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然后在码云上看到一个生成短链接一个项目:urlshorter: 满足多种场景下的短链接生成需求 (gitee.com),然后自己在此基础上修改了一下,本人技术有限,仅供参考


public class SnowFlakeGeneratorRandom implements StringGenerator {

    public String generate(String url) {
        SnowFlakeShortUrl snowFlake = new SnowFlakeShortUrl(2, 3);
        Long id = snowFlake.nextId();  //10进制
        return NumericConvertUtils.toOtherNumberSystem(id, 62);  //62进制

    public void setLength(int length) {}
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public class NumericConvertUtils {

     * 在进制表示中的字符集合,0-Z分别用于表示最大为62进制的符号表示
    private static final char[] digits = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
            'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
            'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
            'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
            'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'};

     * 将十进制的数字转换为指定进制的字符串
     * @param number 十进制的数字
     * @param seed   指定的进制
     * @return 指定进制的字符串
    public static String toOtherNumberSystem(long number, int seed) {
        if (number < 0) {
            number = ((long) 2 * 0x7fffffff) + number + 2;
        char[] buf = new char[32];
        int charPos = 32;
        while ((number / seed) > 0) {
            buf[--charPos] = digits[(int) (number % seed)];
            number /= seed;
        buf[--charPos] = digits[(int) (number % seed)];
        return new String(buf, charPos, (32 - charPos));
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public class SnowFlakeShortUrl {

     * 起始的时间戳
    private final static long START_TIMESTAMP = 1480166465631L;

     * 每一部分占用的位数
    private final static long SEQUENCE_BIT = 12;   //序列号占用的位数
    private final static long MACHINE_BIT = 5;     //机器标识占用的位数
    private final static long DATA_CENTER_BIT = 5; //数据中心占用的位数

     * 每一部分的最大值
    private final static long MAX_SEQUENCE = -1L ^ (-1L << SEQUENCE_BIT);
    private final static long MAX_MACHINE_NUM = -1L ^ (-1L << MACHINE_BIT);
    private final static long MAX_DATA_CENTER_NUM = -1L ^ (-1L << DATA_CENTER_BIT);

     * 每一部分向左的位移
    private final static long MACHINE_LEFT = SEQUENCE_BIT;
    private final static long DATA_CENTER_LEFT = SEQUENCE_BIT + MACHINE_BIT;
    private final static long TIMESTAMP_LEFT = DATA_CENTER_LEFT + DATA_CENTER_BIT;

    private long dataCenterId;  //数据中心
    private long machineId;     //机器标识
    private long sequence = 0L; //序列号
    private long lastTimeStamp = -1L;  //上一次时间戳

     * 根据指定的数据中心ID和机器标志ID生成指定的序列号
     * @param dataCenterId 数据中心ID
     * @param machineId    机器标志ID
    public SnowFlakeShortUrl(long dataCenterId, long machineId) {
        if (dataCenterId > MAX_DATA_CENTER_NUM || dataCenterId < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("DtaCenterId can't be greater than MAX_DATA_CENTER_NUM or less than 0!");
        if (machineId > MAX_MACHINE_NUM || machineId < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("MachineId can't be greater than MAX_MACHINE_NUM or less than 0!");
        this.dataCenterId = dataCenterId;
        this.machineId = machineId;

     * 产生下一个ID
     * @return
    public synchronized long nextId() {
        long currTimeStamp = getNewTimeStamp();
        if (currTimeStamp < lastTimeStamp) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Clock moved backwards.  Refusing to generate id");

        if (currTimeStamp == lastTimeStamp) {
            sequence = (sequence + 1) & MAX_SEQUENCE;
            if (sequence == 0L) {
                currTimeStamp = getNextMill();
        } else {
            sequence = 0L;

        lastTimeStamp = currTimeStamp;

        return (currTimeStamp - START_TIMESTAMP) << TIMESTAMP_LEFT //时间戳部分
                | dataCenterId << DATA_CENTER_LEFT       //数据中心部分
                | machineId << MACHINE_LEFT             //机器标识部分
                | sequence;                             //序列号部分

    private long getNextMill() {
        long mill = getNewTimeStamp();
        while (mill <= lastTimeStamp) {
            mill = getNewTimeStamp();
        return mill;

    private long getNewTimeStamp() {
        return System.currentTimeMillis();

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public class ShorterStorageMemory<T extends ShorterGetter> implements ShorterStorage<T> {
     * 存储shorter,url
    private static RedisUtils redisUtils = SpringUtils.getBean(RedisUtils.class);

    private static final Long expiration_time = 60 * 60 * 24L;

    public String get(String shorterKey) {
        Object o = redisUtils.get(shorterKey);
        if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(o)) {
            return o + "";
        return null;

    public String getMethod(String shorterKey) {
        Object o = redisUtils.get(shorterKey);
        if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(o)) {
            String url = o + "";
            Object o1 = redisUtils.get(url);
            if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(o1)) {
                return o1.getClass().getName();
        return null;

    public String getMethodClass(String url) {
        Object o = redisUtils.get(url);
        if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(o)) {
            return JsonUtil.ObjectToJson(o);
        return null;

    public String getShortUrl(String url) {
        T o = (T) redisUtils.get(url);
        if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(o)) {
            return o.getShorter();
        return null;

    public void clean(String url) {
        ShorterGetter shorter = (ShorterGetter) redisUtils.get(url);
        if (shorter != null) {

    public void cleanShorter(String shorter) {}

     * 保存映射
     * @param url 
     * @param shorter
    public void save(String url, T shorter) {

     * 保存带失效时间的映射
     * @param url
     * @param shorter
     * @param time
    public void save(String url, T shorter, long time) {

     * 短链接续期
     * @param url
     * @param shorter
    public void renew(String url, T shorter) {
        redisUtils.expire(url,expiration_time, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        redisUtils.expire(shorter.getShorter(),expiration_time, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    public void clean() {}

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public class UrlController {

    private ShortUrlService shortUrlService;

    public String createShortUrl(@RequestBody ShortUrlRequest request) {
        return shortUrlService.generationShortUrl(request.getUrl(),request.getMethod(),1000L,1000L);

    public void url(@PathVariable("shortUrl") String shortUrl,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
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public class ShortUrlService {

    private static final int urlLen = 6;

    private static final String HTTP_PREFIX = "";

    private RedisUtils redisUtils;

     * 生成短链接
     * @param url
     * @return
    public String generationShortUrl(String url, String method, Long period, Long time) {
        if (redisUtils.hasKey(url)) {
            ShorterStorageMemory storageMemory = new ShorterStorageMemory();
            return HTTP_PREFIX + storageMemory.getShortUrl(url);
        GeneratorShortUrlMethodEnum generatorShortUrlMethodEnum = GeneratorShortUrlMethodEnum.getShortUrlMethodEnum(method);
        if (generatorShortUrlMethodEnum == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("方法参数有误");
        String shortUrl = "";
         synchronized (this) {
            UrlShorterGeneratorFactory factory = new UrlShorterGeneratorFactory();
            UrlShorterGenerator urlShorterGenerator = factory.getShortUrl(generatorShortUrlMethodEnum, period, time);
            shortUrl = urlShorterGenerator.generate(url).getShorter();
            return HTTP_PREFIX + shortUrl;

     * 根据短链接获取原本的链接
     * @param shortUrl
     * @return
    public void getUrl(String shortUrl, HttpServletResponse response) {
        try {
            ShorterStorageMemory shorterStringShorterStorageMemory = new ShorterStorageMemory<>();
            String url = shorterStringShorterStorageMemory.get(shortUrl);
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(url)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("该链接已失效");
            String method = shorterStringShorterStorageMemory.getMethod(shortUrl);
            String key = shortUrl + "_increment";
            if (method.contains("ShorterString")) {
                ShorterString shorterString = JsonUtil.JsonToObject(shorterStringShorterStorageMemory.getMethodClass(url), ShorterString.class);
            } else if (method.contains("ShorterWithPassword")) {
                ShorterWithPassword shorterWithPassword = JsonUtil.JsonToObject(shorterStringShorterStorageMemory.getMethodClass(url), ShorterWithPassword.class);
            } else if (method.contains("ShorterWithPeriod")) {
                ShorterWithPeriod shorterWithPeriod = JsonUtil.JsonToObject(shorterStringShorterStorageMemory.getMethodClass(url), ShorterWithPeriod.class);
                limitCount(shorterStringShorterStorageMemory, url, key, shorterWithPeriod.getPeriod());
            } else if (method.contains("ShorterWithPeriodAndTimes")) {
                ShorterWithPeriodAndTimes shorterWithPeriodAndTimes = JsonUtil.JsonToObject(shorterStringShorterStorageMemory.getMethodClass(url), ShorterWithPeriodAndTimes.class);
            } else if (method.contains("ShorterWithTimes")) {
                ShorterWithTimes shorterWithTimes = JsonUtil.JsonToObject(shorterStringShorterStorageMemory.getMethodClass(url), ShorterWithTimes.class);

            if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(url) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(method)) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("获取短链接失败:{}", e.getMessage());
            throw new RuntimeException("该链接已失效");

    public void limitCount(ShorterStorageMemory memory, String url, String key, long count) {
        if (redisUtils.hasKey(key)) {
            int limit = Integer.parseInt(redisUtils.get(key) + "");
            if (limit > count) {
                throw new RuntimeException("该链接已失效");
            redisUtils.incrBy(key, 1L);
        } else {
            redisUtils.set(key, 1);
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public class UrlShorterGeneratorFactory {

    public  UrlShorterGenerator getShortUrl(GeneratorShortUrlMethodEnum shortUrlMethodEnum, long period, long time) {
        UrlShorterGenerator urlShorterGenerator = null;
        switch (shortUrlMethodEnum) {
            case SHORT_URL_LIMIT:
                urlShorterGenerator = getUrlShorterGeneratorSimple();
            case SHORT_URL_LIMIT_PERIOD:
                urlShorterGenerator = getUrlShorterGeneratorLimitPeriod(period);
            case SHORT_URL_LIMIT_TIME:
                urlShorterGenerator = getUrlShorterGeneratorLimitTimes(time);
                urlShorterGenerator = getUrlShorterGeneratorLimitPeriodAndTimes(period, time);
            case SHORT_URL_LIMIT_PASSWORD:
                urlShorterGenerator = getUrlShorterGeneratorWithPassword();
                throw new RuntimeException();
        return urlShorterGenerator;

    private  UrlShorterGeneratorSimple getUrlShorterGeneratorSimple() {
        UrlShorterGeneratorSimple simple = new UrlShorterGeneratorSimple();
        simple.setGenerator(new SnowFlakeGeneratorRandom());
        simple.setShorterStorage(new ShorterStorageMemory<ShorterString>());
        return simple;

    private UrlShorterGeneratorLimitPeriod getUrlShorterGeneratorLimitPeriod(long count) {
        UrlShorterGeneratorLimitPeriod limitPeriod = new UrlShorterGeneratorLimitPeriod();
        limitPeriod.setGenerator(new SnowFlakeGeneratorRandom());
        limitPeriod.setShorterStorage(new ShorterStorageMemory<ShorterWithPeriod>());
        return limitPeriod;

    private UrlShorterGeneratorLimitPeriodAndTimes getUrlShorterGeneratorLimitPeriodAndTimes(long count, long time) {
        UrlShorterGeneratorLimitPeriodAndTimes limitPeriodAndTimes = new UrlShorterGeneratorLimitPeriodAndTimes();
        limitPeriodAndTimes.setGenerator(new SnowFlakeGeneratorRandom());
        limitPeriodAndTimes.setShorterStorage(new ShorterStorageMemory<ShorterWithPeriodAndTimes>());
        return limitPeriodAndTimes;

    private UrlShorterGeneratorLimitTimes getUrlShorterGeneratorLimitTimes(long time) {
        UrlShorterGeneratorLimitTimes limitTimes = new UrlShorterGeneratorLimitTimes();
        limitTimes.setGenerator(new SnowFlakeGeneratorRandom());
        limitTimes.setShorterStorage(new ShorterStorageMemory<ShorterWithTimes>());
        return limitTimes;

    private UrlShorterGeneratorWithPassword getUrlShorterGeneratorWithPassword() {
        UrlShorterGeneratorWithPassword withPassword = new UrlShorterGeneratorWithPassword();
        withPassword.setShorterGenerator(new SnowFlakeGeneratorRandom());
        withPassword.setPasswordGenerator(new StringGeneratorRandom());
        withPassword.setShorterStorage(new ShorterStorageMemory<ShorterWithPassword>());
        return withPassword;
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public enum GeneratorShortUrlMethodEnum {






    private String method;

    private String methodDesc;

    public static GeneratorShortUrlMethodEnum getShortUrlMethodEnum(String method) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(method)) {
           return null;
        for (GeneratorShortUrlMethodEnum s : GeneratorShortUrlMethodEnum.values()) {
            if (method.equals(s.getMethod())) {
                return s;
        return null;
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