对于上图来说,平移X、平移Y和平移Z表示关节点的Local Transaction的坐标,而旋转X、旋转Y、旋转Z表示关节点的Euler Rotation坐标;对于一个固定的人体模型,修改每一帧中各个关节点的上述六个坐标,即可改变人体表现的动作;
- '''
- @File : print_joint_6Ddata_maya.py
- @Time : 2024/03/07 20:05:00
- @Author : Jinfu Liu
- @Version : 1.0
- @Desc : print 6D data of joint in FBX file
- '''
- import maya.cmds as cmds
- joint_names = ["root", "pelvis", "spine_00", "spine_01", "spine_02", "spine_03", "clavicle_l", "upperarm_l", "lowerarm_l", "hand_l", "index_01_l",
- "index_02_l", "index_03_l", "middle_01_l", "middle_02_l", "middle_03_l", "pinky_01_l", "pinky_02_l", "pinky_03_l", "ring_01_l", "ring_02_l",
- "ring_03_l", "thumb_01_l", "thumb_02_l", "thumb_03_l", "Slot_hand_L_bone", "clavicle_r", "upperarm_r", "lowerarm_r", "hand_r", "index_01_r",
- "index_02_r", "index_03_r", "middle_01_r", "middle_02_r", "middle_03_r", "pinky_01_r", "pinky_02_r", "pinky_03_r", "ring_01_r", "ring_02_r",
- "ring_03_r", "thumb_01_r", "thumb_02_r", "thumb_03_r", "Slot_hand_R_bone", "Slot_spine_bone", "neck_01", "head", "thigh_l", "calf_l","foot_l",
- "ball_l", "thigh_r", "calf_r", "foot_r", "ball_r", "Slot_waist_L_bone", "Slot_waist_R_bone", "Slot_pelvis_bone", "ik_foot_root", "ik_foot_l",
- "ik_foot_r", "ik_hand_root", "ik_hand_gun", "ik_hand_l", "ik_hand_r"]
- for joint in joint_names:
- obj = cmds.ls(joint)
- print("process ", obj)
- keyframes = cmds.keyframe(obj, query=True)
- for frame in keyframes:
- local_trans_X = cmds.getAttr(joint + ".translateX", time = frame)
- local_trans_Y = cmds.getAttr(joint + ".translateY", time = frame)
- local_trans_Z = cmds.getAttr(joint + ".translateZ", time = frame)
- local_rotate_X = cmds.getAttr(joint + ".rotateX", time = frame)
- local_rotate_Y = cmds.getAttr(joint + ".rotateY", time = frame)
- local_rotate_Z = cmds.getAttr(joint + ".rotateZ", time = frame)
- print(local_trans_X, local_trans_Y, local_trans_Z)
- print(local_rotate_X, local_rotate_Y, local_rotate_Z)
通过Python FBX SDK,我们可以提取和保存在一个原始FBX文件中对应于Maya可视化的6D坐标,具体的脚本如下:FBX_SDK_Maya/Extract_local_TR.py
- '''
- @File : set_joint_6Ddata_maya.py
- @Time : 2024/03/07 20:10:00
- @Author : Jinfu Liu
- @Version : 1.0
- @Desc : set 6D data of joint in FBX file
- '''
- # you must install numpy by: mayapy.exe -m pip install numpy
- import numpy as np
- import maya.cmds as cmds
- Joint_to_idx = {
- "root": 0,
- "pelvis": 1,
- "spine_00": 2,
- "spine_01": 3,
- "spine_02": 4,
- "spine_03": 5,
- "clavicle_l": 6,
- "upperarm_l": 7,
- "lowerarm_l": 8,
- "hand_l": 9,
- "index_01_l": 10,
- "index_02_l": 11,
- "index_03_l": 12,
- "middle_01_l": 13,
- "middle_02_l": 14,
- "middle_03_l": 15,
- "pinky_01_l": 16,
- "pinky_02_l": 17,
- "pinky_03_l": 18,
- "ring_01_l": 19,
- "ring_02_l": 20,
- "ring_03_l": 21,
- "thumb_01_l": 22,
- "thumb_02_l": 23,
- "thumb_03_l": 24,
- "Slot_hand_L_bone": 25,
- "clavicle_r": 26,
- "upperarm_r": 27,
- "lowerarm_r": 28,
- "hand_r": 29,
- "index_01_r": 30,
- "index_02_r": 31,
- "index_03_r": 32,
- "middle_01_r": 33,
- "middle_02_r": 34,
- "middle_03_r": 35,
- "pinky_01_r": 36,
- "pinky_02_r": 37,
- "pinky_03_r": 38,
- "ring_01_r": 39,
- "ring_02_r": 40,
- "ring_03_r": 41,
- "thumb_01_r": 42,
- "thumb_02_r": 43,
- "thumb_03_r": 44,
- "Slot_hand_R_bone": 45,
- "Slot_spine_bone": 46,
- "neck_01": 47,
- "head": 48,
- "thigh_l": 49,
- "calf_l": 50,
- "foot_l": 51,
- "ball_l": 52,
- "thigh_r": 53,
- "calf_r": 54,
- "foot_r": 55,
- "ball_r": 56,
- "Slot_waist_L_bone": 57,
- "Slot_waist_R_bone": 58,
- "Slot_pelvis_bone": 59,
- "ik_foot_root": 60,
- "ik_foot_l": 61,
- "ik_foot_r": 62,
- "ik_hand_root": 63,
- "ik_hand_gun": 64,
- "ik_hand_l": 65,
- "ik_hand_r": 66
- }
- Local_Trans_data = np.load("C:/Users/jinfullliu/Desktop/test_maya/Local_Trans.npy", allow_pickle = True)
- local_Rotate_data = np.load("C:/Users/jinfullliu/Desktop/test_maya/local_Rotate.npy", allow_pickle = True)
- for joint in Joint_to_idx:
- joint_idx = Joint_to_idx[joint]
- obj = cmds.ls(joint)
- print("process ", obj)
- for frame in range(Local_Trans_data.shape[0]):
- cmds.setKeyframe(joint + '.translateX', value = Local_Trans_data[frame, joint_idx, 0], time=frame)
- cmds.setKeyframe(joint + '.translateY', value = Local_Trans_data[frame, joint_idx, 1], time=frame)
- cmds.setKeyframe(joint + '.translateZ', value = Local_Trans_data[frame, joint_idx, 2], time=frame)
- cmds.setKeyframe(joint + '.rotateX', value = local_Rotate_data[frame, joint_idx, 0], time=frame)
- cmds.setKeyframe(joint + '.rotateY', value = local_Rotate_data[frame, joint_idx, 1], time=frame)
- cmds.setKeyframe(joint + '.rotateZ', value = local_Rotate_data[frame, joint_idx, 2], time=frame)
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