var Drag = Handler.extend({ addHooks: function () { if (!this._draggable) { var map = this._map; this._draggable = new Draggable(map._mapPane, map._container); this._draggable.on({ dragstart: this._onDragStart, drag: this._onDrag, dragend: this._onDragEnd }, this); this._draggable.on('predrag', this._onPreDragLimit, this); if (map.options.worldCopyJump) { this._draggable.on('predrag', this._onPreDragWrap, this); map.on('zoomend', this._onZoomEnd, this); //将mapPane上的所有overlayer重绘一遍 map.whenReady(this._onZoomEnd, this); } } addClass(this._map._container, 'leaflet-grab leaflet-touch-drag'); this._draggable.enable(); this._positions = []; this._times = []; }, _onZoomEnd: function () { var pxCenter = this._map.getSize().divideBy(2), pxWorldCenter = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint([0, 0]); this._initialWorldOffset = pxWorldCenter.subtract(pxCenter).x; this._worldWidth = this._map.getPixelWorldBounds().getSize().x; }, });
var Control = Class.extend({ // @section // @aka Control options options: { // @option position: String = 'topright' // The position of the control (one of the map corners). Possible values are `'topleft'`, // `'topright'`, `'bottomleft'` or `'bottomright'` position: 'topright' }, // @method setPosition(position: string): this // Sets the position of the control. setPosition: function (position) { var map = this._map; if (map) { map.removeControl(this); } this.options.position = position; if (map) { map.addControl(this); } return this; }, // @method addTo(map: Map): this // Adds the control to the given map. addTo: function (map) { this.remove(); this._map = map; var container = this._container = this.onAdd(map), pos = this.getPosition(), corner = map._controlCorners[pos]; addClass(container, 'leaflet-control'); if (pos.indexOf('bottom') !== -1) { corner.insertBefore(container, corner.firstChild); } else { corner.appendChild(container); } return this; }, });
/* Every control should extend from `L.Control` and (re-)implement the following methods.
* @method onAdd(map: Map): HTMLElement
* Should return the container DOM element for the control and add listeners on relevant map events.
* Called on [`control.addTo(map)`](#control-addTo).
调用addTo()这个函数可以看到,我们经常在control里面去重定义onAdd()的函数,在onAdd()函数中定义leaflet control控件在加载时的动作,可以在其中增加leaflet control的DOM元素,也可以增加map的动作相应事件。以MousePosition这个plugin为例子,在onAdd中定义了dom与event。当然还有很多control在initialize函数中定义元素初始化,这是依赖于class中的方法,可以是可以就是太过底层方法,使用起来较为复杂。
L.Control.MousePosition = L.Control.extend({
onAdd: function (map) {
this._container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-control-mouseposition');
map.on('mousemove', this._onMouseMove, this);
return this._container;
Methods for modifying map state
// @section Methods for modifying map state // @method setView(center: LatLng, zoom: Number, options?: Zoom/pan options): this // Sets the view of the map (geographical center and zoom) with the given // animation options. setView: function (center, zoom, options) { zoom = zoom === undefined ? this._zoom : this._limitZoom(zoom); center = this._limitCenter(toLatLng(center), zoom, this.options.maxBounds); options = options || {}; this._stop(); if (this._loaded && !options.reset && options !== true) { if (options.animate !== undefined) { options.zoom = extend({animate: options.animate}, options.zoom); options.pan = extend({animate: options.animate, duration: options.duration}, options.pan); } // try animating pan or zoom var moved = (this._zoom !== zoom) ? this._tryAnimatedZoom && this._tryAnimatedZoom(center, zoom, options.zoom) : this._tryAnimatedPan(center, options.pan); if (moved) { // prevent resize handler call, the view will refresh after animation anyway clearTimeout(this._sizeTimer); return this; } } // animation didn't start, just reset the map view //map setview就是重置一次中心位置 this._resetView(center, zoom); return this; }, // @section Map state change events _resetView: function (center, zoom) { //将_mapPane重置到屏幕左上角 //对应的element元素 leaflet-pane leaflet-map-pane setPosition(this._mapPane, new Point(0, 0)); var loading = !this._loaded; this._loaded = true; zoom = this._limitZoom(zoom); this.fire('viewprereset'); var zoomChanged = this._zoom !== zoom; this ._moveStart(zoomChanged) ._move(center, zoom) ._moveEnd(zoomChanged); // @event viewreset: Event // Fired when the map needs to redraw its content (this usually happens // on map zoom or load). Very useful for creating custom overlays. this.fire('viewreset'); // @event load: Event // Fired when the map is initialized (when its center and zoom are set // for the first time). if (loading) { this.fire('load'); } }, _getNewPixelOrigin: function (center, zoom) { //屏幕视图中中间位置像素 var viewHalf = this.getSize()._divideBy(2); //得到map的中点位置像素,_subtract是像素this.x -= point.x;this.y -= point.y; //算出屏幕中心与map中心的差值,把这个差值算入到Mappane的偏移量上,就是简单的加减 return this.project(center, zoom)._subtract(viewHalf)._add(this._getMapPanePos())._round(); }, _move: function (center, zoom, data) { if (zoom === undefined) { zoom = this._zoom; } var zoomChanged = this._zoom !== zoom; this._zoom = zoom; this._lastCenter = center; //重新算中心偏量 this._pixelOrigin = this._getNewPixelOrigin(center); // @event zoom: Event // Fired repeatedly during any change in zoom level, including zoom // and fly animations. if (zoomChanged || (data && data.pinch)) { // Always fire 'zoom' if pinching because #3530 this.fire('zoom', data); } // @event move: Event // Fired repeatedly during any movement of the map, including pan and // fly animations. return this.fire('move', data); },
Conversion Methods
// @method project(latlng: LatLng, zoom: Number): Point // Projects a geographical coordinate `LatLng` according to the projection // of the map's CRS, then scales it according to `zoom` and the CRS's // `Transformation`. The result is pixel coordinate relative to // the CRS origin. project: function (latlng, zoom) { zoom = zoom === undefined ? this._zoom : zoom; return this.options.crs.latLngToPoint(toLatLng(latlng), zoom); }, // @method unproject(point: Point, zoom: Number): LatLng // Inverse of [`project`](#map-project). unproject: function (point, zoom) { zoom = zoom === undefined ? this._zoom : zoom; return this.options.crs.pointToLatLng(toPoint(point), zoom); },
unproject、project有将LatLng的地理坐标转化层Map像素坐标,根据crs的计算进行转化成像素坐标,当我们在zoom=4时,latlng=[0,0] 在Map上的位置是[2048,2048] = 256*2^(zoom-1) - [0,0],crs坐标转换方法看我另一篇博文,不再次赘述了。
L.circle(latlng, {radius: 3, color: 'red', fillColor: '#f03', fillOpacity: 1}).addTo(map);
var pane = map.getPane('markerPane');
var paneCorner = document.createElement('div');
paneCorner.style.width = '12px';
paneCorner.style.height = '12px';
paneCorner.style.borderTop = '2px red solid';
paneCorner.style.borderLeft = '2px red solid';
当map出现_move动作时,实际的作用是重置地图的中心,在mapPane上整体产生偏移,说明在markerPane上增加元素的效果是一样的,当出现_zoom动作时,小直角的位置没有发生变化,小圆点位置变化了,也不难理解,因为circle在markerPane中是以Latlng存在的,在map的_zoom动作时,marker上的对象会将Latlng重新计算成Point(实际上也就是pixel coordinate,详见leaflet DOC中对Point的介绍)
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