- 在AC_1和AC_2上执行display ap all命令,检查当前AP的状态,显示以下信息表示AP上线成功。
- [AC_1] display ap all
- Total AP information:
- nor : normal [1]
- ExtraInfo : Extra information
- P : insufficient power supply
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ID MAC Name Group IP Type State STA Uptime ExtraInfo
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 60de-4476-e360 AP_1 wlan_net AP6050DN nor 0 10S -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Total: 1
- 在AC_1和AC_2上执行display hsb-service 0命令,查看主备服务的建立情况,可以看到Service State字段的显示为Connected,说明主备服务通道已经成功建立。
- [AC_1] display hsb-service 0
- Hot Standby Service Information:
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Local IP Address :
- Peer IP Address :
- Source Port : 10241
- Destination Port : 10241
- Keep Alive Times : 5
- Keep Alive Interval : 3
- Service State : Connected
- Service Batch Modules : Access-user
- Shared-key : -
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- [AC_2] display hsb-service 0
- Hot Standby Service Information:
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Local IP Address :
- Peer IP Address :
- Source Port : 10241
- Destination Port : 10241
- Keep Alive Times : 5
- Keep Alive Interval : 3
- Service State : Connected
- Service Batch Modules : Access-user
- Shared-key : -
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- 在AC_1和AC_2上执行display hsb-group 0命令,查看HSB备份组的运行情况。
- [AC_1] display hsb-group 0
- Hot Standby Group Information:
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- HSB-group ID : 0
- Vrrp Group ID : 1
- Vrrp Interface : Vlanif800
- Service Index : 0
- Group Vrrp Status : Master
- Group Status : Active
- Group Backup Process : Realtime
- Peer Group Device Name : AC6805
- Peer Group Software Version : V200R010C00
- Group Backup Modules : Access-user
- AP
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- [AC_2] display hsb-group 0
- Hot Standby Group Information:
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- HSB-group ID : 0
- Vrrp Group ID : 1
- Vrrp Interface : Vlanif800
- Service Index : 0
- Group Vrrp Status : Backup
- Group Status : Inactive
- Group Backup Process : Realtime
- Peer Group Device Name : AC6805
- Peer Group Software Version : V200R010C00
- Group Backup Modules : Access-user
- AP
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- 用户是否能够通过RADIUS模板的认证。(已在RADIUS服务器上配置了测试用户test@huawei.com,用户密码123456)。
- [AC_1] test-aaa test@huawei.com 123456 radius-template radius_huawei
- Info: Account test succeed.

- AC_1和AC_2的配置文件对比(加粗内容为AC_1和AC_2上的双机备份配置和无线配置同步配置,斜体内容为AC_1自动同步到AC_2的公有配置)
- AC_1
- AC_2
- #
- sysname AC_1
- #
- radius-server source ip-address
- #
- vrrp recover-delay 60
- #
- vlan batch 700 to 701 800 810 820
- #
- authentication-profile name wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- dot1x-access-profile huawei
- authentication-scheme radius_huawei
- accounting-scheme radius_huawei
- radius-server radius_huawei
- authentication-profile name wlan_net_portal_auth
- mac-access-profile mac
- portal-access-profile wlan_net
- free-rule-template default_free_rule
- authentication-scheme radius_huawei
- accounting-scheme radius_huawei
- radius-server radius_huawei
- #
- web-auth-server source-ip
- #
- dhcp enable
- #
- dhcp snooping enable
- #
- vlan 700
- description wlan_net
- dhcp snooping enable
- vlan 701
- description wlan_net
- dhcp snooping enable
- vlan 800
- description AP-management-vlan
- #
- radius-server template radius_huawei
- radius-server shared-key cipher %^%#b@)bNet)(Z)!N9T>p8kM(8w/N&3\>!KKg=DO<!R+%^%#
- radius-server authentication 1812 weight 80
- radius-server accounting 1813 weight 80
- radius-server timeout 1
- radius-server authorization shared-key cipher %^%#M"yY$,}"a8U12iTP4:u6nI-;9G/!eH`FJ:UePsB,%^%#
- #
- free-rule-template name default_free_rule
- free-rule 1 destination ip mask
- #
- url-template name huawei
- url
- url-parameter ssid ssid redirect-url url
- #
- web-auth-server huawei
- server-ip
- port 50200
- shared-key cipher %^%#6/j36uiW:M7dx'"L*2M*TN~P7t*K0(w9'=ER4bZ"%^%#
- url-template huawei
- #
- portal-access-profile name wlan_net
- web-auth-server huawei direct
- #
- aaa
- authentication-scheme radius_huawei
- authentication-mode radius
- accounting-scheme radius_huawei
- accounting-mode radius
- accounting realtime 15
- #
- interface Vlanif800
- ip address
- vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip
- admin-vrrp vrid 1
- vrrp vrid 1 priority 120
- vrrp vrid 1 preempt-mode timer delay 1200
- dhcp select interface
- dhcp server excluded-ip-address
- #
- interface Vlanif810
- ip address
- #
- interface Vlanif820
- ip address
- vrrp vrid 2 virtual-ip
- vrrp vrid 2 track admin-vrrp interface Vlanif800 vrid 1 unflowdown
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet0/0/23
- description Connect to AC_2_0/0/23
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 800 810 820
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet0/0/24
- description Connect to S12700_A_1/1/0/20
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 700 to 701 800 820
- #
- capwap source ip-address
- #
- hsb-service 0
- service-ip-port local-ip peer-ip local-data-port 10241 peer-data-port 10241
- #
- hsb-group 0
- track vrrp vrid 1 interface Vlanif800
- bind-service 0
- hsb enable
- #
- hsb-service-type access-user hsb-group 0
- #
- hsb-service-type dhcp hsb-group 0
- #
- hsb-service-type ap hsb-group 0
- #
- wlan
- traffic-profile name wlan_net
- user-isolate l2
- security-profile name open
- security open
- security-profile name dot1x
- security wpa2 dot1x aes
- ssid-profile name wlan_net_portal_auth
- ssid wlan_net_portal_auth
- ssid-profile name wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- ssid wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- dot11r enable
- vap-profile name wlan_net_portal_auth
- service-vlan vlan-id 700
- ssid-profile wlan_net_portal_auth
- security-profile open
- traffic-profile wlan_net
- authentication-profile wlan_net_portal_auth
- ip source check user-bind enable
- arp anti-attack check user-bind enable
- learn-client-address dhcp-strict
- vap-profile name wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- service-vlan vlan-id 701
- ssid-profile wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- security-profile dot1x
- traffic-profile wlan_net
- authentication-profile wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- ip source check user-bind enable
- arp anti-attack check user-bind enable
- learn-client-address dhcp-strict
- radio-2g-profile name 2G
- radio-5g-profile name 5G
- port-link-profile name default
- ap-group name wlan_net
- radio 0
- radio-2g-profile 2G
- vap-profile wlan_net_portal_auth wlan 1
- vap-profile wlan_net_dot1x_auth wlan 2
- radio 1
- radio-5g-profile 5G
- vap-profile wlan_net_portal_auth wlan 1
- vap-profile wlan_net_dot1x_auth wlan 2
- radio 2
- vap-profile wlan_net_portal_auth wlan 1
- vap-profile wlan_net_dot1x_auth wlan 2
- ap-id 1 ap-mac 60de-4476-e360
- ap-name AP_1
- ap-group wlan_net
- master controller
- master-redundancy track-vrrp vrid 1 interface Vlanif800
- master-redundancy peer-ip ip-address local-ip ip-address psk %^%#HdgY%JtWL>H[k@Rs~<-)6,u4A&I1e5mO%jVwv~*N%^%#
- #
- dot1x-access-profile name huawei
- #
- mac-access-profile name mac
- #
- return
- #
- sysname AC_2
- #
- radius-server source ip-address
- #
- vrrp recover-delay 60
- #
- vlan batch 700 to 701 800 810 820
- #
- authentication-profile name wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- dot1x-access-profile huawei
- authentication-scheme radius_huawei
- accounting-scheme radius_huawei
- radius-server radius_huawei
- authentication-profile name wlan_net_portal_auth
- mac-access-profile mac
- portal-access-profile wlan_net
- free-rule-template default_free_rule
- authentication-scheme radius_huawei
- accounting-scheme radius_huawei
- radius-server radius_huawei
- #
- web-auth-server source-ip
- #
- dhcp enable
- #
- dhcp snooping enable
- #
- vlan 700
- description wlan_net
- dhcp snooping enable
- vlan 701
- description wlan_net
- dhcp snooping enable
- vlan 800
- description AP-management-vlan
- #
- radius-server template radius_huawei
- radius-server shared-key cipher %^%#b@)bNet)(Z)!N9T>p8kM(8w/N&3\>!KKg=DO<!R+%^%#
- radius-server authentication 1812 weight 80
- radius-server accounting 1813 weight 80
- radius-server timeout 1
- radius-server authorization shared-key cipher %^%#M"yY$,}"a8U12iTP4:u6nI-;9G/!eH`FJ:UePsB,%^%#
- #
- free-rule-template name default_free_rule
- free-rule 1 destination ip mask
- #
- url-template name huawei
- url
- url-parameter ssid ssid redirect-url url
- #
- web-auth-server huawei
- server-ip
- port 50200
- shared-key cipher %^%#6/j36uiW:M7dx'"L*2M*TN~P7t*K0(w9'=ER4bZ"%^%#
- url-template huawei
- #
- portal-access-profile name wlan_net
- web-auth-server huawei direct
- #
- aaa
- authentication-scheme radius_huawei
- authentication-mode radius
- accounting-scheme radius_huawei
- accounting-mode radius
- accounting realtime 15
- #
- interface Vlanif800
- ip address
- vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip
- admin-vrrp vrid 1
- dhcp select interface
- dhcp server excluded-ip-address
- #
- interface Vlanif810
- ip address
- #
- interface Vlanif820
- ip address
- vrrp vrid 2 virtual-ip
- vrrp vrid 2 track admin-vrrp interface Vlanif800 vrid 1 unflowdown
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet0/0/23
- description Connect to AC_1_0/0/23
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 800 810 820
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet0/0/24
- description Connect to S12700_B_2/1/0/23
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 700 to 701 800 820
- #
- capwap source ip-address
- #
- hsb-service 0
- service-ip-port local-ip peer-ip local-data-port 10241 peer-data-port 10241
- #
- hsb-group 0
- track vrrp vrid 1 interface Vlanif800
- bind-service 0
- hsb enable
- #
- hsb-service-type access-user hsb-group 0
- #
- hsb-service-type dhcp hsb-group 0
- #
- hsb-service-type ap hsb-group 0
- #
- wlan
- traffic-profile name wlan_net
- user-isolate l2
- security-profile name open
- security open
- security-profile name dot1x
- security wpa2 dot1x aes
- ssid-profile name wlan_net_portal_auth
- ssid wlan_net_portal_auth
- ssid-profile name wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- ssid wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- dot11r enable
- vap-profile name wlan_net_portal_auth
- service-vlan vlan-id 700
- ssid-profile wlan_net_portal_auth
- security-profile open
- traffic-profile wlan_net
- authentication-profile wlan_net_portal_auth
- ip source check user-bind enable
- arp anti-attack check user-bind enable
- learn-client-address dhcp-strict
- vap-profile name wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- service-vlan vlan-id 701
- ssid-profile wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- security-profile dot1x
- traffic-profile wlan_net
- authentication-profile wlan_net_dot1x_auth
- ip source check user-bind enable
- arp anti-attack check user-bind enable
- learn-client-address dhcp-strict
- radio-2g-profile name 2G
- radio-5g-profile name 5G
- port-link-profile name default
- ap-group name wlan_net
- radio 0
- radio-2g-profile 2G
- vap-profile wlan_net_portal_auth wlan 1
- vap-profile wlan_net_dot1x_auth wlan 2
- radio 1
- radio-5g-profile 5G
- vap-profile wlan_net_portal_auth wlan 1
- vap-profile wlan_net_dot1x_auth wlan 2
- radio 2
- vap-profile wlan_net_portal_auth wlan 1
- vap-profile wlan_net_dot1x_auth wlan 2
- ap-id 1 ap-mac 60de-4476-e360
- ap-name AP_1
- ap-group wlan_net
- master controller
- master-redundancy track-vrrp vrid 1 interface Vlanif800
- master-redundancy peer-ip ip-address local-ip ip-address psk %^%#>j6VS_;z=54_*oRNpd<<'_-8DRj,,Y!T~_,Z$4yI%^%#
- #
- dot1x-access-profile name huawei
- #
- mac-access-profile name mac
- #
- return
- 集群系统
- #
- sysname CSS
- #
- vlan batch 730 800 820
- #
- interface Eth-Trunk1
- description Connect to S7700_Eth-Trunk1
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 730 800
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0/19
- eth-trunk 1
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0/20
- description Connect to AC_1_0/0/24
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 730 800 820
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0/21
- description Connect to Router_0/0/29
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 730 820
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1/7
- mad detect mode direct
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet2/1/0/18
- description Connect to Router_0/0/30
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 730 820
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet2/1/0/22
- eth-trunk 1
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet2/1/0/23
- description Connect to AC_2_0/0/24
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 730 800 820
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet2/1/1/7
- mad detect mode direct
- #
- return
- S7700
- #
- sysname S7700
- #
- vlan batch 730 800
- #
- interface Eth-Trunk1
- description Connect to S12700_Eth-Trunk1
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 730 800
- #
- interface Vlanif730
- ip address
- dhcp select relay
- dhcp relay server-ip
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
- description Connect to S5700_A_0/0/3
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 730 800
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet1/0/17
- eth-trunk 1
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet2/0/18
- eth-trunk 1
- #
- return
- S5700_A
- #
- sysname S5700_A
- #
- vlan batch 730 800
- #
- traffic classifier huawei
- if-match destination-mac 0100-5e00-0000 mac-address-mask ffff-ff00-0000
- #
- traffic behavior huawei
- statistic enable
- car cir 100
- #
- traffic policy huawei
- classifier huawei behavior huawei
- #
- lldp enable
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
- description Connect to AP_1
- port link-type trunk
- port trunk pvid vlan 800
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 730 800
- port-isolate enable group 1
- stp edged-port enable
- traffic-policy huawei inbound
- traffic-policy huawei outbound
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
- description Connect to AP_2
- port link-type trunk
- port trunk pvid vlan 800
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 730 800
- port-isolate enable group 1
- stp edged-port enable
- traffic-policy huawei inbound
- traffic-policy huawei outbound
- #
- interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3
- description Connect to S7700_1/0/3
- port link-type trunk
- undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
- port trunk allow-pass vlan 730 800
- #
- return
- 父主题: 综合案例-普通WLAN覆盖
- 版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司
- < 上一节下一节 >

# 打开mDNS单播应答功能。AC作为mDNS网关,对于mDNS服务请求报文,由AC进行服务单播代答。进而减少AC的复制流程。(缺省关闭,推荐开启)
<AC6805> system-view [AC6805] mdns unicast-reply enable
# 打开IGMP Snooping功能和丢弃VLAN内收到的未知组播流功能。当主机和上游三层设备之间传递的IGMP协议报文通过二层组播设备时,IGMP Snooping分析报文携带的信息,根据这些信息建立和维护二层组播转发表,从而指导组播数据在数据链路层按需转发。(缺省关闭,推荐开启)
- <AC6805> system-view
- [AC6805] wlan
- [AC6805-wlan-view] traffic-profile name default
- [AC6805-wlan-traffic-prof-default] igmp-snooping enable
- [AC6805-wlan-traffic-prof-default] quit
- [AC6805-wlan-view] quit
- [AC6805] vlan 10
- [AC6805-vlan10] multicast drop-unknown
- # 打开ARP/ND/DHCP报文转单播处理功能。(缺省开启,推荐开启)
- <AC6805> system-view
- [AC6805] wlan
- [AC6805-wlan-view] traffic-profile name default
- [AC6805-wlan-traffic-prof-default] traffic-optimize bcmc unicast-send arp nd dhcp
- # 打开ARP/ND/DHCP抑制功能。当空口广播或组播协议报文转为单播报文失败时,丢弃这些报文。(缺省开启,推荐开启)
- <AC6805> system-view
- [AC6805] wlan
- [AC6805-wlan-view] traffic-profile name default
- [AC6805-wlan-traffic-prof-default] traffic-optimize bcmc unicast-send mismatch-action drop
- VR场景下的流量优化
- AP对接VR设备场景下,由于丢包重传对用户体验影响较大,用户可将业务保障功能模式设置为可靠性优先,即在满足VR吞吐量要求下,通过空口适当降速,减小丢包、重传引起的抖动、延迟,提升用户体验。建议用户在VR游戏场景下,配置业务保障功能模式为可靠性优先,在VR视频场景下,建议配置为性能优先。
- # 配置业务保障功能模式为可靠性优先。(缺省为性能优先)
- <AC6805> system-view
- [AC6805] wlan
- [AC6805-wlan-view] ssid-profile name ssid1
- [AC6805-wlan-ssid-prof-ssid1] service-guarantee reliability-first

对于华为PoE交换机,在系统视图下执行display poe power命令,根据回显信息中的USMPW(mW)值可以确定其供电协议标准:15400表示该交换机支持的PoE供电协议是IEEE 802.3af标准,30000表示该交换机支持的PoE供电协议是IEEE 802.3at标准。
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