LeetCode基础URI: https://leetcode-cn.com
POST /problems/{problem}/submit/
请求参数: problem 对应题目的slug,如longest-substring-without-repeating-characters
"question_id": "142",
"lang": "java",
"typed_code": "/**\\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\\n * class ListNode {\\n * int val;\\n * ListNode next;\\n * ListNode(int x) {\\n * val = x;\\n * next = null;\\n * }\\n * }\\n */\\npublic class Solution {\\n public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {\\n if (head == null) return null;\\n ListNode fast = head, slow = head;\\n while (fast != null && fast.next != null) {\\n slow = slow.next;\\n fast = fast.next.next;\\n if (fast == slow) {\\n break;\\n }\\n }\\n // 上面的代码类似 hasCycle 函数\\n if (fast == null || fast.next == null) {\\n // fast 遇到空指针说明没有环\\n return null;\\n }\\n // 将快指针置回头部,慢指针每次走一步,快指针也每次走一步,直到相遇\\n fast = head;\\n // 快慢指针同步前进,相交点就是环起点\\n while (fast != slow) {\\n fast = fast.next;\\n slow = slow.next;\\n }\\n return fast;\\n }\\n}",
"test_mode": false,
"test_judger": "amet ea ut laboris ad",
"questionSlug": "linked-list-cycle-ii"
"submission_id": 296959889
POST /submissions/detail/{submission_id}/check/
请求参数: submission_id,前面一个URL成功响应后的submission_id
# 编译成功 { "status_code": 10, "lang": "java", "run_success": true, "status_runtime": "0 ms", "memory": 42612000, "display_runtime": "0", "question_id": "142", "elapsed_time": 167, "compare_result": "1111111111111111", "code_output": "", "std_output": "", "last_testcase": "", "expected_output": "", "task_finish_time": 1649410089047, "task_name": "judger.judgetask.Judge", "finished": true, "status_msg": "Accepted", "state": "SUCCESS", "fast_submit": false, "total_correct": 16, "total_testcases": 16, "submission_id": "296871548", "runtime_percentile": 100, "status_memory": "41.6 MB", "memory_percentile": 48.99469999999997, "pretty_lang": "Java" } # 编译出错 { "status_code": 20, "lang": "java", "run_success": false, "compile_error": "Line 16: error: reached end of file while parsing", "full_compile_error": "Line 16: error: reached end of file while parsing\n}\n ^", "status_runtime": "N/A", "memory": 0, "question_id": "142", "task_finish_time": 1649410107119, "elapsed_time": 0, "task_name": "judger.judgetask.Judge", "finished": true, "status_msg": "Compile Error", "state": "SUCCESS", "fast_submit": false, "total_correct": null, "total_testcases": null, "submission_id": "296871728", "runtime_percentile": null, "status_memory": "N/A", "memory_percentile": null, "pretty_lang": "Java" } # 解答错误 { "status_code": 11, "lang": "java", "run_success": true, "status_runtime": "N/A", "memory": 42788000, "display_runtime": "0", "question_id": "142", "elapsed_time": 150, "compare_result": "0101100000000000", "code_output": "tail connects to node index 0", "std_output": "", "last_testcase": "[3,2,0,-4]\n1", "expected_output": "tail connects to node index 1", "task_finish_time": 1649410173548, "task_name": "judger.judgetask.Judge", "finished": true, "status_msg": "Wrong Answer", "state": "SUCCESS", "fast_submit": false, "total_correct": 3, "total_testcases": 16, "submission_id": "296872413", "runtime_percentile": null, "status_memory": "N/A", "memory_percentile": null, "pretty_lang": "Java", "input_formatted": "[3,2,0,-4], 1", "input": "[3,2,0,-4]\n1" }
public interface LeetCodeConstants {
* 基础路由
String BASIC_URI = "https://leetcode-cn.com";
* Cookie
String COOKIE = "";
@Slf4j @SpringBootTest public class LeetCodeTest { String template = """ =============================================================== 提交结果 执行用时 内存消耗 语言 提交时间 %s %s ms %s %s %s =============================================================== """; /** * Gson和FastJson数据转换的坑 * problem: https://blog.csdn.net/JoeBig7/article/details/90233358?spm=1001.2101.3001.6650.1&utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2%7Edefault%7ECTRLIST%7ERate-1.pc_relevant_aa&depth_1-utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2%7Edefault%7ECTRLIST%7ERate-1.pc_relevant_aa&utm_relevant_index=2 */ @Test public void testSubmitQuestion() { String json = "{\n" + " "question_id": "142",\n" + " "lang": "java",\n" + " "typed_code": "/**\n * Definition for singly-linked list.\n * class ListNode {\n * int val;\n * ListNode next;\n * ListNode(int x) {\n * val = x;\n * next = null;\n * }\n * }\n */\npublic class Solution {\n public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {\n if (head == null) return null;\n ListNode fast = head, slow = head;\n while (fast != null && fast.next != null) {\n slow = slow.next;\n fast = fast.next.next;\n if (fast == slow) {\n break;\n }\n }\n // 上面的代码类似 hasCycle 函数\n if (fast == null || fast.next == null) {\n // fast 遇到空指针说明没有环\n return null;\n }\n // 将快指针置回头部,慢指针每次走一步,快指针也每次走一步,直到相遇\n fast = head;\n // 快慢指针同步前进,相交点就是环起点\n while (fast != slow) {\n fast = fast.next;\n slow = slow.next;\n }\n return fast;\n }\n}",\n" + " "test_mode": false,\n" + " "test_judger": "",\n" + " "questionSlug": "linked-list-cycle-ii"\n" + "}"; // 题目名称 String problem = "linked-list-cycle-ii"; // 发送http请求 String submitJson = HttpClient.textBody(LeetCodeConstants.BASIC_URI + "/problems/" + problem + "/submit/") .json(json) .header("cookie", LeetCodeConstants.COOKIE) .header("origin", LeetCodeConstants.BASIC_URI) .asString(); JSON.DEFAULT_PARSER_FEATURE &= ~Feature.UseBigDecimal.getMask(); Map<?, ?> submitMap = JSON.parseObject(submitJson, Map.class); String submissionId = String.valueOf(submitMap.get("submission_id")); System.out.println(submissionId); String statusCode; Map<?, ?> checkMap; do { String checkJson = HttpClient.get(LeetCodeConstants.BASIC_URI + "/submissions/detail/" + submissionId + "/check/") .header("cookie", LeetCodeConstants.COOKIE) .header("origin", LeetCodeConstants.BASIC_URI) .asString(); checkMap = JSON.parseObject(checkJson, Map.class); statusCode = String.valueOf(checkMap.get("status_code")); System.out.println(statusCode); } while (!statusCode.equals("10")); System.out.println(checkMap); System.out.println("======================"); String result = String.valueOf(checkMap.get("state")); Integer displayRuntime = Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(checkMap.get("display_runtime"))); String statusMemory = String.valueOf(checkMap.get("status_memory")); String lang = String.valueOf(checkMap.get("lang")); long taskFinishTime = Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(checkMap.get("task_finish_time"))); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String taskFinishTimeStr = sdf.format(new Date(taskFinishTime)); System.out.println(String.format(template, result, displayRuntime, statusMemory, lang, taskFinishTimeStr, submissionId)); System.out.println("======================"); } }
check_leetcode_problem reverse-linked-list # public class Solution { public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) { if (head == null) return null; ListNode fast = head, slow = head; while (fast != null && fast.next != null) { slow = slow.next; fast = fast.next.next; if (fast == slow) { break; } } // 上面的代码类似 hasCycle 函数 if (fast == null || fast.next == null) { // fast 遇到空指针说明没有环 return null; } // 将快指针置回头部,慢指针每次走一步,快指针也每次走一步,直到相遇 fast = head; // 快慢指针同步前进,相交点就是环起点 while (fast != slow) { fast = fast.next; slow = slow.next; } return fast; } } #
定义QQ机器指令: check_leetcode_problem\s(?.{1,100})\s#(?[\s\S]+)#$
@Slf4j @Component("simpleBotLeetCodeEvent") public class SimpleBotLeetCodeEvent { @Value("${qq.owner}") private String ownerCode; @Value("${qq.group}") private String groupCode; @OnPrivate @Filter(value = "check_leetcode_problem\s(?<problem>.{1,100})\s#(?<code>[\s\S]+)#$", matchType = MatchType.REGEX_MATCHES, trim = true) public void doPrivateMsg(PrivateMsg event, MsgSender sender, @FilterValue("problem") String problem, @FilterValue("code") String code) { AccountInfo accountInfo = event.getAccountInfo(); if (ownerCode.equals(accountInfo.getAccountCode())) { System.out.println(code); System.out.println(problem); } } }
@Slf4j @Component("simpleBotLeetCodeEvent") public class SimpleBotLeetCodeEvent { @Value("${qq.owner}") private String ownerCode; @Value("${qq.group}") private String groupCode; @OnPrivate @Filter(value = "check_leetcode_problem\s(?<problem>.{1,100})\s#(?<code>[\s\S]+)#$", matchType = MatchType.REGEX_MATCHES, trim = true) public void doPrivateMsg(PrivateMsg event, MsgSender sender, @FilterValue("problem") String problem, @FilterValue("code") String code) { AccountInfo accountInfo = event.getAccountInfo(); if (ownerCode.equals(accountInfo.getAccountCode())) { System.out.println(code); System.out.println(problem); Map<String, Object> submitRequestMap = new HashMap<>(8); /** * TODO */ submitRequestMap.put("question_id", "142"); submitRequestMap.put("lang", "java"); submitRequestMap.put("false", false); submitRequestMap.put("test_judger", "amet ea ut laboris ad"); submitRequestMap.put("questionSlug", "problem"); submitRequestMap.put("typed_code", code); // 发送http请求 String submitJson = HttpClient.textBody(LeetCodeConstants.BASIC_URI + "/problems/" + problem + "/submit/") .json(JSON.toJSONString(submitRequestMap)) .header("cookie", LeetCodeConstants.COOKIE) .header("origin", LeetCodeConstants.BASIC_URI) .asString(); JSON.DEFAULT_PARSER_FEATURE &= ~Feature.UseBigDecimal.getMask(); Map<?, ?> submitMap = JSON.parseObject(submitJson, Map.class); String submissionId = String.valueOf(submitMap.get("submission_id")); String statusCode; Map<?, ?> checkMap; do { String checkJson = HttpClient.get(LeetCodeConstants.BASIC_URI + "/submissions/detail/" + submissionId + "/check/") .header("cookie", LeetCodeConstants.COOKIE) .header("origin", LeetCodeConstants.BASIC_URI) .asString(); checkMap = JSON.parseObject(checkJson, Map.class); statusCode = String.valueOf(checkMap.get("status_code")); System.out.println(statusCode); } while (!statusCode.equals("10")); String template = """ =============================================================== 提交结果 执行用时 内存消耗 语言 提交时间 %s %s ms %s %s %s =============================================================== """; String result = String.valueOf(checkMap.get("state")); Integer displayRuntime = Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(checkMap.get("display_runtime"))); String statusMemory = String.valueOf(checkMap.get("status_memory")); String lang = String.valueOf(checkMap.get("lang")); long taskFinishTime = Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(checkMap.get("task_finish_time"))); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String taskFinishTimeStr = sdf.format(new Date(taskFinishTime)); sender.SENDER.sendPrivateMsgAsync(ownerCode, String.format(template, result, displayRuntime, statusMemory, lang, taskFinishTimeStr, submissionId)); } } }
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