一个文件—— 自建 python文件 openai-speech.py,代码粘贴即可:
两个依赖—— 使用 pip 安装 azure-cognitiveservices-speech,openai
替换为其他支持的语言。 例如,es-ES
代表西班牙语(西班牙)。 如果未指定语言,则默认语言为 en-US
。 若要详细了解如何从多种使用的语言中进行识别,请参阅语言识别。en-US-JennyMultilingualNeural
替换为另一个受支持的语音。 如果语音不使用从 Azure OpenAI 返回的文本的语言,则语音服务不会输出合成音频。text-davinci-002
替换为另一个部署的 ID。 请记住,部署 ID 不一定与模型名称相同。 你是在 Azure OpenAI Studio 中创建部署时为其命名的。四个环境变量:
- setx OPEN_AI_KEY your-openai-key
- setx OPEN_AI_ENDPOINT your-openai-endpoint
- setx SPEECH_KEY your-speech-key
- setx SPEECH_REGION your-speech-region
- import os
- import azure.cognitiveservices.speech as speechsdk
- import openai
- # This example requires environment variables named "OPEN_AI_KEY" and "OPEN_AI_ENDPOINT"
- # Your endpoint should look like the following https://YOUR_OPEN_AI_RESOURCE_NAME.openai.azure.com/
- openai.api_key = os.environ.get('OPEN_AI_KEY')
- openai.api_base = os.environ.get('OPEN_AI_ENDPOINT')
- openai.api_type = 'azure'
- openai.api_version = '2022-12-01'
- # This will correspond to the custom name you chose for your deployment when you deployed a model.
- deployment_id='text-davinci-002'
- # This example requires environment variables named "SPEECH_KEY" and "SPEECH_REGION"
- speech_config = speechsdk.SpeechConfig(subscription=os.environ.get('SPEECH_KEY'), region=os.environ.get('SPEECH_REGION'))
- audio_output_config = speechsdk.audio.AudioOutputConfig(use_default_speaker=True)
- audio_config = speechsdk.audio.AudioConfig(use_default_microphone=True)
- # Should be the locale for the speaker's language.
- speech_config.speech_recognition_language="en-US"
- speech_recognizer = speechsdk.SpeechRecognizer(speech_config=speech_config, audio_config=audio_config)
- # The language of the voice that responds on behalf of Azure OpenAI.
- speech_config.speech_synthesis_voice_name='en-US-JennyMultilingualNeural'
- speech_synthesizer = speechsdk.SpeechSynthesizer(speech_config=speech_config, audio_config=audio_output_config)
- # Prompts Azure OpenAI with a request and synthesizes the response.
- def ask_openai(prompt):
- # Ask Azure OpenAI
- response = openai.Completion.create(engine=deployment_id, prompt=prompt, max_tokens=100)
- text = response['choices'][0]['text'].replace('\n', ' ').replace(' .', '.').strip()
- print('Azure OpenAI response:' + text)
- # Azure text to speech output
- speech_synthesis_result = speech_synthesizer.speak_text_async(text).get()
- # Check result
- if speech_synthesis_result.reason == speechsdk.ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted:
- print("Speech synthesized to speaker for text [{}]".format(text))
- elif speech_synthesis_result.reason == speechsdk.ResultReason.Canceled:
- cancellation_details = speech_synthesis_result.cancellation_details
- print("Speech synthesis canceled: {}".format(cancellation_details.reason))
- if cancellation_details.reason == speechsdk.CancellationReason.Error:
- print("Error details: {}".format(cancellation_details.error_details))
- # Continuously listens for speech input to recognize and send as text to Azure OpenAI
- def chat_with_open_ai():
- while True:
- print("Azure OpenAI is listening. Say 'Stop' or press Ctrl-Z to end the conversation.")
- try:
- # Get audio from the microphone and then send it to the TTS service.
- speech_recognition_result = speech_recognizer.recognize_once_async().get()
- # If speech is recognized, send it to Azure OpenAI and listen for the response.
- if speech_recognition_result.reason == speechsdk.ResultReason.RecognizedSpeech:
- if speech_recognition_result.text == "Stop.":
- print("Conversation ended.")
- break
- print("Recognized speech: {}".format(speech_recognition_result.text))
- ask_openai(speech_recognition_result.text)
- elif speech_recognition_result.reason == speechsdk.ResultReason.NoMatch:
- print("No speech could be recognized: {}".format(speech_recognition_result.no_match_details))
- break
- elif speech_recognition_result.reason == speechsdk.ResultReason.Canceled:
- cancellation_details = speech_recognition_result.cancellation_details
- print("Speech Recognition canceled: {}".format(cancellation_details.reason))
- if cancellation_details.reason == speechsdk.CancellationReason.Error:
- print("Error details: {}".format(cancellation_details.error_details))
- except EOFError:
- break
- # Main
- try:
- chat_with_open_ai()
- except Exception as err:
- print("Encountered exception. {}".format(err))
Azure OpenAI 语音转语音聊天 - 语音服务 - Azure Cognitive Services | Microsoft Learn
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