syntax = "proto3"; // 命名空间一般和文件名保持一致 package IM.Login; // 定义服务 service ImLogin { // 定义服务函数 rpc Regist (IMRegistReq) returns (IMRegistRes) {} rpc Login (IMLoginReq) returns (IMLoginRes){} } // 注册账号 message IMRegistReq{ string user_name = 1; // 用户名 string password = 2; // 密码 } message IMRegistRes{ string user_name = 1; uint32 user_id = 2; uint32 result_code = 3; // 返回0的时候注册正常 } // 登录账号 message IMLoginReq{ string user_name = 1; string password = 2; } message IMLoginRes{ uint32 user_id = 1; uint32 result_code = 2; // 返回0的时候正确 }
在 .proto 文件中定义了数据结构,这些数据结构是面向开发者和业务程序的,并不面向存储和传输。当
protoc 这个编译器,ProtoBuf 将会为我们提供相应的接口代码。可通过如下命令生成相应的接口代
// $SRC_DIR: .proto 所在的源目录
// --cpp_out: 生成 c++ 代码
// $DST_DIR: 生成代码的目标目录
// xxx.proto: 要针对哪个 proto 文件生成接口代码
protoc -I=$SRC_DIR --cpp_out=$DST_DIR $SRC_DIR/xxx.proto
// 如:
protoc -I ./ --cpp_out=. simple.proto
指定在解析导入指令时查找 .proto 文件的目录。如果省// 执行下面命令后,将在当前目录下生成 simple.grpc.pb.h 和 simple.grpc.pb.cc 文件
protoc -I ./ --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_cpp_plugin`
// 上面的 `which grpc_cpp_plugin` 也可以替换为 grpc_cpp_plugin 程序的路径(如果不在系统PATH下)
// 生成的代码需要依赖第一步生成序列化代码,所以在使用的时候必须都要有(生成的时候不依赖)
protoc --cpp_out=. IM.Login.proto
protoc --cpp_out=. --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=/usr/local/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin IM.Login.proto
或protoc -I . --cpp_out=. --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_cpp_plugin` *.proto
生成C++代码IM.Login.pb.h和IM.Login.pb.cc, IM.Login.grpc.pb.h和IM.Login.grpc.pb.cc。
// 命名空间
// grcp
using grpc::Server;
using grpc::ServerBuilder;
using grpc::ServerContext;
using grpc::Status;
// 自己proto文件的命名空间
using IM::Login::ImLogin;
using IM::Login::IMRegistReq;
using IM::Login::IMRegistRes;
using IM::Login::IMLoginReq;
using IM::Login::IMLoginRes;
定义服务端的类,继承 proto 文件定义的 grpc 服务 ImLogin ,重写 grpc 服务定义的方法
class IMLoginServiceImpl : public ImLogin::Service { // 注册 virtual Status Regist(ServerContext* context, const IMRegistReq* request,IMRegistRes* response) override { std::cout << "Regist user_name: " << request->user_name() << std::endl; response->set_user_name(request->user_name()); response->set_user_id(10); response->set_result_code(0); return Status::OK; } // 登录 virtual Status Login(ServerContext* context, const IMLoginReq* request,IMLoginRes* response) override { std::cout << "Login user_name: " << request->user_name() << std::endl; response->set_user_id(10); response->set_result_code(0); return Status::OK; } };
std::string server_address(""); /* 定义重写的服务类 */ ImLoginServiceImpl service; /* 创建工厂类 */ ServerBuilder builder; /* 监听端口和地址 */ builder.AddListeningPort(server_address, grpc::InsecureServerCredentials()); builder.AddChannelArgument(GRPC_ARG_KEEPALIVE_TIME_MS, 5000); builder.AddChannelArgument(GRPC_ARG_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT_MS, 10000); builder.AddChannelArgument(GRPC_ARG_KEEPALIVE_PERMIT_WITHOUT_CALLS, 1); /* 注册服务 */ builder.RegisterService(&service); /** 创建和启动一个RPC服务器*/ std::unique_ptr<Server> server(builder.BuildAndStart()); std::cout << "Server listening on " << server_address << std::endl; /* 进入服务事件循环 */ server->Wait();
#include <iostream> #include <string> // grpc头文件 #include <grpcpp/ext/proto_server_reflection_plugin.h> #include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h> #include <grpcpp/health_check_service_interface.h> // 包含我们自己proto文件生成的.h #include "IM.Login.pb.h" #include "IM.Login.grpc.pb.h" // 命名空间 // grcp using grpc::Server; using grpc::ServerBuilder; using grpc::ServerContext; using grpc::Status; // 自己proto文件的命名空间 using IM::Login::ImLogin; using IM::Login::IMRegistReq; using IM::Login::IMRegistRes; using IM::Login::IMLoginReq; using IM::Login::IMLoginRes; class IMLoginServiceImpl : public ImLogin::Service { // 注册 virtual Status Regist(ServerContext* context, const IMRegistReq* request, IMRegistRes* response) override { std::cout << "Regist user_name: " << request->user_name() << std::endl; response->set_user_name(request->user_name()); response->set_user_id(10); response->set_result_code(0); return Status::OK; } // 登录 virtual Status Login(ServerContext* context, const IMLoginReq* request, IMLoginRes* response) override { std::cout << "Login user_name: " << request->user_name() << std::endl; response->set_user_id(10); response->set_result_code(0); return Status::OK; } }; void RunServer() { std::string server_addr(""); // 创建一个服务类 IMLoginServiceImpl service; ServerBuilder builder; builder.AddListeningPort(server_addr, grpc::InsecureServerCredentials()); builder.AddChannelArgument(GRPC_ARG_KEEPALIVE_TIME_MS, 5000); builder.AddChannelArgument(GRPC_ARG_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT_MS, 10000); builder.AddChannelArgument(GRPC_ARG_KEEPALIVE_PERMIT_WITHOUT_CALLS, 1); builder.RegisterService(&service); //创建/启动 std::unique_ptr<Server> server(builder.BuildAndStart()); std::cout << "Server listening on " << server_addr << std::endl; // 进入服务循环 server->Wait(); } // 怎么编译? // 手动编译 // 通过cmake的方式 int main(int argc, const char** argv) { RunServer(); return 0; }
// 命名空间
// grcp
using grpc::Channel;
using grpc::ClientContext;
using grpc::Status;
// 自己proto文件的命名空间
using IM::Login::ImLogin;
using IM::Login::IMRegistReq;
using IM::Login::IMRegistRes;
using IM::Login::IMLoginReq;
using IM::Login::IMLoginRes;
class ImLoginClient { public: ImLoginClient(std::shared_ptr<Channel> channel) :stub_(ImLogin::NewStub(channel)) { } void Regist(const std::string &user_name, const std::string &password) { IMRegistReq request; request.set_user_name(user_name); request.set_password(password); IMRegistRes response; ClientContext context; std::cout << "-> Regist req" << std::endl; Status status = stub_->Regist(&context, request, &response); if(status.ok()) { std::cout << "user_name:" << response.user_name() << ", user_id:" << response.user_id() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "user_name:" << response.user_name() << "Regist failed: " << response.result_code()<< std::endl; } } void Login(const std::string &user_name, const std::string &password) { IMLoginReq request; request.set_user_name(user_name); request.set_password(password); IMLoginRes response; ClientContext context; std::cout << "-> Login req" << std::endl; Status status = stub_->Login(&context, request, &response); if(status.ok()) { std::cout << "user_id:" << response.user_id() << " login ok" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "user_name:" << request.user_name() << "Login failed: " << response.result_code()<< std::endl; } } private: std::unique_ptr<ImLogin::Stub> stub_; };
#include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <string> // /usr/local/include/grpcpp/grpcpp.h #include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h> // 包含我们自己proto文件生成的.h #include "IM.Login.pb.h" #include "IM.Login.grpc.pb.h" // 命名空间 // grcp using grpc::Channel; using grpc::ClientContext; using grpc::Status; // 自己proto文件的命名空间 using IM::Login::ImLogin; using IM::Login::IMRegistReq; using IM::Login::IMRegistRes; using IM::Login::IMLoginReq; using IM::Login::IMLoginRes; class ImLoginClient { public: ImLoginClient(std::shared_ptr<Channel> channel) :stub_(ImLogin::NewStub(channel)) { } void Regist(const std::string &user_name, const std::string &password) { IMRegistReq request; request.set_user_name(user_name); request.set_password(password); IMRegistRes response; ClientContext context; std::cout << "-> Regist req" << std::endl; Status status = stub_->Regist(&context, request, &response); if(status.ok()) { std::cout << "user_name:" << response.user_name() << ", user_id:" << response.user_id() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "user_name:" << response.user_name() << "Regist failed: " << response.result_code()<< std::endl; } } void Login(const std::string &user_name, const std::string &password) { IMLoginReq request; request.set_user_name(user_name); request.set_password(password); IMLoginRes response; ClientContext context; std::cout << "-> Login req" << std::endl; Status status = stub_->Login(&context, request, &response); if(status.ok()) { std::cout << "user_id:" << response.user_id() << " login ok" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "user_name:" << request.user_name() << "Login failed: " << response.result_code()<< std::endl; } } private: std::unique_ptr<ImLogin::Stub> stub_; }; // 照葫芦画瓢 int main() { // 服务器的地址 std::string server_addr = "localhost:50051"; ImLoginClient im_login_client( grpc::CreateChannel(server_addr, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials()) ); std::string user_name = "darren"; std::string password = "123456"; im_login_client.Regist(user_name, password); im_login_client.Login(user_name, password); return 0; }
//异步多类调用,实际项目中使用多类的比一个类多函数的要多,因为一个类多函数new的效率低, //并且还可能产生无用数据 /* * * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <thread> #include "IM.Login.grpc.pb.h" #include "IM.Login.pb.h" #include <grpc/support/log.h> #include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h> using grpc::Server; using grpc::ServerAsyncResponseWriter; using grpc::ServerBuilder; using grpc::ServerCompletionQueue; using grpc::ServerContext; using grpc::Status; // 自己proto文件的命名空间 using IM::Login::ImLogin; using IM::Login::IMLoginReq; using IM::Login::IMLoginRes; using IM::Login::IMRegistReq; using IM::Login::IMRegistRes; class ServerImpl final { public: ~ServerImpl() { server_->Shutdown(); // Always shutdown the completion queue after the server. cq_->Shutdown(); } // There is no shutdown handling in this code. void Run() { // 启动 std::string server_address(""); ServerBuilder builder; // Listen on the given address without any authentication mechanism. builder.AddListeningPort(server_address, grpc::InsecureServerCredentials()); // Register "service_" as the instance through which we'll communicate with // clients. In this case it corresponds to an *asynchronous* service. builder.RegisterService(&service_); // Get hold of the completion queue used for the asynchronous communication // with the gRPC runtime. cq_ = builder.AddCompletionQueue(); // Finally assemble the server. server_ = builder.BuildAndStart(); std::cout << "Server listening on " << server_address << std::endl; // Proceed to the server's main loop. HandleRpcs(); } private: // Class encompasing the state and logic needed to serve a request. class CallData { public: // Take in the "service" instance (in this case representing an asynchronous // server) and the completion queue "cq" used for asynchronous communication // with the gRPC runtime. CallData(ImLogin::AsyncService* service, ServerCompletionQueue* cq) : service_(service), cq_(cq), status_(CREATE) { std::cout << "CallData constructing, this: " << this << std::endl; // darren 增加 // Invoke the serving logic right away. Proceed(); } virtual ~CallData(){} virtual void Proceed() { // std::cout << "CallData Prceed" << std::endl//; return; } // 通用的 // The means of communication with the gRPC runtime for an asynchronous // server. ImLogin::AsyncService* service_; // The producer-consumer queue where for asynchronous server notifications. ServerCompletionQueue* cq_; // Context for the rpc, allowing to tweak aspects of it such as the use // of compression, authentication, as well as to send metadata back to the // client. ServerContext ctx_; // 有差异的 // What we get from the client. // IMRegistReq request_; // // What we send back to the client. // IMRegistRes reply_; // // The means to get back to the client. // ServerAsyncResponseWriter<IMRegistRes> responder_; // Let's implement a tiny state machine with the following states. enum CallStatus { CREATE, PROCESS, FINISH }; CallStatus status_; // The current serving state. }; class RegistCallData : public CallData { public: RegistCallData(ImLogin::AsyncService* service, ServerCompletionQueue* cq) :CallData(service, cq), responder_(&ctx_) { Proceed(); } ~RegistCallData() {} void Proceed() override { // std::cout << "RegistCallData Prceed" << std::endl//; std::cout << "this: " << this << " RegistCallData Proceed(), status: " << status_ << std::endl; // darren 增加 if (status_ == CREATE) { // 0 std::cout << "this: " << this << " RegistCallData Proceed(), status: " << "CREATE" << std::endl; // Make this instance progress to the PROCESS state. status_ = PROCESS; // As part of the initial CREATE state, we *request* that the system // start processing SayHello requests. In this request, "this" acts are // the tag uniquely identifying the request (so that different CallData // instances can serve different requests concurrently), in this case // the memory address of this CallData instance. service_->RequestRegist(&ctx_, &request_, &responder_, cq_, cq_, this); } else if (status_ == PROCESS) { // 1 std::cout << "this: " << this << " RegistCallData Proceed(), status: " << "PROCESS" << std::endl; // Spawn a new CallData instance to serve new clients while we process // the one for this CallData. The instance will deallocate itself as // part of its FINISH state. new RegistCallData(service_, cq_); // 1. 创建处理逻辑 reply_.set_user_name(request_.user_name()); reply_.set_user_id(10); reply_.set_result_code(0); // And we are done! Let the gRPC runtime know we've finished, using the // memory address of this instance as the uniquely identifying tag for // the event. status_ = FINISH; responder_.Finish(reply_, Status::OK, this); } else { std::cout << "this: " << this << " RegistCallData Proceed(), status: " << "FINISH" << std::endl; GPR_ASSERT(status_ == FINISH); // Once in the FINISH state, deallocate ourselves (RegistCallData). delete this; } } private: IMRegistReq request_; IMRegistRes reply_; ServerAsyncResponseWriter<IMRegistRes> responder_; }; class LoginCallData : public CallData { public: LoginCallData(ImLogin::AsyncService* service, ServerCompletionQueue* cq) :CallData(service, cq), responder_(&ctx_) { Proceed(); } ~LoginCallData() {} void Proceed() override { // std::cout << "LoginCallData Prceed" << std::endl//; std::cout << "this: " << this << " LoginCallData Proceed(), status: " << status_ << std::endl; // darren 增加 if (status_ == CREATE) { // 0 std::cout << "this: " << this << " LoginCallData Proceed(), status: " << "CREATE" << std::endl; // Make this instance progress to the PROCESS state. status_ = PROCESS; // As part of the initial CREATE state, we *request* that the system // start processing SayHello requests. In this request, "this" acts are // the tag uniquely identifying the request (so that different CallData // instances can serve different requests concurrently), in this case // the memory address of this CallData instance. service_->RequestLogin(&ctx_, &request_, &responder_, cq_, cq_, this); } else if (status_ == PROCESS) { // 1 std::cout << "this: " << this << " LoginCallData Proceed(), status: " << "PROCESS" << std::endl; // Spawn a new CallData instance to serve new clients while we process // the one for this CallData. The instance will deallocate itself as // part of its FINISH state. new LoginCallData(service_, cq_); // 1. 创建处理逻辑 reply_.set_user_id(10); reply_.set_result_code(0); // And we are done! Let the gRPC runtime know we've finished, using the // memory address of this instance as the uniquely identifying tag for // the event. status_ = FINISH; responder_.Finish(reply_, Status::OK, this); } else { std::cout << "this: " << this << " LoginCallData Proceed(), status: " << "FINISH" << std::endl; GPR_ASSERT(status_ == FINISH); // Once in the FINISH state, deallocate ourselves (LoginCallData). delete this; } } private: IMLoginReq request_; IMLoginRes reply_; ServerAsyncResponseWriter<IMLoginRes> responder_; }; // This can be run in multiple threads if needed. void HandleRpcs() { // 可以运行在多线程 // Spawn a new CallData instance to serve new clients. new RegistCallData(&service_, cq_.get()); // new LoginCallData(&service_, cq_.get()); void* tag; // uniquely identifies a request. bool ok; while (true) { // Block waiting to read the next event from the completion queue. The // event is uniquely identified by its tag, which in this case is the // memory address of a CallData instance. // The return value of Next should always be checked. This return value // tells us whether there is any kind of event or cq_ is shutting down. std::cout << "before cq_->Next " << std::endl; // 1. 等待消息事件 darren 增加 GPR_ASSERT(cq_->Next(&tag, &ok)); std::cout << "after cq_->Next " << std::endl; // darren 增加 GPR_ASSERT(ok); std::cout << "before static_cast" << std::endl; // darren 增加 static_cast<CallData*>(tag)->Proceed(); std::cout << "after static_cast" << std::endl; // darren 增加 } } std::unique_ptr<ServerCompletionQueue> cq_; ImLogin::AsyncService service_; std::unique_ptr<Server> server_; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { ServerImpl server; server.Run(); return 0; }
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