Q: 我在eclipse里配置window->preferences->internet->webbrowser,鼠标只要一点在上边,就会出现windows的错误提示:(一个对话 框)标题是:javaw.exe-驱动器未就绪内容:驱动器未就绪;可能未关闭驱动器门。请检查驱动器A,并确定已插入软盘且驱动器门已 关闭。按扭:取消;继续
A: 问题解决,在BIOS里把软区屏蔽掉,就可以正常配置web
Q: 为什么安装不了Lomboz?
A: 首先得安装emf,gef,jem,否则不会成功。安装emf后,Preferences中才会出现Lomboz一栏。
Q: 按照要求安装完毕后为什么没出现相关选项?
A: 将configuration目录下除了config.ini文件以外的其他文件全部删除,然后重启eclipse。如果还不行,那可能相关插件的Prerequisites没有安装,或者plug_in的version与eclipse的version不匹配,check it out。
Q: Eclipse的SDK与Plantform有什么关系?
A: Eclipse SDK包括了Eclipse开发环境,Java开发环境,Plug-in开发环境,所有源代码和文档,如果你需要所有的功能,可以下载这个版本。
如果只是用Eclipse开发Java应用,而不是开发Eclipse插件或者研究Eclipse代码,那么下载一个Platform Runtime Binary再加上JDT Runtime Binary是最好的选择。
The Eclipse SDK (software developer kit) is the consolidation of the components produced by the three Eclipse Project subprojects (Platform, JDT - Java development tools, and PDE - Plug-in development environment) into a single download.
The Eclipse Platform is an open extensible IDE for anything and yet nothing in particular. The Eclipse Platform provides building blocks and a foundation for constructing and running integrated software-development tools. The Eclipse Platform allows tool builders to independently develop tools that integrate with other people's tools so seamlessly you can't tell where one tool ends and another starts.
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