2" />
  63. <TextView android:text="4.3" />
  64. <TextView android:text="4.4" />
  65. <TextView android:text="4.5" />
  66. </GridLayout>
  67. <!--
  68. TableLayout - 表格式布局。
  69. TableRow - 表格内的行,行内每一个元素算作一列
  70. collapseColumns - 设置 TableLayout 内的 TableRow 中需要隐藏的列的列索引,多个用“,”隔开
  71. stretchColumns - 设置 TableLayout 内的 TableRow 中需要拉伸(该列会拉伸到所有可用空间)的列的列索引,多个用“,”隔开
  72. shrinkColumns - 设置 TableLayout 内的 TableRow 中需要收缩(为了使其他列不会被挤到屏幕外,此列会自动收缩)的列的列索引,多个用“,”隔开
  73. -->
  74. <TableLayout
  75. android:id="@+id/TableLayout01"
  76. android:layout_width="fill_parent"
  77. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  78. android:collapseColumns="1" >
  79. <TableRow
  80. android:id="@+id/TableRow01"
  81. android:layout_width="fill_parent"
  82. android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
  83. <TextView
  84. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  85. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  86. android:layout_weight="1"
  87. android:text="行1列1" />
  88. <TextView
  89. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  90. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  91. android:layout_weight="1"
  92. android:text="行1列2" />
  93. <TextView
  94. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  95. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  96. android:layout_weight="1"
  97. android:text="行1列3" />
  98. </TableRow>
  99. <TableRow
  100. android:id="@+id/TableRow01"
  101. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  102. android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
  103. <TextView
  104. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  105. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  106. android:text="行2列1" />
  107. </TableRow>
  108. </TableLayout>
  109. <!--
  110. AbsoluteLayout - 绝对定位布局。
  111. layout_x - x 坐标。以左上角为顶点
  112. layout_y - y 坐标。以左上角为顶点
  113. -->
  114. <AbsoluteLayout
  115. android:layout_width="fill_parent"
  116. android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
  117. <TextView
  118. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  119. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  120. android:layout_x="100px"
  121. android:layout_y="100px"
  122. android:text="AbsoluteLayout" />
  123. </AbsoluteLayout>
  124. <!--
  125. RelativeLayout - 相对定位布局。
  126. layout_centerInParent - 将当前元素放置到其容器内的水平方向和垂直方向的中央位置(类似的属性有 :layout_centerHorizontal, layout_alignParentLeft 等)
  127. layout_marginLeft - 设置当前元素相对于其容器的左侧边缘的距离
  128. layout_below - 放置当前元素到指定的元素的下面
  129. layout_alignRight - 当前元素与指定的元素右对齐
  130. -->
  131. <RelativeLayout
  132. android:id="@+id/RelativeLayout01"
  133. android:layout_width="fill_parent"
  134. android:layout_height="fill_parent" >
  135. <TextView
  136. android:id="@+id/abc"
  137. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  138. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  139. android:layout_centerInParent="true"
  140. android:text="centerInParent=true" />
  141. <TextView
  142. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  143. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  144. android:layout_marginLeft="20px"
  145. android:text="marginLeft=20px" />
  146. <TextView
  147. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  148. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  149. android:layout_alignRight="@id/abc"
  150. android:layout_below="@id/abc"
  151. android:text="xxx" />
  152. </RelativeLayout>
  153. </LinearLayout>

l  综述







l  UML显示继承关系



l  View 类(译自android-sdk/docs/reference/android/view/View.html)



Using Views


All of the views in a window are arranged in a single tree.You can add views either from code or by specifying atree of views in one or more XML layout files. There are many specializedsubclasses of views that act as controls or are capable of displaying text,images, or other content.

Once you have created a tree of views, there are typicallya few types of common operations you may wish to perform:




Setproperties: forexample setting the text of a TextView. The available properties and themethods that set them will vary among the different subclasses of views. Notethat properties that are known at build time can be set in the XML layoutfiles.


Setfocus: Theframework will handled moving focus in response to user input. To force focusto a specific view, call requestFocus().


Setup listeners: Viewsallow clients to set listeners that will be notified when something interestinghappens to the view. For example, all views will let you set a listener to benotified when the view gains or loses focus. You can register such a listenerusing setOnFocusChangeListener(android.view.View.OnFocusChangeListener). Otherview subclasses offer more specialized listeners. For example, a Button exposesa listener to notify clients when the button is clicked.


Setvisibility: Youcan hide or show views using setVisibility(int).



Implementing a Custom View


To implement a custom view, you will usually begin byproviding overrides for some of the standard methods that the framework callson all views. You do not need to override all of these methods. In fact, youcan start by just overriding onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas).










There is a form of the constructor that are called when the view is created from code 

and a form that is called when the view is inflated from a layout file. The second form 

should parse and apply any attributes defined in the layout file.


Called after a view and all of its children has been inflated from XML.


onMeasure(int, int)

Called to determine the size requirements for this view and all of its children.

onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int)

Called when this view should assign a size and position to all of its children.

onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int)

Called when the size of this view has changed.



Called when the view should render its content.

Event processing

onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent)

Called when a new hardware key event occurs.

onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent)

Called when a hardware key up event occurs.


Called when a trackball motion event occurs.


Called when a touch screen motion event occurs.


onFocusChanged(boolean, int, android.graphics.Rect)

Called when the view gains or loses focus.


Called when the window containing the view gains or loses focus.



Called when the view is attached to a window.


Called when the view is detached from its window.


Called when the visibility of the window containing the view has changed.













      Button myButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.my_button);





The geometry of a view is that of a rectangle. A view has alocation, expressed as a pair of left and top coordinates, and two dimensions,expressed as a width and a height. The unit for location and dimensions is thepixel.

一个view的几何图形是一个矩形。每个view拥有一个location和两个dimengsions(width,height)location由一对坐标表示(left,top,dimensionswidthheight表示。location dimensions的单位是px


It is possible to retrieve the location of a view byinvoking the methods getLeft() and getTop(). The former returns the left, or X,coordinate of the rectangle representing the view. The latter returns the top,or Y, coordinate of the rectangle representing the view. These methods bothreturn the location of the view relative to its parent. For instance, whengetLeft() returns 20, that means the view is located 20 pixels to the right ofthe left edge of its direct parent.



In addition, several convenience methods are offered toavoid unnecessary computations, namely getRight() and getBottom(). Thesemethods return the coordinates of the right and bottom edges of the rectanglerepresenting the view. For instance, calling getRight() is similar to thefollowing computation: getLeft() + getWidth() (see Size for more informationabout the width.)










Size,padding and margins


The size of a view is expressed with a width and a height.A view actually possess two pairs of width and height values.



The first pair is known as measured width and measuredheight. These dimensions define how big a view wants to be within its parent(see Layout for more details.) The measured dimensions can be obtained bycalling getMeasuredWidth() and getMeasuredHeight().

第一对是measured width 和 measured height。


The second pair is simply known as width and height, orsometimes drawing width and drawing height. These dimensions define the actualsize of the view on screen, at drawing time and after layout. These values may,but do not have to, be different from the measured width and height. The widthand height can be obtained by calling getWidth() and getHeight().


第二对是widthheight,是绘制时的宽和高。这两个长度是布局完成之后屏幕上显示的实际的长度。这些长度值,可能但是没有必要与measured widthmeasured height不同。通过调用getWidth()getHeight()函数获得widthheight值。

To measure its dimensions, a view takes into account itspadding. The padding is expressed in pixels for the left, top, right and bottomparts of the view. Padding can be used to offset the content of the view by aspecific amount of pixels. For instance, a left padding of 2 will push theview's content by 2 pixels to the right of the left edge. Padding can be setusing the setPadding(int, int, int, int) method and queried by callinggetPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop(), getPaddingRight(), getPaddingBottom().

为了测量dimensions,viewpadding应该考虑进去。Padding是由view的四个边界部分定义的:lefttoprightbottomPadding用来通过指明一定像素大小让content产生偏移。例如,一个left padding值为2像素的view所显示的content将会被推移到距离view左边2个像素长的位置。可以通过调用setPadding(int,int,int,int)方法来设置padding属性,查询相应的值调用getPaddingLeft(),getPaddingTop(),getPaddingRight(),getPaddingBottom()


Even though a view can define a padding, it does notprovide any support for margins. However, view groups provide such a support.Refer to ViewGroup and ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams for further information.





Layout is a two pass process: a measure pass and a layoutpass. The measuring pass is implemented in measure(int, int) and is a top-downtraversal of the view tree. Each viewpushes dimensionspecifications down the tree during the recursion. At the end of themeasure pass, every view has stored its measurements. The second pass happensin layout(int, int, int, int) and is also top-down. During this pass eachparent is responsible for positioning all of its children using the sizescomputed in the measure pass.



When a view's measure() method returns, itsgetMeasuredWidth() and getMeasuredHeight() values must be set, along with thosefor all of that view's descendants. A view's measured width and measured heightvalues must respect the constraints imposed by the view's parents. Thisguarantees that at the end of the measure pass, all parents accept all of theirchildren's measurements. A parent view may call measure() more than once on itschildren. For example, the parent may measure each child once with unspecifieddimensions to find out how big they want to be, then call measure() on themagain with actual numbers if the sum of all the children's unconstrained sizesis too big or too small.



The measure pass uses two classes to communicatedimensions. The View.MeasureSpec class is used by views to tell their parentshow they want to be measured and positioned. The base LayoutParams class justdescribes how big the view wants to be for both width and height. For eachdimension, it can specify one of:



an exact number

MATCH_PARENT, which means the view wants to be as big asits parent (minus padding)

WRAP_CONTENT, which means that the view wants to be justbig enough to enclose its content (plus padding).


There are subclasses of LayoutParams for differentsubclasses of ViewGroup. For example, AbsoluteLayout has its own subclass ofLayoutParams which adds an X and Y value.

MeasureSpecs are used to push requirements down the treefrom parent to child. A MeasureSpec can be in one of three modes:




UNSPECIFIED:This is used by a parent to determine the desired dimension of a child view.For example, a LinearLayout may call measure() on its child with the height setto UNSPECIFIED and a width of EXACTLY 240 to find out how tall the child viewwants to be given a width of 240 pixels.

EXACTLY:This is used by the parent to impose an exact size on the child. The child mustuse this size, and guarantee that all of its descendants will fit within thissize.

AT_MOST:This is used by the parent to impose a maximum size on the child. The childmust gurantee that it and all of its descendants will fit within this size.


To intiate a layout, call requestLayout(). This method istypically called by a view on itself when it believes that is can no longer fitwithin its current bounds.





Drawing is handled by walking the tree and rendering eachview that intersects the invalid region. Because the tree is traversedin-order, this means that parents will draw before (i.e., behind) theirchildren, with siblings drawn in the order they appear in the tree. If you seta background drawable for a View, then the View will draw it for you beforecalling back to its onDraw() method.


Note that the framework will not draw views that are not inthe invalid region.


To force a view to draw, call invalidate().



Event Handling and Threading



1.      An event comes in and isdispatched to the appropriate view. The view handles the event and notifies anylisteners.


2.      If in the course of processingthe event, the view's bounds may need to be changed, the view will callrequestLayout().


3.      Similarly, if in the course ofprocessing the event the view's appearance may need to be changed, the viewwill call invalidate().


4.      If either requestLayout() orinvalidate() were called, the framework will take care of measuring, layingout, and drawing the tree as appropriate.



Focus Handling


The framework will handle routine focus movement inresponse to user input. This includes changing the focus as views are removedor hidden, or as new views become available. Views indicate their willingnessto take focus through the isFocusable() method. To change whether a view cantake focus, call setFocusable(boolean). When in touch mode (see notes below)views indicate whether they still would like focus via isFocusableInTouchMode()and can change this via setFocusableInTouchMode(boolean).



Focus movement is based on an algorithm which finds thenearest neighbor in a given direction. In rare cases, the default algorithm maynot match the intended behavior of the developer. In these situations, you canprovide explicit overrides by using these XML attributes in the layout file:






The framework provides basic support forviews that wish to internally scroll their content. This includes keeping trackof the X and Y scroll offset as well as mechanisms for drawing scrollbars. SeescrollBy(int, int), scrollTo(int, int), and awakenScrollBars() for moredetails.




Starting with Android 3.0, the preferredway of animating views is to use the android.animation package APIs. TheseAnimator-based classes change actual properties of the View object, such asalpha and translationX. This behavior is contrasted to that of the pre-3.0Animation-based classes, which instead animate only how the view is drawn onthe display. In particular, the ViewPropertyAnimator class makes animatingthese View properties particularly easy and efficient.


Alternatively, you can use the pre-3.0animation classes to animate how Views are rendered. You can attach anAnimation object to a view using setAnimation(Animation) orstartAnimation(Animation). The animation can alter the scale, rotation,translation and alpha of a view over time. If the animation is attached to aview that has children, the animation will affect the entire subtree rooted bythat node. When an animation is started, the framework will take care ofredrawing the appropriate views until the animation completes.

