标签信息: 标签是用于标识图像中手写数字的数字,范围从0到9。例如,标签0表示图像中的手写数字是数字0,标签1表示数字1,以此类推。
数据的应用: MNIST数据集常被用作数字识别问题的基准数据集,尤其是在机器学习领域。研究者和开发者可以使用MNIST数据集来验证算法、模型或方法的性能。例如,可以将MNIST数据集用于训练和测试各种图像分类算法,如卷积神经网络(CNN)、支持向量机(SVM)等。
数据获取: MNIST数据集可以从官方网站或许多开源机器学习库中获取,如TensorFlow、PyTorch等。这些库提供了方便的函数和接口,可以轻松加载和处理MNIST数据集。
数据预处理: 在使用MNIST数据集之前,通常需要进行一些数据预处理,以适应具体的任务和模型。预处理可能包括图像归一化(将像素值缩放到0到1之间)、数据增强(生成变换后的图像以增加样本数量)等。
应用领域: MNIST数据集的主要应用领域包括数字识别、图像分类、模式识别等。它被用于教育、学术研究以及算法验证和性能评估。
CNN(Convolutional Neural Network,卷积神经网络)是一种深度学习网络,特别适用于图像分类和识别任务。与传统神经网络不同,CNN可以自动提取数据的特征,从而实现对图像的高效分类和识别。CNN网络的核心组件包括卷积层、池化层和全连接层。
- clc;
- clear;
- close all;
- warning off;
- addpath(genpath(pwd));
- rng('default')
- inputSize = 28 * 28;
- numLabels = 5;
- hiddenSize = 200;
- sparsityParam = 0.1; % desired average activation of the hidden units.
- % (This was denoted by the Greek alphabet rho, which looks like a lower-case "p",
- % in the lecture notes).
- lambda = 3e-3; % weight decay parameter
- beta = 3; % weight of sparsity penalty term
- %% ======================================================================
- % STEP 1: Load data from the MNIST database
- % Load MNIST database files
- mnistData = loadMNISTImages('mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte');
- mnistLabels = loadMNISTLabels('mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte');
- % Set Unlabeled Set (All Images)
- % Simulate a Labeled and Unlabeled set
- labeledSet = find(mnistLabels >= 0 & mnistLabels <= 4);
- unlabeledSet = find(mnistLabels >= 5);
- numTrain = round(numel(labeledSet)/2);
- trainSet = labeledSet(1:numTrain);
- testSet = labeledSet(numTrain+1:end);
- unlabeledData = mnistData(:, unlabeledSet);
- trainData = mnistData(:, trainSet);
- trainLabels = mnistLabels(trainSet)' + 1; % Shift Labels to the Range 1-5
- testData = mnistData(:, testSet);
- testLabels = mnistLabels(testSet)' + 1; % Shift Labels to the Range 1-5
- % Output Some Statistics
- fprintf('# examples in unlabeled set: %d\n', size(unlabeledData, 2));
- fprintf('# examples in supervised training set: %d\n\n', size(trainData, 2));
- fprintf('# examples in supervised testing set: %d\n\n', size(testData, 2));
- %% ======================================================================
- % STEP 2: Train the sparse autoencoder
- theta = initializeParameters(hiddenSize, inputSize);
- addpath minFunc/
- autoencoderOptions.Method = 'lbfgs'; % Here, we use L-BFGS to optimize our cost
- % function. Generally, for minFunc to work, you
- % need a function pointer with two outputs: the
- % function value and the gradient. In our problem,
- % sparseAutoencoderCost.m satisfies this.
- autoencoderOptions.maxIter = 400; % Maximum number of iterations of L-BFGS to run
- autoencoderOptions.display = 'on';
- if exist('opttheta.mat','file')==2
- load('opttheta.mat');
- else
- [opttheta, cost] = minFunc( @(p) sparseAutoencoderCost(p, ...
- inputSize, hiddenSize, ...
- lambda, sparsityParam, ...
- beta, unlabeledData), ...
- theta, autoencoderOptions);
- save('opttheta.mat','opttheta');
- end
- %% -----------------------------------------------------
- % Visualize weights
- W1 = reshape(opttheta(1:hiddenSize * inputSize), hiddenSize, inputSize);
- display_network(W1');
- %%======================================================================
- %% STEP 3: Extract Features from the Supervised Dataset
- trainFeatures = feedForwardAutoencoder(opttheta, hiddenSize, inputSize, ...
- trainData);
- testFeatures = feedForwardAutoencoder(opttheta, hiddenSize, inputSize, ...
- testData);
- %%======================================================================
- %% STEP 4: Train the softmax classifier
- softmaxOptions.maxIter = 100;
- lambdaSoftmax = 1e-4; % Weight decay parameter for Softmax
- trainNumber = size(trainData,2);
- % softmaxTrain 默认数据中已包含截距项
- softmaxModel = softmaxTrain(hiddenSize+1, numLabels, lambdaSoftmax, [trainFeatures;ones(1,trainNumber)], trainLabels, softmaxOptions); % learn by features
- %softmaxModel = softmaxTrain(inputSize+1, numLabels, lambdaSoftmax, [trainData;ones(1,trainNumber)], trainLabels, softmaxOptions); % learn by raw data
- %% -----------------------------------------------------
- %%======================================================================
- %% STEP 5: Testing
- %% ----------------- YOUR CODE HERE ----------------------
- % Compute Predictions on the test set (testFeatures) using softmaxPredict
- % and softmaxModel
- testNumber = size(testData,2);
- % softmaxPredict 默认数据中已包含截距项
- [pred] = softmaxPredict(softmaxModel, [testFeatures;ones(1,testNumber)]); % predict by test features
- %[pred] = softmaxPredict(softmaxModel, [testData;ones(1,testNumber)]); % predict by test raw data
- %% -----------------------------------------------------
- % Classification Score
- fprintf('Test Accuracy: %f%%\n', 100*mean(pred(:) == testLabels(:)));
- up2112
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