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小计:HP-UX CSTM命令列出内存问题_cstm查看内存


发现CSTM是一个非常有用的工具,可以查看HP-UX各硬件的信息和状态及硬件故障。可以结合hp小机的mp的sl 命令,先查event日志中是否有报错?如果有,可以在HP-UX系统中用CSTM命令来查看详细的错误。



  1. # cstm
  2. Running Command File (/usr/sbin/stm/ui/config/.stmrc).
  3. -- Information --
  4. Support Tools Manager
  5. Version C.48.05
  6. Product Number B4708AA
  7. (C) Copyright Hewlett Packard Co. 1995-2004
  8. All Rights Reserved
  9. Use of this program is subject to the licensing restrictions described
  10. in "Help-->On Version". HP shall not be liable for any damages resulting
  11. from misuse or unauthorized use of this program.
  12. cstm>


  1. cstm>map
  2. PAYDB
  3. Dev Last Last Op
  4. Num Path Product Active Tool Status
  5. === ==================== ========================= =========== =============
  6. * 1 system system (1016) Information Successful
  7. * 2 memory IPF_MEMORY (1016) Information Successful
  8. * 3 0 Cell (ffffffff) Information Successful
  9. * 4 0/0 Bus Adapter (103c12eb) Information Successful
  10. * 5 0/0/0 PCI Bus Adapter (103c122e Information Successful
  11. * 6 0/0/0/1/0 PCI-X 1000Base-T Interfac Information Successful
  12. * 7 0/0/0/2/0 MPT SCSI Adapter (MPT SCS Information Successful
  13. * 8 0/0/0/2/0.6.0 SCSI Disk (HP300) Information Successful
  14. * 9 0/0/0/2/1 MPT SCSI Adapter (MPT SCS Information Successful
  15. * 10 0/0/0/3/0 MPT SCSI Adapter (MPT SCS Information Successful
  16. * 11 0/0/0/3/0.6.0 SCSI Disk (HP300) Information Successful
  17. * 12 0/0/0/3/1 MPT SCSI Adapter (MPT SCS Information Successful
  18. * 13 0/0/1 PCI Bus Adapter (103c12ee Information Successful
  19. * 14 0/0/2 PCI Bus Adapter (103c12ee Information Successful
  20. * 15 0/0/4 PCI Bus Adapter (103c12ee Information Successful
  21. * 16 0/0/6 PCI Bus Adapter (103c12ee Information Successful
  22. * 17 0/0/8 PCI Bus Adapter (103c12ee Information Successful
  23. * 18 0/0/8/1/0 PCI 1000Base-T LAN Adapte Information Successful
  24. * 19 0/0/8/1/1 PCI 1000Base-T LAN Adapte Information Successful
  25. * 20 0/0/10 PCI Bus Adapter (103c12ee Information Successful
  26. * 21 0/0/10/1/0 PCI 1000Base-T LAN Adapte Information Successful
  27. * 22 0/0/10/1/1 PCI 1000Base-T LAN Adapte Information Successful
  28. * 23 0/0/12 PCI Bus Adapter (103c12ee Information Successful
  29. * 24 0/0/12/1/0 FC Interface (HPAB378B_QL Information Successful
  30. * 25 0/0/12/1/0.11 Fibre Channel Driver (Mas
  31. * 26 0/0/12/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  32. * 27 0/0/12/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  33. * 28 0/0/12/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  34. * 29 0/0/12/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  35. * 30 0/0/12/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  36. * 31 0/0/12/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  37. * 32 0/0/14 PCI Bus Adapter (103c12ee Information Successful
  38. * 33 0/0/14/1/0 FC Interface (HPAB378B_QL Information Successful
  39. * 34 0/0/14/1/0.21 Fibre Channel Driver (Mas
  40. * 35 0/0/14/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  41. * 36 0/0/14/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  42. * 37 0/0/14/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  43. * 38 0/0/14/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  44. * 39 0/0/14/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  45. * 40 0/0/14/1/ EMC Array (EMCSYMMETRIX)
  46. * 41 0/120 CPU (1016)
  47. * 42 0/121 CPU (1016)
  48. * 43 0/122 CPU (1016)
  49. * 44 0/123 CPU (1016)
  50. * 45 0/124 CPU (1016)
  51. * 46 0/125 CPU (1016)
  52. * 47 0/126 CPU (1016)
  53. * 48 0/127 CPU (1016)
  54. * 49 0/250 Core I/O Adapter (fffffff
  55. * 50 0/250/0 ACPI Device (41435049) Information Successful
  56. * 51 0/250/1 IPMI Controller (49504930 Information Successful
  57. * 52 0/250/2 RS-232 Interface (504e503 Information Successful

选中所需要查看的设备的num 输入命令 以内存为例 输入sel dev 2

然后在提示符下键入info 从系统kernel里面收集设备的信息

在提示符下键入il 列出设备的信息

  1. cstm>sel dev 2
  2. cstm>info
  3. -- Updating Map --
  4. Updating Map...
  5. cstm>il
  6. -- Converting multiple raw log files to text. --
  7. Preparing the Information Tool Log for each selected device...
  8. .... PAYDB : ....
  9. -- Information Tool Log for system on path system --
  10. Log creation time: Wed Aug 17 16:30:35 2011
  11. Hardware path: system
  12. Product ID : ia64 hp server rx8640
  13. Current Product Number : AB297A
  14. Original Product Number : AB297A
  15. System Firmware Revision : 9.022
  16. BMC Revision : v03.01
  17. System Serial Number: : xxxxxxxxxxxx
  18. System Software ID : xxxxxxxxxx
  19. For additional information about the system and the CPUs, please run the
  20. following command:
  21. /usr/contrib/bin/machinfo
  22. Field Replaceable Unit Identification (FRUID):
  23. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=
  24. -- Information Tool Log for IPF_MEMORY on path memory --
  25. Log creation time: Wed Aug 17 16:30:35 2011
  26. Hardware path: memory
  27. Basic Memory Description
  28. Module Type: MEMORY
  29. Page Size: 4096 Bytes
  30. Total Physical Memory: 65536 MB #一共64G内存
  31. Total Configured Memory: 65536 MB
  32. Total Deconfigured Memory: 0 MB
  33. Memory Board Inventory
  34. DIMM Location Size(MB) State Serial Num Part Num
  35. -------------------- -------- ------- ---------------- ------------------
  36. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 0A 4096 Config PRY081636Y A9849-60301
  37. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 0B 4096 Config PRY090561K A9849-60301
  38. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 1A 4096 Config PRY0905288 A9849-60301
  39. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 1B 4096 Config PRY08163D7 A9849-60301
  40. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 2A 4096 Config PRY08161EP A9849-60301
  41. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 2B 4096 Config PRY08166SL A9849-60301
  42. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 3A 4096 Config PRY0816114 A9849-60301
  43. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 3B 4096 Config PRY0816111 A9849-60301
  44. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 4A 4096 Config PRY08163D3 A9849-60301
  45. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 4B 4096 Config PRY08161ES A9849-60301
  46. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 5A 4096 Config PRY081619T A9849-60301
  47. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 5B 4096 Config PRY08163X5 A9849-60301
  48. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 6A 4096 Config PRY081619U A9849-60301
  49. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 6B 4096 Config PRY081630Z A9849-60301
  50. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 7A 4096 Config PRY0816183 A9849-60301
  51. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 7B 4096 Config PRY0816371 A9849-60301
  52. Cab 0 Cell 0 Total: 65536 (MB)
  53. ===========================================================================
  54. Memory Error Log Summary #这个是系统内存的运行信息,如果有error信息的话内存就有可能存在问题,我这边是DIMM 6A slot 上的内存在报 Single-Bit 的错误。
  55. DIMM Location Error Address Error Type Page Count
  56. ---------------------- ---------------- ---------- ------------- -----
  57. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 6A 0xa34077f80 Single-Bit 0xa34077 1
  58. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 6A 0xb4a727f80 Single-Bit 0xb4a727 1
  59. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 6A 0xc88f27f80 Single-Bit 0xc88f27 1
  60. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 6A 0xa324a7f80 Single-Bit 0xa324a7 1
  61. Cab 0 Cell 0 DIMM 6A 0xc112d7f80 Single-Bit 0xc112d7 1
  62. ===========================================================================
  63. -- Information Tool Log for each selected device --
  64. View - To View the file.
  65. Print - To Print the file.
  66. SaveAs - To Save the file.
  67. Enter Done, Help, Print, SaveAs, or View: [Done]
  68. cstm>
