请参阅:java : pdfbox 读取 PDF文件内书签 或者 python:从PDF中提取目录
请注意:书的目录.txt 编码:UTF-8,推荐用 Notepad++ 转换编码。
xml 是 python 标准库,在 D:\Python39\Lib\xml\etree
pip install xmltodict ;
python 用 xml.etree.ElementTree,用 xmltodict 转换为json数据。
编写 txt_xml_etree_json.py 如下
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """ 读目录.txt文件,用 xmltodict转换为json数据 """
- import os
- import sys
- import codecs
- import json
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
- import xmltodict
- if len(sys.argv) ==2:
- f1 = sys.argv[1]
- else:
- print('usage: python txt_xml_etree_json.py file1.txt')
- sys.exit(1)
- if not os.path.exists(f1):
- print(f"ERROR: {f1} not found.")
- sys.exit(1)
- fn,ext = os.path.splitext(f1)
- if ext.lower() != '.txt':
- print('ext is not .txt')
- sys.exit(2)
- fp = codecs.open(f1, mode="r", encoding="utf-8")
- # 读取第一行:书名
- title = fp.readline()
- # 创建主题节点
- root = et.Element("node")
- root.set("id", '1')
- root.set("text", title.strip())
- # 定义状态:
- state = et.SubElement(root, "state")
- state.set("opened", 'true')
- state.set("disabled", 'true')
- # 用缩排表现层级关系,假设最多5个层级
- indent1 = ' '*2
- indent2 = ' '*4
- indent3 = ' '*6
- indent4 = ' '*8
- n = 2
- for line in fp:
- txt = line.strip()
- if len(txt) ==0:
- continue
- txt = txt[0:-3] # 去掉行尾的页数
- if len(txt) >0 and line[0] !=' ':
- # 创建主题的子节点(1级节点)
- node1 = et.SubElement(root, "children")
- node1.set("id", str(n))
- node1.set("text", txt)
- p_node = node1 # 寄存父节点
- elif line.startswith(indent1) and line[2] !=' ':
- # 创建node1的子节点(2级节点)
- try: type(node1)
- except NameError: node2 = et.SubElement(root, "children")
- else: node2 = et.SubElement(node1, "children")
- node2.set("id", str(n))
- node2.set("text", txt)
- p_node = node2
- elif line.startswith(indent2) and line[4] !=' ':
- # 创建node2的子节点(3级节点)
- try: type(node2)
- except NameError: node3 = et.SubElement(node1, "children")
- else: node3 = et.SubElement(node2, "children")
- node3.set("id", str(n))
- node3.set("text", txt)
- p_node = node3
- elif line.startswith(indent3) and line[6] !=' ':
- # 创建node3的子节点(4级节点)
- try: type(node3)
- except NameError: node4 = et.SubElement(node2, "children")
- else: node4 = et.SubElement(node3, "children")
- node4.set("id", str(n))
- node4.set("text", txt)
- p_node = node4
- elif line.startswith(indent4) and line[8] !=' ':
- # 创建node4的子节点(5级节点)
- try: type(node4)
- except NameError: node5 = et.SubElement(p_node, "children")
- else: node5 = et.SubElement(node4, "children")
- node5.set("id", str(n))
- node5.set("text", txt)
- else:
- print(txt)
- n += 1
- fp.close()
- print(f"line number: {n}")
- # 转换成 str,方便导出
- root_bytes = et.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8")
- xml_str = root_bytes.decode()
- try:
- json_dict = xmltodict.parse(xml_str, encoding='utf-8')
- json_str = json.dumps(json_dict['node'], indent=2)
- except:
- print("xmltodict.parse error!")
- # 去掉'@'
- json_str = '['+ json_str.replace('\"@','"') +']'
- #print(json_str)
- # 导出.json文件
- f2 = fn +'.json'
- with codecs.open(f2, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fp:
- fp.write(json_str)
python 用 xml.etree.ElementTree,用 xmltodict 转换为json数据,jinja2 生成jstree模板所需的文件。
编写 txt_xml_etree_htm.py 如下
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """ 读目录.txt文件,用 xmltodict转换为json数据,生成jstree所需的文件 """
- import os
- import sys
- import codecs
- import json
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
- import xmltodict
- from jinja2 import Environment,FileSystemLoader
- if len(sys.argv) ==2:
- f1 = sys.argv[1]
- else:
- print('usage: python txt_xml_etree_htm.py file1.txt')
- sys.exit(1)
- if not os.path.exists(f1):
- print(f"ERROR: {f1} not found.")
- sys.exit(1)
- fn,ext = os.path.splitext(f1)
- if ext.lower() != '.txt':
- print('ext is not .txt')
- sys.exit(2)
- fp = codecs.open(f1, mode="r", encoding="utf-8")
- # 读取第一行:书名
- title = fp.readline()
- # 创建主题节点
- root = et.Element("node")
- root.set("id", '1')
- root.set("text", title.strip())
- # 定义状态:
- state = et.SubElement(root, "state")
- state.set("opened", 'true')
- state.set("disabled", 'true')
- # 用缩排表现层级关系,假设最多5个层级
- indent1 = ' '*2
- indent2 = ' '*4
- indent3 = ' '*6
- indent4 = ' '*8
- n = 2
- for line in fp:
- txt = line.strip()
- if len(txt) ==0:
- continue
- txt = txt[0:-3] # 去掉行尾的页数
- if len(txt) >0 and line[0] !=' ':
- # 创建主题的子节点(1级节点)
- node1 = et.SubElement(root, "children")
- node1.set("id", str(n))
- node1.set("text", txt)
- p_node = node1 # 寄存父节点
- elif line.startswith(indent1) and line[2] !=' ':
- # 创建node1的子节点(2级节点)
- try: type(node1)
- except NameError: node2 = et.SubElement(root, "children")
- else: node2 = et.SubElement(node1, "children")
- node2.set("id", str(n))
- node2.set("text", txt)
- p_node = node2
- elif line.startswith(indent2) and line[4] !=' ':
- # 创建node2的子节点(3级节点)
- try: type(node2)
- except NameError: node3 = et.SubElement(node1, "children")
- else: node3 = et.SubElement(node2, "children")
- node3.set("id", str(n))
- node3.set("text", txt)
- p_node = node3
- elif line.startswith(indent3) and line[6] !=' ':
- # 创建node3的子节点(4级节点)
- try: type(node3)
- except NameError: node4 = et.SubElement(node2, "children")
- else: node4 = et.SubElement(node3, "children")
- node4.set("id", str(n))
- node4.set("text", txt)
- p_node = node4
- elif line.startswith(indent4) and line[8] !=' ':
- # 创建node4的子节点(5级节点)
- try: type(node4)
- except NameError: node5 = et.SubElement(p_node, "children")
- else: node5 = et.SubElement(node4, "children")
- node5.set("id", str(n))
- node5.set("text", txt)
- else:
- print(txt)
- n += 1
- fp.close()
- print(f"line number: {n}")
- # 转换成 str,方便导出
- root_bytes = et.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8")
- xml_str = root_bytes.decode()
- try:
- json_dict = xmltodict.parse(xml_str, encoding='utf-8')
- json_str = json.dumps(json_dict['node'], indent=2)
- except:
- print("xmltodict.parse error!")
- # 去掉'@'
- json_str = '['+ json_str.replace('\"@','"') +']'
- #print(json_str)
- # 使用 jinja2 对html模板文件进行数据替换
- env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('d:/python/'))
- tpl = env.get_template('jstree_template.htm')
- # 导出.html文件
- f2 = fn +'.htm'
- with codecs.open(f2, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fp:
- content = tpl.render(title=title.strip(), mydir=json_str)
- fp.write(content)
https://gitee.com/ 搜索 jstree 下载
git clone https://gitee.com/mirrors/jstree.git
编写 jstree 模板文件:jstree_template.htm
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta charset="UTF-8">
- <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
- <title>{{title}}</title>
- <script src="../js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../js/jstree/dist/themes/default/style.css" />
- <script src="../js/jstree/dist/jstree.min.js"></script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <!-- 搜索框 -->
- <div class="search_input">
- <input type="text" id="search_a" />
- <img src="../js/jstree/dist/search.png" />
- </div>
- <div id="treeview1" class="treeview">
- </div>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var mydir = {{mydir}};
- $("#treeview1").jstree({
- 'core' : {
- "multiple" : false,
- 'data' : mydir,
- 'dblclick_toggle': true
- },
- "plugins" : ["search"]
- });
- //输入框输入时自动搜索
- var tout = false;
- $('#search_a').keyup(function(){
- if (tout) clearTimeout(tout);
- tout = setTimeout(function(){
- $('#treeview1').jstree(true).search($('#search_a').val());
- }, 250);
- });
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>
运行 python txt_xml_etree_htm.py your_pdf_dir.txt
生成 your_pdf_dir.htm
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