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微信小程序 —— 会议OA项目首页布局与Mock数据交互

微信小程序 —— 会议OA项目首页布局与Mock数据交互




1.1 Flex布局

1.2 Flex属性



2.1 首页底部菜单

2.2 创建后端结口

2.3 Mock模拟数据

2.4 首页轮播图搭建

2.5 首页内容搭建 


1.1 Flex布局

布局的传统解决方案,基于盒状模型,依赖 display属性 + position属性 + float属性

  • Flex是Flexible Box的缩写,意为”弹性布局”,用来为盒状模型提供最大的灵活性。
  • 任何一个容器都可以指定为Flex布局。
  • display: ‘flex’


容器默认存在两根轴:水平的主轴(main axis)和垂直的交叉轴(cross axis)。主轴的开始位置(与边框的交叉点)叫做main start,结束位置叫做main end;交叉轴的开始位置叫做cross start,结束位置叫做cross end。

        项目默认沿主轴排列。单个项目占据的主轴空间叫做main size,占据的交叉轴空间叫做cross size。

1.2 Flex属性

  • flex-direction 主轴的方向 默认为row
  • flex-wrap 如果一条轴线排不下,如何换行
  • flex-flow 是flex-direction属性和flex-wrap属性的简写形式
  • justify-content 定义了项目在主轴上的对齐方式
  • align-items 定义项目在交叉轴上如何对齐
  • align-content 属性定义了多根轴线的对齐方式


更多详情:Flex 布局语法教程 | 菜鸟教程


2.1 首页底部菜单




  1. {
  2. "pages": [
  3. "pages/index/index",
  4. "pages/meeting/list/list",
  5. "pages/vote/list/list",
  6. "pages/ucenter/index/index",
  7. "pages/logs/logs"
  8. ],
  9. "window": {
  10. "backgroundTextStyle": "light",
  11. "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#fff",
  12. "navigationBarTitleText": "Weixin",
  13. "navigationBarTextStyle": "black"
  14. },
  15. "tabBar": {
  16. "list": [
  17. {
  18. "pagePath": "pages/index/index",
  19. "text": "首页",
  20. "iconPath": "/static/tabBar/coding.png",
  21. "selectedIconPath": "/static/tabBar/coding-active.png"
  22. },
  23. {
  24. "pagePath": "pages/meeting/list/list",
  25. "iconPath": "/static/tabBar/sdk.png",
  26. "selectedIconPath": "/static/tabBar/sdk-active.png",
  27. "text": "会议"
  28. },
  29. {
  30. "pagePath": "pages/vote/list/list",
  31. "iconPath": "/static/tabBar/template.png",
  32. "selectedIconPath": "/static/tabBar/template-active.png",
  33. "text": "投票"
  34. },
  35. {
  36. "pagePath": "pages/ucenter/index/index",
  37. "iconPath": "/static/tabBar/component.png",
  38. "selectedIconPath": "/static/tabBar/component-active.png",
  39. "text": "设置"
  40. }
  41. ]
  42. },
  43. "style": "v2",
  44. "sitemapLocation": "sitemap.json"
  45. }

2.2 创建后端结口


  1. // 以下是业务服务器API地址
  2. // 本机开发API地址
  3. var WxApiRoot = 'http://localhost:8080/ycxw/wx/';
  4. // 测试环境部署api地址
  5. // var WxApiRoot = '';
  6. // 线上平台api地址
  7. //var WxApiRoot = 'https://www.oa-mini.com/ycxw/wx/';
  8. module.exports = {
  9. IndexUrl: WxApiRoot + 'home/index', //首页数据接口
  10. SwiperImgs: WxApiRoot+'swiperImgs', //轮播图
  11. MettingInfos: WxApiRoot+'meeting/list', //会议信息
  12. };

2.3 Mock模拟数据



  1. {
  2. "data": {
  3. "images":[
  4. {
  5. "img": "https://cdn-we-retail.ym.tencent.com/tsr/home/v2/banner1.png",
  6. "text": "1"
  7. },
  8. {
  9. "img": "https://cdn-we-retail.ym.tencent.com/tsr/home/v2/banner2.png",
  10. "text": "2"
  11. },
  12. {
  13. "img": "https://cdn-we-retail.ym.tencent.com/tsr/home/v2/banner3.png",
  14. "text": "3"
  15. },
  16. {
  17. "img": "https://cdn-we-retail.ym.tencent.com/tsr/home/v2/banner4.png",
  18. "text": "4"
  19. },
  20. {
  21. "img": "https://cdn-we-retail.ym.tencent.com/tsr/home/v2/banner5.png",
  22. "text": "5"
  23. },
  24. {
  25. "img": "https://cdn-we-retail.ym.tencent.com/tsr/home/v2/banner6.png",
  26. "text": "6"
  27. }
  28. ]
  29. },
  30. "statusCode": "200",
  31. "header": {
  32. "content-type":"applicaiton/json;charset=utf-8"
  33. }
  34. }

2.4 首页轮播图搭建



  1. //index.wxml
  2. <view>
  3. <swiper autoplay="true" indicator-dots="true" indicator-color="#fff" indicator-active-color="#00f">
  4. <block wx:for="{{imgSrcs}}" wx:key="text">
  5. <swiper-item>
  6. <view>
  7. <image src="{{item.img}}" class="swiper-item" />
  8. </view>
  9. </swiper-item>
  10. </block>
  11. </swiper>
  12. </view>


  1. // index.js
  2. // 获取应用实例
  3. const app = getApp()
  4. const api = require("../../config/api")
  5. Page({
  6. data: {
  7. imgSrcs: [],
  8. lists: []
  9. },
  10. // 事件处理函数
  11. bindViewTap() {
  12. wx.navigateTo({
  13. url: '../logs/logs'
  14. })
  15. },
  16. // 轮播图的方法
  17. loadSwiperImgs() {
  18. let that = this;
  19. wx.request({
  20. url: api.SwiperImgs,
  21. dataType: 'json',
  22. success(res) {
  23. console.log(res)
  24. that.setData({
  25. imgSrcs: res.data.images
  26. })
  27. }
  28. })
  29. },
  30. onLoad() {
  31. if (wx.getUserProfile) {
  32. this.setData({
  33. canIUseGetUserProfile: true
  34. })
  35. }
  36. // 一进来就调用轮播图的方法
  37. this.loadSwiperImgs();
  38. this.loadMeetingInfos();
  39. },
  40. getUserProfile(e) {
  41. // 推荐使用wx.getUserProfile获取用户信息,开发者每次通过该接口获取用户个人信息均需用户确认,开发者妥善保管用户快速填写的头像昵称,避免重复弹窗
  42. wx.getUserProfile({
  43. desc: '展示用户信息', // 声明获取用户个人信息后的用途,后续会展示在弹窗中,请谨慎填写
  44. success: (res) => {
  45. console.log(res)
  46. this.setData({
  47. userInfo: res.userInfo,
  48. hasUserInfo: true
  49. })
  50. }
  51. })
  52. },
  53. getUserInfo(e) {
  54. // 不推荐使用getUserInfo获取用户信息,预计自2021年4月13日起,getUserInfo将不再弹出弹窗,并直接返回匿名的用户个人信息
  55. console.log(e)
  56. this.setData({
  57. userInfo: e.detail.userInfo,
  58. hasUserInfo: true
  59. })
  60. }
  61. })


2.5 首页内容搭建 

 1. 利用Mack模拟数据


  1. {
  2. "data": {
  3. "lists": [
  4. {
  5. "id": "1",
  6. "image": "/static/persons/1.jpg",
  7. "title": "对话产品总监 | 深圳·北京PM大会 【深度对话小米/京东/等产品总监】",
  8. "num":"304",
  9. "state":"进行中",
  10. "starttime": "2022-03-13 00:00:00",
  11. "location": "深圳市·南山区"
  12. },
  13. {
  14. "id": "1",
  15. "image": "/static/persons/2.jpg",
  16. "title": "AI WORLD 2016世界人工智能大会",
  17. "num":"380",
  18. "state":"已结束",
  19. "starttime": "2022-03-15 00:00:00",
  20. "location": "北京市·朝阳区"
  21. },
  22. {
  23. "id": "1",
  24. "image": "/static/persons/3.jpg",
  25. "title": "H100太空商业大会",
  26. "num":"500",
  27. "state":"进行中",
  28. "starttime": "2022-03-13 00:00:00",
  29. "location": "大连市"
  30. },
  31. {
  32. "id": "1",
  33. "image": "/static/persons/4.jpg",
  34. "title": "报名年度盛事,大咖云集!2016凤凰国际论坛邀您“与世界对话”",
  35. "num":"150",
  36. "state":"已结束",
  37. "starttime": "2022-03-13 00:00:00",
  38. "location": "北京市·朝阳区"
  39. },
  40. {
  41. "id": "1",
  42. "image": "/static/persons/5.jpg",
  43. "title": "新质生活 · 品质时代 2016消费升级创新大会",
  44. "num":"217",
  45. "state":"进行中",
  46. "starttime": "2022-03-13 00:00:00",
  47. "location": "北京市·朝阳区"
  48. }
  49. ]
  50. },
  51. "statusCode": "200",
  52. "header": {
  53. "content-type":"applicaiton/json;charset=utf-8"
  54. }
  55. }

2. 添加js方法

  1. index.js
  2. //首页会议信息的ajax
  3. loadMeetingInfos() {
  4. let that = this;
  5. wx.request({
  6. url: api.MettingInfos,
  7. dataType: 'json',
  8. success(res) {
  9. console.log(res),
  10. that.setData({
  11. lists: res.data.lists
  12. })
  13. }
  14. })
  15. },

3. 首页界面:

  1. <view class="indexbg">
  2. <swiper autoplay="true" indicator-dots="true" indicator-color="#fff" indicator-active-color="#00f">
  3. <block wx:for="{{imgSrcs}}" wx:key="text">
  4. <swiper-item>
  5. <view>
  6. <image src="{{item.img}}" class="swiper-item" />
  7. </view>
  8. </swiper-item>
  9. </block>
  10. </swiper>
  11. <view class="mobi-title">
  12. <text class="mobi-text">会议信息</text>
  13. </view>
  14. <block wx:for-items="{{lists}}" wx:for-item="item" wx:key="item.id" class="bg">
  15. <view class="list" data-id="{{item.id}}">
  16. <view class="list-img">
  17. <image class="video-img" mode="scaleToFill" src="{{item.image}}"></image>
  18. </view>
  19. <view class="list-detail">
  20. <view class="list-title"><text>{{item.title}}</text></view>
  21. <view class="list-tag">
  22. <view class="state">{{item.state}}</view>
  23. <view class="join"><text class="list-num">{{item.num}}</text>人报名</view>
  24. </view>
  25. <view class="list-info"><text>{{item.location}}</text>|<text>{{item.starttime}}</text></view>
  26. </view>
  27. </view>
  28. </block>
  29. <view class="section">
  30. <text>到底啦</text>
  31. </view>
  32. </view>

4. 界面样式:

  1. /**index.wxss**/
  2. .userinfo {
  3. display: flex;
  4. flex-direction: column;
  5. align-items: center;
  6. color: #aaa;
  7. }
  8. .userinfo-avatar {
  9. overflow: hidden;
  10. width: 128rpx;
  11. height: 128rpx;
  12. margin: 20rpx;
  13. border-radius: 50%;
  14. }
  15. .usermotto {
  16. margin-top: 200px;
  17. }
  18. /**index.wxss**/
  19. .section {
  20. color: #aaa;
  21. display: flex;
  22. justify-content: center;
  23. }
  24. .list-info {
  25. color: #aaa;
  26. }
  27. .list-num {
  28. color: red;
  29. /* font-weight: 700; */
  30. }
  31. .join {
  32. padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px;
  33. color: #aaa;
  34. }
  35. .state {
  36. margin: 0px 6px 0px 6px;
  37. border: 1px solid #4083ff;
  38. color: #4083ff;
  39. padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px;
  40. }
  41. .list-tag {
  42. padding: 3px 0px 10px 0px;
  43. display: flex;
  44. align-items: center;
  45. }
  46. .list-title {
  47. display: flex;
  48. justify-content: space-between;
  49. font-size: 11pt;
  50. color: #333;
  51. font-weight: bold;
  52. }
  53. .list-detail {
  54. display: flex;
  55. flex-direction: column;
  56. margin: 0px 0px 0px 15px;
  57. }
  58. .video-img {
  59. margin-top: 5px;
  60. width: 80px;
  61. height: 80px;
  62. }
  63. .list {
  64. display: flex;
  65. flex-direction: row;
  66. background-color: seashell;
  67. border-bottom: 1px solid #cecece;
  68. padding: 10px;
  69. }
  70. .mobi-text {
  71. font-weight: 700;
  72. padding: 15px;
  73. }
  74. /* .mobi-icon {
  75. border-left: 5px solid #57f564;
  76. } */
  77. .indexbg{
  78. background-color: rgba(219, 219, 219, 0.678);
  79. }
  80. .mobi-title {
  81. /* background-color: rgba(219, 219, 219, 0.678); */
  82. margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px;
  83. }
  84. .swiper-item {
  85. height: 300rpx;
  86. width: 100%;
  87. border-radius: 10rpx;
  88. }
  89. .userinfo {
  90. display: flex;
  91. flex-direction: column;
  92. align-items: center;
  93. color: #aaa;
  94. }
  95. .userinfo-avatar {
  96. overflow: hidden;
  97. width: 128rpx;
  98. height: 128rpx;
  99. margin: 20rpx;
  100. border-radius: 50%;
  101. }
  102. .usermotto {
  103. margin-top: 200px;
  104. }

5. 效果展示

