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This is a list of public domain and commercial mesh generators (click here for other sources of interest). I have listened only programs for which online information exists. There is also a section on papers that review mesh generators.

If you are interested in special programs, the following links might guide you directly to interesting places:

  • Triangular: Tri>
  • Quadrilateral: Qua>
  • Tetrahedral: Tet>
  • Unstructured hexahedral: Hex>
  • 2D structured: 2str>
  • 3D structured: 3str>
  • Surface meshes: Sur>
  • A list of public domain, downloadable and university codes:
  • ADMesh (Anthony D. Martin): A program for processing triangulated solid meshes in STL format. Tri>Sur>
  • ANGENER (Vit Dolejsi): 2D triangulation using anisotropic mesh adaptation. Tri>
  • AUTOMESH2D (Shandong University): a fully automatic adaptive quad mesh generator, especially suited for metal forming simulation. Qua>
  • CAMINO (Tao Chen): 3D/2D meshing program using a generalized octree/quadtree approach. Tri>Tet>
  • Cart3D (Michael J. Aftosmis): Pre-processing tools and mesh generator "cubes" for cartesian mesh generation. Sur>Hex>
  • CGAL mesh generation (CGAL): Various packages for triangle and tetrahedral mesh generation. Distributed under a dual license. Tri>Sur>Tet>
  • CGM (Tim Tautges): a code library which provides geometry functionality used for mesh generation and other applications.
  • Chimera Grid Tools (William M. Chan): A software package containing a variety of tools for the Chimera overset grid approach for solving complex configuration problems. 3str>
  • COG 2.0 (Ilja Schmelzer): A grid generation package for 2D an 3D grid generation. An essential part is public domain. It's aim is to create Delaunay grids with few nodes for complex geometries. Tri>Tet>
  • CQMesh (Marcelo Siqueira): AC++ program for generating convex quadrilateral meshes of arbitrary polygonal domains. Qua>
  • CSCMDO (from Bill Jones): A general purpose multi-block three-dimensional volume grid generator which is suitable for Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization. 3str>
  • CUBIT (SANDIA, BYU): a two- and three-dimensional finite element mesh generation tool which is being developed to pursue the goal of robust and unattended mesh generation (quadrilateral and hexahedral element meshes). Qua>Hex>
  • delaundo (Jens-Dominik Müller): A 2-D Delaunay mesh generator delaundo that produces high quality triangular grids. Tri>
  • DelIso (Tamal K. Dey): can mesh an Iso-surface from volume data with Delaunay triangles that have bounded aspect ratio. Sur>
  • DelPSC (Tamal K. Dey): Can produce a quality Delaunay mesh(weighted) for a large class of three dimensional domains. The algorithm guarantees that almost all triangles and tetrahedra have bounded radius-edge ratio except a few ones in the vicinity of small input angles or near the boundary. Sur>Tet>
  • DIAMESH (Alain Rassineux): 2D triangular mesh generation, 3D tet meshing and surface remeshing. Tri>Tet>Sur>
  • Discretizer (Björn Bergqvist): An interactive mesh creation tool, block-structured meshes for cfd applications. 3str>
  • DistMesh (Per-Olof Perrson): A simple MATLAB code for generation of unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes. Tri>Tet>
  • femmesh (Medical Physics, UCL): A UNIX/OpenWindows program designed to interactively generate 2D FEM meshes composed of 3-noded triangular elements. Tri>
  • FIST (Martin Held): A robust polygon triangulation code (ear clipping), can handle many kinds of degenerate data. Tri>Qua>Sur>
  • GENIE++ (Bharat Soni): A collection of software packages that GENerate computational grids for Internal-External flow configurations. GENIE++ generates three-dimensional, structured, multi-block grids. 3str>
  • Geompack++ (Barry Joe): A mathematical software package written in standard Fortran 77 for the GEneration Of 2-D and 3-D triangular/tetrahedral finite element Meshes using GEOMetric algorithms. GEOMPACK90, the substantially enhanced successor of GEOMPACK, is a comprehensive software package for finite element mesh generation (triangular, quadrilateral, surface, tetrahedral, hexahedral-dominant). Tri>Qua>Sur>Tet>
  • Globegen (Nash'at Ahmad): An unstructured prismatic grid-generator for creating meshes for the entire globe.
  • GMSH (Jean-Francois Remacle, Christophe Geuzaine): A Delaunay-based mesh generator, generates adapted meshes for lines, surfaces and volumes. Tri>Tet>
  • GNU Triangulated Surface Library (Source forge): Intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles. Contains 2D Delaunay and constrained Delaunay triangulation, surface refinement and coarsening and much more. Tri> Sur>
  • GrAL (Guntram Berti): A generic library for grid data structures and algorithms operating on them.
  • GridEx (GEOLAB): An interactive software system developed by GEOLAB of the NASA Langley Research Center for the generation of unstructured meshes. The software integrates native CAD geometry access, multiple unstructured meshing algorithms, and interactive 3D computer graphics through a Graphical User Interface GUI) resulting in a package that is both powerful and easy to use. Sur>Tet>3str>
  • GRIDGEN (NASA): A software system for the generation of 3D, multiple block, structured grids. GRIDGEN is a visually-oriented, graphics-based interactive code used to decompose a 3D domain into blocks, distribute grid points on curves, initialize and refine grid points on surfaces and initialize volume grid points. 3str>
  • gridgen (Pavel Sakov): An orthogonal grid generator. It is based on the CRDT algorithm and can easily handle elongated regions with a few hundred boundary points (and probably more). 2str>
  • Gridgen (USGS): A MATLAB-based tool to construct orthongonal curvilinear grids for of NetCDF files for ECOM and SCRUM ocean circulation models. 2str>
  • gridpak (from IMCS): 2D orthogonal grid generation for coastal engineering. 2str>
  • GridTool (NASA Langley): Surface Modeling and Grid Generation Tool. Tri>Tet>Sur>
  • GRUMMP (ANSLab): Quality generation and refinement of unstructured mixed-element meshes (also in parallel). Tri>Tet>
  • GTS (SourceForge): GTS stands for the GNU Triangulated Surface Library. It is an Open Source Free Software Library intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles. Tri>Tet>
  • G3D (IMI): A C, X/Motif, and OpenGl application which generates 3D grids used in groundwater simulations. 3str>
  • HypGrid (Riso Wind Energy Department): a grid generator based on hyperbolic equations for orthogonality and cell area for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional domains. 3str>
  • IMTEK Mathematica Supplement (Freiburg Chair for Simulation): A Matematica interface to to various mesh generators.
  • iso2mesh (): A free matlab/octave-based mesh generation and processing toolbox. It can create 3D tetrahedral finite element (FE) mesh from surfaces, 3D binary and gray-scale volumetric images such as segmented MRI/CT scans. Sur>Tet>
  • JMesh (James T. Hoffman): A tool for generating approximations of minimal surfaces given by the Weierstrass Formula. Tri>Sur>
  • LaGriT (Los Alamos National Laboratory): An unstructured grid generation and optimization software package used for semiconductor device modeling, computational fluid dynamics,and porous flow modeling. This software is especially useful for 3D moving surface type applications. Tet>
  • LBG (WIAS): A layer based 3D structured (cartesian) grid generator. 3str>
  • LBIE-Mesher (Austin CCV): Level Set Boundary Interior and Exterior Mesher, can extract adaptive and quality 2D (triangular or quadrilateral) meshes over isosurfaces and 3D (tetrahedral or hexahedral) meshes with isosurfaces as boundary surfaces directly from volumetric imaging data. LBIE-Mesher can generate 3D meshes for the volume interior to an isosurface, the volume exterior to an isosurface, or an interval volume between two isosurfaces. Tri>Qua>Sur>Tet>Hex>
  • Gaëtan Compère (MAdLib): An open source Mesh Adaptation Library that performs global node repositioning and mesh adaptation by local mesh modifications on tetrahedral or triangular meshes. Tri>Tet>
  • MAKROS-A (Guenther Boege): Quadrilateral surface meshing for AutoCad data. Qua>Sur>
  • Méfisto-maillages (Alain Perronnet): Structured or non-structered generation of 2D and 3D meshes, part of the Mefisto finite element program. Tri>2str>Tet>3str>
  • MegaCads (DLR Institute for Design Aerodynamics): Multiblock elliptic grid generation and Computer aided design system. 2str>3str>
  • Meshing tools (Pasal Frey): Medit is an interactive 3D viewing program. It has been designed to allow easy and interactive manipulation of unstructured (2D, 3D and surface) meshes.
  • Mesh Maker Pro (Dan Keller): A tool for anyone who needs to create 3D models for graphics programming. Sur>
  • Mesh2D (Francis X. Giraldo): An adaptive triangular mesh generator for unstructured cfd computations. Tri>
  • MESQUITE (TSTT): A linkable software library that lets users improve the quality of their meshes. Mesquite uses advanced smoothing, optimization, and local swapping/splitting operations.
  • MG (Luiz Cristovao Gomes Coelho): A system for the generation of 3D finite element meshes with interactive graphics capabilities. Tri>2str>Sur>Tet>3str>
  • NETGEN (Joachim Schöberl): A 2D/3D mesh generator for CSG geometries (Advancing Front and Delaunay methods, hierarchical mesh refinement). Tri>Sur>Tet>
  • NEWT MeshTools (Cambridge Flow Solutions): A mesh generating system (triangles and tetrahedral meshing), Delaunay type meshes, for CFD applications. Comes with a geometry import module and a visualization package. Tri>Sur>Tet>
  • MMESH3d (Simone Marras): A semi-structured multiblock (2 blocks in Z) 2D/3D mesh generator for Hexahedrons and Prisms --wedges of triangular base-- in 3d, and Quads and Tri in 2d thought, mostly for topography-based domains. (Will be openMP parallel soon).
  • NWGrid (PNL): Integrates automated grid generation, time-dependent adaptivity, applied mathematics, and numerical analysis for hybrid grids on distributed parallel computing systems. Tri>Sur>Tet>
  • OpenMesh (Computer Graphics Group, RWTH Aachen): Ageneric and efficient data structure for representing and manipulating polygonal meshes. Tri>Sur>
  • Overture (Center for Applied Scientific Computing): A library of C++ classes for the solution of partial differential equations on complicated domains based on multiblock-structured and overlapping grid technology. Also useful for grid generation. 2str>3str>
  • PARMGRIDGEN (Irene Moulitsas): A serial library written entirely in ANSI C that implements (serial) algorithms for obtaining a sequence of successive coarse grids that are well-suited for geometric multigrid methods.
  • QualMesh (Tamal K. Dey): A software that can produce a quality volume mesh of a polyhedral domain. The mesh is a Delaunay mesh. Tet>
  • Qhull (Brad Barber): A general dimension code for computing convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi vertices, and halfspace intersections. Tri>
  • QMG (Stephen Vavasis): Finite element mesh generation in two and three dimensions (triangles/tetrahedra), integrated into MATLAB. Tri>Sur>Tet>
  • QUIKGRID (John Coulthard): A scattered data surface (grid) generator and viewer. 2str>
  • SimLab (Paul Chew): A tool for creating guaranteed-quality triangulations of planar areas. Tri>
  • snappyHexMesh (OpenCFD): Generates 3-dimensional meshes containing hexahedra (hex) and split-hexahedra (split-hex) automatically from triangulated surface geometries in Stereolithography (STL) format. Tet>
  • SolidMesh (MSU-ERC, MSU): This unstructured grid generation system enables the user to create both 2D and 3D unstructured grids. Surface grids can be created in parametric space on the NURBS or by using a 3D point insertion method iterating between parametric space and physical space. Tri>Sur>Tet>
  • Stellar (Bryan Klingner): A tetrehedral mesh improvement program. Tet>
  • SurfRemesh (Tamal K. Dey): can remesh a polygonal surface with Delaunay triangles that have bounded aspect ratio. It maintains the topology and approximates the geometry of the original surface. Tri>Sur>
  • SUS (ULPGC IUSIANI): Simultaneous untangling and smoothing of tetrahedral meshes. Tet>
  • T3D (Daniel Rypl): A powerfull mesh generator capable to discretize complex 3D domains into triangular and tetrahedral meshes of high quality. Tri>Tet>
  • TCGRID (NASA Glenn Research Center): A three-dimensional grid generation code for turbomachinery blades. 3str>
  • Tetgen (Si Hang): Generates exact Delaunay tetrahedralizations, constrained (conforming) Delaunay tetrahedralizations, and quality conforming Delaunay tetrahedralizations. Tet>
  • TMG (Maurizio Paolini): 2D automatic triangular mesh generator (advancing front). Tri>
  • Triangle (Jonathan Shewchuk): Generates exact, constrained and quality conforming Delaunay triangulations (2D). Tri>
  • UGRID (Donald Hawken): Rapid generation of smooth unstructured, structured, or hybrid 2D-grids about an airfoil or cylinder. Tri>2str>
  • Unamalla (Pablo Barrera-Sanchez): An easy to use grid generator designed to solve the grid generation problem over very irregular planar regions using rectangular structured meshes. 2str>
  • Vcat2tets (): This software generates multi-material tetrahedral meshes from segmented 3D images. Tet>
  • VERDICT (Sandia National Laboratories): A library for computing the quality metrics of a finite element mesh.
  • VGRID (Shahyar Pirzadeh): A robust, user-friendly computer program for the generation of three-dimensional unstructured (triangular surface and tetrahedral volume) grids in geometrically complex domains. Tri>Tet>Sur>
  • VGM (Stephen J. Alter): A powerful grid generation/manipulation tool for 1D, 2D, and 3D structured grids.
  • ViennaGrid (Karl Rupp): A C++ library designed for the handling of structured and unstructured meshes in arbitrary spatial dimensions using different coordinate systems.
  • Volume (NASA Geometry Lab): an interactive program written for SGI workstations to generate multi-block structured volume grids. 3str>
  • Voro++ (Chris Rycroft): An open source software library for the computation of the Voronoi diagram.
  • XGEN (Pavel Solin): A moving particle scheme for 2D unstructured triangle grid generation. Tri>
  • xprob (UCD magnetics and machines group): Automatic triangular mesh generation for finite element solution of static magnetic field problems. Tri>
  • Yams (Pascal Frey): Given a surface triangulation, Yams allows the user to easily create a geometric mesh, a curvature-based mesh or to adapt the mesh to a desired size map. Sur>
  • 3DMAGGS (from Stephen J. Alter): An elliptic volume grid generator (multiblock structured grids), used to generate computational domains for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyses of aerodynamic vehicles. 3str>

  • Companies offering mesh generation software:
  • ADINA: ADINA User Interface is ADINA's mesh generator, capable of generating surface and volume meshes (tetrahedra) from CAD data. Tri>Qua>Sur>Tet>
  • Ansys: CFX-Mesh, highly automated surface and volume meshing; TurboGrid, a lightning fast, application-specific, interactive grid generation tool designed for the creation of the highest quality, CFD meshes. 2str>3str>
  • Algor: Houdini is an unstructured hex meshing code for mechanical engineering and cfd. There are also modules for 2D, surface and tetrahedral meshing. Tri>Qua>Sur>Tet>Hex>
  • Altair: Hypermesh, a high performance finite element pre- and post- processing system for engineering simulation and analysis. Tri>Sur>3str>Tet>
  • AMPS Technologies: AMPSolid, a semi-automatic mesh generator. It is based on integrating the ACIS solid modeler and uses an overlay algorithm to generate mostly structured hexahedral meshes. The surface and tetrahedral elements are generated automatically. Hex>Sur>Tet>
  • Analytical Methods Inc.: SURFGEN, PEP, surface and volume gridding for cfd simulations. Sur>2str>3str>
  • ANSYS Inc.: ANSYS has many tools for model generation and postprocessing for the ANSYS product line. Tri>Sur>Qua>Tet>3str>
  • Argus Interware Inc.: MeshMaker, 2D triangular and quadrilateral element mesh generation (structured and unstructured) for numerical simulations in computational geosciences. Tri> Geometry handling (generation, cleanup, watertight preparation, defeaturing), surface and volume meshing, geometry and mesh morphing, and direct interfaces to several CFD and FEA solvers Qua>2str>
  • Beaver Discovery, Inc.: GridCAD a powerful tool for 2D and 3D structured or unstructured grid generation, in-static computation of 3D grids, aeroelastic phenomena and CAD modeling. < Tri>2str>Tet>3str>
  • BETA CAE Systems: ANSA, automatic surface mesh generation and FEA preprocessing. Geometry handling (generation, cleanup, watertight preparation, defeaturing), surface and volume meshing, geometry and mesh morphing, and direct interfaces to several CFD and FEA solvers. Tri>Qua>Sur>Tet>Hex>
  • BUD: BudMesh2D, an all quadrilateral 2D mesh generator producing high mesh quality for rubber and tire manufacturers. Qua>
  • CAE Software Solutions: SPIDER, qn octree based meshing method, that produces boudary fitted, local refined, conformal meshes with one or more boundary layers. Tet>
  • Calmar Research Corporation: AGPS, Aero-Grid Paneling System - a surface geometry system. Sur>
  • Catalpa Research Inc.: TIGER, 3D structured grid generation for general turbomachinery configurations. Sur>3str>
  • Sharc: harpoon, body-fitted Cartesian meshing (hex elements, hanging nodes). Hex>
  • CentaurSoft: Centaur is a complete unstructured grid generation package, containing a CAD conversion engine, a surface grid generator, a prismatic grid generator, a tetrahedral grid generator and a grid adapter. Tri>Sur>Tet>3str>
  • Compass: GID, 2D/3D structured and unstructured mesh generation and visualization. 2str>3str>Tri>Tet>Qua>
  • Channel Consulting Ltd.: TriGrid is a modelling system for building Triangular Grids. It was originally developed with oceanographic modellers specifically in mind, but is of general utility. Tri>
  • Program Development Company: GridPro is an elliptic, two-dimensional, single block, structured-grid generation and display software package for IBM/PC and compatible computers. 2str>
  • Computational Mechanics Australia Pty. Ltd.: QUAD-GEN, automatic generator of quadrilateral meshes in non-homogeneous domains. ANISO-QUAD is a quadrilateral mesher designed specifically for the generation of anisotropic quadrilateral meshes. Source code is provided. Qua>
  • Computing Objects: CM2 MeshTools includes a triangle Delaunay mesher, a quadrangle Delaunay mesher, a tetrahedron Delaunay mesher, anisostropic meshers and surface meshers. Tri>Qua>Sur>Tet>
  • EDS: COSMOS/AccuStress, a meshing control tool that is tightly coupled to a stress calculation module. Tet>
  • DHCAE Tools: CastNet, an automated hybrid mesher using hex, tets, prism and pyramid elements with direct interfaces to CFD-solvers e.g. OpenFOAM (complete model setup) and Fluent. CastNet reads CAD-kernel data as input, use curvature controlled element sizes and has advanced boundary layer features . Tet>
  • T-Systems Digital Engineering Solutions: MEDINA is a universal CAE pre and post processing system. Tri>Qua>Sur>Tet>3str>
  • Electricité de France: HOMARD, adaptation of 2D/3D meshes by refinement and unrefinement techniques. Tri>Sur>Tet>
  • Edinburgh Petroleum Services: PanMesh, a mesh generator customized for modeling geometric structures.
  • EKK: KENT, a series of mesh generation tools designed specifically for the casting industry. 3str>
  • Elements Research: EleGrid, generates structured and unstructured meshes on parametric surfaces. Tri>Sur>2str>
  • NISA: DISPLAY IV, automatic and mapped mesh generation for 2D and 3D geometries using shells and solids (structured and unstructured). Tri>Qua>Sur>Tet>
  • EMRL: GMS, a comprehensive software package for developing computer simulations of groundwater problems. SMS is a surface water modeler. Both packages come with a meshing module. Tri>2str>Tet>3str>
  • Siemens PLM: FEMAP, a finite element preprocessor with 2D surface (triangles/quads) and 3D tet meshing. Tri>Qua>Sur>Tet>2str>
  • FEGS: CADfix, geometry repair and volume and surface meshing, based on the medial object technology. Tri>Sur>Tet>
  • Femsys Ltd: FEMGV, a general-purpose pre- and post-processing program for use with Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and finite difference applications. Tri>Qua>Sur>Tet>2str>3str>
  • Field Precision: MetaMesh, 3D structured conformal mesh, hexadron elements. Mesh 4.5, 2D structured conformal mesh, triangular elements. Tri>Qua>3str>Sur>Tet>2str>
  • Fluent Inc.: GAMBIT, has a single interface for geometry creation and meshing that brings together all of Fluent's preprocessing technologies in one environment. G/Turbo, unstructured meshing for turbomachinery. TGrid, advanced hybrid volume mesh generation using tetrahedra, pyramids, and prisms (wedges or hexahedra) and 2-D meshing with triangles and quadrilaterals. 2str>Tri>Sur>Tet>Hex>
  • IBM: CATIA Surface 2, CATIA's powerfull surface mesher. Tri>Sur>
  • Ansys Inc.:ICEM CFD Hexa, a semi-automated hexahedral meshing module which provides rapid generation of multi-block structured or unstructured volume meshes; ICEM CFD Tetra is the object-based tetrahedral meshing module, ICEM CFD Autohexa is the fully automatic object-oriented hexahedral mesh generator. There are also modules for unstructured triangular/quadrilateral surface meshing and hex meshing with semi-automated blocking. Tri>Qua>2str>Sur>Tet>Hex>3str>
  • ISE: MESH ISE, a dimension independent Delaunay grid generator, suitable for the semiconductor device simulation. Tri>Tet>
  • ITC: GEMS, geometric modeling and structured grid generation. 2str>3str>
  • MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation: MSC.AMS, tool set for manual meshing and geometry creation. Tri>Sur>Tet>2str>3str>
  • Materialise: Mimics, medical image processing and mesh generation; 3-matic, forward engineering including mesh generation. Sur>Tet>
  • MIDASoft: MIDAS/FX-Modeler, auto surface-meshing for structural engineering. Qua>Sur>
  • NUMECA: HexPress is NUMECA's new unstructured hexahedral mesh generator. Tri> Sur>2str>3str>Hex>
  • PC-Progress: Meshgen 2D, a Windows application for FEM data pre-processing and generating triangular meshes. Tri>
  • Pointwise Inc: Gridgen, surface and volume grid generation (3D, multiple block, structured grids). 2str>3str>Sur>Tri>Tet>
  • Program Development Company: Grid Pro, automatic surface and volume grid generator, multiblock-structured approach. 2str>>Sur>3str>
  • SCOREC: AGMD, the Algorithm Oriented Mesh Database (AOMD), is to serve as a mesh management library (or database) that will provide a variety of services for mesh users Tri>>Sur>Tet>
  • Siemens PLM: NX, finite element preprocessing (surface and volume meshing). Tri>2str>Sur>Tet>3str>
  • Simmetrix Inc.: MeshSim, component software for fully automatic mesh generation direct from CAD models. Tri>Sur>Tet>
  • Simpleware Ltd.: ScanFE, generation of finite elemnent modols from scanned object data. Tet>
  • Simulation Works, Inc.: Kubrix, all-hexahedral unstructured mesh generation based on a fuzzy logic approach. Also builds structured meshes. Hex>3str>
  • Distene: TetMesh-GHS3D, Yams, MeshAdapt, HEXOTIC Most of the codes have been developed in the GAMMA project at INRIA. Tri>Sur>Qua>Tet>Hex>
  • smile:)consult: Janet, an efficient software package to generate model meshes for different numerical methods. Tri>Sur>
  • Symscape: SymLab Meshing Tools, integrated structured and unstructured volume meshing. Sur>3str>Tet>
  • Taitech: DragonGrid, hybrid grids for cfd simulation - unstructured at the boundary, structured in the domain. 3str>
  • Transsoft International: fluidyn-CAD/GEN, a combined CAD package and mesh generator for CFD applications. Sur>3str>
  • XYZ Scientific Applications Inc.: Truegrid, multiblock structured grid generation. 2str>Sur>Tet>3str>
  • Review papers:
  • Steve Owen has performed a meshing software survey, currently containing details from about 70 software products.

  • Other sources of interest:
  • POV-Ray list of mesh utilities (mesh modeling for computer graphics).
  • got mesh? is a site for showing and exchanging geometry and mesh models.
  • The CFD General Notation System is a collection of conventions, and software implementing those conventions, for the storage and retrieval of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) data.
  • Ian MacPhedrans list of public domain mesh generators can be found here.
  • The Mesh Factory is a source for high resolution, polygonal 3D models in MAX, 3DS, Maya MB, OBJ and LWS formats.


源文档 <http://www.robertschneiders.de/meshgeneration/software.html>

